Sunday, January 30, 2022

NYT Goes Full-Bore Delusional Explaining How Biden Attacking Doocy Was 'Feel-Good Moment'

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The liberal media went after President Donald Trump 24/7. They spent his four years in office pushing all kinds of calumny against him, most notably the Russia collusion hoax. Then, they attacked him for daring to question them or call them fake news.

But when it comes to Joe Biden — the guy whose team is constantly trying to cut them off, who throws them out of the room so they can’t get to question him — much of the liberal media is still all-in to defend him, even at the expense of another reporter.

How does the New York Times view Joe Biden, allegedly the leader of the free world, calling Fox’s Peter Doocy a “son of a b**ch” for asking a question we all deserve to know the answer to — inflation? The New York Times media correspondent called it “one of the most unlikely feel-good moments of his time in office.”

The media guy called it a “heartwarming civic moment,” even said, “Joe Biden and Peter Doocy is the rivalry everyone can love.” The effort to justify it was a true exercise in delusion, with him saying that Doocy took it well and that Biden called him to “clear the air” afterward. So, because Doocy is very professional, that’s a reason to excuse Biden? Biden didn’t even apologize and said, “It was nothing personal” to diminish its offense. Because of course calling someone a “son of a b**ch” isn’t personal at all, right?

We all know that if it had been Trump, it would be covered without end, with attacks and nightly analysis about how evil Trump was, and how this “attack on democracy” would incite attacks on the media.

Indeed, the NY Times media correspondent made sure to say how different the Doocy-Biden exchange was from the mean Trump, and then he tried to blame Trump for an attack on media by a crazy person. That of course is a low and undeserved blow. The media owes Trump about a million apologies for their false coverage of him, and the effort to undermine his presidency. Even now, when the subject is Biden’s problems, you still have this correspondent using this as an occasion to try to attack Trump. Talk about bias.

Now, the media isn’t living in reality when it comes to Biden. They don’t care that this isn’t the first time he’s attacked reporters or called them names.

In the same week, he called Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich’s question asking if he was being reactive rather than pro-active with Putin a “stupid question.” He flipped out during his press conference and yelled at Real Clear Politic’s Philip Wegmann when Wegmann asked Biden about him comparing Republicans to Bull Connor and George Wallace. Biden denied it while trying to belittle Wegmann, even though Biden made such a comparison.

Heck, Biden has even attacked voters, not just reporters. He called voters “fat,” cursed at them, even threatened one to “take him outside.” But the media has largely failed to cover what a nasty man he is and when they do, we get the spin of how “heartwarming” it all is.

The media like the NY Times is so desperate to give Biden a “win” because he’s been such a failure at everything since he came into office; they even have to twist him attacking one of their alleged brethren into a ‘win.’

Meanwhile, they miss the point that Doocy asked about: inflation. Why? Because none of them do the job that he does to hold Biden to account. We have the worst inflation in forty years under Biden. Americans care about that, but liberal media reporters aren’t doing the same job to get the answers. So no, sorry, NY Times, it’s not a heartwarming moment when we have to see again and again, you guys would rather spin for Biden than do your job.