Monday, January 24, 2022

NBC Releases Poll Showing a Complete Collapse in Support for Biden from Independent Voters

Keep in mind that NBC polls are done by Mark Murray, a notorious manipulative pollster for media scripts.  As a result, when NBC presents a bad polling outcome for any democrat, you can be positive the outcome is far worse.  [POLL DATA HERE]

In addition to the 54% disapprove / 43% approve top line result, the NBC result shows approval of Joe Biden declined among Independents (from 68 percent in April to 36 percent now), Blacks (83 percent to 64 percent), those ages 18 to 34 (56 percent to 40 percent), Latinos (59 percent to 48 percent) and women (61 percent to 51 percent).  Chuck Todd cannot spin it. WATCH:

The White House, via Ron Klain, will try to put the Biden failures on Donald Trump.  However, it is clear the American people are holding Joe Biden accountable for his own policies and results.