Monday, January 24, 2022

More daunting differences between Hallmark and GAC Family


(So, I was reading some very laughable comments from hateful bigots bashing GAC family for being so 'white and Christian' on Twitter earlier, then my brain started turning, and now I'm writing this very nice article! Hope you enjoy this.)


Back when I first started watching Hallmark, yeah. There was the 'new movie almost every weekend' thing. There were also these very nice movie events they would hold in the months of January, February, March or April, June and August highlighting the Season or holidays.

Winterfest, Countdown to Valentine's Day, Spring Fever, June weddings, Summer Nights and Fall Harvest.

The movies they had in those movie blocks were holiday or Season themed, which was very nice.

Unfortunately, another negative change that has come with the network along with the whole 'sneaking in the woke agenda' is changing their movie blocks.

Last year, Winterfest became:

That sounds so cheap and wordy! And last year's movies that aired in January were winter themed! So, why change the name? This year, not 1 single new movie this month hasn't been winter themed. Very disappointing.

2 years ago, Countdown to Valentine's Day became:

Not really sure if that's better, but I preferred the 1st one better. (And at least some of Feb 2020's movies were Valentine themed). Then this year, it's now:

That is such a cringe worthy title! And next month's movies have nothing to do with Valentine' Day. So, what's the point of calling February, this then???

And June weddings? Been completely gone for the past 2 years! Real shame there. The Wedding Veil trilogy has been nice so far, but honestly, those movies would've been better off airing in June.

The only blocks that haven't changed are Spring Fever, Summer Nights and Fall Harvest. And I hope they don't.

GAC Family is only airing 1 new movie next month (that I know of), and it not only looks very nice, but it's also Valentine's Day themed! Plus, 'The Winter Palace' was the only new winter themed movie that I know of that I even watched on either Hallmark, GAC, or UP TV this year!


Another noticable difference between the 2 networks is well, the way the movies are put out.

Don't get me wrong, having a new movie every weekend is nice, especially around a particular time of the Season, but sometimes, it can be a bit overwhelming. And it can sometimes drain the quanity and quality of the movie and make it seemed forced.

While I have sometimes enjoyed having a new Hallmark movie each weekend for the past few years, it CAN feel a bit draining to have a lot of quality all at once, especially around the holidays! Christmas used to just be 2 new movies a week, then for the past 2 years, it's been 3 new movies every weekend! And with the unhappy direction the network is looking to be going in more frequently, and with changing some of their movie blocks to the most generic titles and their themes, kind of feels like the magic is lost.

GAC family kept it simple over Christmas, and is looking to be keeping it simple for a little while while they boost their movie library. Which I find refreshing, because even having 1 special movie to fit a particular holiday or Season is relaxing in itself and not over saturating (especially if only 1 or 2 of those movies is even any good or sounds appealing)

While I look forward to when they start having a bigger collection then what they have now, It feels nice to enjoy a new movie every few weeks and not feel like the season or holiday is being over done for money or ratings grabs. Plus, this makes it less likely to get tired of the network and feel like you have to take a break from it because you're too busy or uninterested. (believe me, that's happened quite a few times with me over the past few years with Hallmark!)

Keep being simple, GAC.