Monday, January 3, 2022

“Looking Ahead” my ass

Who does she think she’s fooling?

For New Year’s, Hillary Clinton decided to pretend it was 2006 and she could pass for an Instagram model. Her “looking ahead” to 2022 tweet included a picture of Hillary back when she still had a discernable neck and chin.

“Looking ahead” indeed.

Looking Ahead Hillary

That’s not “Looking Ahead,” Hillary. That’s looking backward.

When’s the last time Hillary could pull off a blouse and a suburban mom sweater tied around her shoulders?

We haven’t seen Hillary Clinton’s neck in years. It’s always hidden behind a huge scarf.

In a nutshell, Hillary hasn’t aged well.

Back in 2016, I surmised that Hillary’s biggest campaign expense must have been make-up. Once the election was over and she lost, Hillary stopped trying.

And let’s just say, it’s been downhill ever since. But that’s what bitterness, resentment, and a whole lot of Chardonnay will do to a person.

Hillary’s “Looking Ahead” tweet is as much false advertising as an internet escort using a picture from way back before the meth turned her teeth to syrup and her skin to cracked leather.

Hillary’s “Looking Ahead” tweet would be like me tweeting this picture in a “Looking Ahead” tweet:

Looking Ahead Dianny

Yeah, I’m not at all that skinny and young anymore.

Does Hillary Clinton think she’s fooling anybody?

Now, her New Year’s tweet isn’t nearly as laughable as her 2016 birthday tweet to be sure. That will go down in history as the single most hilarious self-own on the planet.

But this “Looking Ahead” tweet is still incredibly dishonest.

If Hillary wanted a little truth in advertising, her “Looking Ahead” picture would’ve been a wee bit more recent.

Like this perhaps:

Okay, I can see why Hillary chose a picture from back before she took to wearing a Mumu the size of a circus tent. Plus, if she used that picture, Twitter would probably suspend her for committing a hate crime.

I confess. I hope the rumors are true and Hillary is “positioning” herself to run again in 2024. I’ve missed making fun of her.