Saturday, January 1, 2022

Kamala isn’t doing her homework

Good grief, she’s dumb.

Remember that Kamala hit-piece in the Washington Post a few weeks ago? Kamala’s staffers complained that she never took the time to do her homework. They’d put together briefing materials for her to review, but she wouldn’t bother reviewing them. Then she’d “berate employees when she appeared unprepared.”

said at the time I had no problem believing that:

And given how frequently Kamala appears unprepared, there must be a hell of a lot of berating going on.

Something tells me Kamala did a little berating when she got back to the office after this:

Um. What in the Sam Hill is she going on about?

Inflation and skyrocketing prices are the biggest issues for the American people today. If Kamala Harris did her homework, she would’ve been able to answer that question in her sleep.

But no!

Even after all these months of record inflation and out-of-control consumer spending, Kamala gets caught flat-footed. Then she takes those flat feet and rams them in her mouth for good measure.

It could’ve been worse. She could’ve deployed her off-putting hyena cackle.

But this is the problem with making Sacagawea’s Baby the Vice President.

Kamala has spent her entire career expecting everybody else to carry her on their backs.

If you spend the last couple of decades copying someone else’s homework, when your big day arrives you end up sounding like a third-grader trying to give a book report on a book you never read.

Kamala only wants to do the fun stuff – like making speeches to black audiences using her phony black accent.

And posting pictures of herself on social media like she’s a friggin’ an Instagram model.

And handing out cookies of herself to the reporters on Air Force Two.

And making cringey videos with child actors.

She doesn’t want to learn about all that boring stuff like foreign policy, illegal immigration, inflation, basic economics, or anything else that would require a little homework.

Kamala thought her job was to MAKE HISTORY as the first woman of color Vice President. She didn’t know there was going to be a test.

Ugh. I just went back and watched that clip again. Even her body language screams “I DIDN’T DO THE HOMEWORK.”

This is the dummy the slobbering fans in the media call “the smartest woman in Washington.” Well, maybe compared to her fans in the media she’s smart. But Kamala shouldn’t be graded on that steep a curve.