Friday, January 14, 2022

Kamala Harris Spins a Word Salad So Egregious That It'll Have 'Hillary 2024' Trending

Bonchie reporting for RedState

As RedState reported, Kamala Harris sat down for another interview, and this one went about as well as the last few she’s attempted. While talking to the “Today Show,” one of the friendliest environments she could find herself in, Harris lashed out at Republicans for protecting the filibuster (again ignoring that 52-48 is a majority) and told Americans to “do Google” in order to find COVID-19 tests.

There was another moment, though, which said so much about the vice president. After being asked at what point the administration might change course if their current strategies aren’t working, Harris proceeded to spin a word salad so egregious that it’ll have “Hillary 2024” trending.

Truly, this is epic stuff from a woman who is supposed to be one of the smartest people in the room. Really, listen to the full clip, because Ben’s quote is only a fraction of how bad it was.

Harris is the perpetual “the dog ate my homework” vice president. Has this woman ever prepped for an interview? Has she ever thought through how to respond to even mildly pressing questions about the glaring failures of her administration? It’s not like the administration’s faceplants surrounding COVID, inflation, the economy, foreign policy, etc. are new. You’d think Harris would at least have some talking points ready.

Yet, she’s so insulated and so used to being put through to the next grade despite failing that she continues to be completely unprepared, whether we are talking media interviews or doing her actual job, whatever that may be on a given day. That’s also why she’s a uniquely awful choice for Democrats come 2024. As I wrote yesterday, there are already Democrat rumblings about Hillary Clinton running again. Those rumblings don’t happen if Harris had shown herself to be even a halfway decent politician.

It’s still too early for many of them to publicly admit it, but Democrats recognize the trouble they are in. Their heir apparent to the current, senile White House resident is someone with the charisma of a sloth and whose penchant for awkward cackling actually makes Hillary seem normal. But worse than that, Harris has no record to stand on. She was a bad prosecutor who was inexplicably promoted to the Senate by voters in California. She then accomplished nothing of value there as well.

But it’s her time as vice president that will haunt Harris the most. As “border czar,” she’s presided over the precipitous collapse of the nation’s Southern Border. After being put in charge of “voting rights,” she’s failed to deliver anything there as well (thankfully). The tragic downfall of Afghanistan also happened while Harris claimed to be the “last” person in the room on the decision to haphazardly withdraw, leading to the deaths of 13 Americans.

Yet, Harris is going to run on a platform of competence and ability come 2024? Things have gotten so bad that a recent article in the New York Times actually suggested a Joe Biden-Liz Cheney ticket. Democrats are looking for an off-ramp, but because Biden so explicitly admitted to choosing Harris due to her race and sex, how exactly is that going to work?

I continue to maintain that Democrats just stuck with Harris. They bought the ticket, and now they get to take the ride. She will be the odds on favorite in 2024, and if she’s thrown under the bus, there will be hell to pay from a base that adores her. Get ready for another phase in the left’s civil war.