Friday, January 14, 2022

Joe has always been an asshole

The vicious, divisive anger we saw on Tuesday wasn’t a new facet of Biden’s personality. It has always been at the very heart of it.

It will never stop being hilarious that people voted for that asshole Joe Biden because they thought he would usher in a return to civility and unity.

How stupid do you have to be to have believed that bastard’s “Restore the Soul of America” BS?

And now those voters who thought they elected an amiable, kindhearted grandpa are reacting in mystified disgust that Joe Biden went down to Georgia and spewed the most vitriolic, divisive, angry speech ever made by a sitting President.

Was half the country in a coma from 1973 until 2020?

Joe Biden has always been an asshole. This isn’t new, guys.

Joe’s nasty, vicious, mean-spirited rhetoric on Tuesday didn’t just spring up out of nowhere. And it isn’t because dementia is turning his brain into rice pudding.

Joe has always been a hot-headed asshole who deploys unbelievably over-the-top attacks on his political enemies.

Where the hell have you been?

Let me break it down for you. Joe Biden is and has always been a dick.

He’s an arrogant, self-important demagogue with a short fuse who doesn’t hesitate to slander and defame his political opponents in the most absurd, over-the-top ways imaginable.

Voters who fell for the genial grandpa routine are too stupid to ever vote again. In fact, the only people whose votes I want to suppress are those guys.

See, I watched clips from Biden’s absurd shouty speech on Tuesday and thought to myself, “Yup. That’s Joe.”

This morning, I read the transcript from Mitch McConnell’s floor speech on Wednesday where he excoriated Biden for his awful Georgia speech. And let me tell you, McConnell really hammers the bastard.

But one thing McConnell said had me shaking my head in dismay.

Right after Mitch described Joe’s speech as “profoundly unpresidential,” he added “I have known, liked and personally respected Joe Biden for many years. I did not recognize that man at that podium yesterday.”

Really, Mitch?

I recognized him instantly because that asshole at the podium is the same asshole Joe Biden has been since he arrived in Washington 49 years ago.

That man at the podium was the same man who tried to destroy Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings over 30 year ago.

That man at the podium is the same bastard who challenges people to wrestling matches and IQ tests whenever he’s questioned.

That man at the podium is the same dick who claimed Mitt Romney wanted to put black people back in chains and said black people who don’t vote for him “ain’t black.” He’s the bastard who thinks black people are too dumb to use the internet and are incapable of hiring a lawyer or an accountant.

He’s the same asshole who got into the face of an autoworker during the 2020 primaries, told him he was full of shit and offered to take him outside to beat him up.

He attacks the unvaccinated, targets parents protesting school boards, accuses anyone who opposes his massive, unconstitutional agenda of being segregationists and Confederates.

And that wasn’t even the first time Joe accused everyone who opposes his plan to federalize our elections of threatening the country with another Civil War. He said a lot of the same crap during a speech last July that he repeated on Tuesday.

How Mitch McConnell didn’t recognize that man at that podium is a mystery to me.

This is who Joe Biden has always been – an angry, short-tempered, congenitally dishonest, incompetent, demagogic asshole.

The vicious, divisive anger we saw on Tuesday wasn’t a new facet of Joe Biden’s personality. It has always been at the very heart of Joe Biden’s personality.

Some people were just so desperate to get rid of “mean” Trump they decided to overlook Biden’s fifty years of being a hateful dick to do it.