Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Wake up to More Bad News Ahead of 2022 - and 2024 - Elections

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

With each new presidential poll released in advance of the 2022 midterms comes more bad news for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their fellow Democrats in the House and Senate. But the latest one from Harvard CAPS/Harris, released on Monday, might just be the most troubling of all to the Biden-Harris White House.

For starters, and as it relates to the upcoming November election, Biden’s support has dropped to a new low for this polling outfit – to 39%. That’s a 6 point drop from where he was in their November poll. Even more concerning for Democrats than that, though, is where his support is dropping the most – independents and suburban voters, a majority of who believe that not only was Donald Trump a better president than Joe Biden but who also say they’re likely to be voting for Republican candidates in the midterms:

Fifty-six percent of suburban voters in the poll said they believe former President Trump was a better president than President Biden, while 44 percent said they believed Biden was the better president. Among surveyed voters who were labeled “Independent or other,” 55 percent said they believed Trump was the better president and 45 percent said they believed Biden was the better president.

Meanwhile, 57 percent of suburban respondents said they are more likely to vote for a Republican candidate in the midterms, while 43 percent said they would be more likely to vote for a Democratic candidate. The poll found the same results among voters labeled “Independent or other.”

To add insult to injury for both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris leading into the 2024 presidential election, overall results of the poll show in head to head matchups between Trump and Biden and Trump and Harris, that Trump leads them both by comfortable margins:

The poll also noted that in terms of base support headed into 2024, Trump was in a much better position with Republicans than Biden and Harris were with Democrats:

While Biden has indicated that he plans to run for a second term in the White House in 2024, he doesn’t have the kind of broad support among Democrats that Trump carries among Republicans. In a hypothetical Democratic primary, Biden scores 32 percent support, while Harris wins 14 percent. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, are tied at 11 percent

Cratering support among independent and suburban voters, unable to shore up support among the party faithful, losing by 6 in a hypothetical match-up with the guy you’ve painted as Public Enemy Number One, and your second in command faring even worse? Like I said earlier, it doesn’t get much worse for an incumbent president than this, and to think this is at the one-year mark.

Considering Democrats and their penchant for doubling down on their agenda when the going gets tough, I don’t see things getting any better for them unless the economy does a remarkable turnaround and Biden shifts sharply away from mask and vaccine mandates.

From the looks of things, the American people are done with struggling to make ends meet and being told what to do as far as their children are concerned, something made clear by the Virginia red wave in November 2021 and something that is likely to continue as voters head to the ballot box later this year.