Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Joe Biden Finds a Scapegoat for the Record Inflation He Caused

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The inflation crisis continues to pound the middle-class in America. While those on government subsidies get adjustments in their payments, and the wealthy have enough disposable income to not feel the pain, normal people are simply watching their savings dwindle away as the prices on everything from groceries to energy costs skyrocket.

All the while, the man in the White House flails about, having caused it with his big-spending COVID-19 “rescue package” that was largely unnecessary. You can also throw some blame toward the bipartisan infrastructure boondoggle. Worse, Joe Biden is pushing for trillions more in spending via his currently stalled Build Back Better reconciliation budget. Further, because the Federal Reserve is a partisan joke that seeks to help Democrats and their donors (i.e. Wall Street), it refuses to raise interest rates to try to get any of this under control.

Put all that together and you have an absolute disaster unfolding in slow motion, and that means Biden needs a scapegoat. After all, why should he take the blame for something he is largely responsible for? Well, the president thinks he’s found one: Big Meat.

It’s hard to fathom how someone could be this dishonest, but then I remember we are talking about a Democrat president and then it all makes sense. Really, let’s break down how absolutely nonsensical this excuse is.

While I’m not generally a fan of giant corporations, many of which have gone woke and continue to shovel cash to leftwing causes, the idea that Big Meat conglomerates are somehow raising prices out of pure greed just doesn’t add up. Are we to believe these companies only became greedy months into Biden’s presidency. That this unadulterated greed simply didn’t exist under the Trump administration? Further, we are to believe that all this greed just happened to manifest after Biden blew out the spending, sparking a massive inflationary boom, but that those things are not in any way linked?

Anyone able to critically think will laugh at that suggestion. Unfortunately, those in the mainstream press are either unable to think critically or are too partisan to even make the attempt. That means this ridiculous distraction from Biden will actually play well with a not-insignificant portion of the country that gets its news from CNN and The Washington Post.

Still, the rest of us know the truth. Meat prices are not up because of greed, at least not in any significant way. Rather, they are up because prices on nearly everything are up, including the diesel fuel and raw materials needed to raise, package, and transport parts of various animals to grocery stores. So while the gaslighting will continue, I believe that a majority of Americans see right through it.