Monday, January 3, 2022

Is It Omicron Creating Societal Disruption via Staffing Shortages, or Are Companies Missing the Unvaccinated?

An interesting question surfaces as the vaccine mandate is enforced.  Is it the Omicron variant creating the labor shortages leading to “societal disruption,” or is it the absence of the unvaccinated workers who have been removed from many companies?

In this segment, Dana Bash asks the chief White House political scientist if the nation should prepare for major societal disruption under the guise of Omicron.   As we have previously noted, the absence of a small number of highly efficient and productive employees, the vital few, can have a major impact on business operations (Pareto’s principle).  Is that what we are really seeing, and they don’t want to admit it?

It does not seem coincidental the specific areas cited by Fauci, police, fire and first responders, are the exact jobs where the vaccination mandate was the most controversial.  Additionally, the percentages he cites are very similar to the unvaccinated percentage previously reported in those work groups.

A data driven Suspicious Cat remains, well, increasingly suspicious.

You decide…

Airline cancellations today, again exceeding 4,000 [FlightAware Link]

It may be an uncomfortable or politically incorrect thing to say in modern times; however, twenty percent of the workers in your system of employment deliver eighty percent of the productivity. Yes, 20% of the workforce around you delivers 80% of the result. This natural truth has been consistent for decades, and within that truism is the nature of man – found in the Pareto Law.

What you need to remember is… if you are reading this, YOU are almost certain to be part of that twenty percentile that your employer or system operator depends on. You are a doer.

You are likely one of the top performers at your job.

You are the person they rely upon.

YOU are the most critical worker in a system that is mostly comprised of less productive people – and that fundamental truth is the important part to remember when you consider the impact of noncompliance with the vaccine mandate.

If doers do not perform their function, it is not the same as the generic Sally Smith not showing up to work. The twenty percent of the workforce that are doers produce eighty percent of the result. Ask any leader within any large organization or operation, and they will affirm this basic truth.

Doers are smart, they are beyond average in intelligence, and once they understand the mission objective, they will solve problems independently. Doers are not sheep. They are smart enough to do independent research and become well skilled and knowledgeable on any issue that is elevated in importance.

Doers don’t just dive into a project without thinking. They control their enthusiasm long enough to formulate wise objectives and figure out a production plan in order to succeed in whatever they’re set to do. Doers give themselves enough time to think and plan, but they don’t stand around debating, they SOLVE.

Doers challenge the status quo looking for ways to improve their task efficiency. Doers do not skimp on quality despite their drive to accomplish tasks. Though they thrive on increased productivity, and enjoy seeing improvements quantified, doers make sure to retain and improve standards for quality.

Doers are self-motivated. They look forward to working hard, and they keep an internal score on their own accomplishments. Doers are proficient at their tasks, and they have an exceptional work ethic. They fuel their internal drive by setting more and more challenging goals for themselves and seek continuous improvement.

Doers don’t sit around waiting for someone to tell them what to do. Doers accomplish goals and objectives with a speed and efficiency that is often annoying for those who do need to be told what to do. Doers tend to move on quickly to the next task at hand right after they finish their last one. However, doers also appreciate pausing to review their success, and they enjoy watching reasonable celebration for achievement – but they don’t dwell on it, they self-motivate to the next goal.

These traits likely sound familiar to you because YOU are a doer. YOU are part of the critical 20 percent of the larger group who accomplish 80 percent of the work. So, when you contemplate that only 20% of the workforce may stand resolute in their independent thoughts for not accepting a forced medical intervention as a condition for employment; remember, that twenty percent are the most critical of critical workers.

That 20% of independent, self-motivated, exceptionally productive – perhaps to a fault at times, workforce is the backbone of any operation, institution, system or workplace. Those who own or manage the workplace know exactly who that 20% are, and they will not want to lose the doers.

The employers and managers will not want to lose the doers, because they know the doers are the ones who can keep hundreds of plates spinning on sticks without being told which plate is wobbling, and which plate needs attention. Those who are in charge of keeping the plates spinning know the system will collapse if they are only left with plate spinners who need to be told which stick needs attention. The bosses know they will exhaust themselves having to give constant direction to the non-doers.

You are not crazy.

You are a doer.

YOU are critical.

In my opinion, this explains what the corporate executives knew, those who requested the change from the CDC, and why they made their request(s).  This fundamental point -and outcome- is an admission the political leftists in government, politics and media need to avoid.

This is why the CDC changes seem irreconcilable when contrast against over a year of false “public health” claims.