Sunday, January 2, 2022

I Was Right: My Prediction of How Democrats Would Unveil Their Losing Strategy for 2022 on Jan. 6

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Sometimes my satirical tweets can be pretty prophetic. Last week, as is my wont, I posted a piece of satire claiming the left plans to build a monument commemorating the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S Capitol. While I did not literally believe Democrats would actually erect a physical shrine to the incident – at least not yet – my overall point is that they were most certainly going to use the anniversary of the riot in another attempt to further politicize it.

From NBC News:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Thursday announced a series of events at the U.S. Capitol next week to commemorate the anniversary of the Jan. 6 riot.

The schedule includes lawmakers’ testimonials, a prayer vigil with members of the Senate and a panel discussion with historians Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meacham to “establish and preserve the narrative” of Jan. 6.

“These events are intended as an observance of reflection, remembrance and recommitment, in a spirit of unity, patriotism and prayerfulness,” Pelosi said in a letter to colleagues.

Each of these propaganda sessions events will be live-streamed since the House is not in session and because nobody, other than Democrats  salivating at the opportunity to exploit the incident, would bother to attend in the first place. NBC News’ report continued:

Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., will lead the session of lawmakers’ reflections on the events of Jan. 6, when many members of Congress and their aides were holed up inside the Capitol as a mob of former President Donald Trump’s supporters rampaged through the building. Federal prosecutors have filed charges against hundreds of people accused of taking part in the assault.

In other words, Rep. Crow will gather a bunch of lawmakers to talk about how horrible the riots were and how terrified they were as the fracas commenced. You won’t be surprised to see teary-eyed retellings of the ordeal from Reps. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who claimed she was going to be raped and accused Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) of trying to have her murdered.

This will be one of several efforts to bolster the House Select committee’s witch hunt Jan. 6 investigation into the riot and the events leading up to it. “The House committee investigating the riot has ramped up its probe into the events leading up to and including Jan. 6, issuing subpoenas to numerous Trump allies,” according to NBC News, which also reported Democratic representatives and senators would be staging a prayer vigil on the steps of the Capitol building to help drive home the reality that conservatives are a bunch of frothing-at-the-mouth conspiracy theorists who wish to overthrow American democracy.

But this is no surprise, is it?

I didn’t exactly need a crystal ball to foresee that the Democrats would be coming up with ways to keep Jan. 6 front and center. This performance is only the opening act of what the Democrats will be showcasing over the next 11 months and beyond.

To be clear, this is not about recognizing what happened at the capitol building last year. This is about the fact that Democrats have dangerously little to run on. It is a naked attempt to minimize the damage to their political aspirations that they brought on themselves last year by failing to pass any meaningful legislation and propping up a geriatric authoritarian in the White House who has not met a crisis he could not bungle.

We can expect more of this as the year progresses and the anti-Trump House Select committee proceeds to conduct its probe. It was apparent late last year that focusing the public’s attention on former President Donald Trump and the riot was going to be the primary – if not only – components of what will inevitably be a losing strategy.

However, we can’t really blame them. After all, what other recourse do they have left?