Sunday, January 2, 2022

HOT TAKES: Disgraced Hack Dan Rather Again Weighs in on 'Let's Go Brandon,' Again Gets Owned

 Mike Miller reporting for RedState

As I reported in early November, discredited former CBS News anchor Dan Rather waded into the “Let’s go, Brandon” phenomenon with a vengeance — and promptly got his ass handed to him. Welp, Danno’s back with a new take on “Let’s go, Brandon.” Unfortunately for Danno, the end result was still the same.

The poor irrelevant, self-aggrandizing former “journalist” never learns.

To that point, what Dan Rather thinks about “Let’s go, Brandon” or anything else could not be more insignificant and is hardly newsworthy. That said, it sometimes warms the cockles of my conservative heart to give out-of-touch leftists like Rather a platform upon which to further humiliate themselves.

All it took for Rather to be destroyed this time was a single tweet — an impressive feat, even for this guy.

#LetsGoBrandonReallyMeans “You can’t handle the truth.”

Wait — what? What truth?

Besides, Danno, are you really sure you want to have a discussion about truth? About honesty and integrity? About accepting responsibility and admitting you lied when you got caught in yuuge whopper?

For those in need of a refresher, Rather “stepped down” from his lofty CBS News anchor desk in 2005 due to controversy over his “report” that then-President George W. Bush had received preferential treatment to get into the National Guard to avoid serving in Vietnam and failing to satisfy the requirements of service. The story proved bogus as hell and Rather was toast.

John Cardillo, political contributor, and Twitterer extraordinaire took Rather out behind the woodshed for a little chat about truth, as well.

Syndicated radio talk-show host Joe Pags Pagliarulo couldn’t miss the opportunity to point out the obvious to Rather, either — along with a variation of “Let’s go, Brandon!” just for Danno.

Conservative op-ed columnist Rita Panahi came flying in off the top rope with a succinct beatdown.

RedState’s Joe Cunningham made the point that keeps us coming back to Danno for more.

While the following tweet would be true about anyone with a shred of decency and modicum of objectivity, it zooms right over the head of Rather, given his total lack of self-awareness.

Pete D’Abrosca wondered if Rather understands who he is and if he maybe should have sat this one out.

The hits just kept coming.

So there it is. Some people never learn. The good part, in this case, is the laughs.