Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Dr. David Martin On Trump's Oreo Jar

  Sunlit7 op

Who could have even imagined that when the great movement was upon us the exhilarating moment some felt would be crushed from underneath their feet by the leader himself. The fact the insignificant sniveling cowards paid to be told they were sniveling cowards who needed to shush and feel grateful for saving the world played right into the pathological narcissism that is representative of Trump.

On a recent tour with Bill O'Reilly Trump was booed after O'Reilly asked him if he had gotten a booster shot. Trump immediately told them don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, no, no, no, no, no, no, then went on to try to convince them that they, not just him, created the greatest medical achievement of mankind that saved millions of lives through out the world.

“Look, we did something that was historic, we saved tens of millions of lives worldwide when we, together, all of us, we got a vaccine done,” Trump said. “This was going to ravage the country far beyond what it is right now, take credit for it… it’s great, what we’ve done is historic. Don’t let them take it away.” 

This is typical of someone who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. `In that one paragraph is three of the typical symptoms associated with the disorder. Entitlement, exploitation and empathy impairment. He's using a tactic of exploitation by trying to make others feel as entitled as he feels, telling them don't let them take that away is plain empathy impairment because people simply don't want to feel part of having caused thousands of people injury and deaths by the use of an experimental vaccine. Not to mention the fact that when he got done making them feel entitled he throws in a bit more empathy impairment by pointing them out to others as a small group over there in the corner. Which is another symptom of the disorder, feeling distain for the inferior.

Making people believe something is being taken away from them has been his whole schtick to his success. There taking your country, your jobs, your freedoms, your right to unleash an unproven technology onto the masses. His warped sense of exaggerating his own achievements unto the masses is expecting others to do want he wants and the failure of recognizing their own feelings. It's simply a case of him taking advantage and trying to get them to feel as superior over others as he does. Upon failure to get others to engage in his reckless disregard for the safety of others he banishes them off as a tiny insignificant group.

It wouldn't be the last time Trump cut someone off inquiring about his stance on the vaccines. He cut Daily Wire's Candance Owens off telling her the vaccines were one of the greatest achievements of mankind. When questioned why more people were dying now with a vaccine than last year without a vaccine Trump was insistent that it was the unvaccinated that were dying, if they got the vaccine they'd be protected.  Candance went on to try and explain Trump's cognitive dissonance with his base over the vaccines as related to old age and not being on the internet.

Ms Owens suggested that Mr Trump — who regularly had access to briefings detailing findings from top scientists responding to the pandemic — was only pro-vaccine because he was "too old" to find the same obscure websites she uses for her "independent research."

“People oftentimes forget that, like, how old Trump is,” she said. “He comes from a generation—I’ve seen other people that are older have the exact same perspective, like, they came from a time before TV, before internet, before being able to conduct their independent research. And everything that they read in a newspaper that was pitched to them, they believed that that was a reality.”

This is where Dr. Robert Malone came along and explained to all of us that what we are suffering from is mass formation psychosis. What is mass formation psychosis? Well it's questionable according to Forbes as they claim how would Dr. Malone be qualified to know what is it, how it is people are suffering from it since Malone, they claim, doesn't dwell into exactly what it entails.  Candance Owens going from anti vaccine stance to excusing Trump's vaccine stance is the prime example of what mass formation psychosis is. Forbes questioning of Dr Malone's mass formation psychosis analysis is a prime example of what mass formation psychosis is. It's a constant barrage of mixed single messaging to keep the masses confused.

In times like this it's the least of who we expect who'll come right out and tell us exactly how it is when it comes to Trump. That's be Alex Jones and Dr David Martin.

"What you told Candace Owens is nothing but a raft of dirty lies," Mr Jones said on his show."

Spouted Alex Jones, a usually staunch supporter of the ex-president.

"This is an emergency Christmas Day warning to President Trump. You are either completely ignorant about the so called 'vaccine' gene therapy that you helped ram through with operation warp speed, or you are one of the most evil men who has ever lived," Mr Jones said. 

That pretty much meshes with what Dr David Martin had to say in a recently released video that I've notice many aren't sharing like other videos on the truth of the vaccines. He gets to the heart of the matter but that comes with a warning that as a supporter of Trumps his patience is beginning to wear thin. 

Leadership is telling the truth. If your not capable of telling the truth then you are not a leader. And the fact of the matter is there is not a single possibility that a president could possibly say this statement that no one has died from the vaccine because in clinical trials themselves there was abnormal number of deaths in the vaccine population. Now remember you allegedly not considered vaccinated to past fourteen days after receiving a shot, first time by the way in any vaccine trial where we allowed people to die from a shot but it didn't count because it happened within fourteen days.

Fact of the matter is that Trump is lying and we need to call it what it is because integrity requires we call it what it is, people died. Pfizer has a memo that they actually had published that said there's an acceptable death rate in their vaccine program. Now an acceptable death rate in any other product is not tolerated but an acceptable death in a vaccine program is tolerated.

Fact of the matter is if Trump ever read the VAERS statue, as I pointed out earlier in the 1986 act, he would realize there's a requirement for that to be correctly recorded. The fact that Pfizer won't release the data on their adverse events and deaths and they are pretending they need fifty five years that took less than one hundred twenty for the FDA to review, the fact of the matter is people are burying the evidence and everyone knows it. This is a willful act of the malice harming of Americans. This is willful act of domestic terrorism and I have been more than happy to hold the possibly that Trump was very poorly advised but I am running out of patience on that story very quickly. And I think a lot of people who'd like to support Trump in other ways are running out of patience on that story.

Fact of the matter is you do not promote a thing that's known to harm and kill young people, old people, to create myocarditis in the youth, you do not promote that and still have any micron of ethical bones in your body. You cannot do that, it is incompatible and we really need to have to have the integrity of saying that.

Interviewer: Do you think that for him the accomplishment for operation warp speed seemed like such an accomplishment to get this thing out there, even if he was deceived at the time he just, it is just to much to accept the truth and face that he was involved in what become a very real threat and a murderer of human kind, of many people?

Well you know I've raised this issue several times and I am glad you brought it cause I think there's a genuine need on behalf of those of us who actually have an advocacy for humanity to have a bit of humility and humanity when people have done things that are horrific. In this case quite literally resulting in the lost of human life and the premeditated lost of human life. Let's face it Remdesivir which is the drug that people are being forced to take in hospitals is killing people. Remdesivir was killing people in previous clinical trials. Which is the reason why it never got approval. It didn't get approval because it was killing people. By the way Ralph Baric, one of the co investigators on the invention of Remdesivir so conveniently running murder in chief times two.

But the fact is we have a situation where each and everyone of these programs has been administered in a way where the conscience of the individual is sheared to a point where if you actually had to step up and take responsibility and accountability for the actions that you took the results would be tragic and this is the way that evil works to black mail good people. It makes the admissibility of your accountability so painful that you actually double down on the evil. This is like a kid, you know, it's like a kid that goes into the Oreo jar before dinner, still has the crumb on their cheek and swears it's not an Oreo. You got the dust on your face, you got the milk dripping off your chin, you got the little white gooey stuff stuck between your teeth and you swear no I didn't have a cookie. That's where we are and quite frankly, this is Trump's Oreo jar, he's got the cookie crumbs on his face and saying he's not eating the cookie.

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Strongly recommend watching David Martin interview in whole at:

Why Does Trump Keep Promoting the Vaccine? | Dr. David Martin, PhD | Interviewed by “Man in America”
