Sunday, January 30, 2022

CNN Pushing Fake U.S. Intel Reports of Russians Stockpiling Blood on Ukraine Border

Always remember, CNN is the official “fake news” narrative engineering effort of the U.S. State Department.   The Washington Post pushes the Intelligence Community effort (CIA, etc.), and the New York Times push the FBI/DOJ (state police) effort.

Today in an effort to use Ukraine as a proxy state for war against Russia, the State Dept and CIA are claiming the Russians are amassing massive stockpiles of blood at the Ukraine border as they prepare for a protracted war.   In response the Ukraine government tells the Biden crew to knock it off with the nonsense.  This puts CNN journalists in Ukraine telling CNN journalists in the U.S. to stop telling ‘fake news’.

(CNN) – The US has seen indications that Russia has positioned supplies of blood near Ukraine’s borders, two senior US defense officials told CNN Saturday, as part of its accumulation of medical supplies, troops and military equipment in the area that US officials have said could signal plans for an invasion.

Reuters was first to report Russia’s movement of blood supplies to the border with Ukraine, which would be necessary to treat casualties in the event of a conflict. The development has added to US concerns that Russia has the capabilities in place to launch an attack on very short notice.
One of the officials who spoke with CNN cautioned that the presence of Russian blood supplies near the Ukrainian border is not an absolute indicator of an invasion. Instead, it is one element among many the US is monitoring as the build-up of Russian forces steadily proceeds. (read more)

As we noted yesterday, the entirety of the corrupt and manipulative Joe Biden administration, the U.S. State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and the U.S. Congress are all saying, “Nice country you got there, it’d be a shame if something happened to it“, while simultaneously poking the Russian bear to attack.  Biden and the deepest state want them their proxy war, and they will not be denied.

Given the nature of how corrupt the U.S. administration is on a globalist scale; and considering that Biden Inc, which is really the Hillary Clinton foreign policy establishment, would give Zelensky the full Gaddafi treatment if it helped them gain wealth, power and influence; it really would be in Ukraine’s best interest for Zelensky to open a dialogue with Vladimir Putin.

Right now, on a geopolitical scale, Volodymyr Zelensky is more akin to Kim Jong-un in North Korea trying NOT TO be forced into a relationship with China.  Ukraine is faced with the United States controlling them or embracing a closer relationship with Russia who would want to control them.  It’s a hot mess of geopolitical manipulation on a mafioso scale.

If Zelensky does not allow himself to be a proxy for the United States in Europe, the people who control U.S. policy will create a war with Russia to get rid of him.  Biden is really a stammering stupid doofus and tool of the deep state, who isn’t strong enough to battle his own corrupt policy team; and Biden Inc, which includes his entire family, is paid by the DC manipulators to shut-up and just read.

Zelensky has to pretend like Biden represents the U.S. interests, while knowing Biden doesn’t have any control over U.S. policy.

The war mongering crew deep in the U.S. government are in control.  The Fourth Branch of the U.S. government and the national security apparatus are in full operational control over the dynamic.  Zelensky is stuck between Russia and the U.S. Deep State.  Quite frankly, he’d be better off embracing Vladimir Putin and coming to terms.

However, the problem is Zelensky doesn’t want to end up being Ukraine to Russia like North Korea is to China.

If Zelensky tells Biden to go spit, I mean really calls this baby ugly as it needs to be called, then the U.S. system (writ large) will withdraw any support or assistance for Ukraine, and Russia will absorb his country quickly.   That’s the unfortunate dynamic.

Zelensky wants to stop being a hostage to the West by joining NATO.  However, Russia will not allow a formal NATO relationship.

It’s a mess.