Monday, January 24, 2022

CBS Panel Stuns Host Saying Nothing Is Better After One Year of Biden, Things Are Actually Worse

CBS host Margaret Brennan is shocked, shocked, at the responses from her middle America panel when asked for an update on how their lives have been made better by the occupant of the White House.   Brennan tries to carry water for the Biden administration but fails miserably.

Curiously, and again feeding actual data that rises above the officially sponsored national propaganda, four of the six panelists are not vaccinated.  Three voted for Biden, and three are identified as Trump supporters.  However, all six panelists say their lives have gotten worse under Joe Biden.

All of the panelists agree their #1 issue is rising prices and the astronomical inflation that is hitting them hard.  Specifically, the out of control food prices are mentioned. All of the group also agree that Biden’s covid policy is a hot mess of conflicting gibberish that doesn’t make sense, and the spending on masks and home tests is ridiculous and of no value.

It is an interesting discussion to watch.