Monday, January 17, 2022

CBS Outlines Collapsed Support for Biden Regime, But Ignore Central Component of Their Own Poll

CBS conducted a poll of the collapsed support for Joe Biden [DATA HERE] and then outlined their findings earlier today.  However, keeping up with their need to ignore things, they skip over how the vaccination mandate is opposed within their responses.

Margaret Brennan and Anthony Salvanto, CBS News’ director of elections and surveys, discuss how inflation and the economy are the two central issues at the top of concern.  However, Joe Biden’s handling of COVID, and specifically the vaccination mandate, are also driving opposition to the regime intent.  WATCH:

The people behind Biden have boxed him in on the economic consequences.  Inflation is an outcome of economic policy that cannot be reversed without completely refuting their own policy and reversing course.  As a consequence, there’s nothing Biden can do to stop this negative outcome.

That said, notice the aspect in the screengrab below (polling outcome) which they completely ignored.