Thursday, January 6, 2022

Australian Government Detains #1 Tennis Player in World, Novak Djokovic, Cancels His Visa and Plans to Deport Over Vaccine Status

The totalitarian regime in Australia has created a real mess after they granted tennis superstar Novak Djokovic, the #1 player in the world, a visa to enter the country and play in the Australian Open, and then detained him at the airport, cancelled the visa, and announced they will forcibly deport him.

The Serbs have promised to fight the Australians in the streets.

Why?  Because of Djokovic’s vaccination status, of course.

Australia – […] Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Instagram he spoke with Djokovic over the phone and told him that “the whole of Serbia is with him and that our authorities are undertaking all measures in order that maltreatment of the world’s best tennis player ends as soon as possible”.

“In line with all standards of international public law, Serbia will fight for Novak Djokovic, justice and truth.”

Australian prime minister Scott Morrison said that Djokovic had failed to provide sufficient proof to receive a medical exemption to enter the country and insisted that the Serb was not “singled out” for scrutiny over his visa cancellation.  He said: “Rules are rules, especially when it comes to our borders”.

Having landed on a commercial flight at Melbourne Airport around 12.30pm, the Serbian was detained for hours upon arrival, with news of his visa cancellation coming a full nine hours later. According to his father, Srdjan, Djokovic had initially been kept alone in a room with guards outside. “Novak is currently in a room which no one can enter,” he had told the B92 internet portal. “In front of the room are two policemen.”

Srdjan also told Australian breakfast show Sunrise: “They are holding my son captive. If they don’t release him in the next half an hour, we will fight them on the street.”

Djokovic had gleefully announced on Tuesday that he had been given an exemption from having to be vaccinated against coronavirus before boarding a 14-hour flight from Dubai to Melbourne. (read more)

In a fight between the Serbians and the Australians, it’s likely the less woke Serbians would win…  Just sayin’.