Sunday, January 30, 2022

Amid Escalating Protests, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Has Fled the Capital City of Ottawa

Justin Trudeau Has Fled the Capital City – Canadian Safety Minister Refuses to Comfirm CBC Broadcast of Russians Surrounding the City

Comrades, with the massive Freedom Convoy of protesting Canadians still arriving by the hour, state media are reporting the Prime Minister has fled the capital city.

According to the CBC, for his safety Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been moved to a secret location.

(CBC) – […] Trudeau and his family are no longer at their home, Rideau Cottage, which is on the property of the Governor General’s residence in the New Edinburgh neighbourhood of Ottawa — roughly four kilometres from the epicentre of the protest.

The Prime Minister’s Office said it could not comment on Trudeau’s whereabouts for security reasons. His itinerary, which normally lists the city where he’s staying, said only that he’s in the “national capital region.” (read more)

This move comes hours after the CBC claimed on their broadcast that Russian invading forces had infiltrated the Canadian protest ranks, disguised themselves as truckers, and were attempting to destabilize the Trudeau government.

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said he would not comment on the media reports of Russian operatives currently encircling the capital.  Yes, this actually happened, video below:

{Direct Rumble Link}

The full alarmist video is below: