Monday, January 31, 2022

American Freedom Convey 2022: American Truckers to form convey from CA to DC


Source of this great news:

American truckers are preparing to follow the lead of their Canadian counterparts and convoy protest from California to DC.

Facebook group for the anti-vaccine mandate protest has already amassed over 50,000 people.

Many American truckers joined in solidarity with the Canadians, who have formed a 45-mile-long convoy of up to 50,000 truckers heading to Ottawa to protest the government’s covid vaccine mandate for drivers who cross the US-Canada border.

“We are part of many large groups who believe in our founding fathers. We believe everyone has a voice. We support our freedom. Help us spread the word about this group and together we all can make it a better place.. God Bless America,” the group’s description reads.

“Just know that America is next. We’ve given y’all time, we’ve given y’all a heads up,” a man named Brian Von D said in a video posted to the group. “We’re done with the mandates. We’re done with the government telling us what to do.”

Many Canadians have also been posting their support for the American convoy in the group discussion.

“I represented while cheering on the truckers in Riverview, NB Canada yesterday! Everyone was very grateful of the US truckers who crossed to show support. Me and my American flag even made the news!” a supporter named Cathy Richardson wrote.

The group has not yet announced its start date.