Monday, January 31, 2022

ABC Poll Shows How Out of Touch White House Is From, Well, Everyone

The installed regime of Joe Biden is a joke to the world, and the only people continuing their efforts to prop up the Potemkin village are the irrelevant U.S. media.

Despite their earnest efforts, even the George Stephanopolouses of the world cannot avoid the responses from Americans.  The latest ABC/IPSOS poll [Raw Data Here], which is again a highly skewed effort, shows just how out of touch the policies of the regime are to the domestic audience.

When asked about Biden’s handling of immigration, 64% disapprove and 34% approve.  The open border policy doesn’t have support, even amid the constituencies the regime claims to control.

When asked about Biden’s handling of the economy, 56% disapprove, 40% approve.  Massive inflation created by chasing the unicorn of climate change is hitting everyone hard.  Gas prices, home heating costs, energy costs overall and skyrocketing food inflation prices are a reality that no amount of spin from the stenographers can hide.

When asked about inflation specifically, 69% disapprove and only 29% approve.  Policies have consequences.  As noted by ABC, “Troublingly for the White House, only 1% of Americans view the state of the nation’s economy as “excellent,” and only 23% say it’s “good.” Three out of four Americans said the state of the economy was “not so good / poor.”

When asked about Biden’s handling of crime, 64% disapprove and 34% approve.  Yes, radical efforts to defund the police and undermining law enforcement have consequences.

When asked about Biden’s effort to use Ukraine for a war against Russia, 56% disapprove and 41% approve.  Sending troops into Ukraine has 29% support.  However, don’t expect that result to slow down the Fourth Branch of Government from having their war.

When asked if Joe Biden should maintain his race-based policy and nominate a black woman to the supreme court, only 23% of the respondents say that’s a good idea.  The overwhelming majority, 76% of the country, say the best candidate should be chosen regardless of their race or gender.  Apparently, the American people are not blind to the damage from hardline leftist ideology.

(Via ABC) […] “The ABC News/Ipsos poll, which was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos’ KnowledgePanel, comes days after the most senior member of the Supreme Court, Justice Stephen G. Breyer, announced his retirement at the end of the current term. Breyer’s announcement provides Biden the opportunity to change the demographic makeup of the conservative-leaning bench.” (link)