Sunday, January 23, 2022

A Note About the DC Metro Area Food Store Shortages That Must Be Emphasized

I know most CTH readers are aware of the issue – the action and consequence side of things.  However, the current conditions in/around our nation’s capitol deserve to be emphasized in order to share with those who are not connecting the dots.

The shortage of food products, in/around the metro-DC area, is a direct consequence of that same area demanding Vaccination Passports to enter any venue providing “food away from home.”

The vaccine passport mandate blocks people from restaurants, dining, bars and other sources of food.  The process forces people into grocery stores where they are encountering shortages.

In essence, what we are seeing in the DC-Metro area is a microcosm of what previously happened nationally with shortages in food supplies and basic essentials.  The retail food delivery system in our nation is not designed or prepared to shift large numbers of people out of the “food away from home” lane and into the “food prepared at home lane.”  It really is that simple.

Even small percentages of demand shift in a very detailed and complex supply chain -already operating at maximum capacity- can have massive consequences.   One fractured gear tooth in a system of thousands of interconnected gears can bring the entire machine to a halt.

The DC outcome is an excellent example of bureaucracy and political policy being dictated by ‘elites’, out of touch leftists and governing officials, who do not have the skills to follow their policies to their natural conclusion.   This is also an example of private sector experts who are kowtowed and fearful of telling those government officials they are wrong.

There are people who have been saying for two years these supply chain issues will come to an uncomfortable reality if the policies are not reversed.  These are major socioeconomic outcomes that are downstream from dictates and fiats.  Reasonable and prudent voices have been downplayed, denied, cast aside and ignored while these insane leftist governmental policies have been executed.

Effective immediately, or at least as soon as possible, every venue that can provide food on a commercial basis must be removed from all COVID regulations, including vaccine passports.

Restaurants, school lunchrooms, cafeterias, industrial kitchens, hotels, bars, food trucks and every possible venue for the delivery of freshly cooked meals must immediately be reactivated, and all terms and conditions for visiting those venues, like “vaccine passports”, must be cancelled quickly.

If they are not, and worse, if the market restrictions are expanded beyond current status (example truck driver vaccine mandates), there is going to be a worsening retail food crisis as the total food supply chain begins to collapse even further.

If you want to learn more, or you need to share with family – REVIST THIS OUTLINE. 

If all governing officials in/around North America do not quickly reverse their position, things will get worse.

Hope is not a strategy.  Act, or be acted upon.