Sunday, January 2, 2022

2022: Cautiously Optimistic

2022: Cautiously Optimistic

Happy 2022, everybody!

I would gauge my hopes for 2022 as resting somewhere in the area of cautiously optimistic, which is better than being overwhelmed with a nagging sense of impending dread.

At the start of 2021, I was on Team Trepidation. So being on Team Cautiously Optimistic about 2022 is an improvement.

This year will be all about the Midterms. The news media will spend the next ten months trying to prevent the Democrats from losing control of Congress. The hit-pieces on Republicans will reach a fever pitch and the 3-hour riot from a year ago will be flogged all day every day the same way the Mueller investigation was before the 2018 midterms.

Democrats, meanwhile, are not on Team Cautiously Optimistic. They aren’t even on Team Trepidation. They’re starting the New Year squarely on Team Panic.

And panicked Democrats tend to be more insane than they ordinarily are.

Expect them to fight tooth and nail to ram through their bill to federalize our elections. I also anticipate they’ll try again in 2022 to subject the country to the odious “Build Back Better” monstrosity.

As far as COVID Panic goes, it’s hard to know if these guys will ever release their grip on that.

The Democrats and the media painted themselves into a corner with COVID back in 2020.

Like Frankenstein creating a monster then thinking he could control it, the Democrats and the media created this COVID panic as a way to take out Trump. As part of the plan, Joe Biden’s campaign oversold his promise to Shut Down the Virus. Now, they’ve lost control of COVID panic and it’s turning on them.

So effective were they in scaring the shit out of half the country that any shift in policy now will send those scared people into full-blown terror. Sadly for the Democrats, the half of the country they scared the shit out of with their COVID panic is largely made up of their voters.

They thought COVID was their weapon to wield, and now COVID is calling the shots.

So they’re stuck.

In 2022 I see them going one of two ways:

They will either change course on COVID to a more reality-based position in hopes that loosening their grip boosts the Democrats’ advantage in November while simultaneously goosing Biden’s cratering approval numbers upward.

Or they double down and become even more tyrannical hoping they can use COVID Panic to corrupt the 2022 midterm elections the same way they corrupted 2020.

The wildcard in this is We the People.

We’re heading into Year Three of this nonsense. And while there are still panic-stricken goobers who are hiding out in their homes for fear of catching the Chinese Head Cold, I remain cautiously optimistic that enough Americans have arrived at the place you and I were in 2020 and will finally demand an end to the COVID madness.

Time will tell.