Saturday, December 11, 2021

Joe Biden and Other Deranged Liberals Ghoulishly Politicize Deadly Tornadoes

Bonchie reporting for RedState

As RedState previously reported, Kentucky and other states were ravaged by a series of tornadoes last night that left dozens dead and some cities resembling bombed-out warzones. A state of emergency has already been declared, as rescue attempts remain ongoing.

I shouldn’t have to say this, but when a natural disaster like this occurs, the last thing that’s appropriate to do is to try to score political points on the backs of the deceased. Yet, many on the left just couldn’t help themselves, and while I originally tried to ignore it, when the President of the United States decided to join the chorus, it became just a bit much.

But let’s start with Alexander Vindman’s wife mouthing off about things she has no knowledge of. You’ll be shocked to learn she’s just as much of a political hack as her husband.

No, this is not what “climate change” looks like. Even if you believe in man-made global warming, the existence of such does not mean large tornadoes are a new phenomenon caused by it. To suggest that is completely moronic and contrary to history. Major tornados have been striking the United States since it was constituted as a country, and the landmass it sits on has been hit by them for far longer than that.

I grew up in the South. I remember hearing stories about catastrophic tornadoes. Most people knew of someone who had been killed by one at some point. Every single year of my life that I can recall, lives have been lost due to large tornadoes. Unfortunately, they are a devasting reality for parts of the country. No amount of “Green New Deal” garbage is going to change that. For someone to be so deluded by their own sense of political superiority that they’d suggest such before the bodies are cold is absolutely disgusting.

And as I said above, Joe Biden also decided to play this game.

Will the fact-checkers rush to denounce this crap? What evidence is the president offering that a supposedly warming climate was the cause of the severity of the tornadoes that hit multiple states last night? Because I’m not hearing any presented at all. Instead, I hear generic leftwing talking points, using hurting and dead Americans as political props.

This is why many on the right call climate change a cult. Like apocalyptic doomsday adherents, almost everything negative in the world is attributed to the actions of their god. In this case, a natural weather event that has happened repeatedly over the entire history of the planet is somehow the fault of the Industrial Revolution. It’s insulting in its sheer stupidity.

They couldn’t just wait one day? They couldn’t let the funerals happen before rushing to make this tragic event some kind of proof text for their cultish beliefs? Honestly, I find this kind of thing objectively evil. These people are so obsessed with the false idea that they can control everything around them that they are now blaming natural disasters on the very people being struck by them. A few decades ago, everyone would have agreed that was out of bounds and immoral. Today, it’s par for the course for Democrats.

Adam Mill’s Predictions for 2022

As we head into 2022, hubris compels me to offer a few—not exactly predictions, but scenarios—that could easily come to pass based upon historical precedent.

I have a pretty good track record on predictions. In March of 2020, I wrote, “Don’t write off Joe [Biden] . . . it’s clear he will run a close contest against President Trump.” Approximately two weeks into the pandemic, I wrote “If we wait until [there is] no death before we demand a return of our liberty, we will have lost everything to this pandemic.” Also in March of 2020, I wrote that, “The supply interruption of even a couple of months will cause shortages or price increases in items that have a significant effect on the formula for calculating inflation.” In June of 2019, a month before Trump’s Ukraine phone call, I suggested that the Justice Department would use criminal prosecutions to protect Joe Biden from fallout for his son’s shady dealings in Ukraine. I wrote, “If that candidate has the best chance to defeat Trump, should the DOJ deploy its awesome criminal prosecution powers to prevent that information from reaching the eyes and ears of the American electorate?” I was close on that one, the cover came from Congress.

So as we head into 2022, hubris compels me to offer a few—not exactly predictions, but scenarios—that could easily come to pass based upon historical precedent. 

1. Before the 2022 midterms, the FBI will announce politically relevant arrests and/or the break-up of a plot. 

Just before the 2016 presidential election, the FBI coordinated with the DNC to launch a politically motivated investigation into the Trump campaign. Just before the 2018 midterm election, Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced new indictments of 12 Russian officers which refreshed news stories featuring the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. Days before the 2018 midterms, the media broadcast video of a van plastered with pro-Trump signs belonging to Cesar Sayoc, an FBI arrestee accused of mailing fake pipe bombs to Trump critics. In 2020, the FBI again grabbed headlines, just before the presidential election, with news that it had broken up a plot to kidnap the Democratic governor of Michigan by a group that Democrats accused of being Trump supporters. So yes, I’m predicting it will happen again in 2022.

2. Expect a taper tantrum on steroids.

The Federal Reserve continues to print money to buy U.S. Treasuries in contravention of conventional economic theory. Virtually every economist agrees that this “quantitative easing,” should be done to fight deflation and curtailed immediately when inflation reaches unacceptable levels. This is obvious and intuitive to anyone who has not had his common sense surgically removed by professors espousing modern monetary theory. In 2013, bond markets reacted violently when the Fed cut, or “tapered” bond purchases as it attempted to wind down the response to the 2008 great recession. There’s every reason to believe that the reaction will be even more violent in 2022, based on the fact that the Fed may need to actually reverse the bond-buying program to begin selling bonds just to fight inflation.

3. A scandal involving Kamala Harris and/or her husband.

It’s becoming difficult to find anyone who likes the vice president and supports her. Indeed, rumors abound that within the White House, her own staff continues to abandon her as palace infighting between Harris and the first lady continues to heat up. Many suspect the White House is actively engaged in a whisper campaign against the vice president. This, in my opinion, is a precursor to a more tangible move to force her to resign. The vice president is an elected position and the president cannot fire the incumbent. Further, the spectacle of an impeachment and conviction process would completely paralyze the White House’s agenda for months, if not years. Resignation is the only option if the Biden camp wants her gone before 2024. The only way to do that is through a scandal so shocking that she resigns to stop the heat.

4. Inflation. And lots of it.

In April of 1916, inflation was at six percent. The next year it reached 20.4 percent. In June of 1946, inflation was at 3.3 percent. By November of 1946, it had spiked to 18.1 percent. In just one year between February of 1973 and the outset of 1974, inflation rose from 3.9 percent to 10 percent. When Joe Biden assumed office in January 2021, inflation was just 1.4 percent. It has since more than quadrupled to 6.2 percent. It’s almost unreasonable to think that inflation won’t double again in 2022 as the Fed is completely unable to access the traditional inflation-fighting tool of raising interest rates without bankrupting the treasury. Unchecked, inflation can easily double, triple, and even quadruple in a matter of months. The Fed’s response, to begin the process of slowing the amount of new money it dumps into the economy, will be too little, too late. Either we have a major recession next year, or inflation will catch fire.

5. COVID-19 is not going away.

While it seems as though we are always “just about to turn the corner” on COVID-19, the ordeal continues to grind on, month after month. The “flatten the curve” strategy, in some respect, has backfired by allowing variants to mutate giving us the even-more-deadly Delta virus. The United States has now suffered more COVID-19 deaths in the months after vaccines were available than in the same period before. Americans of all political stripes are resisting social controls aimed at slowing the spread, as many of these measures, such as wearing a mask for a short walk to a restaurant table, are clearly symbolism over substance. Meanwhile, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is now experimenting with the HIV virus.

On the Fringe and more-Dec 11


Happy weekend! Here's tonight's news:

‘It’s Time to Stand Up For Ourselves and Our Country’

In this second of a two-part interview with Victoria White, the Jan6 defendant tells of the personal price she’s paid since her arrest. “Now I should be killed for being there?”

The first thing Victoria White noticed after emerging from the tunnel where she was severely beaten by two D.C. Metropolitan police officers on January 6 was the floor of the U.S. Capitol. Dressed in jeans and a light red turtleneck, shoeless, White was soaked with whatever toxic chemical gas the police sprayed on protesters.

“I noticed that this beautiful flooring was all wet, soaking wet, like a pipe burst,” she told me this week in one of three lengthy interviews about her harrowing experience at the Capitol protest. Water, however, was not the culprit; the floor probably was drenched because law enforcement had doused Americans with chemical spray for hours inside the U.S. Capitol building.

One officer—White doesn’t know if he was D.C. Metro or Capitol police—handcuffed her with zip ties behind her back. She was told to turn around and face the wall near a statue, White recalled, but she didn’t know the location since it was her first time inside the Capitol. She likely was standing inside Statuary Hall.

Others were there, too, mostly men and one other older woman. Police paraded the group of about a dozen protesters through various parts of the building, up and down elevators, almost as if to disorient their captives. White said they were taken underground near what she described as a set of small train tracks—the Capitol’s people-mover to get members and staff around the complex quickly—and led outside.

Suddenly, White saw a massive bright light. “There was a big news camera and a guy in a dress coat and matching hat. I knew it was a reporter, but how did they know we would exit there? It made no sense to me.”

Everyone was hauled into an awaiting paddy wagon and taken to the nearby police station. White said the men were processed first while she and the older woman waited in the vehicle. Once inside the station, an officer asked for her personal information—her driver’s license was in the jacket she lost inside the tunnel—and finally cut the zip ties. “My hair had been hanging in my face the whole time and I couldn’t move it because I was handcuffed. When I put my hand to my hair, it was wet. I looked down and saw that I had blood on my hand.”

An officer told White she needed to go to the department’s medical office, which she did. But another officer said she probably would be released so White declined medical attention. She was afraid by accepting treatment, she might risk getting put in jail.

“I just wanted to get out of there.” After signing a document, White doesn’t know what it said, an officer told her she would be released. “I wasn’t arrested, they didn’t tell me I did anything wrong, they never read me my rights.”

Led to the back door of the police station, White asked if there was anything she could wear before they tossed her outside in the cold without a coat or shoes. She was given a white jumpsuit with a hoodie and plastic bags for her feet.

Without a phone or money—and no clue where she was—White started to panic. “I borrowed a cell phone from one of the men who also had been released and the only phone number I could remember was my mom’s,” White said. She told her mom, who was in Minnesota, what had happened and asked her to call her daughter and friends so they could pick her up outside the police station.

As she huddled against the wall of the police station to fight the winter wind, White heard a voice on the intercom. A D.C. police officer told White she could not wait outside the building and needed to go across the street to wait for her ride. Police and military vehicles were beginning to shut down streets; White worried her daughter and friends wouldn’t be allowed to get her.

After walking around alone in the cold, clad in a white jumpsuit with no way to reach anyone, White went back to the police station. A different officer finally offered to help; he connected her mom with White’s daughter. “I would like to thank that man,” she said.

Finally, more than 14 hours after arriving in the nation’s capital on the morning of January 6 to watch President Trump and five hours after police officers viciously beat her inside the west terrace tunnel, Victoria White was reunited with her daughter and friends. “I was beyond excited to see them but also starting to feel the pain from what happened.” Suddenly, the people in the car started coughing and rolling down the windows. Fumes from the chemical spray that had saturated White’s skin and hair caused the other passengers to react. “I had no idea it was that strong.”

Back at the host’s home in Virginia, White immediately took a shower. “I was so cold that I used really hot water. That was a mistake. My skin started to burn from the tear gas. It was horrible.”

White arrived home in Rochester, Minnesota on January 8. Several days later, an FBI agent left a business card in the crack of the front door to her mother’s home where White lives with her four teen daughters. White called the agent, who asked her to come in for an interview, an offer White declined. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” White told me. “Then the agent asked me if I knew of anyone planning to bomb the Capitol during Biden’s inauguration. I laughed and said no.”

She didn’t hear anything else from the FBI—until she was awakened around 5:30 a.m. on April 8 to the sound of loud pounding on the front door. White looked out the window and saw a “massive” police presence; the house was surrounded with armed agents and vehicles. Her mother, who works the night shift at the local post office, also was standing outside. An FBI agent had retrieved her mom so she could stay with White’s daughters after she was arrested.

After an hour-long drive to Minneapolis, during which investigators tried to get White to talk about her involvement in the Capitol protest, she was booked and processed. An agent told White she needed a DNA sample. “I argued at first. Why would they need DNA if I haven’t been convicted of a crime? She said if I’m not convicted, they get rid of the sample.”

Federal prosecutors charged White with six offenses including obstruction of Congress and, laughably, “impeding or attempting to impede law enforcement officials performing official duties.” She overheard an officer say he needed to post a tweet about her arrest. “Victoria C. White, 39, of Rochester, Minnesota was arrested by #FBI Minneapolis special agents this morning on charges relating to criminal acts at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021,” the tweet from the Minneapolis FBI Field Office read with a link to her charging documents.

In September, a D.C. grand jury indicted White on four counts including civil disorder, disorderly conduct, and trespassing—no charge for impeding law enforcement. A trial date has not been set; her next status hearing is in February.

As I have heard from numerous January 6 defendants, legal woes are just one part of their nonstop nightmare. Capitol protesters have been deemed “insurrectionists” by Joe Biden and politicians from both parties. FBI Director Christopher Wray in March designated the Capitol protest an act of “domestic terror,” greenlighting the description to be used against anyone involved in the four-hour disturbance on January 6.

Families have been broken and bankrupted; friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors—even fellow church parishioners—have cut them off. Protesters who simply were in Washington on January 6 and face no criminal charges nonetheless have been fired, some doxxed by social media accounts such as Unicorn Riot, and have lost their livelihoods.

Corporate media outlets fixate on the events of January 6, manufacturing more dangerous contempt and outrage for all Americans on the Right.

One of White’s friends who traveled to Washington with her was fired from her job as a nurse simply for being in the capital, not anywhere near the building, on January 6; she recently found a seasonal job in the service industry to make do.

“It’s horrible what people say,” White said. “They call you a racist even though my daughters are mixed race. Even people who know me, my friends, have said it. My own sister-in-law went out of her way to make it clear on social media that she thinks I deserve full punishment, even people who posted that they want me to be hanged. She liked all of the comments.”

“Now I should be killed for being there on January 6?”

After keeping quiet for the past 11 months, White felt it was time to tell her story.

“If I don’t stand up and speak out, who will? All the J6 defendants deserve someone to stand up and speak for them. I have made mistakes but if God is willing to use me and my story, whatever horrible things come, I am willing to do that.”

She is encouraging the nearly 700 January 6 defendants to do the same.

“It’s time to stand up for ourselves, our country, and for God.”

Rittenhouse, Smollett, and the Big Lie Eating Away at America

Woke communism is turning our country into a totalitarian police state.

Magnify the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution and it is easy enough to see how our enemies, those I call the “woke communists” (comms, for short) are turning America into a totalitarian police state. 

Woke communism operates somewhat differently than 20th century totalitarian regimes. In those regimes, the government used arbitrary violence to control every aspect of public and private life. There was a scapegoat, as well as a simple narrative that explained everything.

In woke communist America, the government does not control everything, but where it leaves off, the cultural-business complex takes over. Education, corporate media, entertainment, big business, especially Big Tech and the Democratic Party, together constitute America’s woke communist regime. The scapegoat is white males. There is violence in the form of state-sanctioned mobs, but more often, and almost as effective, is cancelling. The narrative is that America is systemically racist and about to be overtaken by white supremacists. Everything must be made to fit this narrative. The Rittenhouse affair is a good example of how the facts must be twisted to fit the narrative. (The Jussie Smollett hoax is another example.)

The lies told by the woke comms about Rittenhouse (i.e., he was a white supremacist in search of blacks to kill) easily could have been debunked within 24 hours. After all, we had the video, which clearly showed that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. But the woke comms told us it was murder. They demanded we reject what we could see with our own eyes. In a totalitarian regime, it is the regime that decides what is true and what is false. In such regimes the goal is to abolish the capacity for distinguishing between truth and falsehood. 

And the woke comms, like the totalitarian regimes of Stalin and Hitler, understand that it is necessary to inflict punishments without crimes.  

The mainstream media, Big Tech, the FBI, and high-level Democrats all silently conspire to support the woke comms’ Big Lie: America is systemically racist and about to be overrun by white supremacists. This is woke communism in action: multiple woke comm institutions defending the Big Lie. 

The riots of the summer of 2020 are another example. Woke comm agitators sparked the flame that lit the riots. Their intellectual leaders justified the riots; their corporate donors gave billions to the Black Lives Matter network; their media looked the other way; and their politicians, from Joe Biden on down, fanned the flames. 

Why did the woke comms of the regime get the Rittenhouse case so wrong? They didn’t. In their minds they got it right. Their version of events had to be true; the narrative required it. Anything inconsistent with the Big Lie had to be made to disappear. The truth, for them, is not some objective reality “out there”; it is what the Party decides. 

Even if some in the media now grudgingly accept the proven facts, they will not recant. Their false rendition of the event was in the service of the higher “truth.”  

The woke comms believe that the so-called “deplorables” are too stupid to be trusted with the facts. Who knows, say the woke comms, these gun toting, religion-addicted Trump supporters might come to the “wrong” conclusion. We see this with COVID-19 and climate change, where facts that dispute the woke comm party-line are suppressed. 

Rittenhouse is an all-American young man. He served his community with acts of kindness and when needed came to its defense. That’s what a good American does. Rittenhouse’s example had to be snuffed out because he represents the best of America. Part of the woke comm project is to destroy the values that support the American way of life. 

Although the prosecutors undoubtedly knew there was no evidence of a crime, they also knew that had there been no prosecution the woke comms’ shock troops would have taken to the streets. This is mob rule. The 2020 election was another example of the woke comms threatening violence to achieve their goals. Make no mistake, so far the threat of violence has been a winning strategy. 

Republican politicians must keep their eyes open so that they can see how woke communism is turning our country into a totalitarian police state. As leaders are supposed to do, they must help the public understand what is going on. They must explain that we are in the midst of a civil war, identify the enemy, and explain how that enemy operates. Then they must articulate and implement a strategy for defeating that enemy. The Rittenhouse affair is a good place to begin.

MAGAnomics vs JoeBamanomics, a Simple to Understand Graphic

President Trump economic policy -vs- Joe Biden economic policy

When wages (blue line) are above inflation (red line) our income is growing, life is good and the working class has more disposable income to enjoy life.  However, when wages (blue line) are lower than inflation (red line) our income is shrinking, life is a struggle and the working class has less disposable income to enjoy life.

♦ Point One – Nothing happens accidentally. The road to a “service-driven economy” is paved with a great disparity between financial classes. The wealth gap is directly related to the inability of the middle class to thrive.

♦ Point Two – There is nothing of value behind the obtuse term “service-driven economy.” The multinationals are paying for this administration, just like they paid the Obama administration; paying for economic policy that advances their interests.  Congress goes along with the K-Street demands, because Wall Street is now the primary benefactor of legislative intent. Nothing about their effort is done with American interests in mind.

To go deep, keep reading.

♦ Point Three – Traditional Fascism was defined as an authoritarian government working hand-in-glove with corporations to achieve totalitarian objectives. A centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, using severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

That governmental system didn’t work in the long-term because the underlying principles driving free people rejected government authoritarianism.  Fascist governments collapsed, and the corporate beneficiaries were nulled and scorned.  Then along came a new approach to achieve the same objective.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) was created to use the same fundamental associations of government and corporations.  Only this time the corporations organized to tell the governments what to do.  The WEF was organized for multinational corporations to assemble and tell the various governments how to cooperate to achieve control.

Fascism is still the underlying premise, the WEF just flipped the internal dynamic.

The assembly of the massive multinational corporations, banks and finance offices now summon the government leaders to come to their assembly and receive their instructions.  Some have called this corporatism. However, the relationship between government and multinationals is just fascism essentially reversed with the government doing what the corporations tell them to do.

A massive multinational corporate conglomerate; telling a centralized autocratic government leader what to do; and using severe economic and social regimentation as a control mechanism; combined with forcible suppression of opposition by both the corporations and government.

Then we broke the glass, hit the emergency button and called Batman.

♦ Point Four – Donald J Trump was/is a walking red-pill; a “touchstone”: a visible, empirical test or criterion for determining the quality or genuineness of anything political. I have been deep enough into the network of the Deep State to understand the scale and scope of this enemy. To think that President Trump alone could carry the burden of correcting four decades of severe corruption of all things political, without simultaneously considering the scale of the financial opposition, is naive in the extreme.

POTUS Trump was disrupting the global order of things in order to protect and preserve the shrinking interests of the U.S. He was fighting, almost single-handed, at the threshold of the abyss. Our American interests, our MAGAnomic position, was/is essentially zero-sum. His DC and Wall-Street aligned opposition (writ large) needed to repel and retain the status-quo. They desperately wanted him removed so they could return to full economic control over the U.S, because it is the foundation of their power.

Without Donald J. Trump, these entities would still be operating in the shadows. With Donald J. Trump, we can clearly see who the real enemy is.

In these economic endeavors President Trump was disrupting decades of financial schemes established to use the U.S. as a host for their endeavors. President Trump was confronting multinational corporations and the global constructs of economic systems that were put in place to the detriment of the host (USA) ie YOU. There are trillions at stake; it is all about the economics; everything else is chaff and countermeasures.

In most of the modern post-war industrial era (1950-1980), banking was a boring job and only slide rule bean counters and actuarial accountants moved into that sector of the workforce. Most people don’t like math – these were not exciting jobs. Inside the most boring division of a boring banking industry were the bond departments within the larger bank and finance companies.

The excitement was in the actual economy of Main Street business. The giants of industry created businesses, built things, manufactured products, created innovation and originated internal domestic wealth in a fast-paced real economy. Natural peaks and economic valleys, as the GDP expanded and contracted, based on internal economic factors of labor, energy, monetary policy and regulation.

Main Street generated the pool of political candidates, because the legislative conduct of politicians had more impact on Main Street.  Simply, the business agents had a vested interest in political determinations.

Political candidates courted industrialists, business owners, and capitalist giants to support them. As a consequence, Main Street USA was in control of DC outcomes.

Despite the liberal talking points to the contrary, this relationship was a natural synergy of business interests and political influence. It just made sense that way, and the grown-ups were generally in charge of it.

government-money♦ Commercial banks courted businesses because bankers needed deposits. Without deposits banks could not generate loans; without loans banks could not generate profits…. and so it was. By rule, only 10 percent of a commercial bank’s income could stem from securities.

One exception to this 10% rule was that commercial banks could underwrite government-issued bonds. Investment banks (the bond division) were entirely separate entities. The Glass-Steagall banking laws of 1932 kept it that way.

However, mid 1970’s bank regulators began issuing Glass–Steagall interpretations -that were upheld by courts- and permitted banks and their affiliates to engage in an increasing variety and amount of securities activities. After years of continual erosion of the Glass-Steagall firewall, eventually it disappeared.

This became the origin of the slow-motion explosion of investment banking. If you look back historically from today toward 1980 (ish), what you will find is this is also the ultimate fork where economic globalism began overtaking economic nationalism.

Banks could now make money, much more money, from investment divisions issuing paper financial transactions, not necessarily dependent on actual physical assets. The transactions grew exponentially.

The bond market portion ultimately led to the ’07/’08 housing collapse, and derivative trading (collateralized debt obligations or CDO’s) generated trillions of paper dollars. Long before the ’08 collapse, business schools in 1980 began calling this the second economy (a false economy, or the invisible economy).

The second economy, which ultimately became the global economy, is also the Wall Street investment economy. Two divergent economies: Wall Street (paper), and Main Street (real).

There is no real property, real capital, real tangible assets in the Wall Street economy. The false economy is based on trades and financial transactions, essentially opinions. Paper shifts, and buys and sells based on predictions and bets (derivatives).

Ford Motor Company (only chosen as a commonly known entity) has a stock valuation based on their actual company performance in the market of manufacturing and consumer purchasing of their product. However, there can be thousands of financial instruments wagering on the actual outcome of their performance.

There are two initial bets on these outcomes that form the basis for Hedge fund activity. Bet ‘A’ that Ford hits a profit number, or bet ‘B’ that they don’t. There are financial instruments created to place each wager. [The wagers form the derivatives] But it doesn’t stop there.

Additionally, more financial products are created that bet on the outcomes of the A/B bets. A secondary financial product might find two sides betting on both A outcome and B outcome.

Party C bets the “A” bet is accurate, and party D bets against the A bet. Party E bets the “B” bet is accurate, and party F bets against the B. If it stopped there, we would only have six total participants. But it doesn’t stop there, it goes on and on and on…

The outcome of the bets forms the basis for the tenuous investment markets. The important part to understand is that the investment funds are not necessarily attached to the original company stock, they are now attached to the outcome of bet(s). Hence, an inherent disconnect is created.

Subsequently, if the actual stock doesn’t meet it’s expected P-n-L outcome (if the company actually doesn’t do well), and if the financial investment was betting against the outcome, the value of the investment actually goes up. The company performance and the investment bets on the outcome of that performance are two entirely different aspects of the stock market. [Hence two metrics.]

Insurance products create an even larger subdivision within the false economy as hedgers wagered on negative outcomes. The money wagered is exponential – some say more than a quadrillion currently floats.

♦ Now you realize, in hindsight, there had to be a point where the value of the second economy (Wall Street) surpassed the value of the first economy (Main Street). Investments, and the bets therein, needed to expand outside of the USA.  Hence, globalist investing.

However, a second more consequential aspect happened simultaneously.

The politicians became more valuable to the Wall Street team than the Main Street team;  and Wall Street had deeper pockets because their economy was now larger.

As a consequence, Wall Street started funding political candidates and asking for legislation that benefited their interests.

When Main Street was purchasing the legislative influence the outcomes were beneficial to Main Street, and by direct attachment those outcomes also benefited the average American inside the real economy.

When Wall Street began purchasing the legislative influence, the outcomes therein became beneficial to Wall Street. Those benefits are detached from improving the livelihoods of main street Americans because the benefits are “global” needs. Global financial interests, investment interests, are now the primary filter through which the DC legislative outcomes are considered.

♦ Most people think when they vote for a federal politician -a House or Senate representative- they are voting for a person who will go to Washington DC and write or enact legislation. This is the old-fashioned “schoolhouse rock” perspective based on decades past.  There is not a single person in congress writing legislation or laws.

In modern politics, not a single member of the House of Representatives or Senator writes a law, or puts pen to paper to write out a legislative construct. This simply doesn’t happen.

Over the past several decades, a system of constructing legislation has taken over Washington DC that more resembles a business operation than a legislative body. Here’s how it works right now.

Corporations (special interest group) write the legislation. Lobbyists take the law and go find politician(s) to support it. Politicians get support from their peers using tenure and status etc. Eventually, if things go according to norm, the legislation gets a vote.

Within every step of the process there are expense account lunches, dinners, trips, venue tickets and a host of other customary financial way-points to generate/leverage a successful outcome. The amount of money spent is proportional to the benefit derived from the outcome.

The important part to remember is that the origination of the entire process is EXTERNAL to congress.

Congress does not write laws or legislation, special interest groups do. Lobbyists are paid, some very well paid, to get politicians to go along with the need of the legislative group.

When you are voting for a Congressional Rep or a U.S. Senator, you are not voting for a person who will write laws. Your rep only votes on legislation to approve or disapprove of constructs that are written by outside groups and sold to them through lobbyists who work for those outside groups.

While all of this is happening, the same outside groups who write the laws are providing money for the campaigns of the politicians they need to pass them. This construct sets up the quid-pro-quo of influence, although much of it is fraught with plausible deniability.

This is the way legislation is created.

If your frame of reference is not established in this basic understanding, you can often fall into the trap of viewing a politician, or political vote, through a false prism. The modern origin of all legislative constructs is not within congress.

Now, ask yourself this important question….

…. Who is writing the details of the Build Back Better bill?

Joe Biden has no idea, and that my friends is entirely by design.