Monday, October 11, 2021

It’s Just Not Funny Anymore (So Resist It)

The ruling elite breezily lives by one set of standards while imposing an entirely different set of standards on their subjects. We must fight back. 

There is a worn-out cliché that if the Left did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all. But the cliché really is not funny anymore. The examples of our ruling class imposing one set of rules on us serfs while exempting themselves from anything that would restrict either their affluence or absolute dominance abound: from the maskless elites at fancy galas and restaurants being served by masked and dehumanized servants, to the egregious treatment of participants in the January 6 protest at the Capitol, in contrast to the elite perpetrators of the Russia hoax—an actual attempt to thwart the democratic process—who are hailed as heroes and get lucrative book deals.

The latest affront comes in the form of a Department of Justice effort to combat what it said to be an “increase” in “threats of violence” against school officials and teachers across the country. According to Attorney General Merrick Garland, “[t]hreats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values.” This alleged increase in threats from parents unhappy about public school mask and vaccine mandates, as well as the indoctrination of school children through the teaching of critical race theory and pornography disguised as sex education, simply cannot be tolerated. According to Garland, the Justice Department effort is necessary because “[t]hose who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.” 

The Justice Department cites no actual examples of violence or threats of violence against school boards or school employees; indeed the rhetoric changes quickly to complaints of harassment. It is not impossible to imagine that frustrated parents have expressed themselves rather vociferously from time to time. The fact that no real examples of “over-the-top” behavior has been forthcoming from the Justice Department, however,  indicates that “harassment” simply means parents have expressed opinions about their children’s educations contrary to the opinions of officials. This, we know, cannot be tolerated. As former and aspiring Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe reminded everyone recently, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Shut up, peons, and don’t interfere with the “experts” who know what is best for your children! 

The Justice Department’s effort does not stem from any concern about violence or threats of violence against public school officials or school boards. The sole purpose is to stifle what is obviously becoming a growing and powerful movement across the country. Parents have awakened to the rot that pervades our public schools. This rot became increasingly apparent with the disruptions caused by COVID-19: most public schools (with no scientific justification) moved to “remote” learning, which opened the eyes of many parents to what their children were and were not being taught, and to the fact that teachers unions were more interested in advancing partisan agendas than in getting children back to school. 

It should have been easy to predict that the Biden Administration would move quickly to quell this “uprising” of parents who have decided to retake control over what and how their children learn. After all, the Left’s dominance depends upon the continued indoctrination of America’s children from a very young age all the way through the universities. Children must be taught to believe—as a matter of faith—the tenets of the progressive Left: e.g., that climate change is an existential threat, that America is a fundamentally racist country, that racism is part of whites’ DNA, that redistribution of wealth is an imperative.

The latter article of faith—the imperative to redistribute wealth and thereby create a permanent dependent clientele for the Democratic Party—provides the most recent example of the Left’s duplicity. While parents speaking out at school board meetings is harassment that will not be tolerated, Joe Biden refused to condemn the egregious and continuous harassment by leftists protesting Democratic Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin. Sinema was accosted while at Arizona State University by protestors who illegally entered the locked classroom building where she was teaching, to the point of following the senator and some of her students into the restroom. Protestors harass Sinema and Manchin outside their homes, their offices, even their boats in an effort to intimidate the senators into voting for the $3.5 trillion spending bill that is the centerpiece of the Left’s agenda. When Biden was asked to condemn these acts of harassment, his response was that it was all just “part of the process.”

Americans are beginning to recognize that their ruling elite breezily lives by one set of standards while imposing an entirely different set of standards on their subjects. The overriding goal is to maintain power—and all of the benefits that come with it. It is true that the progressive Left currently holds most of the reins of power: the federal government, the media, the entertainment industry, and the educational establishment. They use this dominance to make us all believe that there is no point in resisting, and there will be dire consequences for those who try.  But there are still many of us who believe that the people—not the government or the ruling class—are sovereign, that parents should have the primary role in deciding how their children are raised and educated, that the fruits of honest labor belong to the person and not the government, that the rule of law means that laws apply equally to rulers and ruled. We still possess the means to fight back, and fight back we must.

We may not succeed, but we cannot give in: we must choose the possibility of noble failure over base success. We can take courage from Abraham Lincoln, whose words from over 180 years ago seem eerily fitting to our times:  

I know that the great volcano at Washington, aroused and directed by the evil spirit that reigns there, is belching forth the lava of political corruption in a current broad and deep, which is sweeping with frightful velocity over the whole length and breadth of the land, bidding fair to leave unscathed no green spot or living thing; while on its bosom are riding, like demons on the waves of hell, the imps of that evil spirit, and fiendishly taunting all those who dare resist its destroying course with the hopelessness of their effort; and, knowing this, I cannot deny that all may be swept away. Broken by it I, too, may be; bow to it I never will. The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just; it shall not deter me. If ever I feel the soul within me elevate and expand to those dimensions not wholly unworthy of its almighty Architect, it is when I contemplate the cause of my country deserted by all the world beside, and I standing up boldly and alone, and hurling defiance at her victorious oppressors. Here, without contemplating consequences, before high heaven and in the face of the world, I swear eternal fidelity to the just cause, as I deem it, of the land of my life, my liberty, and my love. And who that thinks with me will not fearlessly adopt the oath that I take? Let none falter who thinks he is right, and we may succeed. But if, after all, we shall fail, be it so. We still shall have the proud consolation of saying to our consciences, and to the departed shade of our country’s freedom, that the cause approved of our judgment, and adored of our hearts, in disaster, in chains, in torture, in death, we never faltered in defending. 

X22, Stew Peters Show, and more-Oct 11th


I've, had an interesting day to say the least. Here's tonight's news:

The Left Got What It Wanted—So Now What? - VDH

There is no schadenfreude in seeing the Left destroy everything it touches—
because its claws tear all of us as well.

What was the purpose for the insane opposition of the Left between 2017 and 2021? To usher in a planned nihilism, an incompetent chaos, a honed anarchy to wreck the country in less than a year?


No sooner had Donald Trump entered office than scores of House Democrats filed motions for impeachment, apparently for thought crimes that he might, some day, in theory, could possibly commit.

Foreign Policy published an article by a liberal Obama Administration lawyer outlining all the ways to remove an elected president as soon as possible—including consideration of a military coup. 

The FBI and the entrenched bureaucrats at the Justice Department continued their prior failed efforts during the campaign to seed the lies of the fabricated Steele dossier and Fusion GPS. A 22-month-long and $40 million hoax ended with the special counsel himself, a doddering Robert Mueller, swearing under oath that he essentially knew nothing about the dossier or Fusion GPS—the twin catalysts that had prompted his very own investigation. 

Fired FBI Director James Comey—a lion on Twitter, and a lamb when under oath—on over 240 occasions testified to the Congress that he either did not know or could not remember, when asked details about the collusion fraud that the philosopher G-man had helped perpetuate. 

No one worried about the weaponization of government. So, we went right from the nefarious legacy of John Brennan (who lied under oath to Congress twice), James Clapper (who lied under oath to Congress once), James Comey (who leaked confidential presidential memos), Andrew McCabe (who gave false testimony to federal investigators), Lisa Page (who was fired from the special counsel’s legal team for various unprofessional conduct), Peter Strzok (about whom there is not enough space to detail his transgressions), and the now convicted felon Kevin Clinesmith onto the next round of impeachments. 

Two of them followed. Neither was conducted by a special counsel. There was no array of witnesses, no prosecutorial report. Much less were there formal charges of a specific high crime or misdemeanor, or bribery or treason, as specified by the Constitution. 

In the end, both farces ended in trials—but not before the Left had established lots of baleful precedents. Impeachment is now simply a tool to embarrass a president in his first term when he has lost the House. A Senate trial could hound an innocent president, even as a private citizen out of office. And a chief justice need not preside over the Senate trial. If and when Joe Biden loses the House, the Left should applaud any attempt to impeach him—given it established the new model of opposition.

Of the January 6 debacle, we were not told that it was a riot involving lawbreakers who would be punished. Instead, we were lied to that it was an “armed insurrection,” a “coup,” and “a rebellion” of massive proportions. 

Our esteemed retired military and civil libertarians who had damned the mere thought of using federal troops to quell the prior four summer months of continuous rioting were suddenly happy to see 25,000 federal soldiers patrol Washington to hound out fantasy second-wave insurrectionists. In Animal Farm fashion, there were now to be good federal troops deterring mythical violent domestic extremists, but bad federal troops who should never stop real, ongoing mayhem in the streets.

It mattered nothing that “armed” in the case of January 6 meant that no firearms were used or even found among the protestors. No one was charged with conspiracy, insurrection, or racketeering. But many were placed in solitary confinement without specific charges being filed—to the utter delight of liberal groups like the ACLU and human rights organizations.

The FBI—recently known mostly for spreading Hillary Clinton’s campaign collusion hoax—found no premeditated grand plot. The remaining media narratives were also untrue: Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick was not murdered, but died tragically of a stroke the next day. Five persons were not “killed.” Four who died were Trump supporters. Only one of the five deaths occurred at the hand of a known other—a 14-year military veteran, unarmed, 110-pound female Ashli Babbitt. She was fatally shot while attempting to enter through a window of the Capitol by a law-enforcement officer—to the frequent approbation of the left-wing commentariat. The officer’s name was hidden for months from the public—something conspicuously uncharacteristic in other cases where law enforcement officers are involved in shooting unarmed suspects. 

Videos surrounding the entire melee still have been repressed. They likely will never be released. That infamous day remains in dire contrast to the prior 120 days of continuous rioting, looting, and arson. In the election-year summer 2020, federal courthouses and iconic buildings were torched. Nearly $2 billion worth of property was destroyed and 28 were killed. 

Yet current Vice President Kamala Harris rallied the public to help bail out the arrested. And the architect of the “1619 Project” reassured Americans that crimes against property like arson and looting are not really violence per se. The weeks of “spontaneous” mayhem magically vanished after November 3, 2020. Note that esteemed medical professionals argued that BLM protestors who flooded the streets were exempt from quarantine, social distancing, and mask requirements, given their higher morality. There are now good riots and bad ones, and noble sustained silence about a noble officer who lethally shoots an unarmed suspect, and noble immediate outing of an ignoble officer who lethally shoots an unarmed suspect.

These were merely the main media distortions and fixations over the last four years. We forget the daily craziness such as a president’s calls to foreign heads of state routinely leaked or the FBI director passing on confidential memos of private presidential conversations to the liberal press, or the “whistleblower” who was not a whistleblower as much as a Democratic operative. The media nadir came when the press bellowed that Trump had overfed a fish.

An array of retired four-stars damned their president as Hitlerian, Mussolini-like, and deserving an early exit from office. Their superior morality naturally excused them from abiding by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. 

The New York Times falsely identified a minor Trump Administration bureaucrat (“anonymous”) as a major conservative truth-teller—once he thrilled the media by lying that a large, morally superior, inside cabal was devoted to obstructing the implementation of a president’s orders. Everyone from Hillary Clinton to an active FBI lawyer bragged of joining the “Resistance,” with plenty of conspiratorial retro-accusations that the 2016 election was “rigged.”

All that was a warm-up for the plague year in which Donald Trump was blamed for every COVID death. His medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci was deified, due largely to his coy opposition to the president he was supposed to serve. 

Both the current president and vice president had, less than a year ago, urged Americans not to be vaccinated, given their own reluctance to take a “Trump” vaccine. At least the anti-vaxxers had consistent opposition to the experimental inoculations; in contrast, the anti-Trumper anti-vaxxers merely saw sabotaging the 2020 vaccination program as necessary to be in a position to claim it as their own in 2021.


What did all that madness achieve? Mostly, the first election in U.S. history in which over 100 million ballots were not cast on Election Day. Strangely, with such an avalanche of ballots, the usual error rate of absentee balloting dived from around 2-4 percent to 0.2-0.4 percent. You see, when we suddenly must count tens of millions more paper ballots then it becomes easier, not harder, to spot errors.

So, the Left won its Pyrrhic victory. 

The nation was done with the demonized Trump and now the Left controlled the presidency, and both houses of Congress. Somnolent Ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton pledged to heal the nation as he overturned his predecessor’s supposedly disastrous policies and went on a rampage of slandering his opponents. If Donald Trump was once damned as non compos mentis, the same media and academic accusers kept mum as Biden shuffled, fell, went mute, slurred words, and went off on angry, disjointed, and incoherent riffs.

What followed was a concerted effort to destroy the Trump record: the greatest level of combined annual natural gas and oil production in any nation’s history, record low minority unemployment and near record peacetime, general unemployment, a border secure and illegal immigration finally under control, and a New Middle East in which Israel and its Arab enemies concluded neutrality pacts. China was put on notice for its past mockery of global norms. Inflation was low, growth was good. “Stagflation” was still a rarely remembered word from the past.

And again, what was all that Pavlovian nihilism to achieve? 

Within eight months the following was finalized: Joe Biden utterly destroyed the idea of a border. Some 2 million were scheduled to cross illegally in the current fiscal year. The sheer inhumanity of deplorable conditions at the border surpassed any notion of the “cages” Donald Trump, in fact, had inherited from the humanitarian Barack Obama. 

A war almost immediately broke out in the Middle East, once Biden distanced the United States from Israel and rebooted the radical Palestinian cause. 

The Taliban defeated the 20-year effort of the United States in Afghanistan, in the most humiliating withdrawal of the American military in over 45 years. Tens of billions of dollars of abandoned military equipment now arm the Taliban and have turned Afghanistan into a world arms mart for terrorists. Iran is emboldened and speeds up its nuclear proliferation efforts. China brags that the United States has been Afghanistanized and will not defend its allies, Taiwan in particular. 

At home, gas prices have soared. Prior trillion-dollar deficits now seem financially prudent in comparison to multitrillion-dollar red ink. The nation is more racially polarized than at any time in the last half-century. A bleak and venomous woke creed has outdone the hate and fear of the McCarthyism of the 1950s, as it wages war on half the nation for various thought crimes and the incorrect idea that the United States was, is, and always will be a kind and humane place.

More will likely have died each day from COVID by year’s end during the Biden first 12 months than during Trump’s last 12 months. That statistic perhaps might have been meaningless had Biden himself not demagogued the idea that a president is strangely responsible for all pandemic deaths on his watch. 

But then again, Biden had warped the pandemic narrative only after he had inherited the Trump vaccination program (17 million vaccinated by Inauguration Day). Biden was wrongly and prematurely convinced that vaxxes were a permanent prophylaxis to any sort of COVID variants that would simply disappear once he took office. Depending on the occasion, Biden claims none, or just 4 million, were vaxxed until he took office, as truth and fantasies waft through his cloudy cognition.

With Biden came not just woke polarization, stagflation, a subsidized ennui that erodes the work ethic, and selective nonenforcement of existing laws: Worse, still, we got a bankrupt ideological defense of these insanities. Critical legal theory, critical race theory, and a new monetary theory were all dreamed up by parlor academics to justify the nihilism. 

Did America ever believe that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would trash his commander in chief as Hitlerian to journalist hitmen, or allegedly denounce news organizations as “terrorists,” or interrupt the chain of command on a prompt by the Speaker of the House, or warn the Chinese military that he believed there was enough instability in the White House to justify a promise to warn of any impending U.S. military action against Beijing deemed offensive? Was General Milley suffering from the very “white rage” he sought to ferret out?

With Biden, China is now omnipresent in the halls of power. A task of our chief COVID advisor, Anthony Fauci, seems to be to deny repeatedly that his stealthy funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan virology lab in China had anything to do with the likely accidental release of a likely human engineered and energized coronavirus. Americans still cannot even imagine that their government might have helped subsidize the plague germ that has wrought such havoc upon them.

Meanwhile the president’s son still owns a 10 percent cut in a communist Chinese government-affiliated financial venture, apparently due to his prior drug-addled record of financial mismanagement. The media still insists Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation,” while his paint-by-numbers art is auctioned off to foreign lobbyists expecting a return of the old days when Hunter and Joe grandly arrived on Air Force Two to do their bidding. 

What did the Left leave as the proper model for conservatives now to deal with Biden? 

Impeach him when he loses the House? Get a special counsel, lavish said counsel with $40 million, a dream team of right-wing lawyers, and 22 months to find real Chinese collusion? 

Start seeding a conservative version of Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman and an “anonymous” whistleblower inside the Biden octopus? 

Get retired four-star generals on TV to swear Biden is a Chinese “asset,” or have them retweet the idea of sending Biden supporters to China, or swear that he is a fascist? Bring back Woodward and Bernstein to find out whether Biden, Inc. ever paid taxes on all that Chinese and Ukrainian cash? 

Call in the ubiquitous Dr. Bandy X. Lee from Yale to administer the Montreal Cognitive Assessment to prove that Biden can distinguish a camel from an elephant or a train from a bike or count backwards from five? 

Will the Right prod General Mark Milley’s replacement to collude with soon-to-be Speaker Kevin McCarthy and call the Russians to warn them that Biden is demented, democracy is “messy,” Kamala Harris is crazy, and thus Moscow might need a warning from us about any Biden preemptive aggression?

And what of the people who voted for this change and the media that empowered it? In the latest Quinnipiac poll, known for its liberal affinities, Biden now earns a 38 percent approval rating. We should add a few extra negative points given media bias. Do they suffer buyer’s remorse or angst that they were lied to by the hard Left that Joe Biden was cognizant and not a mere vessel for a two-year push for overt socialism?

Meanwhile the media is reduced to explaining why an undocumented activist has an understandable right to chase a liberal Democratic senator into a public restroom, hector her, and then video her as she enters a stall to relieve herself and then post the grotesqueness on the internet—a felony in the state of the Arizona, though just part of the “process” for the president of the United States.

We could call the above insanity nemesis for woke hubris. Or maybe it is karma, “payback’s a bitch,” or “what goes around comes around.” But there is no schadenfreude in seeing the Left destroy everything it touches—because its claws tear all of us as well.

Beware of Regime-Approved Whistleblowers

A real whistleblower takes real risks and opposes corruption at the top, 
rather than aligning with those at the top to usher in a more perfect 
form of surveillance capitalism. 

Ritual humiliation of social media companies is becoming something of a tradition. Most typically, social media CEOs are hauled before Congress, harangued for a day, promise to “do better,” and then go back to business as usual. 

Last week a new kind of social media witness appeared: a whistleblower. Frances Haugen emerged with a great deal of fanfare, complete with a public relations firm, a verified account on Twitter, and a fawning entourage, including members of the press and Congress. But instead of denouncing social media for its excessive power, wealth, and hostility to traditional American values, Haugen pleaded for regulations that happen to align with the peculiar values and interests of Silicon Valley. 

She denounced free speech on the platform as a threat to democracy and lamented Facebook’s disbanding of its civil Integrity team, which was the key to Facebook’s recent meddling in American elections. While some of her criticisms were designed to appeal to normal people with normal sensibilities—such as exposing Facebook’s shockingly frank willingness to create algorithms to track and engage children—the bulk of her agenda was not so different from the preferences of social media leaders. 

Namely, she wants social media to act as a gatekeeper and curator of content, much like the legacy media did before the internet was created. In an age of partisan and shockingly dishonest mainstream institutions, many people have lost all confidence in centralized control. 

The unregulated alternative is not cost-free, of course. Anyone who has been on the internet for five minutes is aware that there are lies, falsehoods, and rumors afoot. But experienced users also learn how to sift through information and discover truths hidden by mainstream sources for reasons of power, self-interest, and ideology. 

The “safety” measures Haugen is promoting show almost no respect for the principles of free speech, but rather seek to control content in ways calculated to align more closely with the controversial and cosmopolitan values of the people running Facebook and similar companies.

Large companies generally like regulation. After all, they can afford to navigate the web of rules and bureaucracy more easily than new companies can, and they usually have a large hand in creating the rules they will labor under. Facebook, for example, has a government relations budget of $20 million and avoids most liability for its actions under the protection of Section 230.

In other words, like the CEOs practically begging the government to mandate vaccination so that they can cull their workforces without spooking investors, it’s not so clear Facebook really disagrees with this whistleblower. It’s as if her whole act was designed at the highest levels to benefit Facebook or one of its competitors. At the very least, it seems likely a faction within Facebook is cheering her on, wanting to be more empowered to censor the company’s users, with the additional cover of saying it is necessary to comply with government mandates.

Facebook users and its leadership have diverged significantly. More than any other platform, Facebook’s demographic is older and more conservative. It is no Snapchat or TikTok. Thus, even liberal users frequently confront their unreformed family members circulating memes and viral stories suppressed by the mainstream media.

This is stressful to the left-leaning “data scientists” and “content engineers,” who treat their users like an embarrassing uncle. In spite of their efforts, a lot of ordinary right-wing political activism occurs on Facebook. This is one reason why the January 6 Capitol protest has been blown out of proportion: It paints ordinary speech as a problem to be regulated, and Facebook was central to organizing the protesters, peaceful and otherwise. For the media, the leadership of Facebook, and the so-called whistleblower, you are the problem to be solved.

Lest we forget, all of these platforms are businesses, and businesses exist to make money. They do that very well by maintaining quasi-monopolies in their space, making large donations to politicians, and appearing contrite and civic-minded when appearing before Congress. It’s all highly choreographed. Lately, they have done a lot to appear manageable and compliant to a ruling class that demands more and more censorship in the name of combating “misinformation” and “hate speech.” This is why all the talk mimics that of campus activists, including the obsession with “safety.” 

This nomenclature is deliberate. Safety has a positive connotation. And human trafficking, child pornography, and conspiracies to commit criminal violence that occur on social media are indeed threats to safety. But safety means something very different to Haugen. She is concerned about the lack of safety she feels when she encounters people who think differently. 

Describing a close friend who went down internet rabbit holes into various kinds of conspiracy thinking, she said, “I joined Facebook because someone I was incredibly close to, who was really important to me, I lost them to misinformation on the internet, and I never want anyone to feel the pain that I felt. . . . I blame more 4chan and Reddit. But he was making crazy claims about George Soros running the world economy and things like that. Things that are just super easy to invalidate.” Really

In any case, this says a lot more about her rigid personality than it does about the universe of social media. Why did she have to drop a friend for believing stupid things? Don’t we all have disagreements with friends and family? This is just life. Most of these differences are not questions of safety. Indeed, the premise and purpose of free speech is that a great many things are debatable and benefit from scrutiny and challenge, including our own beliefs and the widely accepted beliefs of those in power. 

The highly public debut of the Facebook whistleblower suggests the hidden hand of others. Asked a real question about a real solution to Facebook’s excessive power, Haugen said, “When people ask me, should we break up Facebook, I say, definitively do not break up Facebook. All you will do is starve the individual parts of resources.” Heaven forbid!

Far from speaking “truth to power,” Haugen is harmonizing with the powerful, defending their monopoly status, enormous profits, and oversized ability to influence, while asking for the government to force them to exercise even more power and manipulation over those using these platforms. Regulation over algorithms would steer all social media companies towards a uniform belief system using the same algorithmic tools Haugen spent most of her career perfecting. 

The notes of this whistleblower are off key. A real whistleblower takes real risks and opposes corruption at the top, rather than aligning with those at the top to usher in a more perfect form of surveillance capitalism. She is no more blowing the whistle than Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman or others who have echoed the broader messages of the powerful, while flattering them. 

Navy nuclear engineer's wife arrested for selling secrets appears to support BLM, 'resistance' movements


Article by Emma Colton for Fox News

Navy nuclear engineer's wife arrested for selling secrets appears to support BLM, 'resistance' movements

Diana Toebbe's Facebook account has numerous posts concerning BLM, feminism and anti-Trump posts

The Facebook account appearing to belong to the woman who was charged alongside her Navy nuclear engineer husband with selling secret information about nuclear submarines to an undercover FBI agent is filled with liberal talking points on the Black Lives Matter movement and feminism. 

Fox News examined what appears to be Diana Toebbe’s Facebook page, Twitter account and Instagram page, and found repeated posts supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, including a profile picture reading, "Black Lives Matter," and a post last year celebrating the social media protest against racism called "#blackouttuesday."

Jonathan and Diana Toebbe were arrested Saturday in West Virginia, according to a criminal complaint detailing espionage-related charges. The government said Jonathan Toebbe sold information for nearly the past year to a contact he believed represented a foreign power, but was actually an undercover FBI agent.

A Twitter account appearing to also belong to Diana Toebbe shows her following various "resistance" accounts in protest of Trump, including the "Rogue NASA" account described as "the unofficial ‘Resistance’ team of NASA" on its description. 

One retweet from the account in 2017, just days after Trump's inauguration, shows a photo reading, "To the rest of the world, due to an insufficient amount of moral courage, America is temporarily out of order. We hope to restore service as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we in the resistance movement join hands with those around the world who realize we are one people. May the forces of good be with us. #TheResistance."

Fox News also confirmed Diana Toebbe's maiden name is "Smay," which is included in the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account names reviewed by the outlet. 

The private Annapolis school, Key School, confirmed to Fox News that Diana Toebbe is a faculty member, and has been suspended indefinitely. 

"Key School is shocked and appalled to learn of the charges filed against faculty member Diana Toebbe and Jonathan Toebbe. Key School had no prior knowledge of their alleged criminal activities, nor is the School connected to the investigation in any way," the school said in a statement on the matter. 

The social media posts on Diana Toebbe’s Facebook account include one saying "Women Can Stop Trump;" one profile picture featuring failed 2016 presidential candidate Hilary Clinton’s campaign symbol; a photo of the transgender flag; and various profile photos supporting the gay community. Her most recent public profile photos show her hair dyed purple in a bathroom selfie. 

One Facebook post from 2020 quotes Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg two days after her death, reading, "Fight for the things you care about."

The Instagram account appearing to belong to Diana Toebbe focused on photos of dinners, her children, and other non-political topics, Fox News found. 

Fox News also examined what appeared to be Jonathan Toebbe’s Facebook account, and found his most recent public post is from 2013. The handful of posts included stories from satire site, The Onion, including one headline he posted in 2011, reading, "New GOP Strategy Involves Reelecting Obama, Making His Life Even More Miserable." 

Both of the Facebook accounts list Diana and Jonathan Toebbe as living in Annapolis, Maryland, where the DOJ press release stated the couple lives. The accounts were the only ones to appear on Facebook when Fox News searched their names alongside the location of Annapolis. 

Fox News also reviewed material showing both of the Toebbes are registered Democrats, with them registering in 2008 in Colorado. No information on their Maryland registration was found. 

The FBI says the scheme to sell secret information about nuclear submarines began in April 2020 when Jonathan Toebbe sent a package of Navy documents to a foreign government and wrote that he was interested in selling operations manuals, performance reports and other sensitive information.

Authorities say he also provided instructions for how to conduct the secretive relationship, with a letter that said: "I apologize for this poor translation into your language. Please forward this letter to your military intelligence agency. I believe this information will be of great value to your nation. This is not a hoax."

That package, which had a return address in Pittsburgh, was obtained by the FBI last December through its legal attache office in the unspecified foreign country. A monthslong undercover operation was then launched, and an agent posing as a representative of the foreign government made contact with Toebbe. The agent agreed to pay thousands of dollars in cryptocurrency for the information he was offering.

The FBI said in June that the undercover agent sent $10,000 in cryptocurrency to Toebbe, describing it as a sign of good faith and trust.

Weeks later, federal agents watched as the Toebbes arrived at an agreed-upon location in West Virginia for the exchange. Diana Toebbe appeared to serve as a lookout for her husband during a dead-drop operation for which the FBI paid $20,000, according to the complaint. 

The FBI recovered a blue memory card wrapped in plastic and placed in a peanut butter sandwich, court documents say.

The FBI provided the contents of the memory card to a Navy subject matter expert, who determined that the records included design elements and performance characteristics of Virginia-class submarine reactors, the Justice Department said.

The memory card also included a typed message that said, in part: "I hope your experts are very happy with the sample provided and I understand the importance of a small exchange to grow our trust."

The Toebbes are expected to have their initial court appearances Tuesday in Martinsburg, West Virginia.

The Department of Defense referred Fox News to the FBI when asked if the couple would be part of a potential probe into domestic terrorism. The FBI did not immediately respond to Fox News's request for comment on the matter. 


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Don’t Celebrate Biden’s Tanking Approval . . . Yet

Biden’s abysmal poll numbers may be good news, but it isn’t victory. 

The situation in America grows more bleak each day under the Biden Administration. Bad news is followed by an endless stream of even worse news. Each new scandal is quickly replaced by an even bigger scandal. One day we’re banging our fists on a table because Biden handed Afghanistan over to the Taliban—not to mention American hostages and arms. The next, we’re mourning the murder of 13 brave American service members who were killed by suicide bombers in Kabul. 

It’s one insult after another: open borders and an endless invasion of our country by illegal aliens; the nonsensical, unscientific, and tyrannical vaccine mandates; and an attorney general—Merrick Garland—who is effectively telling parents who oppose critical race theory in public school curricula to shut up or else be investigated as “domestic terrorists” by the FBI.

These are but a few of the latest examples of the demoralizing, depraved, and dangerous policies of the Biden Administration. The upshot is a pandemic of malaise, which is infecting and suffocating the nation. It’s no wonder then, that the most recent Quinnipiac University survey, which shows Biden’s approval tanking to a new low of 38 percent, has conservatives and Republicans celebrating. 

Jake Tapper of CNN recently called Biden’s new poll numbers “brutal.” I suppose this does qualify as “good news.” In our present desert of depression, Biden’s free fall in the polls may seem like a much needed oasis. But I’m not so certain this oasis isn’t simply a mirage. 

Even with the help and cover of a friendly media, Democratic presidents frequently experience sinking approval. In 2013, then-President Obama saw his approval drop eight percentage points—down to 45 percent—in a month. In fact, Tapper said in July 2013 that Obama’s poll numbers were “underwater.”

I understand that Biden’s approval is more abysmal still. I also fully expect this to transfer over to the 2022 midterms, in which Republicans are poised to win back majorities in both the House and Senate. 

But while Biden’s brutal approval numbers may be a blip of “good news” in a nation otherwise desperate for any semblance of hope, it is not cause for celebration. 

How many of those who disapprove of Joe Biden but voted for him, wouldn’t still vote for him again if elections were held tomorrow? 

Democratic voters are notoriously incapable of connecting the grim economic realities that they suffer under Democratic policies with the Democratic politicians they continue to support. They fail to understand that things like inflation, dismal jobs reports, our failed education system, and rampant violence in our cities are caused by the Democratic Party.

They do not yet understand that the Democratic Party cannot and will not ever solve the issues that form the basis of their campaigns. The structure of the Democratic Party forbids it. If the Democratic Party ever solved any problems, they would cease to have a reason to exist. They are both creators and exacerbators of inequality, injustice, economic destruction, hardship, and division—these are the party’s lifeblood.

It’s been 40 years since conservatism was the dominant political ideology in America. Ronald Reagan campaigned on it. He won two landslide victories—winning 44 states in 1980 and 49 in 1984. Since then we’ve won and lost elections on a razor’s edge.

At present we seem to be on the defensive. But more often, we seem to be in a state of paralysis—bewildered and put off balance by the constant and vicious attacks from the Left. Our eyes are focused on the 2022 midterms. But that’s a year away, and even if we take back the House and Senate, what then?

In the 2010 midterms, the Democrats were pummeled at the polls: the Republicans picked up 60 House seats and six Senate seats. But still, Obama won reelection two years later in 2012. Those Democrats who were overwhelmed by Republicans and Tea Party supporters in the midterms, certainly showed up on election day for the 2012 presidential election.

If we want to save our country, we can’t afford to lose any elections in the foreseeable future. The hard truth is that we are an election or two away from either salvation or damnation.

While Biden’s approval rating is abysmal, many of those who voted for him still believe that the Democrats are a better choice than Republicans. It’s a binary choice. If we want to save this country, we have to persuade those who disapprove of Biden to abandon the Democratic Party for good.

To do this, we must go on the offensive. What does the Republican Party represent? What are our solutions? How will we improve the lives of the American people? These are some of the questions we must answer. 

Instead of biding our time—as Mitch McConnell seems more than happy to do—we must inextricably link the Democrats to the chaos and turmoil they are creating. We must ensure that those who are disenchanted with Biden are likewise disenchanted with the Democratic Party. All we have to do is tell the truth.

Biden’s abysmal approval may be good news, but it isn’t victory. We can celebrate when the Democratic Party is out of power. Until then, it’s just a mirage.

Iraq claims capture of IS financial chief in operation abroad


Iraq says it has captured the jihadist group Islamic State's financial chief in an operation outside its borders.

Sami Jasim al-Jaburi was arrested in a "complex external operation" by the Iraqi National Intelligence Service, Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi tweeted, without specifying a location.

He added that Mr Jasim, also known as Hajji Hamid, was a deputy leader of IS under the late Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The US had offered a $5m (£3.7m) reward for information leading to his capture.

The FBI's Rewards for Justice website alleged that he was "instrumental in managing finances for [IS] terrorist operations" and had supervised the group's "revenue-generating operations from illicit sales of oil, gas, antiquities, and minerals" after it seized large swathes of Iraq and Syria in 2014.

Iraq's Security Media Cell said the detainee was close to the new leader of IS, Amir Mohammed Said Abdul Rahman, who replaced Baghdadi after he killed himself during a US special forces raid on his hideout in Syria in 2019.

Although Mr Kadhimi did not reveal where Mr Jasim had been captured, a senior Iraqi military source told AFP news agency it had happened in Turkey. There was no immediate response from Turkish authorities to the report.



IS once controlled 88,000 sq km (34,000 sq miles) of territory stretching from eastern Iraq to western Syria and imposed its brutal rule on almost eight million people.

Despite the group's defeat on the battlefield in Iraq in 2017 and in Syria the following year, it is estimated that thousands of militants remain active in both countries.

Cells continue to wage a low-level insurgency in Iraq, operating mainly in rural areas and carrying out hit-and-run attacks that often target security forces and infrastructure.

A recent UN report warned that while the group's "core" was focused on regrouping in Iraq and Syria under Amir al-Mawla, the threat to international peace and security posed by regional affiliates in West Africa, the Sahel, East and Central Africa, Afghanistan and South Asia was expanding.