Monday, October 11, 2021

Don’t Celebrate Biden’s Tanking Approval . . . Yet

Biden’s abysmal poll numbers may be good news, but it isn’t victory. 

The situation in America grows more bleak each day under the Biden Administration. Bad news is followed by an endless stream of even worse news. Each new scandal is quickly replaced by an even bigger scandal. One day we’re banging our fists on a table because Biden handed Afghanistan over to the Taliban—not to mention American hostages and arms. The next, we’re mourning the murder of 13 brave American service members who were killed by suicide bombers in Kabul. 

It’s one insult after another: open borders and an endless invasion of our country by illegal aliens; the nonsensical, unscientific, and tyrannical vaccine mandates; and an attorney general—Merrick Garland—who is effectively telling parents who oppose critical race theory in public school curricula to shut up or else be investigated as “domestic terrorists” by the FBI.

These are but a few of the latest examples of the demoralizing, depraved, and dangerous policies of the Biden Administration. The upshot is a pandemic of malaise, which is infecting and suffocating the nation. It’s no wonder then, that the most recent Quinnipiac University survey, which shows Biden’s approval tanking to a new low of 38 percent, has conservatives and Republicans celebrating. 

Jake Tapper of CNN recently called Biden’s new poll numbers “brutal.” I suppose this does qualify as “good news.” In our present desert of depression, Biden’s free fall in the polls may seem like a much needed oasis. But I’m not so certain this oasis isn’t simply a mirage. 

Even with the help and cover of a friendly media, Democratic presidents frequently experience sinking approval. In 2013, then-President Obama saw his approval drop eight percentage points—down to 45 percent—in a month. In fact, Tapper said in July 2013 that Obama’s poll numbers were “underwater.”

I understand that Biden’s approval is more abysmal still. I also fully expect this to transfer over to the 2022 midterms, in which Republicans are poised to win back majorities in both the House and Senate. 

But while Biden’s brutal approval numbers may be a blip of “good news” in a nation otherwise desperate for any semblance of hope, it is not cause for celebration. 

How many of those who disapprove of Joe Biden but voted for him, wouldn’t still vote for him again if elections were held tomorrow? 

Democratic voters are notoriously incapable of connecting the grim economic realities that they suffer under Democratic policies with the Democratic politicians they continue to support. They fail to understand that things like inflation, dismal jobs reports, our failed education system, and rampant violence in our cities are caused by the Democratic Party.

They do not yet understand that the Democratic Party cannot and will not ever solve the issues that form the basis of their campaigns. The structure of the Democratic Party forbids it. If the Democratic Party ever solved any problems, they would cease to have a reason to exist. They are both creators and exacerbators of inequality, injustice, economic destruction, hardship, and division—these are the party’s lifeblood.

It’s been 40 years since conservatism was the dominant political ideology in America. Ronald Reagan campaigned on it. He won two landslide victories—winning 44 states in 1980 and 49 in 1984. Since then we’ve won and lost elections on a razor’s edge.

At present we seem to be on the defensive. But more often, we seem to be in a state of paralysis—bewildered and put off balance by the constant and vicious attacks from the Left. Our eyes are focused on the 2022 midterms. But that’s a year away, and even if we take back the House and Senate, what then?

In the 2010 midterms, the Democrats were pummeled at the polls: the Republicans picked up 60 House seats and six Senate seats. But still, Obama won reelection two years later in 2012. Those Democrats who were overwhelmed by Republicans and Tea Party supporters in the midterms, certainly showed up on election day for the 2012 presidential election.

If we want to save our country, we can’t afford to lose any elections in the foreseeable future. The hard truth is that we are an election or two away from either salvation or damnation.

While Biden’s approval rating is abysmal, many of those who voted for him still believe that the Democrats are a better choice than Republicans. It’s a binary choice. If we want to save this country, we have to persuade those who disapprove of Biden to abandon the Democratic Party for good.

To do this, we must go on the offensive. What does the Republican Party represent? What are our solutions? How will we improve the lives of the American people? These are some of the questions we must answer. 

Instead of biding our time—as Mitch McConnell seems more than happy to do—we must inextricably link the Democrats to the chaos and turmoil they are creating. We must ensure that those who are disenchanted with Biden are likewise disenchanted with the Democratic Party. All we have to do is tell the truth.

Biden’s abysmal approval may be good news, but it isn’t victory. We can celebrate when the Democratic Party is out of power. Until then, it’s just a mirage.