Saturday, September 11, 2021


An update on the Barry and Biden show

We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” 

That was the “composite character” David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, on the campaign back in 2008. By “we,” the composite character meant himself and running mate, Senator Joe Biden. In 2021, with the Delaware Democrat in the White House, an update on the transformation process is in order.

In 2008 the United States was already a democratic republic, in which the people had selected presidents as different as Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. After FDR’s New Deal and  LBJ’s Great Society, the United States was already a top-heavy welfare state. Any fundamental transformation, therefore, would have to come through different channels. 

American presidents had been supporters of their allies but one of the first acts of the composite character was to cancel missile defense for U.S. allies Poland and the Czech Republic. That was a gift to Russia, still a major adversary. Missile defense had played a role in the fall of the Soviet Union, so this was indeed a fundamental transformation of the U.S. policy responsible for that victory.

Late in his second term, the composite character shipped plane loads of cash to the Islamic regime of Iran, which had taken Americans hostage in 1979, funded terrorists, and never stopped chanting “Death to America!” Strengthening enemies while betraying allies was indeed a fundamental transformation.  

American presidents, particularly after 9/11, had recognized the threat from Islamic terrorism. The composite character, whose Dreams from My Father was a novel, wouldn’t even say the words. When a self-proclaimed “soldier of Allah” gunned down 13 unarmed American soldiers at Fort Hood in 2009, the composite character called it “workplace violence,” not even gun violence. 

In 2009, the composite character’s Department of Homeland Security, then under Janet Napolitano, released Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic And Political Climate Fueling Resurgence In Radicalization And Recruitment. This document warns of “white supremacist” types that are “hate-oriented” or “rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority.” This was code for anyone less than worshipful of the composite character, particularly those who value their constitutional rights. The DHS had been fundamentally transformed in its basic mission. 

Under previous presidents, American intelligence agencies had defended against foreign adversaries. The composite character, formerly known as Barry Soetoro, deployed them against candidate and President Donald Trump. The upper reaches of the FBI and Department of Justice experienced a similar transformation. 

The composite character wanted Americans to get only the healthcare the government wanted them to have, but he left the full implementation to Hillary Clinton. Trouble was, the American people did not like being smeared as deplorables, and voted in Donald Trump. As this confirmed, the nation was not yet transformed to the point where the outgoing boss could guarantee succession of power with a point and click. 

Donald Trump cut taxes, built a strong economy, made the nation self-sufficient in energy, took out major terrorists, achieved peace deals in the Middle East, and moved to secure the border. The response of Democrats was not to advance policies or candidates that would do better on every count. Their response was to deploy the Russia and Ukraine hoaxes against Trump. When that failed they turned to the extensive system of voter fraud that Joe Biden openly touted. Now the composite character’s Delaware Variant is in the White House, and continues the promised fundamental transformation of the United States. 

Joe Biden believes that those who enter the United States illegally are “already Americans,” so no surprise that Biden made the border an existential problem. In fundamentally transformed America, the rule of law does not prevail, and U.S. troops only guard the borders of other nations, not their own. 

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs chairman Mark Milley are essentially diversity instructors, dedicated to divisive indoctrination that makes the U.S. military weaker. Like the DHS under the composite character, their primary targets are domestic, not foreign. General Milley, for example, compares Trump to Hitler and Trump voters to Nazi brownshirts, something one would expect from the drunk at the end of the bar. 

Back in 2014, the composite character president traded one American deserter, Bowe Bergdahl, for  five hard-core Taliban commanders from Guantanamo Bay. It was like trading Private Slovik for the German high command. Released with the others in 2014, Khairullah Khairkhwa proceeded to reunite the Taliban and help them capture power in Afghanistan. 

Joe Biden’s military has been sharing intelligence with the Taliban, so Biden believes that the Taliban, like the Stalinist Chinese, are “not bad folks,” and worthy of partnership. True to form, under Commander in Chief Biden, the U.S. military gave the Taliban a list of Americans still trapped in Afghanistan.  Biden also hired the Taliban for security at the airport, akin to hiring the Einsatzgruppen to aid refugees fleeing the Nazis. 

Biden’s surrender to the Taliban could preview his action in any military conflict with China, North Korea, or Russia. Biden leaves Americans behind but brings unvetted Afghans to America by the planeload. In his view they are already Americans. When actual American soldiers are murdered by terrorists, he talks about his son Beau, feigns sympathy, and looks at his watch. As calls ring out for his resignation or impeachment, Biden crows that he did a fantastic job, and he’s running again in 2024.  

The United States already had a revolution, so the transformation of the composite character and his Delaware Variant is decidedly counterrevolutionary. The Biden Junta imposes policies guaranteed to hike inflation, create unemployment, increase the price of everything, and expand the nation’s already fathomless debt. 

Americans sense their freedom and prosperity slipping away, but the fundamental transformation is not yet complete.  The Biden Junta is now testing how much Americans are willing to endure. The white coat supremacy regime of Dr. Fauci, in effect, functions as a kind of martial law. 

In 2016, embattled Americans were able to push back against the composite character and elect Donald Trump. The Biden Junta wants to ensure that never happens again. The first test will be the recall for Gavin Newsom, the Jerry Brown-Nancy Pelosi project Democrats are grooming for the presidency.

Democrats are trying to steal that election by the usual means, and by allowing voters to print their own ballots and mail them in their own envelope, doubtless a pilot program for the nation. Success for this fraud, and duplication at the midterms, will signal a fundamental transformation of the United States into a one-party state, with no rule of law and no possibility of reform through the ballot box. For all his faults, the addled Joe Biden may surpass the composite character as America’s first national undertaker.

Christian Patriot News and SGT Report-Sept 11


I wasn't alive on this day 20 years ago, but what happened on this day paints a clear picture of the world I was born into 2 days later: Chaos and fear. I'm far from a traditionalist, but I do respect some traditions if they mean well. I've known long periods of peace in my life (because I wasn't involved in politics until a year ago), Now, all I see is chaos and fear. And that needs to change very soon.

To anyone on here who lost someone 20 years ago, or knows someone who died 20 years ago today, they're not forgotten. The lying media may want to paint a picture that says most Americans have forgotten what happened, but we have not.

We will never forget what happened on this day, and we will never forget those who risked their lives to save innocent lives, and we will never forget those who died. That's a promise, and no disrespectful actor in the WH or the lying hypocritical MSM can ever change that!!

Here's tonight's news:

Important article from TGP:

One LineFrom Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Speech…

 One Line From Biden's Vaccine Mandate Speech Should Make 'Free People' Very Uncomfortable

One Line From Biden's Vaccine Mandate Speech Should Make 'Free People' Very Uncomfortable

During his speech announcing expansive new vaccine mandates on Thursday, President Biden took aim at Republican governors who have continued to value freedom in their responses to Covid-19, threatening to use his “powers” to “get them out.”

After blasting the nearly 80 million Americans who have not gotten vaccinated, the president turned his ire to GOP governors, particularly Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. 

“To make matters worse, there are elected officials actively working to undermine the fight against COVID-19," he said. "Instead of encouraging people to get vaccinated and mask up, they’re ordering mobile morgues for the unvaccinated dying from COVID in their communities.

"Right now, local school officials are trying to keep children safe in a pandemic while their governor picks a fight with them and even threatens their salaries or their jobs. Talk about bullying in schools," Biden added.

"If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way," he threatened.

While Gov. DeSantis did not respond immediately to Biden's comments about him Thursday night, he had already addressed the topic earlier. 

“How could we get to the point in this country where you would not let them earn a living because of their choice on the vaccine?” DeSantis said. “I just think that’s fundamentally wrong. I do not believe that people should lose their jobs over this issue, and we will fight that.”

Abbott, who has issued an executive order banning schools from imposing mask mandates, said Texas is "already working to halt this power grab."

At least 15 other Republican governors have released statements challenging Biden's mandate, promising to fight back.

Did Ron Klain Just Blow Up Biden’s…

Did Ron Klain Just Blow Up Biden's Vaccine Mandate with a Retweet?
Did Ron Klain Just Blow Up Biden's Vaccine Mandate with a Retweet?

The Biden administration is bracing for a number of lawsuits from governors and businesses around the country after President Joe Biden announced new Wuhan coronavirus vaccine mandates and weekly testing requirements, which impact 100 million Americans, on Thursday afternoon. 

After the mandate was announced, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klein took to Twitter in hopes of finding praise on the issue. While he was there, he retweeted MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle, who said using OSHA to implement the mandate was the "ultimate work-around." 

George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley, who also happens to be a Democrat, noticed and is explaining how Klain just created a headache for the administration.

"In the law, it is called an admission against interest or an out-of-court statement by a party that, when uttered, is against the party’s pecuniary, proprietary, or penal interests. In politics, it is called just dumb. White House chief of staff Ronald Klain offered a doozy this week when he admitted that the announced use of the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for a vaccine mandate was a mere 'work around' of the constitutional limit imposed on the federal government," Turley writes on his website"The problem is that the thing being 'worked around' is the Constitution. Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional protections."

"The retweet by Klain will not be determinative in this case but it will be heavily referenced by challengers. He was saying the quiet part out loud.  However, the real question is why the Administration would bring a case that is unnecessary to litigate a theory that is at best novel and untested. For a department known for its reluctance to bring such test cases to avoid negative precedent, the declaratory judgment says more about the political than legal priorities of the Administration," he continued. 

During an elementary school event Friday morning, Biden told governors planning to sue to "have at it."

Globalism plus propaganda equals 'Globaganda'


Article by Ned Cosby in The American Thinker

Globalism plus propaganda equals 'Globaganda'

With all due respect to President Trump or whoever first coined the term fake news, I think it needs to be replaced with something a bit more accurate and descriptive of what is happening in the 21st century.  I propose Globaganda to replace fake news.

If you tune into any of what the late great Rush Limbaugh used to call "the drive-by media," you will find amazing similarities among those news outlets.  Limbaugh used to call it the "echo chamber."  Whether they were questioning George W. Bush's gravitas or calling Donald Trump a traitor, the leftist chorus was singing from the same sheet music.

Globaganda has replaced journalism in America.  Journalism was a sincere attempt by humans to report the truth.  Globaganda has freed itself from that noble goal of truth-seeking and is dedicated solely to advancing the ideas and goals of the transnational corporations and their communist allies in Beijing, Moscow, and Washington.

Since communism has a checkered history, that term is kept out of sight in favor of globalism.  Globalism sounds more cooperative and inclusive, but globalism aims for one-world government controlled by communists and techno-giants.  Please pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

If globalism is the WHO in Globaganda, propaganda is the what, why, and how of Globaganda.  Globaganda depends on the official roadmap for the future devised by the communists.  Globaganda exists only to advance the goals of the communists.  Globaganda is how the communists keep the people from observing what they are doing.

Censorship, another ugly word and antithetical to the truth, is a major weapon of Globaganda.  When Hunter Biden's laptop appeared just before the 2020 election, the Globagandists sprinkled "it didn't happen" dust on it, and the story disappeared.  When all sorts of shenanigans happened on election night of 2020, the Globagandists sprinkled "it never happened" powder on those events and they disappeared...mostly.

Globaganda is a reality, but the purveyors of globaganda still want to maintain the pretense that they are journalists and award each other with prizes attesting to their honesty and integrity.  Let's go on the offensive, calling a spade a spade.  When they dissemble, let's call them Globagandists.  When they hide the truth, let's call them Globagandists.  As much as they hate the truth, they still fear it and the damage it can do to their designs.  Jesus said the truth will make us free.  The Globagandists know that, and they shudder.

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Taliban Planning to Steal Joe Biden's 9/11 Anniversary Thunder


Article by Stephen Green in PJMedia

Taliban Planning to Steal Joe Biden's 9/11 Anniversary Thunder

Pity poor Presidentish Joe Biden, who wanted nothing more than a good photo op for Saturday’s 9/11 anniversary, now apparently taken away by the very Taliban enabled by his botched bugout.

According to a Russian state media report noticed by the Telegraph late Thursday, the Taliban is “considering inaugurating its new government on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.”

The story goes on:

That report was amplified by the influential head of the RT channel and the media conglomerate that includes RIA Novosti, Margarita Simonyan, who said the symbolic date choice was deliberate.

“The inauguration of Afghanistan’s new government has been scheduled for 9/11. The Talibs are good not only at generating memes but also at trolling,” she tweeted.

The date has not yet been confirmed, but I suppose we’ll find out on Saturday.

Meanwhile, the Biden White House is sticking with lame spins like this one:



In reference to that, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked White House spin doctor Jen Psaki, “Can you explain a little bit more about why the White House, in a statement, is calling the Taliban businesslike and professional?”

Psaki dodged.

“Dodge THIS” was Biden’s message to Americans who remain hesitant to getting a COVID vaccination or three.


While the White House insists the Taliban is “businesslike and professional,” the Taliban is going about the rough business of re-establishing a hardcore Islamist emirate atop the rubble of Biden’s bungled bugout.


According to one report, a Taliban tormenter told the journalists, “You are lucky you weren’t beheaded.”

“Despite promises of a more inclusive regime,” the report said, “the Taliban have moved to snuff out mushrooming opposition against their rule.”

Somehow, I doubt that’s the photo op Biden was hoping for.

Maybe that’s why Psaki told reporters on Thursday that the alleged president won’t give any live addresses on 9/11/2021. “You will hear from [Biden] in the form of a video in advance — or if that will be available that day, I should say,” she said at Thursday’s briefing.

The Free Beacon reported that Biden “will attend events at all three 9/11 memorial sites,” but Psaki claimes that his “busy schedule that day precluded him from giving a live address.”

Between the Taliban’s busy schedule of embarrassing our 20-year war effort and Biden’s increasing inability to perform well under stress, it’s really no surprise that POTUS will be seen and not heard—even on the very day that Americans could reasonably expect a compos mentis president to say at least a few words.

So Biden will get his photo ops in New York City, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon, but the Taliban who hosted al Qaeda on 9/11/2001 will likely own 9/11/2021.

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 The 9/11 Attacks Ultimately Proved A Lesser Threat To America Than The Totalitarian Left

The left hates America and ordinary Americans at least as much as the 9/11 hijackers did, and for some of the same reasons.

I was in college when the planes hit the towers, studying that Tuesday morning before class in the student union. The woman who ran the student snack bar and I were the only people there, and together we watched the second plane hit on live TV.

At that moment, my stomach dropped. After the first plane hit, no one really knew what was going on, whether a small aircraft had accidentally crashed into the tower or if it had been an explosion or something else. But when that second plane hit, we knew. This wasn’t an accident. Someone had planned this. It was an attack. Suddenly, we were at war.

In the months and years that followed, my classmates and I tried to wrap our minds around what we thought was coming: a generational struggle against jihadist networks that seemed to span the globe, that had even infiltrated the United States. We all read Samuel P. Huntington’s “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order.” We all scoffed at Francis Fukuyama’s notion of the “end of history.” We thought the United States was the only power capable of stamping out Islamic terrorism. We assumed there would be many more attacks on the homeland.

Twenty years after the attacks of September 11, 2001, it’s safe to say they did not herald the defining, all-consuming civilizational struggle we had anticipated. The thing we most feared, Islamic terrorism, did not prove to be our worst enemy or the greatest threat to our republic. The real enemy, it turns out, came from within.

In the 20 years since the attacks, America’s own totalitarian left has proven to be a far more dangerous and committed enemy of the United States than any distant jihadists, harboring as much hatred for our heritage of freedom and chaotic way of life as Osama bin Laden ever did.

Christopher Hitchens famously described bin Laden’s animating ideology as, “fascism with an Islamic face,” later adopting the apt term, “Islamofascim.” Hitchens thought the fascist comparison appropriate because both movements, in his view, are murderous cults, hostile to modernity and the life of the mind, nostalgic for empires of past glory, and obsessed with past humiliations and a desire for revenge, among other things.

But the fascism of bin Laden and his ilk, while obviously dangerous (and likely to become more so after our utter defeat in Afghanistan), hasn’t proved as durable or tangible as the fascism of the Democratic Party under the Biden administration.

As I write, the president is announcing a plan to force all federal workers to get a COVID-19 shot, and major employers to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for their workers or test them weekly, with crippling fines for those who don’t comply.

“This is not about freedom or personal choice,” said Biden. Indeed it’s not. It’s about total federal control over what the administrative state has come to view as its subjects, not citizens to whom it must answer. In the tyrannical worldview of the president and his advisors, nothing can stand in the way of government coercion, not even federalism. “If these governors won’t help,” said Biden, “I will use my powers as president and get them out of the way.”

Bin Laden, who correctly foresaw disaster and eventual defeat for the invading Americans in Afghanistan, could not have guessed that by the 20th anniversary of 9/11, America’s ruling elite would have become this fascist. Indeed, when a regime uses the power of the state to compel major corporations to enforce its mandates and enact its agenda, that’s actual textbook fascism. Hitchens, if he were alive to see it, might have called it “fascism with a bureaucrat’s face,” or “bureaufascism.”

Biden’s vaccine mandate is of course just one example, plucked from yesterday’s news cycle, of the left’s hatred of America and the freedom of its people. Over the past year-and-a-half of the pandemic, we have witnessed an unprecedented expansion of rule by executive fiat, with governors and mayors and public health officials wielding powers too often directed against churches and independent businesses. The 9/11 hijackers hated our freedoms, to be sure, but the pandemic has revealed that the left hates those freedoms at least as much as the terrorists, and would like very much to stamp them out.

Like the hijackers, the left holds almost everything about America in contempt. We are told in our workplaces — and our children are taught in their schools — that the United States is irredeemably racist, founded on violence, and that our constitutional experiment amounts to nothing more than a massive crime. We are called upon to repudiate our past and pull down monuments to our forebears — not just Confederate generals but also our Founding Fathers.

We are instructed that men can be women if they so choose, and those who disagree should probably lose their jobs and be ostracized. If you object to your daughter being forced to compete in school sports with boys who claim to be girls, you’re a bigot who must be silenced.

The reductive, totalizing ideology of the left has seeped into nearly every institution of American life, and dominates our culture and our politics. It is profoundly anti-American, and in the final analysis, it is a far greater threat to the future of our republic than even the wildest plots and most murderous fantasies of all the world’s jihadists combined.

When it comes to tearing down America, brick by brick, the Islamofascists of 9/11 had nothing on those who now command the heights of our culture, and purport to rule us from Washington.

Remembering events of 9/11, 20 years later


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 6:45 AM PT – Saturday, September 11, 2021

On the morning of September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers stood high among the New York City skyline as no one predicted the tragedy that would strike the buildings just hours later. At 7:59 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 departed Logan International Airport in Boston and headed for Los Angeles, California.

15 minutes later, United Airlines Flight 175 also left for Los Angeles from Boston. In addition, American Airlines Flight 77 to Los Angeles took off from Dulles International Airport at 8:20 a.m. In New Jersey, United Flight 93 departed from Newark International Airport at 8:41 a.m. to travel to San Francisco.

Within just 42 minutes, four planes were in the air with terrorists on board. Flight attendants aboard United Flight 11 were the first to report hijackers and at 8:46 a.m., the plane flew into the north tower of the World Trade Center.

17 minutes later, an image that has burned into the minds of Americans unfolded on live television as hijackers flew United Flight 175 into the South Tower. By 9:31 a.m., President George W. Bush declared the events an apparent terrorist attack.


 Just six minutes later, Flight 77 crashed into the western side of the Pentagon. At 9:59 a.m., the south tower collapsed to the ground. For the first time, all flights over or headed to the continental U.S. were grounded by the Federal Aviation Administration.

United Flight 93 was the only plane still in the air and the pilots sent a mayday call to air traffic control. After those aboard the flight heard about the attacks in New York and Washington, they attempted to take control away from the hijackers.

The Boeing 757 crashed into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania at 10:07 a.m. Two hours and 18 minutes after the first plane took of from Boston, hundreds of Americans had been killed as part of a terrorist attack.

However, the death toll continued to rise. The World Trade Center’s north tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m.

Americans across the country were in a panic as the president announced U.S. military forces worldwide were on high alert. George W. Bush returned to the White House at nearly 7 p.m. and declared a war on terrorism during a nationwide address later that night.



Today, the skyline of Manhattan looks different than it did on the morning of September 11, 2001. The One World Trade Center, also known as the Freedom Tower, opened on November 3, 2014 and stands on the northwest corner of the World Trade Center site.

Memorials have also been built to honor the victims. The 9/11 Memorial opened on September 11, 2011 in remembrance of the 2,977 lives lost in the tragic events of that day.

Two reflecting pools now sit within the footprints left by the Twin Towers, with the names of every victim inscribed in bronze panels around them. There is also a Pentagon memorial in Arlington County, Virginia and a Flight 93 National Memorial in Pennsylvania.

September 11, 2001 was the single largest loss of life from a foreign attack on U.S. soil. A day that will never be forgotten by Americans.  

New York police and firefighters hold a US flag as a band plays the US National Anthem at the National 9/11 Memorial during a ceremony commemorating the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, in New York, on September 11, 2021 

Targeting the Unvaccinated to Cover Biden’s Failings

This won’t end well.

Did you see any of the clips from Herr Biden’s demagogic speech targeting the unvaccinated Thursday?

I myself couldn’t bear to watch the whole thing. In that respect, I think I’m a lot like many of the White House staffers who put him on mute when he’s talking out of fear that he’s going to ram his foot into his mouth so far, he gets athlete’s tongue.

Though for me, it’s because I get that same mixture of disgust and pity one feels when one sees an elderly man who just wet his pants and is weeping in shame.

But I did see enough of it to know that Biden’s handlers decided the best way to get people to stop focusing on what a terrible job he’s doing as president is to pit the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, all the while painting the unvaccinated as the dirty, good-for-nothing wastes of skin everyone should direct their anger toward.

I’m sure that sounded better in the original German.

The CDC estimated that approximately 120 million have been infected with COVID and recovered. The science, if we’re really going to follow the science, says that those infected and recovered from COVID have natural immunity to the virus. In fact, research shows that natural immunity offers greater protection from COVID than the vaccine does.

Targeting the unvaccinated without taking into account the sheer number of Americans who have developed natural antibodies is anti-science.

Then again, science isn’t driving this bus; political expedience is.

Joe Biden’s presidency has been an utter failure both domestically and internationally. His poll numbers are cratering and his approval rating is underwater. But the one area where his polling is not underwater is on his handling of COVID. Yes, it’s dropped double-digits since earlier this year, but he is still above fifty percent. So he’s doubling down on COVID hoping to increase those approval numbers even more to drag his overall approval out from under water. And in order to do that, Joe has decided to give those supporters someone other than himself to be angry at. And he’s chosen the unvaccinated.

Biden likes to brag that he is a “student of history.”

Well, if he was a “student of history,” he must’ve done just as badly there as he did in law school.

Because history tells us when the powerful single out one group of people for anger and derision, it does not end well.

Biden singled out the unvaccinated fourteen times in his speech – going so far as to say “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

JK Tweet targeting the unvaccinated.

He accused them of overcrowding the hospitals “leaving no room for someone with a heart attack, or pancreitis [sic], or cancer.”

Those dirty unvaccinated are killing the Good People!!!

After spending all that time telling us that it is the unvaccinated who are getting hospitalized and dying, he then declared “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.”

Really? If the vaccinated are protected because they, you know, got the vaccine, what danger do the unvaccinated pose to them? It’s the pandemic of the unvaccinated, after all. Those vaccinated Good People are not at risk. You told us so yourself, Il Dementia.

il Dementia Targeting the Unvaccinated

But he’s targeting the unvaccinated. And in order to do that logic, science, reason and common sense go out the window. This is about ginning up fear and resentment toward one group of Americans by another group of Americans. If we’re too busy attacking each other, we won’t pay any attention to the failure that is the Biden Presidency.

Which is why he also accused the unvaccinated of undoing the progress his administration has made in rescuing the economy.

”Because of our vaccination program and the American Rescue Plan, which we passed early in my administration, we’ve had record job creation for a new administration, economic growth unmatched in 40 years. We cannot let unvaccinated do this progress — undo it, turn it back.”

Are you fucking kidding me?

You know, it’s one thing to blame Trump for your failures, quite another to blame ordinary Americans who, for whatever reason, have not gotten vaccinated.

Forget the flagrant lies in this statement. This son of a bitch is actually setting up the unvaccinated to take the blame for his economic failures.

If Joe Biden really wanted economic growth, he wouldn’t have ordered the Federal Government to levy fines against companies that refuse to require employees to get vaccinated. If he cared about jobs, he wouldn’t create an environment where those who do not wish to get vaccinated (or have no reason to get vaccinated because they already have natural immunity) are fired from their jobs.

Targeting the unvaccinated like they’re an undesirable class is something I never thought I would see from an American president. It is scary as hell. And if Joe Biden really is the student of history that he claims to be, he would know that this is not going to end at all well.

JK Tweet-02

Targeting the Unvaccinated to Cover Biden’s Failings

Op-Ed: I Praise Biden's Measured, Unprovocative Approach To Governing The Colonies

Given the stiff-necked and obstinate nature of those residing in the unforgiving frontier of the Americas, the actions of the crowne always carry with them a certain potential for contentious reactions. One might even say “rebellion." 

It is for that reason, therefore, that I cannot praise highly enough the actions of The Honourable President Biden for his even-handed approach to rule, soothing even the lowliest guttersnipe amongst his subjects with whispered (though certainly not in a creepy way) words of compassion; never letting the yoke of servitude lay too heavily upon them as they all pull together for the greater glory of that Noble Kingdom and the Pfizer Corporation.

Forsooth! Though there be some grumbling, those with the Anointing of Leadership must expect and be prepared for such miscreants. Let the troublemakers know that they may feel the tug of the hangman’s noose! And by “hangman’s noose” I mean OSHA regulations, of course. Why would I mean anything else? Don’t be silly.

Heavy hangs the head that wears the crowne, especially if that head has already suffered the ravages of many, many hair plug operations. As someone who well understands the ways of those chicken-nugget-eating waistband stretchers in the colonies, I hold in the highest esteem Mr. Biden for keeping the masses in a firm grip from whence their hair can be properly sniffed, while never aggrieving so much it makes them want to don a buffalo hat and storm the capitol. Here’s to thee, Lord Biden!

Twenty Years After 9/11, Have We Learned Anything?


  Islam attacks the World Trade Center's south tower at 9:03 A.M. on September 11, 2001

Article by Dale Wilcox in Townhall

Twenty Years After 9/11, Have We Learned Anything?

With the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks here, and the war in Afghanistan concluded, it’s worth revisiting how the U.S. government responded after that horrific day.

The September 11 attacks changed American life forever, led to two wars overseas, and gave the U.S. government unprecedented surveillance powers. However, little has been done to address the root cause of that tragic day: our broken immigration system. All 19 of the September 11 hijackers were from Middle Eastern countries governed, or heavily influenced, by sharia law.  At least five of the hijackers were living in the U.S. on expired visas. Yet, 20 years after one of the worst days in American history, the U.S. government has still done virtually nothing to remedy the main cause of that tragedy.

Of course, the U.S. government has taken many steps to prevent another 9/11 from happening, including the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. However, despite strong recommendations from the 9/11 commission, our government has failed to implement any changes to the U.S. visa program. It still remains very easy for foreign nationals to obtain a student or work visa, and then overstay their visa for months on end, just as several of the September 11 hijackers did. In fact, over the past 20 years, America’s national security at the border has become even more perilous. Despite being in the middle of a global pandemic, the U.S. is on track to see a record number of border crossings in 2021. America’s border is wide open, and terrorist organizations have and will exploit that.

In 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned that Hezbollah, an Iranian-financed terrorist group, was active in Central America, dangerously close to our southern border. More recently, a senior official at U.S. Customs and Border Protection told the Washington Examiner that the Biden administration was not taking seriously the threat of ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists coming to the U.S. through the southern border.

“I believe CBP and the Border Patrol are both taking it very seriously, but I can’t say the same as far as the administration,” the official said. “If I was a bad person that wanted to do harm to the U.S., I know now is the time to illegally enter the border. You have sectors and stations that cannot fully man their areas of operation and people are getting through.”

The anonymous border patrol official is right. These terrorist groups are well aware that our border is wide open and that the Biden administration has no plans to change that. Thus, the next 9/11 is just as likely to come through the southern border as it is from our broken visa system. Much like the COVID pandemic, the September 11 attacks led to increased, indefinite restrictions of the movement of American citizens, but applied no such restrictions to migrants and other foreign nationals. 

There is no doubt that some of the measures enacted by the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies tasked with protecting our national security have been effective in preventing a repeat of 9/11, but virtually nothing has been done to combat the root cause of that horrible day, our broken immigration system. Nor did what happened on September 11 lead America’s ruling class to revisit their rigid, globalist philosophy. In fact, they have only doubled down over the past two decades.

The stark reality is that Islamic terrorism remains prevalent across the Middle East. The only way to protect our nation’s national security from the threat is to restrict immigration from that part of the world. Unfortunately, any immigration restrictions are anathema to permanent Washington and the current administration. 

Twenty years after the September 11 attacks, our leaders remain derelict in their duty to protect our borders, and secure our homeland. I pray this negligence doesn’t lead to a repeat of one of the worst days in American history. 

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