Saturday, September 11, 2021

Christian Patriot News and SGT Report-Sept 11


I wasn't alive on this day 20 years ago, but what happened on this day paints a clear picture of the world I was born into 2 days later: Chaos and fear. I'm far from a traditionalist, but I do respect some traditions if they mean well. I've known long periods of peace in my life (because I wasn't involved in politics until a year ago), Now, all I see is chaos and fear. And that needs to change very soon.

To anyone on here who lost someone 20 years ago, or knows someone who died 20 years ago today, they're not forgotten. The lying media may want to paint a picture that says most Americans have forgotten what happened, but we have not.

We will never forget what happened on this day, and we will never forget those who risked their lives to save innocent lives, and we will never forget those who died. That's a promise, and no disrespectful actor in the WH or the lying hypocritical MSM can ever change that!!

Here's tonight's news:

Important article from TGP: