Sunday, September 5, 2021

HFAC Congressman Reports Six Planeloads of Americans Being Held Hostage in Afghanistan

Remember the Deep State teams.  Remember the Deep State media alliances.  Remind yourself of the Deep State motives for both.  Once you see the strings on the marionettes,  you can never watch the puppet show and not see them.

During a scripted discussion between guardian of the swamp gates Chris ‘Baghdad’ Wallace and representative Mike McCaul, the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) member states that six  plane-loads of Americans (AmCits) and Afghan ‘interpreters’ are currently being held hostage by the Taliban at Mazar I Sharif airport in Northern Afghanistan.

Notice how Baghdad Wallace has been instructed to steer the framework of the first question to the current status; ie, “Who has gotten out since Friday?”  Wallace knows the script. He needs McCaul to deliver on the expectation of the “hostage narrative” that Wallace knows pre-exists in the background.   McCaul plays pentagon friendly politics, and Wallace feeds the neo-con’s narrative.  Only the first 2 and a half minutes is needed.  WATCH:

We have yet to see a  single video of a rescued American Citizen reunited with their family in the United States. No crowds or families greeting the extracted American residents; no human interest stories and local broadcasted news coverage of relieved Americans, husbands, wives, daughters or sons arriving back in their hometown…. nothing.

Five, six or seven thousand Americans reported as saved from the clutches of the Taliban, and not a single human interest story of those Americans arriving home to the waiting arms of their loving family. Not one.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-Sept 5th


Hope you're all enjoying the Labor Day weekend. Here's tonight's news:

Important video from a source of mine:

BREAKING: Americans in 'hostage situation' with Taliban, stuck on planes for days

 Six airplanes full of American citizens and Afghan refugees are reportedly being blocked from takeoff by the Taliban, in what has been referred to as a "hostage" situation. CBS News confirmed the news reported early Sunday morning by Fox News that Taliban is blocking planes holding Americans and green card holders.



As of Sunday morning, the planes have still not been cleared to take off, and there is no word on which the situation may change. According to the video released by CBS News, the US officials stationed in Doha, Qatar, have been negotiating with Taliban officials, but so far no deal has been made.

A State Department email viewed by CBS News said that the flights out of Afghanistan have permission to land in Qatar "if and when the Taliban agrees to takeoff." A senior congressional source told CBS News that the Taliban is "basically holding them hostage to get more out of the Americans."


 "The group Ascend, an NGO that teaches young women leadership through athletics, told CBS News they have two planes that have been waiting for six days ready to take between 600 and 1200 people — including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents," the CBS News report added. "The planes are not currently loaded. The passengers are being held nearby, because the Taliban won't let them into the airport, according to a senior congressional source."


 Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) went on Fox News to state Sunday that the Taliban are going to want something in return for letting the flights leave Afghanistan. 


 "They are not clearing the airplanes to depart. They've sat at the airport for the last couple days, these planes, and they're not allowed to leave," McCaul said.


 "We know the reason why is because the Taliban wants something in exchange. This is really turning into a hostage situation, where they're not gonna allow American citizens to leave until they get full recognition [as an official government] by the USA," the Republican lawmaker said.


This Is a Sign that Price…

 This Is a Sign that Price Inflation Will Soon Get Worse

Recently here on Mises Wire, Sammy Cartagena wrote a brilliant article demonstrating that Two Percent Inflation Is a Lot Worse Than You Think. In it, he demonstrates that the manageable 2 percent inflation year over year we all have gotten used to is a whole lot less manageable than we tend to think. But in it, he also cited explaining that “over 23 percent of all dollars in existence were created in 2020 alone.” From that he explains that while future inflation is important, he is focused on past inflation for the sake of his article, which is where these two articles diverge because this will be questioning future inflation. Anyone paying attention has seen that there has obviously been inflation this past year whether through price increases or more subtle ways to sneak inflation into the economy. However, when we look at the massive spending bills and the aforementioned fact that over 23% of dollars have just recently been ushered into existence, it leaves many asking why has there not been proportionally drastic inflation?

The major piece that is holding back even more inflation than we’ve already seen is a public expectation of a return to normal. The economy is exceedingly complicated and there are countless causal factors effecting this so I cannot say this is the only reason, but we can turn to The Mystery of Banking where we see Murray Rothbard go as far as claiming that “Public expectation of future price levels” is far and away the most important determinant of the demand for money. Rothbard goes on to cite his intellectual predecessor – Ludwig von Mises – to explain just how strongly expectations played a role in the German hyperinflation in 1923:

The German hyperinflation had begun during World War I, when the Germans, like most of the warring nations, inflated their money supply to pay for the war effort and found themselves forced to go off the gold standard and to make their paper currency irredeemable. The money supply in warring countries would double or triple. But in what Mises saw to be Phase I of a typical inflation, prices did not rise nearly proportionately to the money supply. If M in a country triples, why would prices go up by much less? Because of the psychology of the average of the average German, who thought to himself as follows: “I know that prices are much higher now than they were in the good old days before 1914. But that’s because of wartime, and because all goods are scarce due to diversion of resources to the war effort. When the war is over, things will get back to normal, and prices will fall back to 1914 levels.” In other words, the German public originally had strong deflationary expectations. Much of the new money was therefore added to cash balances and the Germans’ demand for money rose. In short, while M increased a great deal, the demand for money also rose and thereby offset some of the inflationary impact on prices.

As Rothbard explains, prices not rising in proportion to a radical increase in the money supply is not only understandable, it is actually to be expected. Sure, this current situation is not a wartime economy, however, as far as Rothbard’s explanation of the psychology of the average person goes, it is not all too different from the expectations during the war. Today the psychology of the average American leads to him thinking to himself “I know that prices are much higher now than they were in the good old days before 2020. But that’s because of the pandemic, and because all goods are scarce due to the unemployment from people who had to stay home during this dangerous time. When the pandemic is over, things will get back to normal, and prices will fall back to 2019 levels.” The problem with this expectation is that it cannot last forever. As Rothbard explains

Slowly, but surely, the public began to realize: “We have been waiting for a return to the good old days and a fall of prices back to 1914. But prices have been steadily increasing. So it looks as if there will be no return to the good old days. Prices will not fall; in fact, they will probably keep going up.” As this psychology takes hold, the public’s thinking in Phase I changes into that of Phase II: “Prices will keep going up, instead of going down. Therefore, I know in my heart that prices will be higher next year.” The public’s deflationary expectations have been superseded by inflationary ones.

Rothbard explains that these new expectations will intensify the inflation rather than holding it back. Rothbard also claims that there is no way of knowing when these expectations will finally shift because so many cultural, technological, geographical, and other factors affect any given population. As a result, we unfortunately can’t say when modern Americans will realize that prices are not headed back to their pre-pandemic levels and start having intensifying expectations. But however long it does take, the last point that we have to remember from Rothbard is his claim that “When expectations tip decisively over from deflationary, or steady, to inflationary, the economy enters a danger zone. The crucial question is how the government and its monetary authorities are going to react to the new situation.” While it is too late to not have created all that new money supply, when the day does come that we enter that danger zone, it is not too late for us to react appropriately and avoid that final phase III of hyperinflation but rather allow for a healthy deflationary bust allowing the economy to recover as it so desperately needs.

Connor Mortell graduated from Texas Christian University with a BBA in finance, minoring in Chinese language and culture.

WaPo: Doctors Should Be Allowed to Give Priority Treatment to Productive Members of Society, and NOT Treat Unvaccinated Populations

There it is… yet again.  It comes around in cycles as the issues shift and blend, but the underlying ideology remains.  Abortion to control breeding amid society was one of the first accomplishments of the Fabian Socialists, and ever since that accomplishment, they have been strong proponents for evaluating people and determining if they should be permitted to live in ‘their’ society.

The outlook of the Fabian group supports genocide and eugenics as an interventionist model for population control along the pathway of Darwinian theories of evolution.  Essentially, the ideology promotes a group of elites who form tribunals, commissions or boards of society, who will arbitrate which people should exist in society and which people should receive benefits; in this example COVID healthcare treatments.

Democrats or leftists throughout the world support the modern Fabian Socialist movement.  They are, by nature, totalitarians who despise the natural inequities created by free and unregulated human activity.  They have ongoing meetings and symposiums that are widely attended by current day politicians on the left and socialist side of the continuum.  The Fabian movement is very much alive and supported by the modern Democrat party.

Today, the Washington Post outlines how the Fabian mindset can be of great value as the world is facing the challenges of COVID-19.  The WaPo advocacy is saying that doctors and medical professionals around the world should be able to prioritize vaccinated people for medical treatments.  It is the exact same ideology that defines who the ‘productive members’ of society are.

(Washington Post, Author: Ruth Marcus) I’m going to come right out and say it: In situations where hospitals are overwhelmed and resources such as intensive care beds or ventilators are scarce, vaccinated patients should be given priority over those who have refused vaccination without a legitimate medical or religious reason.

This conflicts radically with accepted medical ethics, I recognize. And under ordinary circumstances, I agree with those rules. The lung cancer patient who’s been smoking two packs a day for decades is entitled to the same treatment as the one who never took a puff. The drunk driver who kills a family gets a team doing its utmost to save him — although, not perhaps, a liver transplant if he needs one. Doctors are healers, not judges.

But the coronavirus pandemic, the development of a highly effective vaccine, and the emergence of a core of vaccine resisters along with an infectious new variant have combined to change the ethical calculus. Those who insist on refusing the vaccine for no reason are not in the same moral position of the smoker with lung cancer or the drunk driver. In situations where resources are scarce and hard choices must be made, they are not entitled to the same no-questions-asked, no-holds-barred medical care as others who behaved more responsibly. (read more)

I would be remiss if I did not point out the connective tissue making the Fabian society more influential than many would believe.   The primary chapters of the modern Fabian Society group are currently located in The U.K, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and The United States.

Ask yourself, what other modern relationship is carried within this same specific group of five nations: U.K, Australia, U.S.A, Canada and New Zealand?

If you say, hey.. wait a minute, that’s the “Five-Eyes” intelligence group.  You would be correct.

It is not accidental the Fabian Socialist chapters and the Five Eyes Intelligence Network exist within the exact same partnership network.

Recognizing there is a relationship of social engineering (Fabian outlook) and intelligence operations (5-eyes) between the exact same group of nations….. and standing back to look at exactly how each of these nations is responding to the COVID pandemic…. Things start to look a little less cloudy.

There does seem to be this overarching element -just a weird sense- pointing toward something controlling, probing, testing how society is responding to the COVID-19 dictates.

Oh, and one last note.  Which agency uses The Washington Post to advance their pubic relations position?

Enjoy your day.

Biden Admin Being Called Out By Health Officials for Political Booster Shots That Do Not Follow Science

The politics of COVID-19 are becoming too obvious.  Joe Biden’s approval ratings are collapsing.  In response, the White House messaging team, led by Chief of Staff Ron Klain, has dropped back to the value of COVID fear and started promoting the need for multiple booster shots; or else.   There appears to be a pattern, as the same political messaging group behind California Governor Gavin Newsom are promoting the same approach. However, they have a problem.

The Democrat reliance on the COVID fear as a political tool is wearing off; perhaps the panic has an expiration date, or perhaps people are starting to realize the politics of manipulated COVID messaging is just that, ‘political messaging’.  The vaccine results from Israel undercut the U.S. vaccine narrative; simultaneously, the open-society results from Sweden show how society can function without chasing endless mitigation efforts (ie masks) that provide no benefit.

Many Americans are absorbing all the information available on a daily basis and appear to be seeing-through the ever-evolving, ever-changing, ever-contradictory, non-scientific COVID dictates. Yes, there is a virus; but also, these government directed solutions are delivering worse outcomes than the virus itself.

As a result of growing public cynicism, health officials inside the administration are attempting to retain what little remains of their own crumbling credibility.   Health officials inside the administration are now pushing back against the White House direction to promote never-ending and untested vaccine ‘booster shots’ as tools for fear and control over people.

WASHINGTON — Top federal health officials have told the White House to scale back a plan to offer coronavirus booster shots to the general public this month, saying that regulators need more time to collect and review all the necessary data, according to people familiar with the discussion.

Dr. Janet Woodcock, the acting commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, and Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, who heads the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warned the White House on Thursday that their agencies may be able to determine in the coming weeks whether to recommend boosters only for recipients of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine — and possibly just some of them to start.

The two health leaders made their argument in a meeting with Jeffrey D. Zients, the White House pandemic coordinator. Several people who heard about the session said it was unclear how Mr. Zients responded.  (read more)

The White House was pushing eight month boosters, then it shifted to six month boosters, and now the entire booster premise is on hold.  Apparently, Woodcock and Walensky noted the messaging just looked a little goofy when contrast against the “follow the science” talking points.

Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, resembles the passenger:

‘Adults,’ ‘Progress,’ and Disaster

Historians will look back at the Great Afghan Fumble of 2021 and say it was then 
that the United States took a large public step towards its own diminishment.

Is there anything to add to the avalanche of disparaging commentary on the national humiliation that is the Biden Administration’s handling of our departure from Afghanistan? I’m not sure. 

True, the scandals keep coming. As I write, it was only a few days ago that someone leaked and Reuters published the story about Joe Biden’s July call to Ashraf Ghani, then president of Afghanistan, now a multi-multi-millionaire thanks to the $169 million of American taxpayer money which he stuffed into bags before leaving Afghanistan for the United Arab Emirates. During that call, Biden made the president of Afghanistan an offer he couldn’t refuse: military aid in exchange for lies. There is a “perception around the world,” Biden said, that “things aren’t going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban. And there’s a need, whether it is true or not, . . . to project a different picture” (my emphasis).

Opinions differ about whether this conversation constituted an impeachable offense. Were it Donald Trump making the call, you can bet your burqa-wearing seventh wife that Nancy Pelosi would have articles of impeachment drawn up before the cocktail hour. For Biden, not so fast, though it is an occasion for thought that someone—presumably someone in the Pentagon or the State Department—leaked the audio and transcript of the conversation. That’s a felony, but these days only Republicans get charged for that sort of bad behavior. The question is: what does it portend that someone in the deep state apparat excreted that embarrassing tidbit? Was it a warning shot across the bow of Biden’s sinking skiff? 

It’s also pretty scandalous that the Biden Administration, still reeling from the news that the United States left a zillion dollars worth of prime, made-in-the-USA military hardware behind in bases across Afghanistan in its rush to hightail it out of that god-forsaken country, is now hit with the news that they ordered federal agencies to scrub public records listing the nearly $83 billion worth of military matériel—airplanes, Black Hawk helicopters, armored vehicles of every size and description, some 600,000 assault rifles, various pieces of artillery, and countless rounds of ammunition—proffered as a tasty trifle for the Tally-bahn toffs. 

There are going to be more such news stories, about the fate of the hundreds of Americans and thousands of Afghan allies left behind (not “stranded,” according to Jen Psaki, just abandoned), about the behavior of the thousands upon of thousands of fundamentalist Afghans who have been transplanted to the United States, about what the Taliban is doing with all the merchandise of death we kindly gifted them. So the autopsies will keep coming and will furnish ever more detail about this gigantic political failure.

A week ago, a favorite media meme was that Americans were not interested in foreign affairs, especially events occurring in a pre-modern fundamentalist backwater, and that therefore the whole embarrassing episode would soon blow over. 

It doesn’t look that way, does it? It’s hard to know where this ends, how to predict how much damage it will do to Biden and his puppetmasters, and how it will affect the international standing of the United States. Were I a betting man, I’d say there was every chance that future historians will look back at the Great Afghan Fumble of 2021 and say, “There, it was there and then that the United States took a large public step towards its own diminishment,” much as historians now point to the disastrous Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD as a turning point in the fortunes of the Roman Empire. We shall see. 

For the moment, however, it is already clear how events of August 2021 in Afghanistan are being understood. On Friday, with a signature clarity that is simultaneously bitterly amusing and scarifyingly revelatory, Tucker Carlson laid out some of the main categories of interpretation. Two are ironic and deserve scare quotes—“adults” and “progress”—the third is the 150-proof naked truth: disaster.

The adults—or , rather, the “adults”—were first up. Carlson played clip after clip of prime time media mavens reacting to the election—i.e., the installation—of Joe Biden as president. Now at last, they said in unison, one yapper after the next, the “adults are back”: the country had shuffled off the bad orange man dragging it down. Henceforth it was sunlit uplands and responsible, “normal” adults as far as the eye could see. The montage certainly was amusing for the fatuousness it revealed, but Carlson underscored an important, less amusing point: what we saw here were “the most childish people in the county celebrating adulthood.” 

Indeed. For what those talking heads meant by “adults” were “people who are willing to pretend that everything is fine when it is very much not not fine.” And this brought Carlson to the issue of progress—or, rather, “progress.” He then presented a sort of time-lapse series of clips going back to our first years in Afghanistan, in the early 2000s, and showed general after general and bureaucrat after bureaucratic lauding the “progress,” which was almost always said to be the “significant progress,” we were making in Afghanistan. Clearly, the word had come down from on high: “project the illusion of progress,” no matter what. 

Twenty years of “progress” and what do we have to show for it? Failure in every direction. 

Carlson included a clip of our clueless Secretary of State, Antony “Winkin” Blinken, a man whom even John McCain understood was a moronic incompetent who was “dangerous” for America. Carlson shows Blinken lying about how many Americans we have left behind in Afghanistan and then assuring the world that our engagement with Afghanistan includes an important “diplomatic” as well as an abandoned military side. Like what? Like the $787 million of your tax dollars spent on “gender studies” programs in Afghanistan in order to undermine “the patriarchy,” etc. He quotes from a tweet by Dr. Bahar Jalali, “Historian” and “Founder of the First Gender Studies Program in Afghanistan,” who on August 30 sadly noted that, after eight-and-a-half years teaching at the American University in Afghanistan and founding the first Gender Studies program there, it was all being “snatched away so needlessly.” 

This was almost as delicious as the brief video making the rounds portraying some preposterous female academic trying to introduce “Fountain,” the urinal that Marcel Duchamp guyed the Western art world with back in 1917, to a room full of Afghan men and women. Watch it. As Rod Dreher noted in The American Conservative, it is a “sign of American decadence and stupidity in Afghanistan that cannot be improved on.” Dreher quotes from the acerbic, stiletto-like report in The Spectator World

But all this wasn’t just a stupid waste of money. It routinely actively undermined the ‘nation-building’ that America was supposed to be doing. According to an USAID observer, the gender ideology included in American aid routinely caused rebellions out in the provinces, directly causing the instability America was supposedly fighting. To get Afghanistan’s parliament to endorse the women’s rights measures it wanted, America resorted to bribing them. Soon, bribery became the norm for getting anything done in the parliament.

Exactly. The irony, as Carlson points out, is that the very people who once accused the United States, and the West generally, of “cultural imperialism” are now engaged in the mother of all culturally imperialistic projects. 

That brings us to the last category, disaster. That, alas, needs neither quotation marks nor explanation, for it is plain for all to see. 

Top 10 Animals Noah Should Have Yeeted Off The Ark

Noah was a pretty cool dude, saving humanity because he trusted in God and all that. But he did make a few errors in that there are some animals he definitely should have yeeted overboard. Here are the top ten animals Noah should have pushed off the boat.

1. Geese - We're starting with the obvious ones.

2. Tarantula hawks - These guys will paralyze a tarantula, drag it back to their evil lair, lay an egg on it, drill a hole inside the spider, and then have their larva EAT THE INSIDE OF THE TARANTULA FOR WEEKS WHILE IT IS STILL ALIVE. On second thought, that's pretty punk rock. The tarantula hawks can stay.

3. Pomeranians - No-good Pomeranians going around yipping and thinking they're better than everyone.

4. Cats, all of 'em - This one's a no-brainer. Though Satan would probably have kept them alive anyway.

5. Bats - The pandemic could have been prevented, Noah!

6. Insane Clown Posse fans - The world would be a whole lot brighter of a place.

7. The skinny cows that produce skim milk - What is the point of these guys anyway?

8. Joe Biden - If Noah had just tossed Biden off the boat, we wouldn't be in this predicament.

9. Elephants - The future symbol of the Republican party full of hate and racism.

10. Squirrels - Finally, Noah should have tossed off the squirrels. They're definitely up to something.

Federal Government Debt Is Soaring



No, it's now $28, 724,486,000,000.00 as of 9:30 Eastern

 Article by Chris Edwards in Cato at Liberty

Federal Government Debt Is Soaring

Federal government debt rose from $3.3 trillion in 2001, to $10.1 trillion in 2011, to $23.0 trillion in 2021. Under current law, the CBO expects debt to rise to $35.8 trillion by 2031. If Congress passes the spending increases in the Democratic budget resolution, debt will rise to $40.1 trillion by 2031, according to CRFB. This is “debt held by the public,” meaning federal borrowing from domestic and foreign creditors.

The chart scales the debt to the number of U.S. households. Debt per household under the Democratic plan would rise from $179,082 in 2021 to $288,047 by 2031. That debt is not like mortgage debt where households have a hard asset to match what they owe. Rather, it is the government going on a consumption spending spree and putting $288,047 on each household’s credit card. That is because just 5 percent of federal spending is for hard assets such as highways and fighter jets. By ballooning the debt today, politicians are imposing large and rising burdens on households tomorrow.


Here are further observations:

  • Federal debt today is 103 percent of GDP and would rise to 119 percent by 2031 under the Democratic spending plan. That level of debt is higher than the 31 percent reached in the Civil War, 33 percent reached in World War I, and 106 percent reached in World War II. Today we are not at war, and politicians show no interest in paying down the debt as they did after past wars.
  • Bill Clinton was the last president to balance the budget, but the chronic red ink began in the 1930s with the rise of Keynesian economics and the invention of auto‐​pilot entitlement programs. Deficit spending has been supercharged in recent years by the rise in global capital markets, which makes vast borrowing much easier. From 1791 to 1930, federal politicians balanced the budget 68 percent of the years, but since 1931 they have balanced it only 13 percent of the years.
  • America’s combined federal and state government debt in 2021 at 141 percent of GDP is far higher than the OECD average of 100 percent of GDP, and much higher than debt levels in Australia, Denmark, Ireland, Israel, Germany, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Sweden.
  • Rising debt may trigger an economic crisis with soaring interest rates and falling output. Greece’s debt crisis a decade ago created long‐​lasting damage, and the country’s real income per capita is still down one‐​quarter from its pre‐​crisis level. America’s government debt today is about the same size relative to GDP as was Greece’s before its debt crisis.
  • With the Democratic spending plan, federal interest costs will top $1 trillion a year by 2031. But that assumes the CBO baseline projection of interest rates rising only to 1.9 percent on short‐​term federal debt and 3.2 percent on long‐​term debt. I think that is a rosy scenario. The risk is on the upside. If interest rates rise more than projected, it will have a huge budget impact because the debt is so large.

More on the history and costs of debt here.

Data Notes. The OECD debt measure is general government gross financial liabilities. OECD publishes the weighted average, but I calculated the simple average across countries. The number of U.S. households is here, and I estimated the 2031 figure based on the recent growth rate. 


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Empowering our enemies while abandoning Americans.

It is rather surprising that the “I believe in science” President is completely unfamiliar with not only Newton’s Third Law but also horror vacui. You may know that by the English term “nature abhors a vacuum.”

When a vacuum exists, denser surrounding material will quickly fill the void.

It’s science.

On Tuesday afternoon, when Joe Biden finally got around to addressing the nation, in addition to getting really angry and shouty, he also uttered this startling whopper of a lie:

“And there’s nothing China or Russia would rather have, would want more in this competition than the United States to be bogged down another decade in Afghanistan.”

I said in my column The Prince of Lies that this was absolute rot.

In surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban, the Biden administration created a vacuum. And the denser surrounding Chinese have quickly moved in to fill the void.

This week the Biden administration repeated the talking point that the United States has “enormous leverage” over the Taliban – including, said Jen Psaki, “access to the global marketplace.”

Jen wasn’t the only one peddling this laughably ridiculous claim.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan did it as well:

Old Joe read the same talking point in his Tuesday afternoon address, saying “We don’t have to take them [the Taliban] by their word alone, but by their actions; and we have leverage to make sure those commitments are met.”

LOL! No. We have zero leverage. Thanks to the vacuum the Biden administration created, China is the Taliban’s gateway to the global marketplace.

I said a couple of weeks ago that if you want to get the straight skinny on what’s happening around the world, you really need to read the foreign press.

The UK Telegraph reported on Thursday that Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said that Beijing was “ready to invest in and reconstruct Afghanistan” – adding that China would provide a gateway into the global markets. You know the global markets by which Jen Psaki said the US can exert “enormous leverage” over the Taliban.

As I’ve mentioned before, China is very eager to get its hands on those trillions of dollars in rare earth minerals beneath the Taliban’s feet. And according to Mujahid, the Taliban are hopeful that China will do just that. Mujahid also crowed about China’s One Belt One Road project in which Beijing extends significant loans to countries investing in infrastructure. Real infrastructure, not silly, useless garbage like “universal Pre-K.”

The Telegraph report includes what Mujahid told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica:

“China is our principal partner and for us represents a fundamental and extraordinary opportunity because it’s ready to invest in and reconstruct our country. We hold in high regard the One Belt One Road project that will serve to revive the ancient Silk Road.

“Beyond that, we have rich copper mines which thanks to the Chinese can be brought back into production and modernised. China represents our passport towards the markets of the whole world.”

“Enormous leverage!”

“Substantial leverage!!!”

How incredibly naïve and foolish this administration looks right now.

Biden created a vacuum. China immediately filled it. And still the White House thinks they have leverage over the Taliban.

Look, I’m not a Rhodes Scholar like the pencil-necked Jake Sullivan, but even I know that the Taliban is not the former Afghan civilian government. We had a great deal of leverage over the latter. But we have zero over the former.

Now, it is entirely possible that this “we have leverage” talking point is nothing but another Biden administration lie. During the course of this catastrophe, this administration has told so many lies both to the American people and to US allies, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if this is a lie as well.

People a hell of a lot smarter than I am have been warning for weeks that the worst of this mess is still to come. The US surrender to the Taliban is only the beginning. The shift in hegemony in the Middle East and Central Asia will have far-reaching, catastrophic consequences.

The Biden administration empowers Iran. They’ve empowered the Taliban. And they created a vacuum that is now expanding the influence and reach of our greatest geopolitical foe, the Communist Chinese.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

And that is exactly what the Biden administration created when it surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban.

But the truth is, an even greater vacuum exists in the White House.

Joe Biden, the absent President, is the biggest vacuum of all.
