Sunday, September 5, 2021


Empowering our enemies while abandoning Americans.

It is rather surprising that the “I believe in science” President is completely unfamiliar with not only Newton’s Third Law but also horror vacui. You may know that by the English term “nature abhors a vacuum.”

When a vacuum exists, denser surrounding material will quickly fill the void.

It’s science.

On Tuesday afternoon, when Joe Biden finally got around to addressing the nation, in addition to getting really angry and shouty, he also uttered this startling whopper of a lie:

“And there’s nothing China or Russia would rather have, would want more in this competition than the United States to be bogged down another decade in Afghanistan.”

I said in my column The Prince of Lies that this was absolute rot.

In surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban, the Biden administration created a vacuum. And the denser surrounding Chinese have quickly moved in to fill the void.

This week the Biden administration repeated the talking point that the United States has “enormous leverage” over the Taliban – including, said Jen Psaki, “access to the global marketplace.”

Jen wasn’t the only one peddling this laughably ridiculous claim.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan did it as well:

Old Joe read the same talking point in his Tuesday afternoon address, saying “We don’t have to take them [the Taliban] by their word alone, but by their actions; and we have leverage to make sure those commitments are met.”

LOL! No. We have zero leverage. Thanks to the vacuum the Biden administration created, China is the Taliban’s gateway to the global marketplace.

I said a couple of weeks ago that if you want to get the straight skinny on what’s happening around the world, you really need to read the foreign press.

The UK Telegraph reported on Thursday that Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said that Beijing was “ready to invest in and reconstruct Afghanistan” – adding that China would provide a gateway into the global markets. You know the global markets by which Jen Psaki said the US can exert “enormous leverage” over the Taliban.

As I’ve mentioned before, China is very eager to get its hands on those trillions of dollars in rare earth minerals beneath the Taliban’s feet. And according to Mujahid, the Taliban are hopeful that China will do just that. Mujahid also crowed about China’s One Belt One Road project in which Beijing extends significant loans to countries investing in infrastructure. Real infrastructure, not silly, useless garbage like “universal Pre-K.”

The Telegraph report includes what Mujahid told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica:

“China is our principal partner and for us represents a fundamental and extraordinary opportunity because it’s ready to invest in and reconstruct our country. We hold in high regard the One Belt One Road project that will serve to revive the ancient Silk Road.

“Beyond that, we have rich copper mines which thanks to the Chinese can be brought back into production and modernised. China represents our passport towards the markets of the whole world.”

“Enormous leverage!”

“Substantial leverage!!!”

How incredibly naïve and foolish this administration looks right now.

Biden created a vacuum. China immediately filled it. And still the White House thinks they have leverage over the Taliban.

Look, I’m not a Rhodes Scholar like the pencil-necked Jake Sullivan, but even I know that the Taliban is not the former Afghan civilian government. We had a great deal of leverage over the latter. But we have zero over the former.

Now, it is entirely possible that this “we have leverage” talking point is nothing but another Biden administration lie. During the course of this catastrophe, this administration has told so many lies both to the American people and to US allies, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if this is a lie as well.

People a hell of a lot smarter than I am have been warning for weeks that the worst of this mess is still to come. The US surrender to the Taliban is only the beginning. The shift in hegemony in the Middle East and Central Asia will have far-reaching, catastrophic consequences.

The Biden administration empowers Iran. They’ve empowered the Taliban. And they created a vacuum that is now expanding the influence and reach of our greatest geopolitical foe, the Communist Chinese.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

And that is exactly what the Biden administration created when it surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban.

But the truth is, an even greater vacuum exists in the White House.

Joe Biden, the absent President, is the biggest vacuum of all.
