Thursday, July 22, 2021

Brutal CfG Ad Hits Cheney For Operating Similar Personal Power Structure as Clinton

Club for Growth (CfG), not exactly part of the MAGA community, is hitting Representative Liz Cheney in Wyoming with a pretty effective ad.  Essentially, the ad walks through a comparison between Hillary Clinton and Liz Cheney, highlighting the similarities.  WATCH:

Hey, whatever works.  As long as we can get rid of this warmongering DeceptiCon, who is more ideologically aligned with leftist democrats, I’m good with all attack angles.

New Rules !!

Details of the CfG ad are available here.


Like Hillary, Like Joe? Biden Used Private Email to Send Government Information to Grifter Son Hunter

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

As the old idiom says, like father, like son. Although in the adventures of Joe and Hunter Biden, it appears to work in reverse, as well: Like son, like father. And now, based on a new report on a series of emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop seized by the FBI in December 2019, we can add: Like Hillary, like Joe.

According to the report, Joe Biden used a personal email account during the Obama years to “send information he was getting from the State Department as vice president to his globetrotting, foreign-deal-making son Hunter Biden.”

As reported by Just the News, the then-veep sent multiple emails to Hunter from the private email account, Some were personal, others political, still others, which Just the News described as “clearly address[ing] business matters, often forwarding information coming from senior officials in the White House, the State Department and other government agencies.”

Um, Joe? That’s not what you’ve consistently said. Often condescendingly so. Not even close. Who lied? Russian “disinformation”? The emails between you and your grifter son? Or you?

Just the News editor-in-chief John Soloman, who co-wrote the report with Just the New podcast associate producer Natalia Mittelstadt, summed it up this way:

“President Biden used a personal email account during the Obama years to send information he was getting from the State Department as vice president to his globetrotting, foreign-deal-making son Hunter Biden.”


Soloman told Newsmax TV’s Greg Kelly:

“Joe Biden had his own private email address — he used it, on occasion, to forward information from the State Department, his official advisors, and people in the Office of the Vice President to his son Hunter Biden.”

Nope. Nothing at all wrong with that.

Soloman and Mittelstadt included several examples in their report.

In late November 2014, the U.S. embassy in Istanbul sent an email to the State Department that was then forwarded to senior advisers to Joe Biden, including national security expert Michael Carpenter, providing an early alert that an American named Martin O’Connor was about to be released from detention in Turkey.

“The lead attorney for Mr. O’Connor reports that the court granted the detention appeal and he expected Mr. O’Connor to be released from jail today, barring any unforeseen problems,” the U.S. embassy in Instanbul wrote in an email that got forwarded to top Obama administration security and diplomacy officials, including current Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland.

“Mr. O’Connor will not be allowed to leave the country until his next hearing which is set for December 11, 2014. The lawyer expressed confidence that he will be able to leave after that hearing. The attorney is handling his release arrangements, pick up and temporary housing near his law firm’s office. Istanbul consular plans to speak with Mr. O’Connor after his release.”

As noted by Just the News, State Department officials forwarded the above information to Biden’s official government email account, which Biden aide Colin Kahl (now Biden’s Undersecretary of Defense for Policy) then sent to Biden’s private email account — from which Biden sent it to his globe-trotting son with the subject line “Fwd: Mr. O’Connor Being Released from Detention today.”

Why? What legit reason did Biden have — or pretend to have? And why has he consistently lied about it?

More importantly, did Biden sending government information to his son and his use of a private email account to do so break any federal laws? (Hillary Clinton was unavailable for comment.)

The answer seems to be: “We don’t know.” Not yet, anyway. Via Just the News:

“The Presidential Records Act required Joe Biden to make sure that any of his gmail account emails, including these emails to Hunter Biden, were forwarded to a government account so they could properly be handled by the National Archives,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “No wonder the Obama White House wanted to protect Hillary Clinton from the consequences of [her] email shell game!”

“We might know more beginning next year,” Fitton explained, adding: “when Judicial Watch and the public can begin filing FOIAs (Freedom of Information Act requests) for Obama White House emails.”

“Shockingly,” neither the White House press office nor a lawyer for Hunter Biden responded to calls or email from Just the News seeking comment on Tuesday.

The “Adventures of Joe and Hunter Biden.” Has a ring to it. Maybe they can get a lucrative Netflix gig someday. Meanwhile, I know where you can buy crappy paintings for a mere $500K per.

Websites hit by global outage


Many popular websites fell offline on Thursday in a widespread global outage of service.

Visitors attempting to reach some sites received DNS errors, meaning their requests could not reach the websites.

Affected services included HSBC bank, British Airways and the PlayStation network used for online games.

Internet outage monitoring platform DownDetector reported thousands of problems from its users across dozens of hugely popular sites.

The cause of the problem is not yet clear.

However, one hugely popular DNS provider, Akamai, reported "an emerging issue" with its Edge DNS service.

"We are actively investigating the issue," it said.

However, it said the issue was a "partial outage" - and some users reported being able to access some compromised services in different regions. 




America Needs a Grand Strategy

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, we have traveled from George H. W. Bush’s New World Order to Trump’s America First to the Biden Adminstration’s rehash of Obama’s “Don’t do stupid stuff” policy. 

America’s basic strategic posture has not changed since it inherited Britain’s mantle of world leadership during World War II. Preserving national sovereignty and independence while simultaneously ensuring countries can freely navigate the world’s oceans and airspace continue to be essential for the safety and prosperity of the United States. 

But threats are rising from all corners of the world. Now more than ever, America needs a robust foreign policy shaped by a grand strategy. Indeed, the free world needs America to have such.

The rise of China, revanchist Russia, and militant Islam have convinced some that the world is far too complicated for traditional strategic thinking and that, by continuing its feckless global involvement, the United States only causes more problems. They argue that we should accept a restricted role in global affairs. 

They could not be more wrong.

The collapse of the Soviet Union had a seismic impact on strategic thought; the “end of history” seemed nigh. In 1993, then-National Security Advisor Anthony Lake said that the challenge for American policymakers was to win the new “Kennan sweepstakes.” He was referring to the 1946 “Long Telegram” written by George Kennan, a young American diplomat in the Soviet Union who warned the State Department about the mortal threat Moscow posed to the postwar world order. Kennan’s clear-eyed assessment of the brutish Soviet regime became the foundation for America’s containment strategy, which held Moscow in check for 45 years until the Soviet Empire collapsed. Lake argued that we needed a replacement strategy for the new, post-Soviet era. 

We certainly do not have one. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, we have traveled from George H.W. Bush’s New World Order to Trump’s America First. For the current administration, the only operative guidance seems to be a continuation of the Obama Administration’s policy: “Don’t do stupid stuff.” 

As we speak, tomes are flowing from pro-Biden think tanks and Oxbridge and Ivy League lounges arguing that Lake was wrong. According to the enlightened intelligentsia, America does not need a grand strategy since that only works in a predictable political environment such as the bipolar world of the United States and the Soviet Union. Such thinking is divorced from historical and practical reality. Name one period since Waterloo that was peacefully predictable. 

The 1970s were a case in point. The world assumed that the United States was on an inevitable decline riven by problems at home and indecisiveness abroad. Moscow made the mistake of underestimating American resilience. Yet Ronald Reagan stepped forward with a cold and honest assessment of Soviet weakness and an economic and military vision that eventually brought Moscow to its knees. 

The axiom that a battle plan never survives first contact with the enemy does not negate the necessity of having that plan in the first place. It ensures that the commander’s organization understands his intent and provides the rationale for resources that must be marshaled to see that objectives are met. Planning for battle conditions the mind. 

Any plan—any strategy—must start with a clear sense of place, purpose, and objective. With respect to an American grand strategy, there must be an acceptance of America’s unique position as the indispensable nation. To lead well, you must believe in the country you serve. 

It is not clear if that is the case with this administration. In April, Biden’s ambassador to the United Nations, Laura Thomas-Greenfield, embarrassed the United States by denouncing her own nation before the U.N. Human Rights Council, declaring that “the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.” 

One month earlier, Secretary of State Antony Blinken retreated in the face of a vituperative attack by the Chinese Foreign Minister at a conference in Alaska. The minister condemned America’s alleged suppression of human rights within her own borders, but Blinken could only mouth faculty pieties about America’s “imperfections” in response. His inability to be anything but defensive about his own country set the tone for what to expect in the next four years. 

How can America cope with a rampant China or Iran’s theocratic fanatics when her own leaders do not believe that the country is worth defending, even rhetorically? If they will not stand for a nation grounded in the universal principles of human dignity and individual freedom and a record as the one nation in history to offer a helping hand to all the peoples of the world including our enemies, where will they stand? 

China represents a more ominous threat than the Soviet Union did. If we are to adjust to this reality, we must pivot now. Strengthening nations such as Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines with thousand-year memories of Chinese aggression and imperialism would weaken Beijing while strengthening America’s hand. 

Sadly, the Biden Administration appears not to understand this, as it did not take long for it to signal American weakness in the Pacific. Yes, it sent the secretary of defense to Asia to reassure our allies—who retain memories of Obama-era indifference—that Joe Biden is cut from a different cloth. Yet at the same time, the administration was submitting a defense budget reflecting a net loss in buying power. The incongruity was not lost on nations looking to stand together with Washington to prevent Chinese military dominance of the Pacific. 

The same attitude applies to the Middle East, where Arab states—via the Abraham Accords facilitated by the Trump White House—buried age-old animosities toward Israel to stand together against the mullahs in Tehran. Throwing away years of progress, the Biden White House has signaled it will return to the Obama-era policy of appeasing Iran and its proxies.  

Even in Europe, the message is one of retreat. The Trump Administration halted Russian aggression in Ukraine by providing Kiev with weapons able to kill Putin’s tanks, helicopters, and planes. The Biden-Harris Administration has unilaterally halted the flow of military supplies to Ukraine, in the hope that Moscow would reciprocate. Putin in the meantime continues to wage war on the cyber commons vital to American security.

In London, our most important ally was left flabbergasted by a president who could not comprehend that Northern Ireland was a constituent part of the United Kingdom and not a province of the Irish Republic. The Canadians are reeling from the loss of thousands of oil and gas jobs as America relinquished this energy partnership with the stroke of a presidential pen. Even French President Emmanuel Macron has warned America to keep her woke presidency on Washington’s side of the Atlantic. All of this means that America is now led by those who believe they exist to manage national decline rather than lead the world. 

Grand strategy cannot guarantee the preservation of American values and the security of our vital national interests. Developing a clear set of strategic guidelines, however, would signal to the world that America is engaged, and that national decline is not our mindset. 

International relations are always riven with uncertainty. But we need not consign ourselves to a fate of lurching reflexively from crisis to crisis, with no lodestar to guide our responses. If we want to confront the immediate and long-term challenges of emboldening adversaries, we need leaders who will embrace the necessity of creating a grand strategy rooted in the firm conviction that America is the indispensable leader and defender of the free world. 

Democrats No More

Now with money, institutions in their hip pocket, and cool popular culture, the Left would not just damn American institutions, but infect them to transform them into revolutionary agencies. 

In the old days, Democrats had predictable agendas, supposedly focused on individual rights, the “little guy,” and distrust of the military-industrial-intelligence complex. 

The Left, often on spec, blasted the wealthy, whether the “lucre” was self-made or inherited. The old-money rich were lampooned as idle drones. 

If the rich were self-made, they were deemed sell-outs. A good example was ’70s pop icon Jackson Brown’s “The Pretender,” whose lyrics railed about “happy idiots” who “struggled for the legal tender.” 

Democrats talked nonstop about the “working man.” They damned high gas and electricity prices that hurt “consumers.”

Almost every liberal cause was couched in terms of “The First Amendment”—whether it was the right of shouting obscenities, viewing pornography, or bringing controversial speakers to campus. 

The Supreme Court was sacred. Thanks to the holy, liberally packed court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, enlightened, progressive justices supposedly restrained the harebrained ballot initiatives of hick right-wing populists.

Once upon a time, leftist congressional officials investigated the CIA and FBI nonstop. 

Progressive political cartoonists cruelly caricatured the Pentagon’s top brass as obese, buffoonish looking clerks with monstrous jowls. Even their uniforms were mocked as festooned with ostentatious gold braids, shiny medals, and ridiculous peaked hats, smothered in gold and silver insignia. 

The “revolving door” was a particular leftist obsession. Democrats blasted generals who retired into defense contractor boards and got rich.

For the Left, elite professional sports were the opiates of the middle classes. Wannabe jocks supposedly wasted hours in front of the TV watching grown men toss around little balls. 

Unions were sacred. So United Farm Worker kingpins like Cesar Chavez headed to the border to physically assault any would-be illegal alien “scabs.” 

Politicians like Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Bill and Hillary Clinton railed against illegal immigrant “cheap labor” that “drove down” American wages.

That was then; this is now. 

Liberals soon became rich progressives who transmogrified into really rich hardcore leftists.

Suddenly not just millionaires, but multibillionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jay-Z, Oprah Winfrey, and a host of other celebrities and CEOs were cool and hip. 

Deified Silicon Valley monopolists ensured the leftist candidates were usually better funded than were conservatives. “Dirty money” disappeared from leftist invective. 

The Fortune 400 became mostly a list of billionaires who did not make their money in the old way of manufacturing, assembly, construction, farming, transportation, or oil and gas production. 

The Left got drunk on the idea that they now had their hands on the money and influence in America. So they systematically began targeting institutions. And they leveraged them not from the noisy street with empty protests, but from within. 

Suddenly the once revered Supreme Court, with a majority of conservative justices, became an “obstacle” to “democracy,” and had to be packed or restructured. 

The First Amendment was redefined as a bothersome speed bump that slowed “progress.” It needlessly protected noisy conservatives and their backward values. 

In contrast, the CIA, FBI, and Pentagon were suddenly OK—if staffed with the right people. 

Their clandestine power, their chain-of-command exemption from messy legislative give-and-take, and their reliance on surveillance, were now pluses once in the correct hands. 

These institutions now became allies, not enemies, and so their powers were augmented and unchecked.

Sports were cool, given they offered a huge platform for social justice players to damn the very system that had enriched them. 

The higher gas and electricity prices, the better to shock the clueless bourgeoisie that their club cab trucks and home air conditioners were anti-green and on the way out. 

The union shop was written off as a has-been enclave of old white dinosaurs, an ossified, shrinking base of the Democratic Party. Its new hard-Left successor party wanted a bigger, better Democratic demographic—if illegal, indigent, and non-diverse immigrants, all the better.  

The media glitterati were no longer to be mocked as empty suits and pompadour fools, but useful Ministry of Truth foot-soldiers in the revolution. 

So what happened to turn the party of Harry Truman, JFK, and even Bill Clinton into a woke neo-Maoist movement? 

Globalization created a new $8 billion consumer market for American media, universities, law firms, insurance groups, investment houses, sports and entertainment, and the Internet, social media, and online gadgetry. 

In contrast, work with arms and hands was passé, the supposed stuff of meth heads, deplorables and clingers—and so better outsourced and offshored. 

Traditional Democrats were seen increasingly as namby-pamby naïfs, who rotated power with establishment Republicans. 

Now with money, institutions in their hip pocket, and cool popular culture, the Left would not just damn American institutions, but infect them: alter their DNA, and reengineer them into revolutionary agencies. 

So here we are with a near one-party system of a weaponized fused media, popular culture, and the administrative state—confident that all Americans will soon agree to love Big Sibling. 

Johns Hopkins Study Found Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids

Rather than acknowledge science, Dr. Makary says the CDC continues 
to use 'flimsy evidence' to push the COVID vaccine upon children.

A team of Johns Hopkins researchers recently reported that when studying a group of about 48,000 children, they found zero COVID deaths among healthy kids, but the Centers for Disease Control doesn’t care.

Dr. Marty Makary is a medical expert and professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Carey Business School. His research team “worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.” 

After studying comprehensive data on thousands of children, the team “found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia.” Rather than acknowledge this scientific reality, Makary says the CDC continues to use “flimsy evidence” to push the COVID vaccine upon children.

As Makary noted in the Wall Street Journal on Monday, the implications of his team’s research are huge. “[If our research] holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses,” Makary says. After all, “The National Education Association has been debating whether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?”

Makary’s question is obvious, but no less timely. Makary says inflated COVID death counts continue to be corrected and “revised downward.”

But rather than combat institutional distrust with scientific data and discussion, Makary says the CDC is avoiding transparency and rigorous inquiry. He slammed the agency on Monday, saying it “overcounts Covid hospitalizations and deaths and won’t consider if one shot is sufficient.” According to Makary, this problem is systemic.  

Makary says “a tremendous number of government and private policies” regarding the vaccination of children are dependent upon one questionable data point. The CDC claims 335 children under the age of 18 have died with a COVID diagnosis in their record. However, Makary reports that, “the CDC, which has 21,000 employees, hasn’t researched each death to find out whether Covid caused it or if it involved a pre-existing medical condition.”

“Without these data, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices decided in May that the benefits of two-dose vaccination outweigh the risks for all kids 12 to 15,” Makary notes. “I’ve written hundreds of peer-reviewed medical studies, and I can think of no journal editor who would accept the claim that 335 deaths resulted from a virus without data to indicate if the virus was incidental or causal, and without an analysis of relevant risk factors such as obesity.” 

According to Makary, the CDC defies medical research norms, by propagating a “flimsy” claim without sufficient research or transparency. And this isn’t an isolated incident. Makary illustrates that it’s part of a pattern. 

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky claims 200 child hospitalizations and one death can be prevented over four months if one million adolescents are vaccinated. Makary’s unconvinced. He says that, “[T]he agency’s Covid adolescent hospitalization report, like its death count, doesn’t distinguish on the website whether a child is hospitalized for Covid or with Covid.” 

This is a problem, because there’s an obvious difference between these patient categories. Hospitals often test patients for COVID as a matter of routine, even if there’s nothing to suggest they’re infected with the virus. But by Walensky’s metrics, Makary says “An asymptomatic child who tests positive after being injured in a bicycle accident would be counted as a ‘Covid hospitalization.’”

Makary says the CDC’s untrustworthy reporting doesn’t stop there. He adds that, “The CDC may also be under[-]capturing data on vaccine complications.” The CDC bases its risk-benefit analysis for vaccinating all children on complication rates from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database (Vaers). However, Makary argues that this database is composed of self-reported, raw data that “is unverified and likely underreports adverse events.” 

All this is just the tip of the iceberg of lapses in CDC data and analysis, the researcher says. To this day, Makary says, the CDC still doesn’t document daily new hospitalizations for COVID sickness. Instead, it reports the inflated rate of hospitalization for any patient who tests positive for the virus. And while the CDC pushes the vaccine upon Americans, Makary says the agency seems completely disinterested in discovering natural-immunity rates. 

Rather than pursue transparency, the CDC and other large entities avoid scientific inquiry and silence those who dare to ask inconvenient questions. “Not only has the CDC refused to examine the possibility of a one-dose regimen for minors; Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff told me he was kicked off the advisory committee working group on Covid-vaccine safety after he expressed a dissenting opinion,” Makary notes. 

The CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration that approves vaccines employ 39,000 individuals, yet crucial scientific data remains lacking more than a year into crushing COVID lockdowns, Makary notes. Rather than rely upon “unverified data,” Makary says, “The CDC or the Food and Drug Administration should expeditiously assign doctors to research each of the thousands of vaccine complications reported to Vaers.” According to Makary’s findings, the agency should also reevaluate its claims concerning children’s mortality and hospitalization.

The CDC isn’t the only entity whose doctrines are implicated by these findings. While Makary’s team recorded zero COVID deaths for healthy kids, children across the country continue to suffer from draconian mask mandates and other restrictions imposed based on the belief that COVID is highly risky fo rchildren.

Inspired by Democrat talking-points, states like Connecticut, New Mexico, Hawaii, Virginia, New York, and Washington all force K-12 students to wear masks, regardless of their vaccination status. Meanwhile, CNNNBC NewsCBS News, and others continue to parrot the narrative that children should “mask up,” or else.

The Antifa/FBI Coalition

Article by John Dietrich in The American Thinker


The Antifa/FBI Coalition

Over two dozen people were killed during the Antifa and BLM protests in 2020.  It is routinely reported that "five people died as a result" of the Jan. 6 disturbance.  This is a totally accurate statement, however, it is still misleading.  Only one of the deceased died as a result of violence.  She was actually murdered by a government official. Relating these deaths allows the media to routinely describe Jan. 6 as a "deadly insurrection" as opposed to the "mostly peaceful" protests by Antifa and BLM.  Prior to Jan. 6, Trump supporters had held dozens of mass rallies without burning cities or murdering people.  This was a major embarrassment for the Deep State.  Media coverage of the Jan. 6 event has been largely successful in minimizing that embarrassment.  This was a major Deep State coup and the planning and execution of this "insurrection" reveals a disturbing relationship between the government and radical groups. The FBI did not only fail to adequately prevent the disturbance, they appear to have actively facilitated it. The FBI and radical leftists are branches of the Deep State.

FBI agents "taking a knee" in homage to BLM


 The FBI has a history of instigating terrorist plots that they thwart with great fanfare. This is not a conspiracy theory. 

The New York Times has reported there have been twenty terrorist plots against the U.S.  Three of those plots were real; the other 17 were created — and then stopped — by the FBI.  

The Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case is based on evidence provided by two FBI informants and two undercover agents according to the FBI’s affidavit.  As many as twelve informants were used in this case.  Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys, was at one time an FBI informant.  Several sizable right-wing organizations were involved in the Jan. 6 disturbance.  The FBI had infiltrated every one of them and therefore knew exactly what they had planned.  

The DC Metropolitan Police also had at least one undercover employee embedded within the pro-Trump crowd.  This is not speculation.  It is based on court records.  

It is preposterous to contend that the FBI did not have operatives in this disturbance as Christopher Wray contends.   Journalist Glenn Greenwald commented, “What would be shocking and strange is not if the FBI had embedded informants and other infiltrators in the groups planning the January 6 Capitol riot.  What would be shocking and strange—bizarre and inexplicable—is if the FBI did not have those groups under tight control.”

The FBI and the Capitol Police knew in advance that the demonstration would turn violent. 

The New York Times reported: 

The Capitol Police had clearer advance warnings about the Jan. 6 attack than were previously known, including the potential for violence in which “Congress itself is the target.” But officers were instructed by their leaders not to use their most aggressive tactics to hold off the mob, according to a scathing new report by the agency’s internal investigator.

 Yet the head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, Steven D’Antuono, told reporters that the agency did not have any intelligence suggesting the Trump rally would not be peaceful.  

During Senate testimony, Senator Amy Klobuchar suggested that the FBI had not infiltrated these groups.  She asked Christopher Wray, "There must be moments where you think if we would have known, if we could have infiltrated this group or found out what they were doing, and that -- you have those moments?"  Wray did not correct her.  The knowledge that there would be violence was based partially on a document acquired by the Norfolk FBI.  It asserted, "Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal.”  

The FBI does not reveal the source of this document.  Was it really the work of a Trump supporter?  Still, the violence could have been prevented.  

According to Kash Patel, Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, "We had offered the Capitol Police, and Mayor Bowser of Washington, D.C., thousands of National Guardsmen and women, two days before Jan. 6. And they turned us down."

Defenders of left-wing radical groups stress the fact that they are "decentralized."  Wikipedia's description of Antifa mentions its "decentralized" nature numerous times.  Yet, the left is capable of acting in unison, as if under the command of a single director.  Mike Podhorzer, senior adviser to the president of the AFL-CIO, is mentioned in a Time magazine article giving a reason why left-wing groups were not visible on Jan. 6. He credits the activists for their restraint: “They had spent so much time getting ready to hit the streets on Wednesday. But they did it.  Wednesday through Friday, there was not a single Antifa vs. Proud Boys incident like everyone was expecting. And when that didn’t materialize, I don’t think the Trump campaign had a backup plan.”  Podhorzer continued, "To preserve safety and ensure they couldn’t be blamed for any mayhem, the activist left was 'strenuously discouraging counter activity.'” All these "independent" groups decided in unison to stay home that day.  Or did they?

Antifa activist John Sullivan's brother James claims that there were 265 disguised Antifa members at the disturbance.  The FBI will investigate this just as they are investigating child sex crimes.  (Unfortunately, David Harris, who was in charge of investigating crimes against children, was arrested for numerous child sex crimes.)

Part of the reason for the feds not releasing the government videos is that there are literally tens of thousands of researchers who plan on viewing the tapes. They may reveal FBI informants taking part in the violence.  The left has an extensive network of training facilities for agents provocateurs.  

Scott Foval, former National Field Director at Americans United for Change claimed, “We have to have people prepared to go wherever these events are, which means we have to have a central kind of agitator training."  He continued, “I’m saying we have mentally ill people that we pay to do sh—, make no mistake.”  Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates and husband of Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky, stated, “Wherever Trump and Pence are going to be, we have events, we have a whole team across the country that does that."

According to Rep. James Comer, the Republican leader of the U.S. House Oversight Committee, protestors are kept in deplorable conditions.  Yet, John Sullivan, who is recorded on tape saying “Let’s burn this shit down” was released without bail and placed on house arrest.  Many of the "unindicted co-conspirators" appear to have been more violent than those placed in solitary confinement.  This is possibly why the Department of Justice refuses to release to the public over 14,000 hours of video taken at the Capitol during the “insurrection.”  Selected clips are presented in court as evidence against Jan. 6 defendants.  Capitol Police argue that making all the tapes available to defense attorneys —let alone to the American public—could provoke future violence.

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Eloquent Grassroots Effort in York County Pennsylvania Supporting an Election Audit, VIDEO

Speaking to the city council leadership, one woman takes a stand in York County asking for an audit.  The audio is a little troublesome, but it is worth the time:

This is what happens when the people invest their time in learning the real law and their real powers. Darla B gives deep details about how Mastriano came to the point of calling for a full forensic audit.”

The solution to the scale of DC corruption is local and state action using the constitution, specifically the 10th amendment, against the advancing overreach of corrupt DC officials.

Those behind the Biden administration, those who worked within the corrupt system to put him in office, can see how they might well lose control if this continues.  They are acting exactly as we would expect given this growing reality.

They need a control tool quickly.

They need a COVID variant now more than ever….