Thursday, July 22, 2021

Like Hillary, Like Joe? Biden Used Private Email to Send Government Information to Grifter Son Hunter

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

As the old idiom says, like father, like son. Although in the adventures of Joe and Hunter Biden, it appears to work in reverse, as well: Like son, like father. And now, based on a new report on a series of emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop seized by the FBI in December 2019, we can add: Like Hillary, like Joe.

According to the report, Joe Biden used a personal email account during the Obama years to “send information he was getting from the State Department as vice president to his globetrotting, foreign-deal-making son Hunter Biden.”

As reported by Just the News, the then-veep sent multiple emails to Hunter from the private email account, Some were personal, others political, still others, which Just the News described as “clearly address[ing] business matters, often forwarding information coming from senior officials in the White House, the State Department and other government agencies.”

Um, Joe? That’s not what you’ve consistently said. Often condescendingly so. Not even close. Who lied? Russian “disinformation”? The emails between you and your grifter son? Or you?

Just the News editor-in-chief John Soloman, who co-wrote the report with Just the New podcast associate producer Natalia Mittelstadt, summed it up this way:

“President Biden used a personal email account during the Obama years to send information he was getting from the State Department as vice president to his globetrotting, foreign-deal-making son Hunter Biden.”


Soloman told Newsmax TV’s Greg Kelly:

“Joe Biden had his own private email address — he used it, on occasion, to forward information from the State Department, his official advisors, and people in the Office of the Vice President to his son Hunter Biden.”

Nope. Nothing at all wrong with that.

Soloman and Mittelstadt included several examples in their report.

In late November 2014, the U.S. embassy in Istanbul sent an email to the State Department that was then forwarded to senior advisers to Joe Biden, including national security expert Michael Carpenter, providing an early alert that an American named Martin O’Connor was about to be released from detention in Turkey.

“The lead attorney for Mr. O’Connor reports that the court granted the detention appeal and he expected Mr. O’Connor to be released from jail today, barring any unforeseen problems,” the U.S. embassy in Instanbul wrote in an email that got forwarded to top Obama administration security and diplomacy officials, including current Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland.

“Mr. O’Connor will not be allowed to leave the country until his next hearing which is set for December 11, 2014. The lawyer expressed confidence that he will be able to leave after that hearing. The attorney is handling his release arrangements, pick up and temporary housing near his law firm’s office. Istanbul consular plans to speak with Mr. O’Connor after his release.”

As noted by Just the News, State Department officials forwarded the above information to Biden’s official government email account, which Biden aide Colin Kahl (now Biden’s Undersecretary of Defense for Policy) then sent to Biden’s private email account — from which Biden sent it to his globe-trotting son with the subject line “Fwd: Mr. O’Connor Being Released from Detention today.”

Why? What legit reason did Biden have — or pretend to have? And why has he consistently lied about it?

More importantly, did Biden sending government information to his son and his use of a private email account to do so break any federal laws? (Hillary Clinton was unavailable for comment.)

The answer seems to be: “We don’t know.” Not yet, anyway. Via Just the News:

“The Presidential Records Act required Joe Biden to make sure that any of his gmail account emails, including these emails to Hunter Biden, were forwarded to a government account so they could properly be handled by the National Archives,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “No wonder the Obama White House wanted to protect Hillary Clinton from the consequences of [her] email shell game!”

“We might know more beginning next year,” Fitton explained, adding: “when Judicial Watch and the public can begin filing FOIAs (Freedom of Information Act requests) for Obama White House emails.”

“Shockingly,” neither the White House press office nor a lawyer for Hunter Biden responded to calls or email from Just the News seeking comment on Tuesday.

The “Adventures of Joe and Hunter Biden.” Has a ring to it. Maybe they can get a lucrative Netflix gig someday. Meanwhile, I know where you can buy crappy paintings for a mere $500K per.