Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Woke USA Women Soccer Team Lose 3-0 at Olympics

Perhaps if they spent a little more energy on soccer skills, and a little less energy attempting to be the woke champions of US sport, the outcome may have been different.  Alas, there’s a great number of Americans who shrug because USA women’s national soccer has evolved into a political assembly who happen to play soccer. The team’s egotistical, arrogant, pompous and virtue-signaling attitude is a considerable turn-off.

This is the same team that wears ‘Black Lives Matter’ on their uniforms, and kneels instead of stands for the U.S. national anthem to showcase to the world just how woke they are.  Team Captain Ms. Rapinoe refuses to sing the U.S. national anthem; kneels during ceremonies to make her hatred for America visible; and grabs every microphone to tell the media about her politics in an effort to increase her woke resistance credentials.

Team USA soccer loses in the first round of the Olympics to Sweden.  Meh, it’s a headline because, well, karma or something.

TOKYO (AP) — Sweden didn’t have to bunker down on defense against the Americans this time.  Stina Blackstenius scored a pair of goals and the Swedes stunned the United States at the Olympics with a 3-0 victory Wednesday in the women’s soccer tournament.

The Americans, ranked No. 1 in the world and the favorites to win gold in Tokyo, were riding a 44-match unbeaten streak heading into the match. But Sweden, ranked No. 5, has been the U.S. team’s nemesis of sorts in recent years. The Swedes bounced the Americans from the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games in the quarterfinals, the earliest U.S. Olympic exit ever, by making a defensive stand. (read more)

Pelosi Rejects Jim Banks and Jim Jordan From January 6th Committee, McCarthy Responds By Pulling All 5

First, the GOP were foolish, specifically Kevin McCarthy, for agreeing to put any republicans on the January 6th investigative committee in the first place.  It was, and is, transparently obvious that the intent of Speaker Pelosi’s committee was to establish a political framework for  the 2022 election cycle.  Even Reuters pointed this out when they admitted the intent of the committee was to “complicate Republicans’ efforts to win majority control of the House in the 2022 congressional elections.”

Second, there is good news in this echo-chamber move by Pelosi to reject Republican committee members.  The fact that Nancy Pelosi would block any specific members from participating only speaks to the political intent of the committee’s central purpose.  Democrats have a habit of overplaying their hand; however, Republicans are weak in their ability to call it out with the eloquence and exposure it deserves.

In an extreme power move, Nancy Pelosi rejected Representative Jim Jordan (OH) and Representative Jim Banks (IN) from their appointment to the J6 committee. {Read Pelosi Statement Here}: “Monday evening, the Minority Leader recommended 5 Members to serve on the Select Committee. I have spoken with him this morning about the objections raised about Representatives Jim Banks and Jim Jordan and the impact their appointments may have on the integrity of the investigation”, said Pelosi.

In response to Pelosi rejecting Banks and Jordan, the first time Republican committee leaders have been rejected from a sitting sub-committee, House Leader Kevin McCarthy pulled all of the Republican members. [Video Below]

The only way to win at this scheme is not to play; to go on the attack; to continually point out how intensely political the motives are, then start applying massive amounts of ridicule upon the House Democrats.

Laugh at them.  The media will attack.

Ignore it.

Laugh at them some more.  The media will attack.

Again, ignore it.

When the media asked to comment on any part of the sham committee outcome, blow it off.  Stand united as a Republican Party in just brushing off anything that stems as an outcome of the committee by referencing prior ridicule, and applying more brief ridicule… then, “next question“?

Get a similar question?… attack on a policy point by pivoting to a current issue:

Ex: …”The Democrats are going to lose their seats because they hate this country, and every action they have taken shows how much they despise the people of our nation.  Take a look at the unsecured border; illegal aliens flowing through while Democrats claim to care about COVID spread?  Take a look at our schools in crisis; kids isolated, parents frustrated, the teachers union running the show and education collapsing.  These Democrats hate the middle-class and ordinary Americans; need proof, take a look at your grocery bill. These people you call Democrats, focused on this committee are entirely detached from you, me and the American people.  They hate the working class; just look at the prices you are paying at the gas pump.  Face it, they hate you, and the American electorate is going to show-up in massive numbers in 2022 and remove them.  Next question”… 

Ridicule them, constantly.  Attack them, and hold them accountable to their own standard.

If House Republicans want the fight, then fight.  Fight with ferocity and intensity.

Fight like they are the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark.  Yes, it is that serious.

🤔Gee, I wonder what was going on in the FBI between January and November 2016

Nothing to see here... Move along folks... Move along. Look over there, shiny things.Image
2) In June 2018 the OIG reported on the initial amount of contact, bribes and collusion between the FBI and media.…Image
page Xii of the IG report the DOJ Inspector General highlights numerous FBI officials who accepted bribes from multiple media outlets: “tickets to sporting events”, “golf outings”, “drinks and meals” as well as exclusive invitations and admission to “nonpublic social events”.Image
6) Affirmation of 2017 coordinated activity with media comes amid new text releases from internal conversations of the FBI small group. Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Mike Kortan (PIO), Jennifer Boone, Andrew McCabe and others.

7) Yeah, the current "senior FBI official" that has since retired is Andrew McCabe.

cc: @almostjingo
8) Last year CBS News Catherine Herridge obtained a 94-page spread sheet showing dates of media reports, dates of Steele reports on the same material, and the FBI effort to verify or validate the circular process.

10) Buzzfeed buried the lede:

...."Our story was based on detailed information from senior law enforcement sources. That reporting included documents — specifically, pages of notes that were taken during an interview of [Michael] Cohen by the FBI." 
11) How did Buzzfeed get pages of "investigative notes" from FBI agents within the Mueller probe?
No-one asked that question.

100% proof positive the FBI was leaking as a media strategy. The FBI, essentially state police, are a political activist group with guns and badges.Image
12) Michael Isikoff highlighted how enmeshed media is with the Trump-Russia story when he admitted his reporting was being used by the DOJ and FBI to advance the political objectives of the intelligence community.

17) IG .."communication identified between FBI employees & media representatives in April/May and October 2016. We have profound concerns about the volume & extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel that we have uncovered during our review."

18) Today isn't actually a revelation is it?

The @FBI is a comprehensively corrupt political operation, specifically intended to target American citizens defined as their political opposition.

Putin would be proud of what Obama/Biden created. Yes, that includes "rank & vile"Image
19) The FBI also openly facilitates human trafficking, sexual exploitation of minors, and worse.

Corporate media hide these stories.ImageImage
21) This thread just showed a surface level review of the corruption of the FBI from main office in DC and a few field offices. However, every single FBI field office operates exactly the same as the examples. Think about the terrorism cases and "Known Wolves"ImageImageImage
22) /ENDImage
Addendum: The FBI is also AntifaImage