Wednesday, July 21, 2021

🤔Gee, I wonder what was going on in the FBI between January and November 2016

Nothing to see here... Move along folks... Move along. Look over there, shiny things.Image
2) In June 2018 the OIG reported on the initial amount of contact, bribes and collusion between the FBI and media.…Image
page Xii of the IG report the DOJ Inspector General highlights numerous FBI officials who accepted bribes from multiple media outlets: “tickets to sporting events”, “golf outings”, “drinks and meals” as well as exclusive invitations and admission to “nonpublic social events”.Image
6) Affirmation of 2017 coordinated activity with media comes amid new text releases from internal conversations of the FBI small group. Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Mike Kortan (PIO), Jennifer Boone, Andrew McCabe and others.

7) Yeah, the current "senior FBI official" that has since retired is Andrew McCabe.

cc: @almostjingo
8) Last year CBS News Catherine Herridge obtained a 94-page spread sheet showing dates of media reports, dates of Steele reports on the same material, and the FBI effort to verify or validate the circular process.

10) Buzzfeed buried the lede:

...."Our story was based on detailed information from senior law enforcement sources. That reporting included documents — specifically, pages of notes that were taken during an interview of [Michael] Cohen by the FBI." 
11) How did Buzzfeed get pages of "investigative notes" from FBI agents within the Mueller probe?
No-one asked that question.

100% proof positive the FBI was leaking as a media strategy. The FBI, essentially state police, are a political activist group with guns and badges.Image
12) Michael Isikoff highlighted how enmeshed media is with the Trump-Russia story when he admitted his reporting was being used by the DOJ and FBI to advance the political objectives of the intelligence community.

17) IG .."communication identified between FBI employees & media representatives in April/May and October 2016. We have profound concerns about the volume & extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel that we have uncovered during our review."

18) Today isn't actually a revelation is it?

The @FBI is a comprehensively corrupt political operation, specifically intended to target American citizens defined as their political opposition.

Putin would be proud of what Obama/Biden created. Yes, that includes "rank & vile"Image
19) The FBI also openly facilitates human trafficking, sexual exploitation of minors, and worse.

Corporate media hide these stories.ImageImage
21) This thread just showed a surface level review of the corruption of the FBI from main office in DC and a few field offices. However, every single FBI field office operates exactly the same as the examples. Think about the terrorism cases and "Known Wolves"ImageImageImage
22) /ENDImage
Addendum: The FBI is also AntifaImage