Thursday, July 15, 2021

AZ AUDIT: Chair Kelli Ward Recaps Stunning Senate Hearing About Maricopa County

Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward provides an update tonight by recapping the Arizona Senate hearing today that exposed stunning election malfeasance in the Maricopa County ballot audit.   There is much more yet to come from the forensic audit finding, but the results so far show a significant collapse in voter integrity in the largest county vote.

As Ms. Ward notes, “This matter is far from over“….. There will be much more to come. Video Below:

The unmatched duplicated ballots (lacking a serial number) points to a similar issue discovered in Fulton County, Georgia, with double counted ballots.  The fact that the total number of ballots counted does not match the certified Maricopa County election results is again another big red flag.

The 70,000 mail-in ballots received that surpass the number of mail-in ballots mailed, points to someone photocopying ballots on regular paper stock.  That would also explain the lack of chain-of-custody documents for both the paper-stock and the scanned ballots.  Adding to the photocopied ballot likelihood is that some ballots showed ink bleed-through on the paper from one side to the other.

There are many issues identified, and we haven’t yet got to the “ballot mule” process.  Biden did not win the election, it’s all starting to come out.

Is this how you restore the soul of America?

Restoring the nation’s soul by ginning up 
fear, hatred, and suspicion.

The funniest damn thing about Joe Biden’s campaign for president was his claim that he would restore the soul of America.

If you do a Duck-Duck-Go search on “Joe Biden”+”Restore the soul of America,” you’ll find link after link from American corporate news outlets who ate up with a soon his cravenly dishonest pledge.

A man who spent half of his life in Washington DC hurling vicious, slanderous attacks at his opponents and lying about his own biography was going to restore the soul of America. It’s hilarious how many people believed that.

A man who routinely accuses black people of being too dumb and backward to get on the internet or hire a lawyer or accountant – is that how you restore the soul of America?

Accusing Republicans of being like the Jim Crow-era Southern Democrats and the KKK – is that how you restore the soul of America?

Then again, since Joe Biden believes that America’s founding is rooted in systemic racism, perhaps it makes sense that his idea of restoring the soul of America is to irreparably divide us and turn American against American, children against parents, and blacks against whites.

Yesterday Joe flew to the city where our Republic was born to deliver the most divisive, angry, slanderous speech any American President has ever given. Burping out hyperbole after hyperbole, this “Great Uniter” accused states with election integrity laws of causing a crisis in America worse than the Civil War, “And that’s not hyperbole,” the stupid, foolish, angry old crock added.

Didn’t Joe go down to Tulsa and claim that the three-hour melee at the Capitol on January 6 was the worst thing since the Civil War? I guess “Worse than Watergate” is all played out.

One part of that speech was true: Bullies and merchants of lies are in fact threatening the foundation of our country. But the guy who uttered those words is actually Chief Merchant of Lies.

He lies about what these election integrity laws are.

He lies about the “danger.”

He lies about everything. He’ll slander and defame anyone; he doesn’t care.

Seventy-eight percent of the American people support voter ID laws.

And Joe Biden, that soul-restoring beacon of unity, is calling them racists. He’s accusing them of supporting “Jim Crow.” He’s accusing them of being like the Ku Klux Klan (or “Klu Klux Klam” in Bidenspeak).

This man is an ugly, angry, mean-spirited asshole.

And here’s the thing. He always has been. This isn’t anything new. If you’re old enough to remember the 1980s, you remember the way he treated Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination.

Hell, if you’re old enough to remember 2020, you remember how he got in the faces of ordinary citizens and hurled insults at them for daring to question him.

Joe isn’t trying to restore America’s soul.

The only thing he’s trying to do is fearmonger, divide and attack in hopes that his divisive rhetoric and lies help the Democrat Party maintain its grip on power.

He’s ginning up the basest instincts of humanity – fear, hatred, and suspicion.

This man has no conscience. He has no honor.

And his soul is so black, it doesn’t know how to hire a lawyer or an accountant … or get on the internet.

Viral video: Trans man gives birth to baby — and trans woman unsuccessfully tries to nurse the child

Viral video: Trans man gives birth
to baby — and trans woman
unsuccessfully tries to nurse the child

By Sarah Taylor
July 14, 2021

A transgender couple has gone viral for their decidedly unconventional family in which the trans man — or biological female — gave birth to their child, while the trans woman — a biological male — attempted to nurse the baby.

The trans woman — whose name is Petrona and who identifies as the child's mother despite not birthing the child — can be seen in a now-viral video unsuccessfully attempting to breastfeed the couple's newborn baby.

The video, a clip from Facebook's "9 Months with Courteney Cox," shows Petrona lying in bed with transgender male Ahanu — who identifies as the child's father despite giving birth to the child — and the couple's child shortly after birth.

Both Ahanu and Petrona are topless in the video, and Ahanu's elective mastectomy scars are visible alongside a postpartum stomach as Petrona fruitlessly tries to breastfeed the couple's child.

In the clip, Ahanu asks Petrona, "Are they getting any milk?"

"They" in this case is in reference to the baby, whose gender has not been identified at the time of this reporting.

Petrona responds, "The baby has been able to latch, but I've not been able to produce any milk. That's OK, because I'm going to supplement the feeding with formula so that my baby is still getting the nutrients that they need, but I'm still feeling hopeful."

In the same episode, Ahanu described a disturbing experience with the "very violent" while an adolescent.

"[G]rowing up, I had a gender assigned to me and it caused me a lot of unnecessary trauma."

Petrona agreed and said that her family's minds were "filled with Christian supremacy."

"They're stuck," Petrona complained. "There's no escape. They're trapped, and to me, that's a really sad ... world."

Cox's Emmy-nominated series followed the parents through the pregnancy and continues on as the parents try to obtain a non-gendered birth certificate for their newborn baby.

"I'm very uncomfortable with [labeling sex on a birth certificate]," Petrona said during the episode."There's no medical benefits to knowing anything about a baby's genitals. It is really unfortunate that that's where the medical system is ... all we are trying to do is let our baby tell us who they are."

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South Africa looting: Government to deploy 25,000 troops after unrest


The South African government plans to deploy 25,000 troops after days of widespread looting and violence.

The military deployment - to counter riots sparked by the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma - would be the biggest since the end of apartheid.

At least 117 people have died and more than 2,000 have been arrested in South Africa's worst unrest in years.

Hundreds of shops and businesses have been looted and the government says it is acting to prevent food shortages.

Citizens are arming themselves and forming vigilante groups to protect their property from the rampage.

More than 200 incidents of looting and vandalism were recorded on Wednesday, the government said, as the number of troops deployed doubled to 5,000.

But Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula said she had submitted a request for the deployment of 25,000 soldiers to the two provinces hit by violence - KwaZulu-Natal, where Durban is located, and Gauteng, which includes Johannesburg.



The government has been under pressure to put more boots on the ground to tackle the unrest.

Shopping malls and warehouses have been ransacked or set ablaze in several cities, especially Durban.

Dr Dulcy Rakumakoe, who runs a chain of medical centres in Gauteng province that have been looted, told the BBC more action was needed.

"We've started with the clean-up but we can't even think about the rebuild because we are not sure when the unrest will be totally done," she said. "It's still not safe to even go in and rebuild."

The unrest subsided on Thursday although KwaZulu-Natal remains volatile. During clean-up operations, an additional 45 bodies were found.

Protests began last week after Zuma handed himself in to police to serve a 15-month sentence for contempt of court.

Zuma's supporters reacted furiously to his imprisonment, blockading major roads and calling for a shutdown to demand his release.

The protests descended into riots on a scale rarely seen in South Africa, with businesses in every sector looted, burnt and petrol-bombed in cities and towns across KwaZulu-Natal.



Army reservists were called to report to their units on Thursday.

The request came after President Cyril Ramaphosa warned that parts of the country "may soon be running short of basic provisions" following disruption to supply chains.

The wreckage to businesses comes as South Africa's economy struggles with unemployment and Covid-19 restrictions.

Wielding sticks and guns, a group of minibus drivers violently beat up suspected looters in a township near Johannesburg on Wednesday.

Durban resident Lauren Alexander says the situation in the city is like a "war zone".

"It is frightening because we don't actually know what's happening next," the 26-year-old told BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat.

"Our road's all blocked off, a lot of our food shops are closed, which frightens us a lot because we've got to ration our food now."

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Troops 'too little too late' for looting victims

By Nomsa Maseko, BBC News, Durban

Private residents armed with shotguns, pistols, garden spades and machetes have become the only defence against mobs who continue to raid areas that still have supermarkets, factories and warehouses left untouched following six days of riots in Durban. 



In some areas, supermarkets that haven't been raided are fast running out of basic supplies. Snaking queues are forming as people buy anything they can get their hands on.

We passed one shop that was shut up because it had sold out of food - though the residents guarding the area said they were hopeful of more supplies soon.

The deployment of 25,000 troops by the government has been described as "too little too late" by people who have lost their livelihoods and businesses.

They say they've been let down by the government's reactive stance since violent protests began. 




The Cuban Freedom Protest Is Awkward for Our Garbage Elite

 "Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today"

Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

The Cuban Freedom Protest Is Awkward for Our Garbage Elite

Oh, that wasn’t embarrassing at all – a couple days after our glorious FBI, fresh from failing to stop several mass murderers it knew about decided to ask the American people to narc on their family members, the Cuban people took to the streets to protest just this type of commie garbage. Great timing. This is the kind of quality work that has led to our ace Inspector Erskines having no idea what the Maddow-loving leftist with the list of Republicans and a rifle was doing at that softball field. 

Now, it’s not just the FBI encouraging kids to turn-in their birthing people to the authorities for unapproved thoughts that channels the Castro vibe. It’s a whole bunch of things going down that demonstrate, conclusively, that our elite is down with the oppression. And, of course, it’s all in the name of democracy.

It was just this last July 4th that the esteemed, among jerks, New York Times informed us that the flag is a symbol of badness. Meanwhile, the Cuban people, and the people of Hong Kong, are waving the red, white n’ blue around like woke corporations waved rainbow flags right up until the last day of Pride Month. 

This all comes a week after the regime got caught tuning into Tucker Carlson’s texts. The whole listening into the private communications of dissenters flex seems kind of familiar too. The NSA sort of denied it – weasel words are red, flashing lights to lawyers like me – but then, exactly as predicted, some public servant leaked these nonexistent intercepts to the lapdog press.

The best part of that fiasco was the members of the Never Trump Residue Caucus, like Jonah Goldberg, denying that the establishment would ever do this, then insisting they were correct even after it became clear to all sentient life forms that this is exactly what the establishment did. I’d link to Heavy G’s tweets where, in the classic internet formulation, he insisted that he was not owned as he slowly shrank and transformed into a corncob, but he blocked me. It was either because I mocked him for being a striving cabin boy on the cruise ship that is Conservative, Inc., or because I took the wrong side in one of his “Kirk v. Picard” debates.

Despite having kissed a girl, and therefore being alien to such controversies, I’ll die on the Kirk hill and damn what the Pride of Goucher College thinks.

Oh, and then there was Brian Stelter, who is a potato, tweeting out a story on how dictatorships often seek to silence critics on the internet:

Restricting internet access has become a tried-and-true method of stifling dissent by authoritarian regimes around the world, alongside government-supported disinformation campaigns and propaganda...

It appears that this particular tuber is both a good source of iron and a great source of irony.

Today, our state media of regime-approved and licensed journalists regularly decides what information you can and cannot know. Issues with injections? Forbidden. Perv laptops? Forbidden. Grandpa Badfinger’s choice at Baskin-Robbins? Let’s go wall-to-wall on this, people!

Finally, of course, there are now official lists of prominent dissidents. Talk about a badge of honor – is there some sort of application process to ensure you get listed on it?

How about keeping people in jail without trial, and charging them with felonies while letting allies who did the same or worse walk? Box: Checked.

Well, at least our government flunkies aren’t killing people just for protesting, right?

Oh, right.

So, how does our loser ruling caste deal with the problematic visual of it doing exactly what the people of Cuba and Hong Kong are protesting? It doesn’t.

Initially, it will acknowledge no eerie parallels, no telling equivalencies between themselves and what it calls the “authoritarian” regime in Cuba – President *’s Geppettos cannot bring themselves to outrage their commie-curious constituency by calling these Marxist bastards what they are. Tater’s tweet referenced above is a prime example – it does not initially occur to them that they are reading from Stalin’s playbook.

But when it does, they will embrace it, utterly and without shame. See, these are just common-sense measures necessary to protect our democracy from the prospect of the 50% of Americans like us having any say in its governance. This isn’t something straight out of the 1937 paperback edition of “The Lil’ Chekist Handbook.” No, see, these extreme extremists are extreme. They might snap a selfie or put their feet upon Her Majesty’s desk. Asking Junior to snitch on Pa for looking at that insurrectiony stuff on the interwebs is totally different than what the Cuba’s rulers are doing.

Also, they like Cuba’s rulers, and they like them much better than they like you.

There will always be an excuse, there will always be a reason. They aren’t just going to come out and say, “Yeah, we want to tyrannize our political opponents so no one can challenge our power.” No, they’ll portray it as wielding a searchlight to keep democracy from dying in darkness.

Controlling information and debate? Well, we can’t have misinformation!

Targeting opponents with law enforcement? But they’re insurrectionists!

Getting kids to tell on their parents? Who better to identify thoughtcriminals?

Look at Cuba today, and you see America tomorrow. 

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New Revelations Show How Absolutely Dangerous Our Military Leadership Has Become


Article by Bonchie in RedState

New Revelations Show How Absolutely Dangerous Our Military Leadership Has Become

The descent into leftism of our current military brass has been a much-discussed topic lately. As RedState reported previously, the woke ad campaigns belittle the mission and make a mockery of the readiness of our military. While China grows a more capable Navy and prioritizes physical ability, the US Army and other branches are out there plugging for people with anxiety disorder and gay parents.

But just in case you thought our military leadership was delusional enough, a new book reveals just how insane they were and continue to be.



Apparently, Gen. Milley, most recently made famous for backing critical race theory in the military, and other generals hatched a plan to resign in sequence had Donald Trump tried to stage a coup. Yes, these absolute imbeciles seriously believed the former president was going to order them to institute a military takeover of the country. All this was happening while they were ignoring orders to help bring peace during the riots summer of 2020.

I think Mollie Hemingway sums up my feelings on this perfectly.



Agreed. This is it profoundly concerning, dangerous even, that these crazy people, so absorbed with their politics that they are ignoring objective reality, are in charge of the nation’s military forces. What happens if a President Ron DeSantis tries to take office in January of 2025 and these political actors decide they can’t relent because of “interference in our elections?” And don’t doubt that these people would try to pull off such a stunt. They did everything but that after Trump won in 2016, including weaponizing the intelligence community, something that continues today with the revelations involving the NSA and Tucker Carlson.

Pay attention to the language of the left. We are constantly hearing that if certain bills don’t pass that “democracy” will be lost to fascism. These people are so deluded that they’ve convinced themselves that their every political want is actually a righteous defense of the nation. That mindset has no boundaries. Given that, why would I ever believe a lunatic like Milley has any either when he espouses the same, shared ideology in public hearings?

Further, it was known for years that Milley was consistently undermining the Trump administration. That he was never fired is a profound failure. At the point where he started cussing out Trump advisors suggesting the use of the National Guard to quell riots in 2020, he should have been relieved of his duties. I know it’s uncomfortable to talk about some of the failures of the Trump administration, but that was a big one along with not fired Dr. Fauci in April. These are lessons that must be learned going forward. Whoever is the president in 2024, if it’s a Republican, must clean house completely. No taking the word of establishment figures on hirings, no nods to the supposedly unbiased nature of the military brass, and no excuses for keeping careerists in positions of power.

Our bureaucracy, including the military, is broken and compromise. Bold action must be taken when possible to fix it.

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Live Arizona Senate Hearing on Maricopa Audit


Happening live in Arizona. Watch here:

Relevant part starts at around 3:01:35

What’s Wrong With CRT?

Critical Race Theory rejects the principles that underpinned all advances in the rights of Black Americans, from the Civil War constitutional amendments to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Human society and human interactions are complex phenomena. To view them through a single lens is the worst sort of reductionism and rarely provides a true picture. Karl Marx and his followers looked at human action through the lens of class alone and for this reason Marxist analysis consistently proves to be flawed.

The most convenient lens for examining human action recently is race. It has become commonplace to claim that the United States is fundamentally unjust because of “systemic” racism. This is a central claim of critical race theory (CRT).

Contrary to the claims of some of its defenders, CRT is not simply a benign academic theory that marks another milestone in the advancement of civil rights for African Americans. I believe one of the main reasons that some dismiss concerns about the destructiveness of CRT is that they confuse it with “critical thinking,” an educational concept that stresses reason, the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking, and understanding the logical connection between ideas.

If CRT were a species of critical thinking, that would be fine. But it isn’t. Instead, it is a species of what Marx called “kritik,” which in the guise of “critical theory,” rejects the validity of rationality and objective truth. For Marxists, critical theory has a distinctive aim: to unmask the ideology that justifies some form of social or economic oppression—to reveal it as ideology. Critical theory posits two categories: oppressed and oppressors. In Marx’s original formulations, the lens was economic class. The bourgeoisie was the oppressor class and the proletariat were the oppressed.

A 20th-century sect called the Frankfurt School—which included Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, and Jürgen Habermas, following in the steps of Antonio Gramsci—developed and refined this Marxian project, expanding its application beyond economic class. Thus, CRT as a subset of critical theory substitutes race for class. According to CRT, the entire system of a society is defined by those who have power (whites) and those who don’t (people of color).

As such, CRT cannot be seen as just a contribution to expanded civil rights. It is fundamentally at odds with the principles that underpinned all advances in the rights of black Americans, from the Civil War constitutional amendments to the Civil Rights Act of 1964: that all Americans should be treated equally, regardless of race, color, creed, or religion. These are philosophically linked to the Declaration of Independence, which holds that human beings are equal in their possession of natural rights and that, accordingly, no one has the natural right to rule over another without the latter’s consent.

But CRT attacks the American founding. Advocates of CRT do not wish to fulfill the promises of the American founding, which they regard as racist. Instead, they want to replace the principles of the founding with something radically different, for instance, replacing such concepts as “equality” with “equity” and subverting the meaning of “justice.”

As far as learning about CRT, that’s fine as long as it is treated as a real “theory,” subject to testing and falsification. That is the essence of a theory. A good theory accomplishes at a minimum, two things: it explains phenomena; and it predicts future outcomes. If a theory accomplishes these two things, it can also serve as the basis for policy prescriptions. But CRT fails on the first criterion. It denigrates African Americans by stripping them of all agency or free will. According to CRT, blacks are simply inanimate objects, ciphers who are victims of forces over which they have no control. Nothing could be more demeaning to an entire group of American citizens, many of whom have risen to high status, than the claim that they are helpless victims of impersonal forces.

So how does CRT account for the election of Barack Obama to the presidency? If CRT is true, how did Colin Powell become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff several years ago? If CRT is true, how did Lloyd Austin become secretary of defense? Of course, the reality is that African Americans have had to overcome racial prejudice and bigotry to achieve what they have but the fact that they did excel would seem to falsify CRT if it is indeed a useful theory.

But CRT’s shortcomings as a theory are also illustrated by the fact that it cannot be questioned. The normal methods of testing a hypothesis are not permitted when it comes to CRT, which employs a rhetorical tool developed by the neo-Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse, called “repressive tolerance.” According to Marcuse, to tolerate all ideas—the essence of reasonable discourse that traditionally has defined the mission of education—is, in fact, repressive, since it does not “privilege” the “correct” ideas. True tolerance, Marcuse argued, “would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left.” 

Adopting Marcuse’s logic, CRT brooks no dissent. To argue against CRT is itself fundamentally racist, evidence of the dissenter’s “white fragility,” “unconscious bias,” or “internalized white supremacy.” Thus rather than offering a perspective that invites debate, CRT “education” is essentially ideological indoctrination. 

Some suggest that opposition to CRT is motivated by a desire to whitewash American history. That history should be taught—both the good and the bad. But perspective matters. Slavery is America’s original sin, yet when the United States was founded in 1776, slavery was a worldwide phenomenon. America’s founding principles made the abolition of slavery a moral imperative. Jim Crow was indeed a terrible stain on America, especially as it was nationalized by Progressives such as President Woodrow Wilson. The Tulsa Massacre must never be forgotten.

But teaching our history honestly is not the same thing as the CRT program to which American institutions are now genuflecting. Its radical dogma seeks to unmake America entirely. For those who appreciate irony, CRT is nothing more than a return to 1850s-style racism as espoused by John Calhoun and Chief Justice Roger Taney in his infamous Dred Scott decision. It is divisive; it fosters racial hatred by trafficking in racial stereotypes, collective guilt, racial segregation and race-based harassment. It rejects Martin Luther King, Jr.’s hope that we should be judged, not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character.

Of course, racism exists. Racial prejudice, which is a different phenomenon, also exists. But Americans of good will strive to rise above our prejudices. We live in a country founded on principles that reject the concept of racial superiority. Living up to those principles, not embracing the pernicious doctrine of CFT, is the best antidote to racial problems in this country. 

Headscarves can be banned at work under certain conditions, top EU court rules


Companies may ban Muslim employees from wearing a headscarf under certain conditions, the European Union’s top court said on Thursday, in two cases brought by Muslim women in Germany who were suspended from their jobs after they started wearing the Islamic garment.

“A prohibition on wearing any visible form of expression of political, philosophical or religious beliefs in the workplace may be justified by the employer’s need to present a neutral image towards customers or to prevent social disputes,” the court said.

“However, that justification must correspond to a genuine need on the part of the employer and, in reconciling the rights and interests at issue, the national courts may take into account the specific context of their Member State and, in particular, more favourable national provisions on the protection of freedom of religion.”

Both Muslim women - a special need carer at a childcare center in Hamburg run by a charitable association, and a cashier at the Mueller drugstore chain - had not been wearing headscarves when they started in their jobs, but decided to do so years later after coming back from parental leave.

They were told by their respective employer that this was not allowed, and were at different points either suspended, told to come to work without it or put on a different job, court documents show.

The issue of the hijab - the traditional headscarf worn round the head and shoulders - has sparked controversy across Europe for years and underlined sharp divisions over integrating Muslims.


 In a 2017 ruling, the EU court in Luxembourg had already said that companies may ban staff from wearing Islamic headscarves and other visible religious symbols under certain conditions. At the time, this had sparked a huge backlash among faith groups. 



The Left Does Not Wish to Admit It Has Become the Party of Wealth

Class—the Word We Dare Not Speak

How often during the last year of woke, have middle- and lower-class Americans listened to multimillionaires of all races and genders lecture them on their various pathologies and oppressions? 

Million-dollar-a year university presidents virtue signal on the cheap their own sort of “unearned white privilege.” 

Multimillionaire Meghan Markle and the Obamas, from their plush estates, indict Americans for their biases. 

Former Black Lives Matter founder and cultural Marxist Patrisse Khan-Cullors Brignac decries the oppressive victimization she and others have suffered—from one of her four newly acquired homes. 

Do we need another performance-art sermon on America’s innate unfairness from a Hollywood billionaire such as Beyoncé, Jay-Z, or Oprah Winfrey—or a multimillion-dollar-per year Delta Airlines or Coca-Cola CEO? 

During the 1980s cultural war, the Left’s mantra was “race, class, and gender.” Occasionally we still hear of that trifecta, but the class part has now increasingly dropped out. 

The neglect of class is ironic given that dozens of recent studies conclude class differences are widening as never before. 

Middle-class incomes among all races have stagnated and family net worth has declined. Far greater percentages of rising incomes go to the already rich. Student debt, mostly a phenomenon of the middle and lower classes, has hit $1.7 trillion dollars. 

States like California have bifurcated into Medieval-style societies. The state’s progressive coastal elite can boast of some of the highest incomes in the nation. But in the more conservative north and central interior nearly a third of the population lives below the poverty line, explaining why one of every three American welfare recipients lives in California. 

California’s heating and cooling, gasoline, and housing—the stuff of life—are the highest in the continental United States. Most of these spiraling costs are attributable to polices embraced by an upper-class elite—in Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and marquee universities—whose incomes shield them from the deleterious consequences of their utopian bromides. The poor and middle class have no such insulation. 

So why are we not talking about class? 

First, we are watching historic changes in political alignment. 

The two parties are switching class constituents. Sixty-five percent of Americans making over $500,000 are now Democrats. Seventy-four percent of those who earn under $100,000 are Republicans. Gone are the days of working people voting automatically Democratic or Republicans caricatured as a party of stockbrokers on golf courses. 

By 2018, Democrats controlled all 20 of the wealthiest congressional districts. In the recent presidential primaries and general election, 17 out of the 20 wealthiest zip codes gave money overwhelmingly to Democratic candidates. 

Increasingly, the Democrats are a bicoastal party of professional elites of corporate America, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the media, universities, entertainment, and professional sports. All made out like bandits during 21st-century globalization. 

Democrats have lost the most support among working-class whites, especially in the interior of the country. But they are also fast forfeiting backing among the Hispanic middle class, and just beginning to lose solidarity among similarly situated African-Americans. 

The Left does not wish to admit it has become the party of wealth. All too often its stale revolutionary speechifying sounds more like penance arising from guilt than genuine advocacy for the middle class of all races. 

The wealthy leftist elite has mastered the rhetoric of ridicule for the lower middle classes, especially struggling whites. Multimillionaires Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden wrote off their political opponents as supposedly crude, superstitious, and racist, in smearing them as “clingers,” “deplorables,” irredeemables,” “dregs,” and “chumps.” 

Class is also fluid; race is immutable. So by fixating on race, the Left believes that it can divide America into permanent victimizers and victims—at a time when race and class are increasingly disconnecting. 

The wealthy of all races are the loudest voices of the woke movement. Their frequent assumptions of  “victimhood” are absurd.  

Americans who struggle to pay soaring gas, food, energy, and housing prices are weekly berated for their “white privilege” that is “unearned,” by an array of rich network and cable television news hosts, well-paid academics, media elite, and corporate CEOs. 

Note that the woke military is the brand of four-star admirals and generals, and retired top brass on corporate boards, not of the enlisted. Multimillionaire CEOs bark at the nation for their prejudices, not saleswomen and company truck drivers. 

America is a plutocracy, not a genocracy. Wealth, not race, now more likely ensures one power, influence and the good life. 

In the pre-Civil Rights past, race was often fused to class, and the two terms were logically used interchangeably to cite oppression and inequality. 

But such a canard is fossilized. And so are those who desperately cling to it.

The more the elites scream their woke banalities, the more they seem to fear that they, not most Americans, are the real privileged, the coddled, the pampered—and sometimes the victimizers.

‘Voter ID Is The Greatest Attack On Democracy’, Says Man Trying To Seize Complete Federal Control Of Elections

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a forceful statement to his sock drawer this week, President Biden condemned Republican lawmakers' efforts to disenfranchise black voters by making them show ID to vote—since black people don't understand what IDs are or how to get them. 

"Voter ID is the greatest threat to Democracy since the Civil Depression of 1812!" he yelled to a lone mothball. "We need to save democracy by taking complete Federal control of the elections in every state!"

Sources say that in addition to controlling elections at the federal level, Biden has other plans for protecting democracy—such as confiscating guns, checking private citizens door to door for vaccination status, and dissolving the Galactic Senate to reorganize the Republic into the first Galactic Empire.

"My resolve has never been stronger," said Biden. "I vow to protect Democracy from the worst attack since the conquest of Jericho. And I know because I was there. That's because I'm so old," he said to a mismatched tube sock. He then fell to the floor and immediately disintegrated into a little pile of dust. 

Democrats have promised to give back all the power they've seized once they finish saving Democracy in a month to 50 years or so. 

Critical Race Theory Is a Complex -- Oh, Who Are We Kidding?

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and 
do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall

One of the unintended consequences of teachers using COVID to refuse to do their jobs in 2020 is that their students suddenly had to take classes remotely -- within earshot of Dad. A mother at a fancy New York City private school told me that the wokeness curriculum was nothing new, but mothers never made a fuss about it. Then the fathers overheard their kids' remote classes -- and all hell broke loose.

Now that the teachers' anti-white agenda has been exposed (thank you, fathers of America!), the left is spinning a series of increasingly hilarious defenses of "critical race theory," which is just a more boring version of the left's usual hatred of Western civilization.

Their current position is that they simply can't discuss CRT with you because it's too complex and can only be understood by high-level graduate students after years of study.

Paul Begala on CNN: "It's a graduate-level construct."

CNN's Anderson Cooper: "It started in the '70s, as I understand, in sort of academic circles, law schools."

"Dr." Ibram Kendi -- who is a "doctor" in the same sense that Jill Biden is -- explaining his position on CRT:

"I'm not a legal scholar. So I wasn't trained on critical race theory. I'm a historian. ... Critical race theory is taught in law schools. I didn't attend law school, which is where critical race theory is taught."

Oh, cut the crap. The "theory" is: Everything is based on racism.

The preposterous conceit that CRT rises above the level of a child yelling "THAT'S RACIST!" has the advantage of allowing liberals to refuse to debate it.

Here's MSNBC's Joy Reid dismissing Christopher Rufo, a Manhattan Institute scholar, brought on her show putatively to debate CRT: "Are you like an expert in race or racial history? Are you a lawyer? Are you a legal scholar? Is that part of your background?"

How else could Rufo possibly understand a "theory" that says:

America is racist!

Criminal law is racist!

Policing is racist!

Arrests are racist!

Incarceration is racist!

Standardized tests are racist!

Mortgages are racist!

Oh my gosh, how am I ever going to master this complex theory? I thought the quantum field theory of subatomic particle forces was tough, but THIS? I guess I'll be hitting the books tonight.

CRT is like the Monty Python sketch, "Anne Elk's Theory on Brontosauruses":

Anne Elk: "My theory, that belongs to me, is as follows ... (throat clearing) This is how it goes ... (clears throat) The next thing I'm going to say is my theory. (clears throat) Ready?"

Presenter: (whimpers)

Anne Elk: "My Theory, by A. Elk (Miss). This theory goes as follows and begins now ...

"All brontosauruses are thin at one end; much, much thicker in the middle and then thin again at the far end. That is my theory, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too."

Presenter: "That's it, is it?"

CRT advocates talk in hushed tones about where the "theory" was "invented," like they're describing the apple falling on Newton's head.

In fact, CRT grew out of black student protests in the 1970s, forcing universities to hire more black professors. That's literally how the father of critical race theory, Derrick Bell, got his job. Black students protested the lack of black professors, so Bell was given a professorship at Harvard Law School.

How'd you like to be hired by the (then) premier university in the world, not based on the excellence of your scholarship, but because of students threatening to burn the campus down? Instead of being embarrassed and hoping no one ever asked how he got his job, Bell rationalized his hiring by accusing Harvard of ... well, I'd tell you, but it's too complex for you to understand. On the other hand, I don't know how else to convey the intricacies of this deeply intellectual theorem, except to just state it:

Bell accused Harvard of ... RACISM!

And thus a new academic discipline was born. (I guess all the new hires had to teach something.)

The idea that our country is steeped in white supremacy is laughable. Most of what built this country had nothing to do with race -- conquering the West, the invention of electricity, the telephone, the automobile, airplanes and steamboats, bringing drinking water to Manhattan, smashing the Nazi war machine and on and on and on.

I'm sorry, Black America, but all this was happening with or without you.

Yes, slavery was an abomination, the worst thing that ever happened within the borders of the United States. But there are whole vast areas of the American economy that didn't have anything to do with slavery.

In fact and to the contrary, the slave economy had turned the South into a backwater. If the South had won the Civil War, not only would slavery have continued, but half the country would have had a primitive third world economy.

No need to feel bad about it. The main players in America's explosive growth weren't women, immigrants, Hispanics or Asians, either. Somehow we got over it. On the plus side, we get to live in the best country in the world.

Jealousy and obsessive self-regard are not the stuff of an intellectual movement. The daily denunciation of white men is more akin to the tantrum of a 4-year-old.

Which, by the way, is exactly how liberals think of black Americans. If there were an international symbol for liberals, it would be one adult patting another on the head. Otherwise, liberals would just come out and say: CRT's not a theory! It isn't complex, it isn't interesting, and it isn't true. (Also: We think you're capable of getting a voter ID.) Instead, liberals coo to the CRT devotees, It IS your birthday every day!