Friday, June 25, 2021

As Expected Political Pelosi Announces January 6th Select Committee to Support Mid-Term Election Roadmap

The January 6th House Select Committee investigation is to MAGA voters what the Mueller Investigation was to President Trump.  A tool to attack political opposition and frame a narrative for the 2022 mid-term election.  Nothing more.    [Video at 04:45 Prompted]

January 6th Select Committee will be entirely run by democrats and their Lawfare operatives within staff. The purpose of that committee will carry the same intents as the Mueller investigation in 2017 through 2019: to frame a narrative against their political opposition. The difference this time will be that President Trump is not the sole target; the Pelosi January 6th committee will be using Alinsky methods to target Trump voters.

Because the larger mid-term election operation requires it, the House Select Committee was a foregone conclusion.  The only question was how many DeceptiCons would join with Pelosi to execute it.  If Republicans are smart, not likely, the entire GOP House caucus should boycott the insufferable pantomime, leave the stage, let the Democrats do their silly show…. and use Alinsky moves against the Left by ridiculing and marginalizing their performances in real time.

Alas, the GOP are an insufferably annoying and predictable bunch of purposeful idiots, and -as a result- they will likely end up participating because they will say they need to counter the Leftist narrative or something… and the only way they can do that is by providing the democrats with legitimacy. This is how DeceptiCons roll.

Do not be naive to think the GOP want the FBI involvement in the January 6 events to be exposed any more than the Republican wing of the UniParty wanted to see the IRS targeting of conservative groups exposed. The vast majority of DC republicans want to see the MAGA base destroyed just like they wanted to see the Tea Party base destroyed so they could get back to the business of self-indulgence in 2012.

Investigations are only done by DC to serve their own interests.  Sometimes those interests are in throwing a bag over DC corruption: Fast n Furious, Benghazi Committee, IRS scandal and the VA scandal for recent reference points.  However, sometimes those DC interests are best protected by targeting opposition to DC itself, just like the Weissmann/Mueller special counsel and the upcoming House Select Committee.

Again, the legislative branch was/is working with the executive branch on the common objectives of a corrupt intelligence apparatus, that includes the FBI {examples here}. So the legislative branch is not going to investigate intelligence community or FBI corruption.  The HPSCI and SSCI are participants in the corruption, they will not investigate themselves regardless of whether Democrats or Republicans control the chambers.  This is not a partisan issue.

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) was not only involved in the intelligence targeting of President Trump through surveillance and counterintelligence operations; the SSCI was actively participating in that targeting and doing everything they could to assist the FBI, DOJ and Intelligence community (IC) on that goal.

The MAGA voters (the republican base) will be targeted, ridiculed and marginalized in the run up to the 2022 election. They will be made to look like domestic terrorists, “Domestic Violent Extremists”, and much worse as defined by narrative engineering between a corrupt House, corrupt FBI, and a corrupt U.S. corporate media. That is the entire purpose of Nancy Pelosi’s House Select Committee.

The only way to avoid the scheme is not to play the game.

As we always note, watch who wants to participate from the GOP side of the aisle.  Those are the DeceptiCons, the implants into the system purchased by larger elements like BlackRock financial.  DeceptiCons are essentially interchangeable with BlackRock Republicans.  The system, the administrative state, is designed this way….  The parties are clubs presented to give the illusion of choice.  Those who control the outcomes of government are never on a ballot.

German knife attack: Several dead and wounded in Würzburg


At least three people have died and six have been wounded in the German city of Würzburg after they were attacked by a man wielding a large knife, police say.

A man has been arrested, they say, and there is no further danger to the public.

Videos on social media appear to show a man armed with a knife being confronted and subdued by passersby and police.

The area around Barbarossaplatz, in the city centre, has been sealed off while investigations are carried out.

There is no indication of more than one attacker. 




EU wants emergency team for 'nightmare' cyber-attacks


The European Commission has announced plans to build a Joint Cyber Unit to tackle large scale cyber-attacks.

Recent ransomware incidents on critical services in Ireland and the US has "focused minds", the commission said.

It argued cyber-attacks were a national security threat, as incidents in Europe rose from 432 in 2019 to 756 in 2020.

A dedicated team of multi-national cyber-experts will be rapidly deployed to European countries during serious attacks, it said.

Launching the proposals, European Commission vice-president Margaritis Schinas said last month's hack on US fuel supplies was 'the "nightmare scenario that we have to prepare against".

Last month, a cyber-criminal gang called Darkside forced the Colonial Pipeline offline for nearly a week, causing panic buying and fuel shortages.




Ransomware hackers use malicious software to scramble and steal an organisation's computer data - charging victims money to return services back to normal.

The US government has also recently formed a Ransomware Task Force, while the UK's National Cyber Security Centre warns that ransomware is the biggest cyber-threat to UK.

The European Commission said that the ongoing ransomware attack on Ireland's health service is another sign that cyber-attacks are a national security issue.




The Health Service Executive (HSE) in Ireland was hit by a ransomware group called Conti which scrambled IT systems, causing major disruption to many hospitals.

HSE chief Paul Reid told the Oireachtas health committee on Wednesday that it will take months to fix the system.

He said it will cost as much as €100m (£85m) to recover, and will also have large "human costs". 




Thierry Breton, EU commissioner for the internal market, told reporters that the Joint Cyber Unit's rapid reaction teams could have helped Ireland recover from the crisis.

He said the unit would help in similar scenarios by "deploying very quickly a dedicated team which we don't have the capacity to do now. We know that the longer you wait the worse it is, so faster and more solidarity is what you can expect".

Mr Breton insisted that the new unit will not compete with national cyber-entities or duplicate work.

He promised to build a team to provide support virtually and physically, using resources "from one country to another" to deliver operational and technical assistance.

The aim is to ensure that the Joint Cyber Unit will be operational by June next year, and that it will be fully established one year later, by 30 June 2023. 




Here Are The 9 Most Terrifying Criminals From The January 6 Capitol Attack

Sentencing is beginning for the insurrectionists who tried to take over our country with selfie sticks and buffalo costumes. Luckily, they didn't succeed.

Here are the 9 most terrifying criminals from that dark day of January 6, 2021 -- a day that will go down in infamy:

Buffalo Guy -- Look at this face: truly terrifying. Legal experts all agree that since he stood up in front of the congressional chambers, he is now legally our ruler. Bow down before bison man!

Knittin' MeeMaw Gunderson -- Wow. Terror. Horror. Truly the face of a criminal. OK, technically she was storming the Kansas state capitol and not the one in D.C., but still -- she's such a terrorist her terror spreads across the whole land.

The guy who put his feet on Pelosi's desk -- The act of a madman. The nation will never recover. THAT IS MAHOGANY!

The massive army of robot assassins who literally murdered AOC -- These guys were ruthless. RIP AOC. Fs in the chat for the world's smartest socialist.

The deadly lectern thief --  Whole chapters in future history textbooks will be written about this guy, who literally walked into the building and walked out with a piece of wood. We're talking John Wilkes Booth levels of impact on our country.

This squirrel -- Just look at him. He's clearly up to something.

This pigeon -- Dastardly.

These professional insurrectionists who were having quite a bit of trouble climbing a wall -- Had they succeeded in climbing the wall, the law of the land would have mandated that we make them our rulers. They would have had to fight Buffalo Guy in unarmed combat for the honor though.

And the mastermind behind it all: this deranged lunatic who specifically told everyone to remain peaceful -- This psycho said, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Truly the rallying cry of a madman.

We know these pictures are hard to look at. But it's important to remember how terrible this day was so we will never repeat it.

The White House Knows Its Police & Border Policies Are About To Crash, But Can They Stop It?

The only real reason a political party shifts focus so dramatically from its goals to issues it wishes it could avoid is terrible internal polling.

Something strange is afoot in the party of Jefferson. With the Democrats still spinning after the collapse of their election bill — and progressives furious with the White House’s seeming lack of commitment to that effort — the president has already pivoted, announcing a plan to tackle the violent crime wave besetting American cities.

And the vice president? She’s on her way to the border, 91 days, two countries, and countless laughs after it was first assigned by the boss.

Some might notice that cracking down on rampant crime and tackling a crisis at the border were not topics of discussion when now-President Joe Biden and now-Vice President Kamala (briefly) shared a debate stage two years ago. In fact, it was quite the opposite, littered with jabs and brags about who was more anti-cop or more open-border. So what gives?

If you get your news from Democrats or their palace guards in corporate media, you might think the White House was forced into this by wicked Republicans and dastardly conservative media.

“Republicans, led by former President Donald Trump, are… attempting to pin the rash of violence on the White House, even though increases in gun violence happened during the previous administration,” Politico claimed, as if their readers can’t remember a full year of Democratic defund-the-police schemes.

“Conservative media outlets are carrying a steady stream of foreboding headlines highlighting the rise of year-over-year shootings and homicides,” they added, for good measure.

“Vice President Kamala Harris is heading to the U.S.-Mexico border this week,” Politico opened another article, “amid an unrelenting chorus of criticism from Republicans over her failure to visit there.”

“Some might say that the other party was for defunding the police,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki even said during Wednesday’s press conference, citing the GOP’s pushback on a Democratic social-workers bill.

Of course, none of the above scribes actually think Republican Party pressure is the reason for this about-face, and even Psaki is smart enough to look embarrassed to try the talking point, nearly walking it back right away.

They all know that the only real reason a political party shifts focus so dramatically from its goals to issues it wishes it could avoid is terrible internal polling: numbers coming back predicting election disasters, battleground states looking dicey, voters across the country responding negatively.

People don’t admit it when this is the reason (unless they’re Don Lemon, who leaked CNN’s internal polling and is a special person), but it’s the same thing we saw when Democrats reversed course on last summer’s deadly riots and the ongoing lockdowns.

And we saw it in real time in New York City, the liberal capital of the East, when on Tuesday a former New York Police Department captain who promised to tackle crime and put more cops on the streets came in first place in the mayoral election and is likely on the path to victory.

How’d he pull it off? “His message,” the Intelligencer reports, “almost singularly emphasized fighting crime (the top issue among all Democratic voters)… He campaigned on increasing the NYPD’s budget and presence on the streets after many candidates initially embraced ‘defund the police’ rhetoric following citywide protests against the police last summer.”

Primary elections are about as trustworthy a poll as you can get, and Democrats are finally listening. But here’s their quagmire: They don’t have a single solution. Both the crisis at the border and the crisis in the cities are the direct results of their policies of dropping enforcement of crime in both places, and what do Biden and Harris want to do in response? Crack down on gun-store owners and fix the economies of Central America.

Lofty goals, both, but it wasn’t a gun-store owner who dragged two young parents from their car and executed them in the street over the weekend or shot 52 other people in the city of Chicago alone. Unless there’s been the largest single one-year increase in gun store owners illegally selling handguns since the country started keeping such records in the 20th century, it doesn’t explain what The Washington Post called “the largest single one-year increase in homicides since the country started keeping such records in the 20th century.” Bullets don’t fall from the sky, and undermining and punishing and demoralizing police isn’t consequence-free.

While grueling poverty once trapped Central Americans in Central America, with increased wealth came increased access to internet, cell phones, and the money needed to pay criminal cartels to smuggle humans. While a roaring economy would undoubtedly severely curtail illegal immigration, Harris’s ability to create one here or there approaches zero, despite her best efforts, leaving enforcement of America’s border laws the only immediate salve.

The Democratic Party is careening for a collision with reality, and voters are catching on. Their ability to reverse several planks of the new left and avoid the crash, however, looks near-impossible.

Ted Cruz Rips Apart Biden Nominee and Joe Manchin May Just Sweep the Leg

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

All the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee came out today against advancing David Chipman, Joe Biden’s nominee for ATF Director, for a general floor vote on the Senate. But because there was a split along party lines, 11-11, it comes out of Committee without recommendation.

Republicans including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) condemned him as being a rabid partisan.

“We got a nominee who supports [gun] confiscation,” Cruz explained, “Who wants to ban guns, who wants a registry, and who was appointed to carry out Joe Biden’s promise, ‘Bingo!’ We’re coming after your guns.”

Cruz proved in May during questioning just how much Joe Biden and David Chipman want to gun grab when he got Chipman to admit how he wanted to ban AR-15s. Chipman also indicated that he defined assault weapons (that he also wanted to ban) as “any rifle with a caliber above .22 that can take a detachable magazine.” So essentially that means any modern sporting rifle should be banned.

Chipman has been an anti-gun advocate for years and previously claimed that government helicopters were shot down at Waco by Branch Davidians. They weren’t.

Former ATF Acting Director Michael Sullivan came out against Chipman and warned that there was a danger if he was confirmed because of his political bias.

From Fox News:

“I never thought the ATF should never be in a position to overregulate. That’s Congress’ job,” he said. “I think you’re going to see a lot more intent to regulate [if he’s confirmed].”

He added that if Congress is unable to pass gun reform policy, “the administration is then going to turn to ATF and expect them to execute regulatory functions that are probably beyond the scope of ATF’s legal authority potentially,” which he said he think Chipman will “be quite willing to do.”

Sullivan said that he believes Chipman’s intentions are clear: “To restrict the ability of the American public to get access to firearms.”

All the ‘moderate’ Republicans like Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) have said they will vote no on Chipman.

Meanwhile, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has announced he is undecided and he may not be the only one.

This is one of those decisions there may well be a consequence on if he votes in favor of such a divisive anti-gun person.

Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) hasn’t weighed in yet either.

So it’s pretty fair to say that Chipman’s nomination is justifiably in trouble and hopefully, Democrats like Manchin get aboard and see that it does not pay to pass through such a divisive choice.

The DeSantis doctrine

DeSantis is perfectly positioned to become the 
next Republican leader — if Trump steps aside

ron desantis

The term ‘Florida man’ usually comes loaded with negative connotations, but not if you’re talking about Ron DeSantis. The first-term Republican governor’s approval ratings have reached 64 percent; a recent poll had him at 55 percent, still high for an unabashed conservative in a swing state. Enterprising apparel companies are already selling ‘DeSantis 2024’ gear — and a Trafalgar poll of likely contenders (excluding Trump) shows DeSantis leading the pack with 35 percent support among Republican voters. The Florida governor also bested Trump in a straw poll conducted during June’s Western Conservative Summit in Denver.

DeSantis’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has earned him adoration from the right. He refused to issue a mask mandate, ordered a shorter lockdown than almost any other state, kept kids in schools and protected the elderly in nursing homes — all while managing a below-average case and death rate. These policies, along with better weather and lower taxes, have enticed thousands of Americans to the Sunshine State.

It’s difficult to understand DeSantis’s appeal without talking about Donald Trump. Trump is still the party’s de facto leader and he’s publicly flirting with running in 2024. The centrist, hawkish wing of the Republicans — Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, et al. — and the DC pundit class believe that the party will return to ‘normal’ if Trump and his alleged personality cult fade into the night. But they have never understood that Trump was a vessel for nationalist and populist ideas that had simmered for years. A recent Quinnipiac poll shows that policy now precedes personality: more Republican voters want the winner of the 2024 primary to align with Trump on the issues than want Trump to run again.

DeSantis is Trumpian on policy: anti-establishment, tough on immigration, against Big Tech monopolies and censorship, willing to fight culture wars, pro-worker, skeptical of war — ‘America First’ without the baggage. He’s bombastic and funny, but more palatable and less petty or offensive than Trump. Florida Republicans tell me that he is not a ‘natural politician’. He keeps a tight circle of friends and advisers, deeply understands policy and the law (a rare case of a Harvard law degree going to good use) and is unbothered by unflattering portrayals from the media and political opponents.

Trump handicapped himself through his inability to surround himself with good people. His staffers were either incompetent or were working against his agenda at every turn. DeSantis keeps tight control over his ship. He has high standards and thus a high turnover, but he understands policy and law — and runs an efficient team and a leak-proof administration. ‘His people will make you a pariah if you are disloyal to DeSantis,’ the Florida commentator John Cardillo says. ‘In Trumpworld it was the other extreme. You only became a pariah if you were loyal to Trump.’

DeSantis takes a similar approach to the media: reward your friends and punish your enemies. Reporters who treat him fairly get access and exclusives. The venomous and biased are frozen out and publicly humiliated. When 60 Minutes dubiously linked Florida’s partnering with Publix for its vaccine rollout to the grocery chain’s $100,000 donation to DeSantis’s campaign, DeSantis managed to have nearly every principal involved in the story speak out on his behalf, including Democrats.

‘Maybe the best way to understand Ron DeSantis — who came out of nowhere for a lot of Americans outside Florida — is to know that he was a longtime Rush Limbaugh listener,’ says David Reaboi, a political communications consultant who lives in Miami Beach. ‘It’s not surprising that the governor has been on the leading edge of things conservatives care about, like Big Tech censorship, the trans issue or critical race theory. Conservatives really get a sense that DeSantis is “one of us”, because he is.’

Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota, thought she would retain the base’s loyalty after she refused to implement a mask mandate. But that goodwill vanished when she vetoed a bill banning biological men from competing in women’s sports. DeSantis signed a similar bill in Florida, then took on Big Tech, the Chinese Communist party and the cruise lines that wanted to require vaccine passports for passengers.

DeSantis’s critics claim his legislative victories are merely performative and will get struck down by courts. Others worry he is seeking state solutions to federal problems. DeSantis insists that he won’t sign ‘symbolic’ measures because there would be ‘no point’. When I asked him about potential lawsuits in response to his bill fining Big Tech for deplatforming political candidates, he had a coherent legal defense ready.

John Cardillo believes DeSantis is a ‘brilliant’ policymaker who understands how to use the law to his advantage. ‘What he’s doing in Florida is a macrocosm of what Giuliani did in New York City. DeSantis really understands how to make the law work to promote a conservative agenda. It’s something Democrats do all the time and I think it’s something that DeSantis internalized.’

DeSantis’s success is no accident. He is perfectly positioned to become the next leader of the Republican party. The only question now is whether Trump will step aside and hand DeSantis the reins.

‘Trump was a transformational figure for the country, but he had serious limitations — interestingly enough, Trump’s biggest weaknesses are exactly DeSantis’s strengths,’ Reaboi observes. ‘Once the wall has been broken through, there’s very little left for someone like Trump to do. I hope Trump realizes that he was able to contribute something of real, transformative value — and allows for DeSantis to take the next lap.’

Why Do Democrats Keep Warning They'll Unleash the Horrors of Nuclear War on American Citizens?


Article by Taylor Penley in The Western Journal

Why Do Democrats Keep Warning They'll Unleash the Horrors of Nuclear War on American Citizens?

Answer: that's what happens when unstable power-mad people are given weapons of mass destruction

The left has proven its ire for gun owners time and time again — that is no secret. But what can be said about President Joe Biden’s and California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell’s flirtations with the idea of taking on gun owners with nuclear force?

Biden’s adamant push for gun control measures has sparked intense debate around the nation, leading some state leaders to step up and enact their own legislation to uphold and defend the constitutional right to bear arms.

But gun-grabbing Democrats are well aware that their moves against the Second Amendment wouldn’t happen so easily. Instead of enacting their despotic plans all at once and throwing Americans into a pot of boiling water from which we would resist and jump out, they have opted to slowly turn up the heat instead.

And things just got another degree hotter.

During his more than three decades as a Delaware senator, his eight-year run as vice president and his 2020 presidential candidacy, Biden has championed gun restrictions without reserve. Now he does so from the Oval Office.

In response to a surge in murder and violence across the country over the past year, the president on Wednesday announced a “Comprehensive Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gun Crime.” Unsurprisingly, the focus of his plan is gun control.

Adding insult to injury during his Wednesday remarks on the new strategy, Biden took the opportunity to take a jab at Second Amendment advocates.

 “Those who say the blood of, the blood of patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government,” he said. “Well, the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots. What’s happened is that they’re never been — if you want, if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”




The comment was a reference to Founding Father Thomas Jefferson’s famous quote in 1787: “[W]hat country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

But Biden isn’t the only Democratic elected official declaring how utterly mismatched patriots would be if they decided to take up arms against a government that works to deprive them of their Second Amendment rights.

Swalwell also touted the idea in 2018.

Responding to a tweet from Infowars correspondent Joe Biggs — whose account has since been suspended — the California Democrat addressed concerns about mass gun confiscation with a sardonic approach.

“It would be a short war my friend,” Swalwell said. “The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit.”


 There is no common ground when the politicians on the left keep making threats, essentially telling us to comply or die.

Just as you can’t negotiate with terrorists, you can’t negotiate with tyrants.

The left has given us an ultimatum — surrender your most intrinsic right to self-defense, the sole right that guarantees all others the Constitution pledges, or face the consequences.

Right or left, this ultimatum should scare you into action rather than submission.

Many in the government already have forgotten they are servants of the people, but imagine how far this government can go when they grow so pompous as to think we serve them instead.

For the record, we’re not talking about a small-scale operation enacted against the people as in the Waco siege of 1993 — we’re talking about thermonuclear detonations with the capacity to wipe entire cities off the map.

That is the idea they’re touting to address our dissent.

Any official who remotely hints at the idea of exerting such force against political constituents for their refusal to “comply” is unfit for office, including Biden and Swalwell.

Can anyone safely say the world would be a safer place if arms were out of our possession and solely in the hands of those making these threats?

For those who defend the indefensible, the tyrannical notion of “obey or die” — it’s time to wake up. 



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9 Problematic School Subjects And What We Need To Replace Them With

It's increasingly clear that traditional school subjects are dripping with racism, white supremacy, and the patriarchy. We need to toss those problematic subjects and replace them with things that are woke, inclusive, and a whole lot more fun. 

Here are nine problematic school subjects and what we should replace them with:

  • Replace Math with Advanced Oppression Score Calculation -- Instead of adding up racist numbers, add up intersectional numbers to see how oppressed you are. Much more inclusive!
  • Replace Gym with Anti-Fatphobic Body-Positive Words of Affirmation Training - Everyone will just sit in a room and whisper words of positivity to the fat kids while they eat Cheez-Its.
  • Replace Sex Ed with Gay Sex Ed - Wait this isn't satire.
  • Replace Reading with Drag Queen Story Hour - Dang it not satire again.
  • Replace Biology with Creative Writing about what Gender You Are - Biology is all about facts, and facts have no place in a leftist worldview. Instead of learning about how a fetus is a human and there are two sexes, have the kids do a little creative gender writing.
  • Replace History with Fiction about how Great Socialist Countries Have Been - Facts are out. Fiction is in.
  • Replace Home Economics with Advanced Peaceful Protesting - Instead of learning how to fold laundry and clean your room, students should learn how to criticize the world.
  • Replace Social Studies with Socialist Studies - Much better.
  • Replace Dodgeball with Throwing Bricks at White Kids - If you can dodge a brick, you can dodge a Molotov cocktail.

Now go forth and topple our educational system and entire society! Everybody's doing it. Well, except China. What could go wrong?

Brandeis warns students not to say ‘picnic,’ ‘rule of thumb,’ calling words ‘oppressive’



Some of the words that are a no-no (snicker)

Article by Bernadette Hogan, Carl Campanile, and Bruce Golding in the New York Post

Brandeis warns students not to say ‘picnic,’ ‘rule of thumb,’ calling words ‘oppressive’

The rule of thumb at this ultra-woke college is, don’t say “rule of thumb.”

Students and faculty at Brandeis University are being urged to stop using words and phrases like “picnic,” “trigger warning” and even “rule of thumb,” because of what a campus counseling service calls their links to violence and power to “reinforce systems of oppression.”

A compendium of “potentially oppressive language” posted on the school’s website by its Prevention, Advocacy and Resource Center also lists loads of examples of “gender exclusive,” “ableist,” and “culturally appropriative” terminology that “can get in the way of meaningful dialogue.”

The “Oppressive Language List,” first reported by Fox News, was developed recently as part of the PARC’s “Response to Anti-Blackness” program and “is always growing based on suggestions from the community,” according to a web page titled “Holding Ourselves Accountable.”

“As a community, we can strive to remove language that may hurt those who have experienced violence from our everyday use,” the PARC says.

“These recommendations for more-neutral language are brought forth by students who have been subject to violence or who have worked with others who are healing from violence, as well as students who have sought out advanced training in intervening in potentially violent situations.”

According to the Oppressive Language List, the word picnic “has been associated with lynchings of Black people in the United States, during which white spectators were said to have watched while eating.”

A suggested alternative is “outdoor eating.”

“Rule of thumb” can be replaced with “general rule” because the former “allegedly comes from an old British law allowing men to beat their wives with sticks no wider than their thumb.”

And when it comes to “trigger warning” — an alert that spoken, written or recorded material may be alarming to certain people, based on their experiences — possible alternatives include “content note.”

“The word ‘trigger’ has connections to guns for many people; we can give the same head’s up using language less connected to violence,” the PARC says.

US Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-Glens Falls) — who’s co-sponsoring a bill called the Campus Free Speech and Restoration Act — called the list “an all-out assault on our First Amendment” and an example of “the Far-Left cancel culture happening in our schools.”

“The Far Left’s radical overhaul of education is un-American. They push so-called ‘safe spaces’ to eliminate diversity of thought, critical thinking, and intellectual curiosity and replace it with Socialist brainwashing, groupthink, and Marxist ideology like Critical Race Theory,” she said in a prepared statement.

“Now they are weaponizing words like ‘picnic’ and ‘policeman’ listing them as oppressive.”

Former CUNY trustee Jeff Wiesenfeld called the list “idiocy,” “lunacy” and “a disgrace.”

“We’re not talking about the N-word here,” he said.

“It’s a tyranny of the leftist minority to instill fear in people. If you take it to the extreme, you end up with tyranny.”

Wiesenfeld, the son of Holocaust survivors, added: “It’s hurtful that this is happening at Brandeis.”

“Louis Brandeis was one of the first Jewish Supreme Court justices. He would be appalled by this,” he said.

The Oppressive Language List surfaced just weeks after a Brandeis administrator was revealed to have said on social media that “all white people are racist in that all white people have been conditioned in a society where one’s racial identity determines life experiences/outcomes and whiteness is the norm and default.”

“That includes me!” added Kate Slater, assistant dean of Graduate Student Affairs.

Brandeis, which is located outside Boston, last year enrolled about 3,500 undergraduates and 2,000 graduate students, according to its website.

Tuition costs nearly $60,000 a year, and room and board cost an additional $16,450.

In a prepared statement, a Brandeis spokesperson said the Oppressive Language List “was developed by students who have… noted that many people who have experienced violence may be further harmed by the language others use in speaking with them.”

“The list is in no way an accounting of terms that Brandeis students, faculty or staff are prohibited from using or must substitute instead,” spokesperson Julie Jette said.

“It is simply a resource that can be accessed by anyone who wants to consider their own language in an effort to be respectful of others who may have different reactions to certain terms and phrases.” 



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