Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Biden Demands States Reimpose COVID Mask Mandates

Apparently the far-left have a need to reignite COVID weaponized fear.  With more states dropping mask mandates and opening up their restrictions, the JoeBama administration is facing a crisis of spontaneous self-reliance breaking out.  They really need the COVID fear to continue their control over all facets of society.

It’s likely they need to funnel more money into their allied corporate funders and the COVID fear is a necessary component therein.  The globalist vaccination passport agenda also needs a dangerous virus in order to facilitate the control program.  If states are open, masks dropped, restrictions removed and COVID is not deadly, it will be a lot harder to sell the registration program underpinning the vaccination passport agenda.

As a result, Biden is wheeled out from his walk-in-tub and told to go read the fearmongering script stat.  Panic is needed quickly.  Those pesky dissidents are pressuring their state and local officials to stop with the nonsense propaganda.  Mr. Mumbles needs to support the fear narrative… oh and use the creepy, whisper voice. WATCH:


In a World Gone Mad, What Would St. John Paul Do?

 Karol Wotyla, the future Pope John Paul II, when he was a parish priest


Article by Tom Hoopes in the National Catholic Register


In a World Gone Mad, What Would St. John Paul Do?

 Father Karol Wojtyla faced harder times than ours, and he answered them by building an ‘extraordinary network of friendship’ that helped transform not just Poland but the worldwide Catholic Church.

“WWJPD,” I scribbled frantically on the piece of paper. “What Would John Paul II do?” 

I poked my wife, pointed at the paper, and then frantically tried to get the moderator’s attention.

We were at the final talk in a Catholic conference, listening to speakers explain, with increasing alarm, that Catholics in the United States face overwhelming odds against enemies who are destroying everything we believe.

One speaker talked about the decadence of every sector of American life. Another showed how Plato’s warnings about greed leading to tyranny are coming true. This last one described how children who were hurt and confused were being coerced into making a life-altering decision to change their bodies, and how the Equality Act, backed by the nation’s leading Catholic politicians — the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden — wanted to lock that coercion into law.

The talks were great on analysis, but light on “What do we do now?” 

They never called on me, and that’s probably just as well. I was planning to be one of those “I have a comment more than a question” guys who grabs the mic and holds forth. And I don’t want to be that guy.

But what I wanted to say was this: St. John Paul II, when he was just Father Karol Wojtyla in Poland, faced harder times than ours, and he did more than worry about them at conferences. He answered them by building an “extraordinary network of friendship” that helped transform not just Poland but the worldwide Church.

We have Pelosi and Biden’s plans for the U.S. That’s bad, but it’s better than having Hitler and Himmler’s Nazis take over your country and create Auschwitz 40 minutes away from your home. We hope sanity might return in future elections. Political change came for Poland on “Liberation Day,” which the nation’s new communist overlords made a compulsory holiday while suppressing Catholic feast days. 

We Americans face the “great unfriending” as loved ones have left us because of political disagreements. John Paul faced betrayals by friends to the authorities and saw allies “disappear” by the Communist Party — and he faced it all with nothing but the graves of his beloved father, brother, sister and mother to turn to.

And what did he do? He built a community of friends that changed the world.

Biographer George Weigel tells the tale. In his Witness to Hope sequel The Beginning and the End he described how the young priest, laboring under an oppressive Marxist regime, created “zones of freedom.”

These were cells of community, faith and scholarship. He got groups together to put on plays in town or go on outdoor expeditions. He gave them retreats, marriage preparation, and days of recollection to teach them to pray. He organized seminars on St. Thomas Aquinas and other works. Significantly, they sang together.

Most of all, he made friends with them. “While he was among us, we felt that everything was all right,” one member of the group that came to be called Środowisko (Milieu), told Weigel. “We felt we could discuss any problem with him; we could talk about absolutely anything.”

As Weigel describes it, this was the ultimate end-run around the obstacles set up by the communist authorities. This wasn’t a political counter-conspiracy designed to subvert the government’s total control of schools, media and institutions. It wasn’t a “resistance” movement preparing to take up arms if necessary. This was something far more dangerous, says Weigel: a group of friends rediscovering love of neighbor, love of God and love of truth.

What they came to recognize is that the enemy they faced was not as almighty as they thought. Benedictine College theologian Andrew Salzmann helped me see the parallels between the errors John Paul faced and the errors we face: The Marxist framework was built on lies about the human person — lies that reduced us to economic beings with no transcendent purpose; today’s errors turn us into Nietzschean self-creators, a task which is too much for most of us. An intellectual framework built of thin reeds is bound to collapse, and the Soviet bloc eventually did. Father Wojtyla’s friends were unwittingly building the relationships from which a new culture could emerge once it did.

The best part about it is that what was required of them was not a tortuous intellectual exercise of diving into minutiae and unending micro-arguments. What was required was going on hikes with neighbors and showing concern and interest for each other and discussing ideas that were a balm to their hearts.

Their simple friendships just happened to provide the conditions that prepared for the success of the Solidarity Party, which would change Poland and inspire World Youth Day, which would change the Church.

Looking back at my own life, the most effective Christian apostolates I have been involved in have been informal events building real friendships with neighbors, events focused on community, faith and scholarship.

As for community: For years, my wife and I hosted “The Hoopes Family’s Ambitious Schedule of Summer Cookouts,” in which we invited friends and neighbors to join us in our backyard every Saturday after 4, bringing something to eat and something to share. Remarkable things happened at these events: People found jobs and spouses and made lifelong friends. The Catholic Beer Club is a great more formalized version of the same thing today.

As for faith: My friends and I started “What’s at Stake Seminars” to discuss the claims of the Catholic Church with Protestants. More recently, I have fed my faith with random neighbors at my parish’s That Man Is You group, Great Adventure Bible Study Group and our Teams of Our Lady group. My life would be different without them.

As for scholarship: A friend’s “SOBs” (“Sons of St. Benedict) reading group was a huge help to me here in Atchison. Formal groups like “The Well Read Mom” and Word on Fire study groups do the same thing on a wider scale.

What do these groups do? They start by simply answering the human need we all have for human companionship. The best of them will feel like an oasis in the week, not a burdensome add on. They force us outside ourselves, and once we open up to others, we find unexpected answers to our personal problems and surprisingly deep joys.

But if enough of us do this, something more will happen: We will find strength in the power of ideas, confidence in knowing that we aren’t alone, and courage to start sharing the truths of the human person with others in our parishes, neighborhoods and workplaces.

At Pope John Paul II’s funeral, directly behind the world’s heads of state sat a motley group of Poles wearing outdoor gear because they had slept outside. These were members of the network of friends Father Karol Wojtyla gathered decades before. Together, they sang a song they used to sing with him in the mountains. 

Think of them next time you feel hopeless about the future. 

Imagine you’re a Catholic in the Soviet Bloc, hemmed in by the communists who have captured every institution around you. Then do what they did: First, say “Be not afraid!” then invite your friends to go kayaking, talk about God and sing.

This is part three of the Love Thy Neighbor series. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here


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Welcome to the Peoples Republic of Dystopia, your papers please

Vaccine Passports? Yeah, get bent.

For four years shrill, angry dimwits dressed in red robes to protest the make believe dystopia Donald Trump’s election supposedly ushered in.

“He is a dictator,” they claimed. “Bad Orange Man wants to control your lives and your bodies! RESIST!!! He must be STOPPED!”

Thanks to the coordinated efforts of leftist groups, corrupt secretaries of state, and underhanded lawyers, the dystopian cosplayers got their wish. Scary Donald Trump and his scary dystopia were stopped. Under the loving guidance our glorious new mother and father — Kamala and old Joe — America is a Utopian Paradise again!

Praise be to Gaia!

And yet.

I sure hope the army of angry gals didn’t throw away those red robes of theirs. They kept screaming about dystopia and it’s finally here.

Because nothing is more dystopian than requiring every American carry a “vaccine passport” in order to participate in our supposed “free society.”

Then again, something tells me those performative drama queens think vaccine passports are a wonderful idea.

Requiring every American to provide documentation of vaccination in order to travel or engage in commerce is the ultimate infringement on our civil liberties. You’d think these women would be outraged at this kind of dystopian control.

But I doubt they are.

I’m guessing the Venn Diagram charting the COVID Karens and the Red-Robed Handmaids is probably a single circle.

Like most of the people who shrieked about Trump being a fascist, they don’t have a problem living in a Dystopia provided the dystopia is courtesy of the Democrats.

“But this is different! It’s for our own good!!!!”

They don’t mind tyranny so long as their side are the tyrants.

It’s the same with Hollywood blacklists, isn’t it? Seventy years later, Hollywood still condemns the anti-Communist blacklists of the 1950s.

And yet.

Those same people didn’t hesitate to suggest Hollywood begin compiling blacklists of Trump supporters.

The fact is, we knew this “show us your papers” dystopian future was going to happen. It was floated as a possibility by none other than that malevolent elf Tony Fauci.

In April 2020, Herr Doktor Fauci, in one of the thousand interviews he’s given CNN, said:

“I mean, it’s one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure that we know who the vulnerable people are and not,” he said. “This is something that’s being discussed. I think it might actually have some merit, under certain circumstances.”

Welcome to the Peoples Republic of Dystopia, your papers please

As Jesse Kelly put it at the time:

This is brilliant. Everyone should carry around these papers in case the government wants to see them. Or we can take anyone who won’t vaccinate and give them some kind of marker to wear. Maybe even isolate them all in one specific part of town so we know who the undesirables are.

For four years those red-clad drama queens lived in terror of a dystopian future becoming reality. And here it’s finally happening.

Not under Bad Orange Man, but under Mr. Restore the Soul of the Nation.

And I’m guessing those silly handmaids won’t say Word One about it.

Psaki fails to explain why Biden, Harris travel freely while millions of Americans face eternal lockdown


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:09 AM PT – Tuesday, March 30, 2021

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki struggled to explain why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris practice non-essential travel in violation of coronavirus rules.

This came after Biden and Harris recently came under fire for demanding that Americans remain locked-up at home while the elites can travel freely. Psaki approached a related question by pointing out that they both travel on private plans.



When asked if it was the White House’s position that the CDC travel guidelines don’t apply if you have a private plane, the press secretary stumbled and directed the journalist to ask the CDC for further clarification.

Psaki was then asked about a potential double-standard behind the enforcement of COVID-19 rules, which she also failed to explain.






Senators Demand To Know Secret Service Involvement In Hunter Biden Gun Scandal

If Secret Service was secretly keeping a hand 
in Biden family security in 2018, 
Sens. Grassley and Johnson said 
the agency 'must explain to Congress 
why such informal actions were taken.'

Two Republican lawmakers sent a letter to the head of Secret Service on Thursday demanding records of the agency’s involvement in the case of Hunter Biden’s missing firearm in late 2018, a story Politico reported last week.

“In light of the recent press report, please provide all records relating to your agency’s involvement in the alleged October 2018 incident with respect to Hunter Biden’s firearm no later than April 8, 2021,” wrote GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin on March 25. 

The report to which the senators are referring is a bizarre story about a .38 revolver Hunter Biden purchased in late 2018 that Hallie Biden, Hunter’s love interest and the wife of his late brother Beau Biden, says she disposed of in a trash can behind a grocery store and across from a school after having discovered the firearm while rifling through Hunter’s truck over her “suspicions” of him.

In what appears to be a text message sent by Hunter, he acknowledged these suspicions, saying Hallie “stole the gun out of my truck lock box … because she was scared I would harm myself due to my drug and alcohol problem and our volatile relationship and that she was afraid for the kids.”

The same text includes the concession that the police, the FBI, and the Secret Service were all involved after the incident, involvement the Secret Service has denied but the two Republican senators are now looking into. 

“One law enforcement official said that at the time of the incident, individual Secret Service agents at the agency’s offices in Wilmington, Del., and Philadelphia kept an informal hand in maintaining the former vice president’s security,” Politico reported. “The person cited an instance in 2019 when the Wilmington office of the Secret Service called the Delaware State Police to arrange security for a public appearance by Biden.”

According to Politico, soon afterward police and the FBI — which was also looking into the Biden for potential tax crimes, an investigation that is still ongoing — arrived at the grocer because when Hallie later returned to retrieve the gun, it was gone. Then two Secret Service agents with “badges and identification cards” reportedly visited the gun store where Hunter had bought the revolver earlier that month. The agents reportedly told the owner to turn over the Firearms Transaction Record from the purchase.

The store owner “suspected that the Secret Service officers wanted to hide Hunter’s ownership of the missing gun in case it were to be involved in a crime,” according to multiple people with a “firsthand knowledge of the episode.” So he kept possession of the paperwork until the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the agency authorized to review the forms, could get to them.

“Any involvement by the Secret Service on behalf of the Biden family or on its own initiative would be inappropriate interference in an incident that was already being investigated by Delaware State Police with the involvement of the FBI, according to law enforcement officials,” Politico reported.

A spokesman for Secret Service has said the agency does not have a record of involvement in the ordeal. “U.S. Secret Service records confirm that the agency did not provide protection to any member of the Biden family in 2018, and that the Secret Service had no involvement in this alleged incident,” the agency said. If that’s true, it could indicate Secret Service officers were appearing to act in their official capacity when they were not authorized to do so.

If Secret Service was instead secretly keeping a hand in Biden family security and affairs at that time, Grassley and Johnson said the agency “must explain to Congress why such informal actions were taken and whether they were necessary in light of the circumstances.”

“Further, [Secret Service] failed to fully respond to our October 20, 2020, letter relating to emails that reference travel plans for Hunter Biden involving [Secret Service] agents one year after Hunter Biden’s protection ended,” the two Republican lawmakers said. “We continue to expect a complete response to that letter and ask that you produce all requested records no later than April 8, 2021.” 

Grassley and Johnson’s impulse to investigate the latest Hunter Biden drama is one that other GOP senators should adopt in the days ahead. President Joe Biden is expected to nominate someone to be director of the ATF, the federal law enforcement organization within the Department of Justice that oversees the forms Hunter Biden filled out to purchase the gun. This nomination would require a Senate confirmation.

It appears likely that Hunter Biden lied on the federal background check form, answering “no” to whether he used numerous illicit drugs. Hunter’s history of drug abuse is well-known and led to many bouts of rehab, a discharge from the military, and a failed marriage. Reports also indicate Hunter was suspected of smoking crack cocaine in a strip club VIP room in “late 2018.” The Biden son purchased the firearm in October 2018.

Any Biden nominee to lead the ATF could present a glaring conflict of interest since that agency should be investigating Hunter Biden and whether he lied on a federal form about drug use to obtain a gun, which would be a felony.

Tenth woman comes forward accusing Cuomo of sexual misconduct


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 4:15 PM PT – Monday, March 29, 2021

Yet another woman came forward to allege she was sexually harassed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D). On Monday, during a virtual press conference alongside high-power attorney Gloria Allred, 55-year-old Sherry Vill detailed her uncomfortable encounter with Cuomo back in May of 2017.



Vill alleged Cuomo grabbed her face and forcibly kissed her in front of her home. A photo of the act was also shown during the Zoom conference. She said Cuomo tried to brush off the gesture as a cultural norm, but added, he did it in a highly sexual manner.

“He then leaned down on top of me and while still holding one of my hands, he forcibly grabbed my face with his other big hand and kissed my cheek,” Vill recalled. “Again, in a very aggressive manner. I felt like I was being manhandled.”

Vill was the tenth woman to come forward with allegations against Cuomo  





Biden's Plan to "Fix" the Border Is Mind-Numbingly Stupid, and It Shows He Isn't Serious

Good news, everyone. Joe Biden, or at least his handlers, have a plan to “fix the border.” All we have to do is nation-build in Central America, defeat the drug cartels, lower the rate of violence, and boost the economic output of countries we have no control over. Sounds easy, right?

Seriously, that’s Biden’s new plan to solve the crisis at the border.

Do you know what would be a lot easier than trying to reverse centuries of poverty and corruption in third-world countries? Spending a fraction of the money to increase enforcement while putting in place policies that discourage illegal crossings.

If we went back to the Trump era Remain in Mexico policy, asylum seekers could not just cross the border, turn themselves in, and make fraudulent claims for sanctuary. Economic woes are not a basis for asylum, and even claims of overwhelming violence are specious. As I pointed out in a previous article, the City of Baltimore has a higher murder rate than all of El Salvador, which is objectively the most dangerous Central American country. Further, there are lots of places in countries like Honduras that are markedly safer than America’s major cities.

In the end, this has always been about the incentives thrown out there by Joe Biden. When you promise to give illegal immigrants free healthcare, encourage them to “surge the border,” talk about giving illegal immigrants green cards, and even promote the idea that you’ll vaccinate them, of course, they are going to leave their countries to try to come here. No amount of ineffective nation-building, which just boils down to shipping billions to corrupt governments, is going to override such incentives. America is, after all, the greatest country on earth.

Regardless, what Biden is proposing has been tried for decades. We’ve been giving foreign aid to places like Guatemala and Honduras for a very long time. It hasn’t helped because the issues there are too systemic to be fixed by just dumping cash into the laps of cronies. Until these Central American governments get serious about destroying the drug cartels, the violence will continue, and in that environment, an economy will never be able to truly prosper. Those are the hard facts, and the only thing we can do to stop illegal immigration is to disincentivize crossings and actually enforce the law.

All of this shows that Biden isn’t serious. He’s got no real plan, and things are going to get much worse. You can count on that.

For Convenience, Vaccine Passport Can Now Be Tattooed On Your Hand Or Forehead

U.S.—The Biden Administration is hard at work putting together a vaccine passport program that will help society more effectively separate the good vaccinated people from the bad, gross, scary unvaccinated ones. To make things super convenient, vaccinated individuals will be given the opportunity to tattoo the passport's 2D barcode on their hand or forehead. 

"What a great idea!" said Jibby Tillygoober, local vaccinated man. "Now everyone will know I'm completely safe to be around and it's virtually impossible for me to get them sick! Wow! I'm such a good person!" 

Those who refuse the vaccine and passport will be prohibited from buying or selling anything. They will also be barred from select businesses such as restaurants, planes, gas stations, banks, grocery stores, and most Chuck E. Cheese locations. They will also be cast out of the city limits and stoned to death, and their homes and crops burned to the ground for good measure.

In spite of some naysayers, Biden defended the vaccine passport program, saying: "Now to go around... well, anyway, uh-- real simple for the kiddos in the, uh, how-- ahhh, I shouldn't say that. So, gotta go now!" 

Terrorism Charges Dismissed Against 3 Men Accused of Plotting to Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

Jackson County District Judge Michael Klaeren (Michigan 12th District) has removed charges of terrorism against three men accused in a plot to kidnap governor Gretchen Whitmer.  According to the Detroit News, judge Klaeren said: ” “There has to be some form of intent here to incite mayhem”, and no evidence in that regard has been presented.  The terrorism charges fail for lack of evidence.

MICHIGAN – […] The charges were dismissed against Paul Bellar of Milford and Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico of Munith. They are among seven men accused of having ties to the militia group Wolverine Watchmen who are charged in the alleged plot. The others include Shawn Fix of Belleville, Eric Molitor of Cadillac, Michael Null of Plainwell and William Null of Shelbyville. The men had faced a total of 19 felony charges for firearms and terror-related acts.

After onboarding new members through mediums such as Facebook, the group’s conversations took place in encrypted chats. The limited nature of those chats is why the threat charge was dismissed, Klaeren said.

[…] The three will stand trial on the three remaining charges, Klaeren said. Each are charged with gang membership and providing material support for terrorism, both punishable by up to 20 years in prison, as well as felony firearm, punishable by up to two years in prison.

The gang membership charge and the felony firearms charge were dependent on the material support for terrorism charge, Klaeren said. (read more)

Bottom Line: Democrats are Afraid of You


Article by Christopher Chantrill in The American Thinker

Bottom Line: Democrats are Afraid of You

I’m having a problem deciding whether the Biden administration is stupid or evil or just flat-out afraid of us Commoners.

And then I realized that it’s all three. Here’s why.

Our liberal friends never imagined that a Trump could happen. Nothing in their world prepared them for him. So what happens when you are confronted by something completely unexpected? You stop dead in your tracks.

That is one of the basic themes in Jordan B. Peterson’s oeuvre. As he writes in Beyond Order. 12 More Rules for Life:


Many herbivores, comparatively defenseless, facing imminent and brutal death, freeze in place, paralyzed by fear… But to have no more courage than a rabbit is definitely not to be everything you could be.

And Nancy Pelosi is no herbivore, despite her fetish for storing ice-cream in $24,000 refrigerators. Non-herbivores, after freezing in place for a moment when threatened by the fearsome Trump dinosaur, decide what to do next. Friend or foe? Should Dems ignore Trump as a flash in the pan? Should they figure he represented a few dumb deplorables? Or should they treat him as an existential danger?

We know what happened. The Dems chose Door Number Three and embarked on a mission to destroy Trump and everything he represented.

When you choose all-out war, the next thing that happens is that you make Trump and his supporters the frightful enemy, that will smash everything we hold dear -- reinstate Jim Crow, smash our wonderful administrative state, and make every woman into a house slave of the patriarchy -- unless we act now. And then you bombard your supporters with non-stop propaganda, just like our great leaders did in World War I and II and the Cold War.

Were they right? Did Trump and his MAGA supporters represent an existential threat to the progressive project? Or was the real problem that ordinary American Commoners don’t get no respect from the Democratic educated class, and Donald Trump made them believe that he cared about people like them? You decide.

I suspect that if the Dems had given Trump half a loaf then the whole Trump-MAGA phenomenon would have died away and by 2022 the Dems would be winning a big second-term midterm, and back to business as usual.

But they fought Trump for every slice of the loaf, and the rest is history.

Today the Dems are so scared of the Trump dinosaur that they have convinced themselves they need to revamp the elections system with HR1, protect Capitol Hill with troops and a fence, and ram their agenda down the throats of the opposition in a nearly 50-50 Congress. It is a fight to the death, with no quarter.

Yet their agenda of unlimited immigration, Green New Deal, and systemic racism has absolutely nothing for the ordinary American Commoner. Do they really think they can game the election system enough to stop the blowback in 2022?

To me, the obvious folly and knavery of all this is self-evident. The question I ask is this: is there any way we can persuade our Democratic friends to step back from their determination to win at all costs, to slay the evil dragon of Trumpism even if they destroy America in the process?

The answer is: probably not. When you have persuaded yourself and your supporters that you are fighting evil -- especially an evil dragon -- you are fighting for survival and for good over evil and nothing you do is too much if it slays the evil dragon.

Back in the day some people thought it would be a good idea to separate morality and politics just a little. The idea was that if you limited government to stuff that almost all people could agree on, such as fighting foreign dictators and domestic thieves and robbers, then people could practice their different moralities without fighting over them in government.

But then, of course, whatabout slavery? Whatabout the workers? Whatabout women? Whatabout systemic racism? Whatabout the inalienable right of transgenders to compete in women’s sports? And off we go to the races.

Did you know there is a word for a society that combines politics and morality? Totalitarian. It might not be such a problem were it not for the historical record, that when you combine morality and politics you get the killing fields of the war of all against all.

Do our liberal friends not get that? Well, maybe, but meanwhile they have terrified their supporters into believing that white supremacy will kill us all.

I suppose the best we can hope for is a resounding 2022 midterm to return Congress solidly into the Republican column -- despite the Democrats having done everything possible to make sure that no Republican ever wins an election ever again.

Then, all of a sudden, Democrats will discover the importance of minority rights in the legislature, the eternal sanctity of the filibuster, and the horror of legislating morality.


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No presidency anymore


Article by Robert Arvay in The American Thinker

No presidency anymore

The radical left did not steal the presidency — they eliminated it.  

The Biden so-called press conference, a parody of itself, proved that.  While Biden had some moments in which he seemed lucid, he had many in which he could not conceal the fog that envelops his failing brain — not even with pre-approved non-questions from non-reporters and scripted responses.

Is this confused old guy the man who has his finger on the nuclear button?  Fortunately, he is not.   

His handlers are well aware that he lapses in and (back) out of situational awareness, as the televised appearance made clear to everyone, even his supporters.  Biden, at times, cannot distinguish between a North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD) incoming-missile warning-screen, and an Xbox video game.

 Joe Biden is not actually exercising the powers of the presidency.  He is not making any of the decisions.  He is not capable of doing either.  Who, then, is?

One thing is certain: Joe Biden is president in name only.  He is the warm-up act for Kamala Harris, who will assume the title of president of the United States whenever Biden begins (figuratively or literally) to drool so openly that the absurdity becomes too much to bear, even for his handlers — at which time Kamala will eagerly and triumphantly prance into the office.  Even Harris, however, is a blundering incompetent when it comes to the skills required of a president.  Skilled actress that she is, she can play the part on screen but will rely entirely on Biden's scriptwriters to formulate and execute policy.  Figurehead Kamala will not be permitted by the real rulers to do anything more than pretend to be president.  

One wonders, then, who are the people who comprise the secret cabal, the puppeteers?  Who are the ones actually setting policy for the nation?  Who is issuing the orders?  They were brilliant enough to illegally and openly steal an election, but there is a saying that it is easier to conquer than to govern.  Are they geniuses, or consummate fools?  Have they bitten off more than they can chew?  

"They" are not the Chinese.  Although the American commissars may be selling out to them, they are not willing to give up their perquisites to formally install them.  The apparatchiks seek a truce, a deal, a compromise with foreign enemies, in which they can lock in their status as a permanent ruling class.  But, having fed the dragon, the American left rightly fear being eaten by it.

When the left stole the election, they destroyed more than the presidency.  They destroyed the electoral system itself.  It is in ruins.

However much the Senate Republicans may now scurry to patch it back together, their belated efforts are not noble, but merely self-serving.  Had they been noble, they never would have accepted electors that they knew were false.  They would never have allowed illegally appointed electors to go unchallenged.  They would not have ignored the state legislatures, who have sole authority to send electors to the senate, when those legislatures attempted to rescind the unlawful actions of those officials who had no authority to change state election laws.  

This is in the tradition of Republicans who loudly proclaim to be outraged but do so only after they are assured of having no power to repair the damage they allowed to happen.  

The bottom line is that the United States has been fundamentally transformed.  The Republic has been replaced by an oligarchy.  Its new flag, already being flown above some federal buildings, is not the symbol of unity, but the very illustration of chaos and cacophony, the symbol by which we have been divided and conquered.

To whom, then, can we turn to restore the Republic?  The answer to that is in your mirror.


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