Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Welcome to the Peoples Republic of Dystopia, your papers please

Vaccine Passports? Yeah, get bent.

For four years shrill, angry dimwits dressed in red robes to protest the make believe dystopia Donald Trump’s election supposedly ushered in.

“He is a dictator,” they claimed. “Bad Orange Man wants to control your lives and your bodies! RESIST!!! He must be STOPPED!”

Thanks to the coordinated efforts of leftist groups, corrupt secretaries of state, and underhanded lawyers, the dystopian cosplayers got their wish. Scary Donald Trump and his scary dystopia were stopped. Under the loving guidance our glorious new mother and father — Kamala and old Joe — America is a Utopian Paradise again!

Praise be to Gaia!

And yet.

I sure hope the army of angry gals didn’t throw away those red robes of theirs. They kept screaming about dystopia and it’s finally here.

Because nothing is more dystopian than requiring every American carry a “vaccine passport” in order to participate in our supposed “free society.”

Then again, something tells me those performative drama queens think vaccine passports are a wonderful idea.

Requiring every American to provide documentation of vaccination in order to travel or engage in commerce is the ultimate infringement on our civil liberties. You’d think these women would be outraged at this kind of dystopian control.

But I doubt they are.

I’m guessing the Venn Diagram charting the COVID Karens and the Red-Robed Handmaids is probably a single circle.

Like most of the people who shrieked about Trump being a fascist, they don’t have a problem living in a Dystopia provided the dystopia is courtesy of the Democrats.

“But this is different! It’s for our own good!!!!”

They don’t mind tyranny so long as their side are the tyrants.

It’s the same with Hollywood blacklists, isn’t it? Seventy years later, Hollywood still condemns the anti-Communist blacklists of the 1950s.

And yet.

Those same people didn’t hesitate to suggest Hollywood begin compiling blacklists of Trump supporters.

The fact is, we knew this “show us your papers” dystopian future was going to happen. It was floated as a possibility by none other than that malevolent elf Tony Fauci.

In April 2020, Herr Doktor Fauci, in one of the thousand interviews he’s given CNN, said:

“I mean, it’s one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure that we know who the vulnerable people are and not,” he said. “This is something that’s being discussed. I think it might actually have some merit, under certain circumstances.”

Welcome to the Peoples Republic of Dystopia, your papers please

As Jesse Kelly put it at the time:

This is brilliant. Everyone should carry around these papers in case the government wants to see them. Or we can take anyone who won’t vaccinate and give them some kind of marker to wear. Maybe even isolate them all in one specific part of town so we know who the undesirables are.

For four years those red-clad drama queens lived in terror of a dystopian future becoming reality. And here it’s finally happening.

Not under Bad Orange Man, but under Mr. Restore the Soul of the Nation.

And I’m guessing those silly handmaids won’t say Word One about it.