Monday, March 29, 2021

If Democrats Ever Get Our Guns, They'll Get Our Freedom, Too


Article by William R. Hawkins in The American Thinker

If Democrats Ever Get Our Guns, They'll Get Our Freedom, Too

To celebrate their origins, the Republican Party holds Lincoln Day dinners, and the Democrats until recently held Jefferson-Jackson dinners.  Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president, has fallen out of favor because he owned slaves.  In 1779, he wrote "A Bill Concerning Slaves" for Virginia, which, though it opened the door a crack toward eventual emancipation, still perpetuated slavery with harsh penalties for any infractions.

But for those who would denounce Jefferson as a racist, the bill does contain a provision on gun control that modern liberals want to expand upon.  Section IX declares, "No slaves shall keep any arms whatever, nor pass, unless with written orders from his master or employer, or in his company, with arms from one place to another.  Arms in possession of a slave contrary to this prohibition shall be forfeited to him who will seize them."

Gun control, or who would control guns, was for the Founders a question of who was free and who was not.  The Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights applied only to free people with the aim of keeping them free.  The amendment mentions the "militia," and this has thrown some people off regarding the private ownership of guns.  But the Founders established what the militia was in bills passed by Congress in 1792 and 1795.  The 1795 Militia Act declared "[t]hat each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia."  The militiamen were to provide their own guns and an initial amount of ammunition so as to be ready for action.  This reflected experience during the Revolution, when the Minutemen were the first to take on the British Army.

The charge today against "assault rifles" (semi-automatic rifles) because they are "weapons of war" and thus illegitimate for private ownership falls flat in the face of the Founders' intent in the Second Amendment and subsequent laws.  Every free able-bodied white male citizen was supposed to have a gun with which he could fight a war.  Many of the Minutemen had rifles that were superior in range and accuracy to the muskets used by the British regular soldiers.

 The purpose of gun ownership is not just hunting and sport (which the misnamed "assault rifles" are used for), but defense of both home and country.  The right to self-defense is from natural law.  As John Locke put it in his Second Treatise on Government, "I should have a right to destroy that which threatens me with destruction: for, by the fundamental law of nature, man being to be preserved as much as possible ... one may destroy a man who makes war upon him, or has discovered an enmity to his being, for the same reason that he may kill a wolf or a lion."  It is illegitimate for government to deny to citizens the means for exercising their rights, particularly such a fundamental right as self-defense, self-preservation.

To the larger role of national defense, the 1792 Militia Act authorizes the militia to be called out to meet the threat of a foreign invasion or "an insurrection in any state."  Though libertarians often concentrate on the "romance" of revolution against a despotic government as in 1776, citizens also have a duty to defend legitimate government from those would-be tyrants who would overthrow it or seize power by unlawful means.

The questions of self-defense and national security are still connected directly to the Second Amendment right of gun ownership built on natural law and historical experience.  The argument has long been made by gun control advocates that the idea of a militia or personal defense is obsolete; government security forces can do the job better.  Yet every day, people do have to defend themselves from criminals because, as the saying goes, "When seconds count, the police can be there in minutes."  And that was before the left's campaign to "defund the police" to leave people more vulnerable than ever.  Reducing the police and disarming the citizenry is an open invitation to crime, but what else can one expect from a party whose 2021 bill H.R. 1, a bill every Democratic member of the U.S. House was directed to formally co-sponsor, restores voting rights to convicted felons?

At the national security level, we do have an all-volunteer professional military.  But we also have stand-by procedures for reinstating conscription during a major war, as has been the practice repeatedly in our history. In both cases, it is useful that those either volunteering or being drafted come into military service with a knowledge of firearms.  Not just in America, but overseas, there have often been efforts to school the general public on guns just for this reason.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of the legendary Sherlock Holmes, was an advocate of "citizen soldiers" and supported the establishment of shooting clubs in Great Britain.  Sherlock Holmes was a private citizen who engaged in crime-fighting and was a crack shot with a handgun.  Conan Doyle himself tried to enlist during the Second Boer War but was turned down due to age (he was 40 in 1899).  He went to war anyway, resuming his career as a doctor in a field hospital.  While at sea on his way to the war zone, he was treated to a chorus of soldiers singing his poem "The Ballad of the Ranks."  In it, Conan Doyle tours the British Isles asking the question "Who carries the gun?"  The answer was everyone, everywhere.  "It's you, and you, and you.  So let us go, and we won't say no if they give us a job to do."

There is more than law and practicality involved in the gun issue; there is an entire spirit that is generated by an active and free people.  It is this attitude that those on the left are determined to crush as they seek to create a meek and disarmed citizenry that no longer cares about the fate of the country.

The Founders had faith in the American people, a faith that the occasional mass shooting or even the weekly gun violence in many urban centers should not lead one to discard.  The two mass shootings this month in Atlanta and Boulder were not committed by normal Americans, but by individuals living on the fringe of society.  Broad gun control measures that would impact mainly everyday, law-abiding people are way off target.  They would not reduce violence by criminals or madmen; they would only reduce freedom and the ability of common citizens to defend themselves against criminals and madmen.  Consider: in 2019, three blue states with low gun ownership (less than 20%) and tough gun control laws (New York, Illinois, and California) had a combined total of over 3,000 murders, concentrated in their largest gang- and drug-infected cities.

Over 100 million Americans own guns.  If guns were the problem, the number of shootings would be orders of magnitude higher.  In fact, there have been only 85 mass shootings this century.  That is fewer than five per year on average, and, again, these killers were not normal individuals by any means.  To reduce this threat, the target should be the type of abnormal individual who can be identified as dangerous.

It is the person who pulls the trigger who is to blame.  The vast, vast majority of gun owners are assets to society, not threats.  In a democracy, isn't the common citizen to be trusted in the exercise of his rights?

 William R. Hawkins is an economist and widely published author in the field of national security with a long career in academe, at think-tanks, and on Capitol Hill.

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The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored


Cancel Culture, Nazi style

 Article by Steve McAnn in The American Thinker


The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored

I recently wrote a column wherein I accused the American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, of using Fascist or Nazi tactics in their determination to permanently transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state by exploiting nonexistent “systemic racism” and baseless fears of “white supremacy.”  This characterization did not set well with the gullible and self-righteous Democrat voters I know or those who contacted me.  They, rather vociferously, claimed that the utilization of Nazi tactics only applies to the American right and that they, the left, are only motivated by caring for the people.

However, any thoughtful and unemotional examination of the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power in the 1920’s and 30’s will reveal numerous stark similarities to those being used by the left and the Democrat Party today.

First, racial division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy.  The Nazi Party was, without doubt, the most racially obsessed political party in human history.  Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession.   Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate is framed in racism.   

The Nazi Party’s obsession with race focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races. This opened the door for blaming various racial groups for all the problems facing the country.   The American left are claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing the nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.

This obsession with race led to what is now often referred to as “identity politics.”  Identity politics was not invented by the modern American left.  It was, in fact, a weapon in the arsenal of the Nazi Party.  As the Nazis, using the national media they controlled, sliced and diced the populace into specific identity groups and then promulgated grievance-riddled policies aimed at these manufactured factions in order to foment anger at a specific identity group previously isolated by the party, the Jews.  The Democrat party and the left, using the so-called mainstream media, is doing the same among their manufactured identity groups (as defined by race or sexual orientation or ethnicity) in order to foment anger and isolate a specific group: white, heterosexual Christians.

Second, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them.  In other words, their version of today’s “cancel culture.”   The Nazis were notorious for book-burning rituals in order to intimidate and send the message that they would shut down anyone and anything that did not align with their ideology.  Once in control of the national levers of powers, they did so with impunity.   The American left is figuratively burning books as it uses social media mobs as the vehicle to send the message that they will shut down anyone or anything that does not align with their ideology.

Third, the Nazis perfected the art of indoctrinating the citizenry through propaganda and “fake news.”  Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister of propaganda, is credited with saying: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” and “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which government can play.”   

This strategy has been and continues to be used to great success by the American left and their fellow travelers in the mainstream (Democrat) media.  Whether it is the Russian collusion hoax, the so-called armed insurrection on January 6, 2021, climate change as an existential threat to mankind, suppression of voting rights, white supremacy running rampant, the necessity of lockdowns for the Covid pandemic or a myriad of other fabrications, they left lies with impunity as a means to their ends… as did the Nazis.

Fourth, the Nazis, true to socialist ideology, preyed on class envy to stoke tensions and resentment as they blamed the “Junker Class” (the equivalent of today’s “one percent”) for the nation’s economic woes.   The American left and the Democrat party hierarchy, true to socialist ideology, has long blamed the evil one percent or greedy billionaires for income and economic inequality in order to foment class envy and resentment. 

But the similarity does not end there.  In an extraordinary juxtaposition the Nazis were able to vilify the wealthy and the industrialists while the subjects of their vitriol voluntarily financed the Nazi Party and its political campaigns.  Hitler assured the German corporate titans that, despite their rhetoric, the Nazis would leave them alone and award them lucrative contracts if they supported the Party through massive financial support and favorable newspaper coverage.  Greed overcame good sense, and they did so.   These gullible cowards were ultimately responsible for unleashing the Nazis on an unsuspecting planet. 

The American left has established a similar rapport with the corporate establishment, in particular the tech titans, by tacitly letting them know that the Democrat party will leave them alone if they financially support the party.  Additionally, their disciples have infiltrated the management ranks of many companies further exacerbating the pressure to support the agenda.  In the inane belief that they will be left alone by the left and the Democrat party, the American corporate elites have financed the ascendancy of the radical left as the left learned their lesson well from the Nazis and the wealthy elites did not.   As virtually all the financial support for the Democrats to manipulate the 2020 election came from these naïve and credulous buffoons.  Thus, unleashing radical leftism, societal chaos and a senescent president on the United States.

Fifth, in the 1920’s and early 30’s the Nazi Party routinely relied on street riots, property damage and gratuitous violence utilizing their militant cadre, the Sturmabteilung (SA), to project power through intimidation while blaming the communists for the violence.  Every time a riot was met with little or no response from the established authorities, the more emboldened they became.  While the Nazis ostensibly came to power through the ballot box, their ability to terrorize the citizenry and national political leadership played a major role as they promised peace on the streets if elected or given leadership positions in government.

The American left revealed in the summer of 2020 that they too have the wherewithal and inclination to provoke street riots, property damage and gratuitous violence utilizing their militant cadre, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, to project power through intimidation while blaming white supremacy and police brutality for the violence.   In the presidential campaign of 2020, the Democrat party implicitly promised peace on the streets if elected and insinuated there would be renewed violence if not.

Sixth, in January 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.  Within four weeks a mysterious fire broke out in the Reichstag (Congress) Building which they blamed on communist agitators and that this was the opening salvo in a violent coup.  Using this pretext, the Nazis were able to force through the Reichstag The Enabling Act of 1933 in March of the same year.   This law embedded the Nazis as the sole dominant political party and ensured that only the Nazis could win future elections, if any were held.  They were the first modern proponents of never letting a crisis, real or manufactured, to go to waste.

The left and the Democrat party seized upon the disturbances at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 to proclaim that it was an “armed insurrection” and the opening salvo in a violent coup attempt by white supremacists.  To further reinforce this false narrative, they theatrically brought in 20,000 National Guard troops and built fortifications around the Capitol building.  Further following in the footsteps of the Nazi Party, the Democrats almost immediately pushed to pass H.R. 1 (euphemistically entitled The For The People Act) which would overturn virtually all existing voter laws, embed the Democrats as the sole dominant political party and ensure that only the Democrats could win future elections. 

This list of parallels between the Nazi Party and the American left cannot be ignored.  These wannabe autocrats, in a de facto admission, try to obfuscate their adoption of Nazi tactics by shamelessly claiming that it is the American right or conservatives that have embraced the Nazis.  Yet the right has not utilized or espoused any Nazi tactics in their quest for political office. 

While it goes without saying that I am not insinuating that the American left and the Democrat Party has the objective of imposing worldwide dominance via a horrific world war or emulating the horrors of the Holocaust, it must be acknowledged that there are important commonalities.  The manner in which a small fringe far-left socialist party was able to rise to power and how the left in America is emulating it should frighten all Americans.

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The Media Desperately Wants to Push the Anti-Asian Hysteria

Once you see what they declare to be a massive rise of intolerance you will be less hysterical.

The shooting in Atlanta had the media in desperate spin mode to declare that the root cause of the shooting was a white male who was perpetrating an advanced hate crime against Asians. This was being pushed by most news outlets, despite an abject lack of any hard evidence. The shooter never indicated prior to harboring an animus towards Asians, and the authorities never heard anything after the shooting to point towards the claim. The fact he attacked multiple massage parlors would also indicate the locations were the primary focus of his rage.

Yet, the press continued down this path, going so far as to impugn the lead investigating officer as well. Their charge was based on his having once posted an image of a gag t-shirt referencing the virus as originating in China. That this had zero to do with the shooter, and zero to do with his motives, was not a factor; it served to somehow prove the narrative as accurate.

We heard repeatedly how this shooting was an extension of the steep rise in anti-Asian hate crimes, a figure said to have spiked by 150% last year. While numerous outlets have repeated this figure, the source from where it has been referenced is less enthusiastically cited. This comes from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino. While that 150% rise sounds jarring, what we come to learn when looking over the figures is that it is rooted in a number that was significantly low to begin with. Get ready to be unimpressed.

This ‘’spike’’ in hate crimes has been described as ‘’soaring’’, ‘’jumping’’, and any other dramatic adjective. Last year, across the top urban centers, the amount of anti-Asian hate crimes was tabulated at — ONE HUNDRED TWENTY TWO. You read that correctly. 122 is the entirety of the anti-Asian hate crimes counted in the big cities. Understand this includes all manner of reports, including possibly racist words spoken or other non-violent confrontations.

In 2019, the nationwide total was 49. Last year it soared to an additional 79 cases. In New York City, cited as one of the biggest contributors to this sharp rise of intolerance, the amount of anti-Asian hate crimes spiked to 28 cases. This is in a city of over 8 million citizens.

And of course, the source for all of this violence was readily cited; former President Donald Trump. See, his having insisted on referring to the pandemic as being due to the ‘’Wuhan virus’’, or ‘’Chinese virus’’ is said to be the cause of this intolerance. This rationale falls apart when something lacking in the media industry gets applied — common sense.

There is nothing at all to connect this shooting to the practice of naming a viral outbreak after the location of origin. For generations we have used this precise tactic, and at no point would you point to an outbreak of violence towards a group as a result. The media themselves cannot keep things straight, as they had for months reported on the outbreak with the Wuhan virus being noted. Even after their lectures, the press has been more than willing to note there was a regional mutation of the virus, which they curiously are comfortable having dubbed the ”South African variant’’.

This whole claim suffers also from the fact that they are selling this myth as a continental effect. Naming the virus after the city of origin, or even the country, is still rather specific, but we are told the intolerance is aimed at all people from Asia…somehow. Call it ”Wuhan virus’’ and South Koreans are threatened? Explain how ”Chinese virus’’ leads to people from Japan becoming targeted for hate crimes. If we applied a direct-line measurement, the amount of newly inspired intolerance towards Chinese-Americans would shrink to well below that 122 caseload.

This is a massive dose of convenience for the media. How come when the Ebola virus was all across the news, we did not see people from all African nations being victimized with intolerance? It turns out there may be a reason for this hyped hate hysteria.

In the last election, there was a strong drop of support for Democrats among Asian-American voters, in some cases a drop of over five percentage points. Donald Trump seeing record amounts of minority votes in November has shaken the party, and by extension the media complex. How else could it be explained that a shooting this month can be attributed to a man using a disapproved name for a virus, who has been out of office since January and has barely been heard from for months?

The press is tipping its hand by pushing this desperate agenda. Too bad for them that the numbers do not exactly support their shrieking and finger-pointing.

Listen Up! Dr. Fauci Has Your Mask Marching Orders for the New Week

Andrew Malcolm reporting for RedState

The fading Sunday morning talk shows have been a favored forum for Dr. Anthony Fauci to steer national behavior on masks and travel, and families getting together. The usual prescriptions from him that have grown pretty tired to many of us.

Sure enough, there he was again Sunday on “Face the Nation,” urging continued mask vigilance and ongoing travel cautions because, you never know, there could be more health devastation ahead. Fauci has been elevated to chief medical adviser to Joe Biden, who does need medical advice.

He warned about the dangers of new virus variants and families’ Spring Break vacations, after more than a year of insulation and isolation and the threat of some states like Texas easing health restrictions.

Fauci said:

“I’ve said many times that when you’re coming down from a big peak and you reach a point and start to plateau, once you stay at that plateau, you’re really in danger of a surge coming up. And unfortunately, that’s what we’re starting to see. We got stuck at around 50,000 new cases per day, went up to 60,000 the other day. And that’s really a risk.”

He called it “almost a race between getting people vaccinated” and the possibilities of new outbreak surges. Joe Biden was more blunt than Fauci, calling easing of covid restrictions Neanderthal thinking.” 

Fauci said it was “conceivable” — if the vaccination pace of around three million per day continues — that parents could send their children to camps this summer. “We don’t know that for sure,” he added, “but I think that’s an aspirational goal we should go for.”

Fauci said he found acceptable that vaccinated parents not wear masks at home. But when they send children outside to mingle with other kids and families, they do need to don masks.

Fauci, who is an avid Washington Nationals baseball fan, predicted an easing of stadium crowd restrictions as the season wears on, though with continued mask wearing required. As our RedState colleague T.LaDuke wrote here, Michigan loosened its restrictions slightly to allow 8,000 spectators at the Opening Day game.

He dodged comment on the upcoming WHO report on the virus’ Chinese origins, which reportedly was largely controlled, even possibly written, by China. “You’re getting a lot of conjecture around about what they did and what the (investigators) were allowed to do or not,” Fauci said.

And then there’s the whitewashed, hemming-and-hawing rewrite of history by CNN, documented here by RedState Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar, covering up the former CDC director’s candid assessment. But the argument that the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese lab goes against the accepted mainstream media narrative. So, move along, folks, nothing to see here.

Biden Admin “Vaccine Passport” Allows Travel + Entry to Businesses Requiring COVID Vaccination

We all knew this was coming,…. it is only a natural outcome on the continuum of ideological control.  CTH warned since last summer of the ramifications if a leftist group used COVID-19 to expand federal power over peoples lives and livelihoods.  The day after his inauguration JoeBama’s team unleashed a series of TEN EXECUTIVE ORDERS fully weaponizing the opportunity.

Today the Washington Post is reporting about the Biden administration working with private corporations to create a universal “vaccine passport” to restrict the movement of non-vaccinated Americans.

If you follow the natural progression of the effort, there will come a time when employers will be forced by federal regulation to require vaccination for all their workers. 

[Predictions HERE 

and HERE]

WASHINGTON DC – The Biden administration and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as “vaccine passports” — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen.

The effort has gained momentum amid President Biden’s pledge that the nation will start to regain normalcy this summer and with a growing number of companies — from cruise lines to sports teams — saying they will require proof of vaccination before opening their doors again.

The administration’s initiative has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology, said five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the effort. The White House this month took on a bigger role coordinating government agencies involved in the work, led by coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients, with a goal of announcing updates in coming days, said one official.

[…] U.S. officials say they are grappling with an array of challenges, including data privacy and health-care equity. They want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked or passports that cannot be counterfeited, given that forgeries are already starting to appear.  (read more)

You know what to do… {pdf LINK HERE}

Use their HIPPA privacy laws against them.

Throw sand in the machinery whenever possible.

The Rebel Alliance

Human smugglers offload illegal aliens in small Texas town


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 8:33 AM PT – Monday, March 29, 2021

A new video shows a large semi-trailer offloading dozens of illegal aliens into the small town of Pearsall, Texas. The Frio County Sheriff’s Office said 65 illegal aliens were arrested following the incident last Monday.



The driver was trying to blend in with the migrants and flee the scene, but was identified and detained.

“You’re gonna see an upbeat of people trying to make money fast and trying to get people into the interior of the U.S.,” stated Harry Jimenez, former Department of Homeland Security investigator. “Smugglers are telling individuals all through Central America to make the journey.”

Pearsall Police said they have received calls from local residents informing them that unidentified people are running through their backyards, which may suggest some of the illegals avoided arrest. 




Is Racism Moral Now?

Whiteness is a public health crisis. It shortens life expediencies, it pollutes air, it constricts equilibrium, it devastates forests, it melts ice caps, it sparks (and funds) wars, it flattens dialects, it infests consciousnesses, and it kills people . . . 

Damon Young, New York Times contributor

Over the past year, I have, of course, still had to interact with white people on Zoom or watch them on television or worry about whether they would succeed in reelecting a white-supremacist president. But white people aren’t in my face all of the time. I can, more or less, only deal with whiteness when I want to . . . White people haven’t improved; I’ve just been able to limit my exposure to them.

Elie Mystal, The Nation     

Racism is the deductive bias against, and often hatred of, an entire racial group. It is often birthed by dislike of particular individuals of a given group that supposedly justifies, by extension, disliking or indeed hating all of them. The popular reaction against this widespread toxic pathology shown African Americans birthed the anti-slavery movement, the Civil War, the resistance to Jim Crow, and the modern Civil Rights movement.

But now there grows a strange new ahistorical “antiracism” racism.

One variety encourages holistic hatred, blaming all of one’s own unhappiness, indeed all of the cosmic injustice in the manmade and natural world—the very air, water, and earth—on a white racial collective.

Another constructs a purported racial pathology to encourage segregation and separation from all members of the white race, thereby limiting all “exposure” to a toxic people.

These are not just the idle critical race theory rants of intellectuals. They now are reified in racially segregated graduations and dorms and in systemic racialist reeducation and confessional workshops in government, the military, and private enterprise. In fact, the new antiracism racism is flagrantly directed at “whiteness”—the obsession of an America gone mad.

Barack Obama who, when a senator, filibustered the 2006 Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito now claims, falsely, the filibuster is a racist relic of Jim Crow, which it predated by at least 30-40 years. On the Senate floor, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) vowed to block confirmation of nominees based solely on their white skin color.

In violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, the mayor of Oakland just announced race-based grants of $500 per month to be given only to poor “BIPOC” (“black, indigenous, and people of color”) families, excluding the white poor.

The latest multibillion-dollar stimulus/farm aid bill is targeted for all those in need—as long as they are not white. The latter are all ineligible.

The new antiracism racism, whatever its original intentions, unfortunately exhibits the historical telltale signs of its noxious genre: an a priori negative stereotyping of all whites that can then be applied to individuals deemed undeserving because they are white. It is a deductive doctrine used to justify racial bias and racial preferences, to enhance careers and profits, and to excuse and contextualize racist language and behavior.

Antiracism’s implicit defense is that the nonwhite have less power to act out their biases than do whites, while it “rights” an historical wrong. Therefore even crude antiracists cannot be harmful racists. Consult the government data on hate crimes, however, and one learns some non-white groups have a greater proportional tendency to commit such crimes against others than so-called whites. And how has a white lower-middle-class generation, born in the post-Civil Rights movement and the age of affirmative action, continued to enjoy so-called white privilege?

The Convenient Vocabularies of Whiteness

Notice how the term “white racism” began metamorphosing into “white supremacy.” The latter is a linguistic means of stating, without evidence, that “they” control everything and thus there is little need for demonstrable examples of white racism.

But “supremacy” itself proves a problematic rubric. What does one do when Asian Americans as a group make far more per capita than do whites? Or the 44th president of the United States was black—as is the current vice president? Or both the recent Democratic and Republican candidates for lieutenant governor in South Carolina, the first slave state to secede from the Union, were black?

After all, a true “Islamic supremacy” state such as Iran or Saudi Arabia, does not allow a Christian or Jew access to such power in their country. A racially supremacist nation such as we see in communist China cannot allow a black or white immigrant to be premier—any more than can North Korea. Even South Korea or Japan may not any day soon see a Korean president or Japanese prime minister of Mexican or Irish ancestry.

And yet “white supremacy” itself is devolving into “white privilege.” The newer term no longer requires proof that all whites are always supreme—only that they all, by use of the collective “white,” enjoyed innately unfair advantages over all others based solely on their race.

But finally “white privilege” will itself prove an unsustainable rubric, given the clear privileges enjoyed by millions of non-white Americans in business, politics, popular culture, sports, entertainment, the professions, and among the elite. Surely one should not have to argue that a white Dayton, Ohio tire-changer is innately blessed in a way an unfortunate Eric Holder or Jay-Z purportedly is not?

So “white privilege” is now morphing into just “whiteness” in a malignant stereotyping hauntingly reminiscent of the 1930 theories of insidious “Jewishness,” a term denoting a mythical and underhanded power that warped and “controlled” Western Europe—even as no believable charge could be leveled against individual Jews.

Infectious “whiteness” supposedly is what explains why the privileged Meghan Markle is unhappy with, or rather furious at, the royal family and the psychodramatic injustices allegedly done to her—as the former royal couple lecture the public on its sins from their $14 million Montecito estate.

The “whiteness” conspiracy similarly explains why multibillionaire Oprah Winfrey, who interviewed the couple from her nearby $90 million estate, not long ago was—or so she complained—treated rudely by a clerk in a Swiss boutique who committed the mortal sin of not recognizing Oprah, and thus not purportedly retrieving a $38,000 crocodile bag out of its secure case quickly enough to Oprah’s liking.

“Whiteness” often towers over even 5’11” Michelle Obama. Even as First Lady, when incognito in a Target store, she complained that a much shorter white woman did not recognize her and asked her, a taller stranger, to help lift down an item from an upper shelf—a phenomenon that millions of Americans encounter weekly.

Racist White Male Mass Shooters Everywhere?

It took the media and the Left about a nanosecond, and without any evidence other than a grainy video, to falsely label the recent Colorado mass shooter—later revealed as a Trump-hating Syrian-born Muslim—a “white supremacist.”

And it only took a second for the online mob and media to use his now falsely assumed identification to fuel a grand indictment against all “white men” in general—in the same old, same old unapologetic Duke lacrosse, Covington Catholic kids, and Jussie Smollett style.

Next, the Colorado mass murderer was immediately lumped in with the recent Georgia mass killer—as if that monstrous shooter was, unquestionably, a similar white supremacist. The two together proved a “pattern” of systemic white violence, most notably against Asian Americans.

All of these narratives, which are still floating around and widely accepted, are false.

It mattered little that the prior Georgia “white supremacist” mass-murderer was a disturbed psychopath and sexual deviant. In an initial questioning, the FBI found him unhinged rather than acting out a racist agenda. Sexual deviance rather than racism more likely fueled his attacks on massage parlors, where he killed six Asian and two white women, and seriously wounded a Hispanic male.

As far as the deviant Atlanta shooter being illustrative of an epidemic of white-inspired, anti-Asian-American crimes, the majority of such hate crimes against Asians have not been found, by a variety of metrics, to have been committed inordinately by whites. Indeed, in many surveys, African American males are proportionally more likely to commit such hate offenses against Asians. Nor do whites commit hate crimes in general disproportionally. Nor in the case of mass shootings, are whites “overrepresented” in the data.

The First Stone

Barack Obama was also quick to inflame the dramas—in the fashion of his unfortunate Trayvon Martin commentaries—by weighing in falsely that racism was one of the Georgia shooter’s stimulants.

Meena Harris—a Dr. Seuss canceller, Kamala Harris’s niece and campaign advisor, and the would-be Harris family memorialist—before the Colorado shooter had even been identified, immediately tweeted out: “The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country”

Note the Harris logic: a suspect mows down ten innocents, and presto “white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country”—never mind that the shooter turns out to have been a Syrian Muslim who emigrated to America in the early 2000s. The subtext of Harris’ thoughtless comments is something like “and we better do something about those white people.”

Her later “apology” for her judge-jury-executioner disinformation tweet proved far worse than her original libel: “I deleted a previous tweet about the suspect in the Boulder shooting. I made an assumption based on his being taken into custody alive and the fact that the majority of mass shootings in the U.S. are carried out by white men.”

Aside from the fact that Harris offered no apology for her lie, and had no compunction in stereotyping an entire group on the false assumption that the murderer was white, she also was entirely misinformed about her data. Again, according to most information on mass murderers, there is no evidence that whites are more likely proportionally to be the culprits than are members of other racial categories. In terms of interracial violent crime, whites both proportionally and in absolute numbers, are more likely, in comparison to both blacks and Hispanics, to be victims than perpetrators.

Why have we given up on the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr, that content of character rather than the color of our skins will arbitrate how we treat other individual Americans in a multiracial United States? And is the rejection of that vision the foundation of the new racism?

The Utility of Anti-Racism

What is driving this new antiracism racism? Cui bono? After all, a number of ethnic groups enjoy higher per capita income than whites. The number of white poor in absolute numbers is larger than any other impoverished minority group. The two most common interracial marriage profiles are white and Hispanic, and white and Asian.

For one thing, the new antiracism racialism is driven mostly by elite, white, progressive, careerists. Yet why, in white bastions like Silicon Valley or Manhattan, is there an explosion of elite private academies and a mass flight from the public schools? Is there real integration inside the nation’s richest and bluest ZIP codes, where support for public charter schools is low but high for teachers’ unions?

Medievalism offers some guidance. If a guilty party still wishes to enter woke heaven—or more mundanely to get a promotion or avoid being fired—but is reluctant to sacrifice his own privileged and tribal ways, he can still find cosmic recompense through the abstract: our version of a contractual endowment to the Church that once erased away usury or profligacy.

In other words, very privileged, very wealthy white people virtue signal anger over “white supremacy” as both a psychological and practical way of squaring the circle of their own largely unbothered separate and segregated lives. The irony is that by doing so, those with privilege castigate those without it.

By dreaming up an ever-growing vocabulary of clingers, deplorables, irredeemables, chumps, dregs, and Neanderthals for the white underclass, the elite—both black and white—squares the circle of owning an estate on the cliff above Martha’s Vineyard, or a D.C. mansion.

The Clintons, the Bidens, and the Obamas can live guilt-free and in splendor on the metaphorical barricades, faced off against the less virtuous, Bible-thumping, racist losers who never got with it and learned to code or follow the fracking rigs. This morality offset credit is the racial equivalent of the climate activist John Kerry’s carbon-spewing private jet, so necessary to ferry him from one green conference to another.

Call it exemption, penance, indulgence, or any other variety of medieval quid pro quo, but the white elite’s virtue signaling is as easy to spot as it is pretentious, opportunistic, and hypocritical. 

Just as deploring whiteness or confessing to “unearned” privilege exempts the concrete behavior of white elites, so too does it exempt elite blacks from addressing existential crises in the black community that transcend white racism.

Or is it more troublesome than that? Do elites claim that it is racist to suggest the elite woke should at least channel some of their outrage and concern to the mass killing of the urban young (so often African American youth), the pandemic of fatherless black households and illegitimacy, and inordinate rates of criminality? Meghan Markle, as one of the new self-appointed voices of the oppressed, seems more fixated on royal insensitivities than she does on the soaring murder rate in Chicago.

There were other catalysts that shipwrecked the King dream and are supplanting it with Balkans-style tribalism and intersectional hatred. Under Barack Obama, the new idea of “diversity” came into its own. The old binary of white/black and the ecumenical effort to heal the legacy wounds of slavery, Jim Crow and de facto discrimination suddenly invited in a host of new participants, many of them with little record of discrimination, economic inequality, or historical grievance.

Diversity, in other words, redefined the victimized as those with a claim on non-whiteness and on the basis of superficial appearance expanded those with purported grievances from 12 percent of the population to over 30 percent.

Suddenly the impoverished undocumented Oaxacan, subject to years of maltreatment in his native Mexico, became a victim deserving American reparatory consideration the moment he crossed by his own volition into the United States.

So did the children of the multimillionaire Punjabi cardiologist, now dubbed “Asian” as if Indians, too, were indistinguishable from Japanese and Chinese-American who had experienced historical discrimination inside the United States. The Brazilian aristocrat, the one-third “this” and the one-eighth “that” brought millions into the equation, including Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Dolezal, Ward Churchill, Alec Baldwin’s wife, and legions of other socially constructed diverse people.

Class: The Forgotten, Ecumenical Divide

The explosive gains in bicoastal wealth in tech, corporations, entertainment, media, the professions, and sports increasingly rendered less important the connections between class and race. A LeBron James, by traditional class definitions, was a privileged near-billionaire elite who often shilled for the Chinese government—not a victimized truth-teller entrusted to lecture us about the pathologies of whiteness. So as the nonwhite were now often elites, racial identity became more, not less emphasized, to avoid the perception that prior racial victims were now class beneficiaries or even oppressors.

Soon some minorities began questioning the racial fides of other, usually more conservative Latinos and blacks—inventing all sorts of philological categories such as “white Hispanic” and “multiracial whites.” They were reminiscent of the old white racists of the past who had strained to detect “white blacks” who successfully passed into white society, and thereby threatened to expose the entire absurdity of racial castes. After claiming that race was not a construct but immutable, the Left began contextualizing and rebranding and re-cataloging Trump-voting Cubans, George Zimmerman, and any who did not meet their own benchmarks for racial authenticity.

Soon we were left with the silliness of multimillionaire CNN anchor Don Lemon pontificating, without evidence, that “the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, or the far richer, Colin Kaepernick, of mixed ancestry, raised by two white parents, and previously fined for using the N-word on the playing field, now scapegoating his athletic descent onto a white racist society that ruined his career, even as “it” enriched him beyond the imagination of 329 million other Americans.

There are inequalities in the United States. Many of them dovetail with racial differences. But 21st-century cause-and-effect remains unclear. And the chief dividing line in the age of bicoastal globalism is now class—the new-old word we dare not speak.

In truth, the Mexican American tractor driver in Gilroy has more in common with the white auto-mechanic, and both with the black truck driver, than any of the three has with the woke Jorge Ramos, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, or the Antifa and Black Lives Matter hierarchy.

America is not a sinful racist mess, but a great experiment as the only multiracial, self-reflecting, and self-critical democracy in history that did not—yet—descend into tribal chaos and violence.