Monday, March 29, 2021

Biden Admin “Vaccine Passport” Allows Travel + Entry to Businesses Requiring COVID Vaccination

We all knew this was coming,…. it is only a natural outcome on the continuum of ideological control.  CTH warned since last summer of the ramifications if a leftist group used COVID-19 to expand federal power over peoples lives and livelihoods.  The day after his inauguration JoeBama’s team unleashed a series of TEN EXECUTIVE ORDERS fully weaponizing the opportunity.

Today the Washington Post is reporting about the Biden administration working with private corporations to create a universal “vaccine passport” to restrict the movement of non-vaccinated Americans.

If you follow the natural progression of the effort, there will come a time when employers will be forced by federal regulation to require vaccination for all their workers. 

[Predictions HERE 

and HERE]

WASHINGTON DC – The Biden administration and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as “vaccine passports” — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen.

The effort has gained momentum amid President Biden’s pledge that the nation will start to regain normalcy this summer and with a growing number of companies — from cruise lines to sports teams — saying they will require proof of vaccination before opening their doors again.

The administration’s initiative has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology, said five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the effort. The White House this month took on a bigger role coordinating government agencies involved in the work, led by coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients, with a goal of announcing updates in coming days, said one official.

[…] U.S. officials say they are grappling with an array of challenges, including data privacy and health-care equity. They want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked or passports that cannot be counterfeited, given that forgeries are already starting to appear.  (read more)

You know what to do… {pdf LINK HERE}

Use their HIPPA privacy laws against them.

Throw sand in the machinery whenever possible.

The Rebel Alliance