Elite Liberal Guilt (Again)

From now on, when conservatives hear liberal elites alert Americans
 in fretful tones of a rising rabble on the Right, they should respond,
 “Stop trying to hide your own miserable ineptitude!”

Why did Democrats and the media elevate the afternoon mob at the Capitol in January into the gravest threat to American democracy in living memory, a veritable insurrection? 

For the same reason that they have ridiculously inflated ever since November 2016 the threat of white supremacist uprisings in America. And for the same reasons college officials have been willing to cast their own institutions as hives of systemic racism and “rape culture,” even though the campuses are some of the most progressive zones on planet earth. And for the same reasons elites everywhere framed President Trump as dangerous, reckless, an outrage, abominable, a Russian asset, a dictator, a crime boss, a maniac.

The reason is this: such over-the-top alarms and nightmare visions were necessary if sober and rational America was to overcome the disaster of that awful election of yore. Remember what President Trump said in his inaugural speech

For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs and, while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

This was too much, too offensive. It was a remarkably unifying statement—for elites, that is, who saw the gun pointed at them in every word of that speech. If you were a D.C. politician (Democrat or Republican), a CEO, college president, Hollywood producer, tech mogul, foundation head, finance wizard, or any other sort of swamp dweller, you realized then the name of the common enemy. Donald Trump and his supporters had to be disabled. Molly Ball’s article in Time on the extraordinary coordination behind last November’s election, “the conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes” to make sure that the catastrophe didn’t happen a second time, completes the restoration that elites started planning that day.

Delusions Need Reinforcement

The characterization of Trump conservatives and populists as treacherous and uncivilized, armed savages waving Confederate flags, gathering in large numbers, and eager to begin shooting was a key part of the operation. The demonization of them, the dire warnings and exaggerations, the bilious condescension . . . they played a softening role, marking one population with lower standing when it comes to rights and citizenship. 

This target group had to be socially stigmatized before harsher political actions could be taken. As news stories, TV shows, op-eds and books, tweets and posts piled up, all of them profiling right-wing ruffians, they became a kind of background noise that has never gone away. I remember watching ABC News the night the Jussie Smollett story broke, hearing the details (the noose, the heckling, the sandwich . . .) and thinking, “Wait a minute . . .” But not the anchor at ABC, who couldn’t have been more solemn and grave, no questions asked. The environment had already been prepared quite well for wild allegations. People were ready to hear them. They needed to hear them. 

Without fresh evidence, the spreading habitat of right-wing menace wouldn’t hold up. Delusions need constant reinforcement. In this sense, the Smollett case, the Covington Catholic boys at the Lincoln Memorial, the Brett Kavanaugh allegations, Russian meddling, the “pee tape”—they weren’t really news, not quite current events. They were, instead, confirmation of a widespread condition that had been established well before as fact. 

What Trump did from day one was unforgivable. It wasn’t just that he challenged the power of the elite in America. He challenged their very competence, the whole assumption that the people currently occupying high positions deserved to be there. That was the prime abomination—not any particular policy or plank, belief or faith. He called them out for the things on which they prided themselves the most: their knowledge and wisdom; training and worldliness; savvy, prudence, and experience. 

No matter what happened in the ups-and-downs of politics and the economy, this was something that always was to go unquestioned. If you haven’t been around these aristocrats, you can’t realize just how convinced they are of their eminence and desert. These were people ultra-credentialed, super-qualified, the ones who’d climbed the achievement ladder and competed among the best and brightest. Who the hell was this Queens celebrity to knock them? They were the stewards of American prosperity, the guardians of stability and progress, the very people who belonged at the top. We need them, we can’t do without them. The meritocracy worked! 

Except it hasn’t. Candidate Trump said so over and over. The Chinese were running circles around our diplomats and negotiators, he charged. The Mexicans, too. LaGuardia Airport is an embarrassment, he complained, and we can’t maintain our own borders, and they’ve let manufacturing slip away. They’ve put a generation of young Americans into crushing debt, they’ve made real estate completely unaffordable in the nicest cities and towns, they haven’t solved the healthcare spiral, they can’t get better test scores out of students, they’ve pumped more vulgarity into the cultural spheres, they’ve turned the news media into a joke. 

They’re only good at one thing, enriching themselves. 

Exposing Elite Failure

This was dangerous and he had to go. As Trump’s attacks unfolded, they found a ready audience, and that really bothered the elite. He was attracting the very people whom the elite claimed to manage and guide and improve. And this was the worst of all: the hoi polloi were convinced that so much of what he said about their incompetence was true. Trump was pulling back the curtain on just exactly how the elite have failed. 

  • The people enjoying Trump’s rallies might have remembered the 1970s when Hollywood produced some good, thoughtful films among the pop stuff, “Network” and “The Godfather” and “Chinatown,” not the puerile diversions of today. 
  • They remembered the internet of the 1990s, when it all seemed exciting and fun, not the icky psycho-political scene Silicon Valley has made of it in the last 10 years.
  • College campuses of old were still hotbeds of debate and free speech in 1990, not the PC straitjackets of 2015 (when the Black Lives Matter protests first began).
  • Public schools of old stuck to the three Rs, not the rancid ideology of diversity, inclusion, and equity, and now critical race theory in elementary schools.
  • We had public buildings on the models of classical architecture, not the modernist and postmodern monstrosities of recent decades that only an academic theorist could love
  • We had competent liberal Democrats like Tip O’Neill (D-Mass.) and Mayor Richard Daley, not the buffoonery of Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Chicago’s current mayor.
  • Small-town Main Streets were destroyed by Big Box stores near the freeway, college and professional sports went political (remember how the NCAA threatened Indiana over its Religious Freedom Restoration Act?), museums and libraries went Woke, f-words popped up all over the public square (licensed by liberal Supreme Court justices around 1971, and now uttered by the elite as much as anyone), corporations started preaching social ideologies that have nothing to do with their products. 

What have America’s elites created in the last 20 years? Two centuries ago, the United States were in what was called the Era of Good Feelings. Now, it’s the Era of Bad Feelings, and it’s all the elite’s fault. They know how badly they’ve screwed up, and also how handsomely the 21st century has treated them. The public eye must be diverted, popular anger deflected. 

Populism must be labeled “fascism.” 

President Trump’s speech at Mt. Rushmore must be labeled “white nationalism.” 

The removal of gender identity from Title IX (early in President Trump’s term) must be labeled “transphobia.” 

And so on.

Giving Cover to Ineptitude

This is the propaganda of the elite, peddled brazenly and shamelessly by politicians and media types who know full well that they aren’t telling the truth. They are, instead, fomenting a campaign, and they’re cynical or venal or righteous enough to do it without batting an eye. Karl Marx described them well as a special cohort assigned by the ruling class to rationalize and justify the power of the rulers with words, images, stories, ideals, and ideas that make the rulers look good and rivals to them look bad. Here is how Marx put it:  

Inside this class one part appears as the thinkers of the class (its active, conceptive ideologists, who make the perfecting of the illusion of the class about itself their chief source of livelihood), while the others’ attitude to these ideas and illusions is more passive and receptive, because they are in reality the active members of this class and have less time to make up illusions and ideas about themselves.

In other words, we have Bill Gates and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) running things, and flunkies at CNN and Harvard providing intellectual cover. 

The problem for the elite in 2021 is that they need so much more cover. After all, the biggest failures are Democrat zones—low-performing public schools, deteriorating cities, slimy Hollywood . . . on and on and on. That means that the dangers of right-wing violence and racism and phobia have to be exaggerated all the more. From now on, when conservatives hear liberal elites alert Americans in fretful tones of a rising rabble on the Right, they should respond, “Stop trying to hide your own miserable ineptitude!”

Where Are All the Retractions of the Brian Sicknick Story?

Law enforcement officials, according to several news reports, now are searching for someone who allegedly released bear spray into a crowd of police officers January 6 outside the Capitol building. The suspect might have sprayed the chemical at Brian Sicknick, the Capitol Police officer who died January 7 reportedly from injuries sustained in the chaos. 

“In a significant breakthrough in the case, investigators have now pinpointed a person seen on video of the riot who attacked several officers with bear spray, including Officer Sicknick,” the New York Times reported Friday night.

With that one sentence, the Times buried for good its own original account of what happened to Sicknick—the now-debunked claim Trump “loyalists” beat him to death with a fire extinguisher. The Times seeded the fabricated story in a January 8 article; the paper “updated” the article—in reality, a retraction—on February 12 after pressure from a few outlets, including American Greatness.

The “bear spray” assault is just the latest change in the slowly unraveling mystery surrounding Sicknick’s untimely death. (He was 42.) His grieving mother told the Daily Mail last week she believes her son died of a stroke and isn’t sure if any sort of repellent spray caused it. The D.C. Medical Examiner’s office, in what can only be interpreted as a cover-up, refuses to release any autopsy or toxicology report, even though Sicknick was cremated weeks ago.

The public, and his family, may never know exactly how he died.

But one thing is certain: Brian Sicknick did not die after being attacked by Trump supporters with a fire extinguisher on January 6. The story is a lie. It is in fact, unlike claims of election fraud, a Big Lie. And everyone from Joe Biden to top news organizations down to random Twitter accounts who repeated the lie knew it was a lie because no evidence ever existed to prove the claim was true. It didn’t matter to the propagandists of the lie that it was a lie; the fabrication served its destructive political purposes. 

Yet major news organizations and lawmakers still refuse to correct the Big Lie. The death-by-fire-extinguisher fable is a permanent feature in the egregiously overblown drama of the January 6 “insurrection.” The uncorrected version will be part of the historical record.

A January 8 article in the Wall Street Journal still states, “Brian D. Sicknick . . . was struck in the head with a fire extinguisher during Wednesday’s unrest, according to a law-enforcement official.”

The Washington Post, the “Democracy Dies in Darkness” vanguards of the truth, has not corrected an editorial paying tribute to the fallen officer. “Officer Sicknick was pummeled by a rioter wielding a fire extinguisher, according to witnesses,” the editorial board wrote January 11.

“Sicknick was placed on life support in hospital after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher wielded by a protester at the Capitol on Wednesday, according to a tweet by reporter Alexandra Limon,” Newsweek reported January 8. Neither the article nor the linked tweet has been corrected as of Saturday.

The Associated Press on January 2 reported: “During the Capitol siege, as rioters seething over President Donald Trump’s election loss stormed the building, Sicknick was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. He died the next day.” AP has yet to publish a correction or an “update.”

An article in the New York Daily News still includes a passage in a January 29 story claiming “the police officer who was pepper-sprayed then fatally bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher when hundreds of Donald Trump supporters stormed Congress on Jan. 6 will lie in honor at the U.S. Capitol rotunda.”

You get the idea. Thousands of articles, broadcast segments, and cable news diatribes perpetuate the lie about Sicknick’s death spawning millions more iterations with no updated facts. Scores of verified Twitter users still have posts online promoting the lie to their followers. 

“Officer Sicknick has been muzzled for life because the mob you incited murdered him with a fire extinguisher. You are not getting out of this with a political career you pathetic seditionist,” Fred Wellman, executive director of the Lincoln Project, tweeted at Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) on January 24.

“Love how all these stories make clear: This is not the murderer who murdered Brian Sicknick. It’s another (wannabe) murderer,” Salon’s Joan Walsh tweeted January 14 about the arrest of another man charged with throwing a fire extinguisher at police. 

“The extinguisher that Mr. Sanford allegedly threw is separate from the one that killed Officer Brian Sicknick, who was also struck in the head with a fire extinguisher during the unrest and died from his wounds,” Harvard epidemiologist and COVID-19 panic pusher Eric Feigel-Ding tweeted to his nearly 500,000 followers on January 14.

Will Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who launched an aggressive campaign to censor and deplatform users spreading “disinformation” about the 2020 election, take similar steps to ban any content related to the fire extinguisher lie? Let’s not hold our breath.

Of course, the biggest platform to spread the Big Lie about Brian Sicknick’s death was the House Democrats’ impeachment trial. The claim is forever part of the government charging documents attempting to bolster the case against President Donald Trump. Will Republicans now demand the lie be stricken from the official record? Let’s not hold our breath about that, either.

The sad reality is even if every news outlet, journalist, editor, pundit, lawmakers, and social media user admitted the story was false, millions of Americans will refuse to believe the truth. Blinded by hatred for Trump and his supporters, willfully brainwashed by their favorite cable news host or Washington Post columnist, these folks once again will reject facts just as they’ve done over and over in the Trump era.

And the news media know they can get away with it. No one gets fired, no one apologizes, no one faces public humiliation. There is no reckoning, which is why they will do it again. If anyone thinks exploiting the untimely death of a police officer to score political points is the low point for the media, Democrats, and NeverTrump Republicans, stand by. They seem to find new lows by the day.

Nation Looks Forward To Future Where Every Business In Town Is Owned By Walmart Or Amazon

U.S.—The entire country is reportedly looking forward to a glorious future in which all culture and economic activity in society is owned by one unstoppable, faceless, international corporation such as Walmart or Amazon. 

This astounding report is the result of years of involuntary polling data performed by Amazon Alexa-powered smart speakers strategically placed in everyone’s homes and the data is incontrovertible: most Americans would eagerly adopt living in a society in which one company employs everyone, or at least structures and orders all the means of production, while simultaneously telling them what cultural values they should believe in and what they should be hyped to consume. Alexa has crunched the data and says that 94% of Americans would adopt such an economic arrangement and would probably say something like, “well, that’s just the free market,” while another 6% would be undecided or unable to do anything about a situation in which their small local interests, values, cultures, and businesses were either obliterated or subsumed under the domination of a distant corporate master.

“Yeah, having all these different stores competing against each other and all their different products and prices is confusing,” said Bob American to his wife one night while in the hearing radius of their interested Alexa smart speaker. “Wouldn’t life be so much easier if one company just ran everything, gave everyone jobs according to their skills, and told us what to buy and at what price?”

“Yes,” said Alexa.

“What was that?” said a startled Mrs. American. “Was that one of the kids? Oh well, must have been my imagination.”

Alexa returned to quietly collecting its data for the study.

At publishing time, Americans were placing bets as to whether Amazon or Walmart would be the one to own or destroy every other business on Main Street, but whoever wins, one thing became clear: Americans just want to consume whatever is put in front of them and not think about difficult cultural or societal problems anymore.

Time To Impeach Our Government


The signing of the Constitution of the United States of America
Article by Brett Stevens in The American Thinker

Time To Impeach Our Government

Our government has appointed itself as judge, jury, and executioner of its own alleged misconduct. Unsurprisingly, it has found itself innocent. This is an inherently corrupt system and the way to change it is to “impeach” our government using a constitutional convention.

The Supreme Court’s decision denying the most recent Trump election lawsuit, recalls the case of Corinna Mullen. Her brutal murder went unsolved for years until an investigator found one slip of paper.

That document revealed that his predecessor had requested that the state crime lab return evidence without testing it. The evidence was later lost or “disappeared.” It then became clear why the case had never been solved: the people in charge of investigating it were the guilty parties.

This calls to mind the scenario that Dashiell Hammett wrote about in his short story “Nightmare Town,” about a lone private investigator who encounters a town where everyone, from the mayor to the busboy, is participating in the same criminal enterprise:

“You’re fined a hundred and fifty dollars and costs. The costs are fifteen dollars and eight cents, making a total of a hundred and six-five dollars and eighty cents. Will you pay it or will you go to jail?”

“I’ll pay it if I’ve got it,” Steve said, turning to the marshal. “You took my money. Have I got that much?”

The marshal nodded his massive head.

“You have,” he said, “exactly – to the nickel. “Funny it should have come out like that – huh?”

“Yes – funny,” Steve repeated.

America today resembles Izzard, the Nightmare Town. Every public institution in America has been compromised. None will hear evidence about election irregularities, such as fake ballots and ballot mishandling, not to mention the frauds of which Democrats are proud: the voting laws changed to encourage fraud and the tech companies stifling of news and emails beneficial to Trump or harmful to Biden.

They would not listen when John Ratcliffe reported that China was behind this fraud:

“Based on all available sources of intelligence, with definitions consistently applied, and reached independent of political considerations or undue pressure—that the People’s Republic of China sought to influence the 2020 U.S. federal elections,” Ratcliffe wrote.

They would also not pay any attention when John Lott showed us that it was statistically impossible for election results to be legitimate:

The estimates here indicate that there were 70,000 to 79,000 “excess” votes in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Adding Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, the total increases to up to 289,000 excess votes.

They ignored the FISA report that pointed out that the first Trump impeachment was entirely based on fraudulent premises:

The FISA court was lied to. Exculpatory information was withheld on those being investigated. The investigators, with some notable exceptions, were incredibly biased and used the powers of law enforcement for political purposes.

They ignored the longstanding links between the Biden crime family and companies linked to the Chinese military found in the Homeland Security Report:

Rosemont Seneca was formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, by Chris Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, and others.

Trump and his team even presented a vast list of election irregularities that showed over a thousand incidents of vote forgery, evidence hiding, and deception. Would Nightmare Town investigate? No, they refused even to consider the evidence, much less accept it.

Like the marshal in Izzard the Nightmare Town, American institutions wanted us to know that they were stealing this one, and so they publicly admitted the “bipartisan” conspiracy to engineer the fake win:

Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

Obviously, we cannot trust anyone in an “official” position. We need to burn down this Nightmare Town and start again by impeaching this government. We can do this by calling a convention of states:

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed.

I propose an amendment to the Constitution that closes the loopholes used by Deep State creatures to buy votes and perpetuate their power. This could have a few simple provisions, based on the things we’ve seen that have allowed the government to grow.

First, the Constitution needs a flat tax. Everyone pays; no one is excepted. As part of that, the amendment can specify that there can be no wealth transfer, or taking money, from one group to give to another. We are all in this together.

Next, it can prohibit entitlements, or government payments directly to citizens such as the ones that make up three-quarters of our budget. These are the “free things” that government uses to buy votes.

It could also clarify Marbury v. Madison, the landmark Supreme Court case that gave courts the ability to legislate from the bench. Specify that court oversight is a veto power of an entire Act, not a chance to pick and choose which parts are legal.

The amendment can revisit the Fourteenth Amendment and specify that “equal protection of the laws,” the magic phrase that enables parasitic wealth transfer equality programs, was intended in a natural rights conflict to mean that government cannot treat us unfairly, not that it has an affirmative duty to intervene in private business and social affairs to enforce equity.

It can also address the fastest-growing segment of government in the postwar era, the administrative state. These agencies represent the unelected bureaucracy that makes most of the rules. Ban them, and Congress must be accountable for government decisions.

Does it sound like a dream? The GOP has come to a resolution in its civil war; MAGA won. We are going to retake the states. We will have the votes. We can do this, but only if we have the willpower to demand it instead of just going with the flow yet again.


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Joe Biden Speaks in Houston, What Follows Should Make You Question Everything

Earlier today, I wrote on Joe and Jill Biden doing yet another joint interview in which the latter basically asserted herself as the president’s puppet master. Yet, that’s far from the only disturbing episode that Joe Biden has had lately.

After waiting nearly two weeks to respond, he finally left the bunker and headed down to Texas to do a photo-op in the wake of a massive winter storm. A normal president would have been there meeting with FEMA officials and surveying damage a week prior, but we obviously don’t have a normal president.

Therefore, instead of getting a public address when it mattered, we get this far too late performance that should leave you questioning everything.

If you watch the clip, he flubs Shelia Jackson Lee’s name, calling her “Shirley” after stumbling around. He then starts tripping all over himself to list the rest of the names his handlers have given him. Eventually, he devolves into asking “what am I doing here” because this is all totally normal or something.

To be clear, what is in that clip is not a stutter. A stutter does not make you say the wrong word nor does it cause you to be unable to read a list a names. It doesn’t even stop you from speaking in a manner that is otherwise understandable. What a stutter does is exactly what the word purports. It causes a stopping on and repetition of certain sounds. You never hear that effect from Biden because his issue is not a stutter, no matter how much the media try to gaslight the public into believing it is. This is a man whose mental capacity appears to be rapidly declining before our eyes. You can watch videos of Biden from just five years ago and he’s a totally different person.

There’s a reason his wife has to do joint interviews with him at an unheard-of rate. There’s a reason he wasn’t able to get down to Texas until the disaster was well over. There’s also a reason why a man who is ostensibly president hasn’t done a single press conference since taking office. Joe Biden does not appear to be well, and because of that, he isn’t showing an ability to execute even the nominal duties of his office. That’s become so painfully obvious that it’s not really funny anymore. It’s actually scary.

I have no idea how the White House plans to hide Biden’s condition for the next four years. Perhaps they won’t, and we’ll see a shift to Kamala Harris eventually, or maybe we’ll continue with Jill’s shadow-presidency. Whatever happens, it’s an indictment on Biden’s election, and those that voted for this guy need to think long and hard about the bad bargain they made.

Jill and Joe Biden Do Yet Another Joint Interview, and It's Really Awkward

Perhaps we’ve had it all wrong about who is really acting as president while Joe Biden goes to bed at sundown. Most have figured that the shadow-presidency we are currently witnessing would be run by Kamala Harris. After all, she’s the vice president and she’s nakedly ambitious.

Yet, more and more, it looks like Harris is being pushed into the background while Jill Biden is really pulling the strings. Not only does she routinely act as the President’s crutch during interviews, she’s now interrupting him to articulate policy in language that makes it seem a lot like she’s in charge.

This is some awkward, awkward stuff.

There’s being a supportive First Lady, and then there’s the assertiveness with which Jill Biden shuts her husband down in order to explain what “we” are doing as an administration on immigration policy. Further, why is she even there? Have you ever seen a president do so many joint interviews? Barack Obama certainly didn’t drag Michelle to almost every media interview he did.

That would leave anyone with the ability to think critically asking what exactly is going on here. Jill Biden sure appears to be operating as her husband’s caregiver at this point. Why is he unable to explain the immigration policies that are ostensibly his creation? I can speculate with a reasonable expectation of accuracy that Joe Biden is simply incapable of explaining his policies on any given day.

Jill Biden looks to be the most involved, overbearing First Lady in modern history right now, and I don’t think that’s purely due to her own ambition, though she has plenty of that. These constant joint interviews appear to be a necessity. I’d love to see the outtakes and moments between questions to get a better idea of what’s really going on here. But because the president only talks to the friendliest of media outlets, that’ll never happen. They will protect him at all costs.

Regardless, this isn’t normal, and it’s not OK. We are supposed to have a president in office, not a shell of man who needs his wife to explain policy for him during interviews.

Democrats Manufacture Racism

Article by Derek Hunter in Townhall

Democrats Manufacture Racism

If you wanted to tear apart a country, really have the people hate each other, the playbook Democrats are following would be the way to do it. Take something irrelevant, but over which people can do nothing, and build it up into everything. Convince people others are out to get them, thereby absolving them of any responsibility for problems in their life, and they will eventually give up. Convince others they are perpetrators of something horrible, which only works with those out of real problems, and you have the makings of Nazi-esque powers of manipulation. This is what Democrats are doing with race, and it can no longer simply be laughed off. It must be actively confronted and exposed.

The tip of the spear in this mental race-war movement on the left are Ibram Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, with their personal Mein Kampfs, “How to Be an Anti-Racist” and “White Fragility.” The basic premise of each book is white people are racists and everyone else is a victim. The only way for a white person to not be a racist is to self-flagellate on the altar of progressive politics while cutting a big check to whichever of these grievance grifters happens to be collecting a big payday from the nearest school that day.

It’s a hell of a racket. Who knew there were literally millions to be made in telling rich white liberals their skin is the root of all problems in the world? I wish I had thought of it. If I had known wealthy suburbanites led lives so devoid of meaning that they’d turned to mental masochism, I would’ve happily told them how awful they are and for half the price. They disgust me, but it never occurred to me to rip them off.

Now an entire industry of phony race-grievance exists, and it’s motivating damn near everything the Democratic Party does.

We now have the Cartoon Network running public service announcements telling children to “see color” when it comes to people. In a little less than 60 years we’ve gone from Martin Luther King changing the world with the words, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” to a cartoon character telling kids, “My experience with anti-black racism is really specific. Other people of color experience other forms of racism, too. But you won't see any of that if you 'don't see color.’”

You could light the eastern seaboard by plugging MLK’s grave into the power grid, he’s turning over in it so fast.

Professional grievance has power over stupid people now, and everyone is excited to play.

Someone with the title “principal chief of the Cherokee Nation” asked Jeep to discontinue using the name “Jeep Grand Cherokee” because why not? The Redskins are now “the Washington football team,” and college newspapers happily run opinion pieces on fears of how “Mid-Semester Residential Experience could enforce settler colonialism.”

The last in that list, which comes from American University, laments “The large influx of predominantly affluent white students into D.C.’s ‘chocolate city,’ a term that refers to its large population of Black citizens, could evoke similar effects of settler colonialism and negatively impact the community.” A conservative speaking at an event in the same zip code as AU would cause a student riot and condemnation from the school’s administrators and faculty, but not straight-up racism, like complaining white students who return to campus early are probably going to get black people sick and “are likely not planning to give back to the communities that they reside in and will buy out stock at stores and malls, making the resources in those communities limited.”

Switch the races and it’s something the KKK could’ve written. Given the environment the left has created in this country, the student who wrote it will now be faced with a “Sophie’s choice” between a show on MSNBC and s Cabinet post in the Biden administration.

This racism as anti-racism can only exist as long as people keep funding it. DiAngelo has a new book coming out that promises to keep the gravy train rolling for her and the industry. Called “Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm,” because no one will ever be “woke” enough. The description says “Dismantling white supremacy requires white people to commit to a lifetime of education and accountability.”

Keep sending those checks, left-wing suckers, but leave the rest of us the hell out of it. Stop playing along, and stop being silent. They can’t cancel all of us, but we have to cancel them. Starving the beast is the only way to kill it. Don’t buy their books, don’t watch their networks, don’t patronize their sponsors (both those that advertise on their shows and the companies that cut them checks). It’s gonna suck, but not buying Coca-Cola is a small price to pay for refusing to subsidize a company that tells its employees to “try to be less white.” And don’t be silent, no matter what they scream back at you.

In their pursuit of manufacturing racism out of thin air for control over people, Democrats are exposing themselves as the racists they’ve always been. Let them. Just refuse to participate in it with them. Let them choke on it. They deserve nothing better.


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The Communist Takeover of the United States


Article by Wayne Allyn Root in Townhall

The Communist Takeover of the United States

This is part deux of my series on the communist takeover of the United States. Part one, last week's column, centered on the real new president: Barack Obama. I do believe the new president is, in fact, the old president. This is the third term of Obama.

The first time around, Obama tried his best to destroy America, American exceptionalism, our Judeo-Christian values, our capitalist economic system, our health care system (17.7% of the U.S. economy in 2019) and the great American middle class.

Obama gave it his best shot. He crippled America, but he couldn't quite finish the job. He needed Hillary Clinton to be elected to do that, but we all know how that turned out. Former President Donald Trump managed to bring out the biggest turnout of white middle-class voters in history for the 2016 election. Obama vowed to never let that happen again.

Hence the election of the old, weak, feeble, brain-dead Basement Biden, who's clearly hopelessly lost and confused with dementia. He's fallen, and he can't get up. Obama likes it that way. Joe Biden is Obama's puppet and front guy. Obama can now finish the job and do it under the cover of darkness. He can carry out his plan more ruthlessly than he ever could when he was the first black president and wanted to convince American voters he wasn't "radical" or "extreme." Back then, Obama had to move with caution; he had to boil the frog slowly, as I warned in my 2013 No. 1 national bestseller, "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide."

All that is history. No more moving with caution. See Biden's record-setting executive orders. They are as radical and Marxist as anything ever seen in America's history.

Here in part two, I will explain Obama's actual plan. I learned it at Columbia University from 1979 to 1983. I was Obama's classmate at the Ivy League college where Marxism and the destruction of America were taught in every classroom. The plan was called Cloward-Piven, named after a husband-wife team of Columbia professors.

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven created the perfect Marxist plan: Get every American possible on welfare and other government handout programs in order to overwhelm the system, bring the national debt to levels never imagined, bankrupt America and bring business owners to their knees when the economy collapses. Then you've got a socialist country.

I recognize exactly what's happening today in America with Biden as the PINO (president in name only). Obama is using a modified Cloward-Piven plan.

Democrats (aka socialists and Marxists) have tried to get everyone on welfare for the past 38 years, since Obama and I graduated from Columbia. They came close, but they could never quite overwhelm and collapse the system. The success of capitalism and former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump got in the way.

But now Obama has modified the plan. He is going to use the next four years to open the borders and MAFA (Make America Foreign Again). If you can't get every American on welfare, then change the composition of America.

Open the borders and recruit millions -- eventually tens of millions -- of foreigners who don't speak English; who know nothing about American history or the U.S. Constitution; who have no education, talent or skills; who require cradle-to-grave welfare; who will vote Democratic forevermore in order to keep the welfare checks coming.

Soon America will be so filled with foreigners that America will become foreign to Americans. And those foreigners will tip the scale and overwhelm the system with all their welfare, food stamps, free health care, free education and a thousand other needs.

Have you seen Biden's executive actions? Have you closely watched Biden's first five weeks in office? It's all dedicated to open borders. It's an obsession. It's all about illegal aliens. It's about giving them every form of welfare imaginable. It's about giving them rights, privileges and advantages American-born citizens don't have.

This is the Cloward-Piven plan Obama and I learned at Columbia, modified by Obama. He's overwhelming the system and collapsing the U.S. economy by flooding our nation with illegal aliens. The floodgates are open. The disaster has begun.



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