Sunday, February 28, 2021

Joe Biden Speaks in Houston, What Follows Should Make You Question Everything

Earlier today, I wrote on Joe and Jill Biden doing yet another joint interview in which the latter basically asserted herself as the president’s puppet master. Yet, that’s far from the only disturbing episode that Joe Biden has had lately.

After waiting nearly two weeks to respond, he finally left the bunker and headed down to Texas to do a photo-op in the wake of a massive winter storm. A normal president would have been there meeting with FEMA officials and surveying damage a week prior, but we obviously don’t have a normal president.

Therefore, instead of getting a public address when it mattered, we get this far too late performance that should leave you questioning everything.

If you watch the clip, he flubs Shelia Jackson Lee’s name, calling her “Shirley” after stumbling around. He then starts tripping all over himself to list the rest of the names his handlers have given him. Eventually, he devolves into asking “what am I doing here” because this is all totally normal or something.

To be clear, what is in that clip is not a stutter. A stutter does not make you say the wrong word nor does it cause you to be unable to read a list a names. It doesn’t even stop you from speaking in a manner that is otherwise understandable. What a stutter does is exactly what the word purports. It causes a stopping on and repetition of certain sounds. You never hear that effect from Biden because his issue is not a stutter, no matter how much the media try to gaslight the public into believing it is. This is a man whose mental capacity appears to be rapidly declining before our eyes. You can watch videos of Biden from just five years ago and he’s a totally different person.

There’s a reason his wife has to do joint interviews with him at an unheard-of rate. There’s a reason he wasn’t able to get down to Texas until the disaster was well over. There’s also a reason why a man who is ostensibly president hasn’t done a single press conference since taking office. Joe Biden does not appear to be well, and because of that, he isn’t showing an ability to execute even the nominal duties of his office. That’s become so painfully obvious that it’s not really funny anymore. It’s actually scary.

I have no idea how the White House plans to hide Biden’s condition for the next four years. Perhaps they won’t, and we’ll see a shift to Kamala Harris eventually, or maybe we’ll continue with Jill’s shadow-presidency. Whatever happens, it’s an indictment on Biden’s election, and those that voted for this guy need to think long and hard about the bad bargain they made.