Monday, February 8, 2021

New Bills in North and South Dakota Would Allow the State to Ignore Executive Orders From Biden


South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem 


Article by Brandon Morse in RedState

New Bills in North and South Dakota Would Allow the State to Ignore Executive Orders From Biden

A proposed bill in North Dakota would allow the state to ignore any executive orders handed down from President Joe Biden if said orders don’t jibe with the Constitution.

House Bill 1164, submitted by Republican State Rep. Tom Kading, reads:

The legislative management may review any executive order issued by the president of the United States which has not been affirmed by a vote of the Congress of the United States and signed into law as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States and recommend to the attorney general and the governor that the executive order be further reviewed. Upon recommendation from the legislative management, the attorney general shall review the executive order to determine the constitutionality of the order and whether the state should seek an exemption from the application of the order or seek to have the order declared to be an unconstitutional exercise of legislative authority by the president.

In other words, if Biden issues an executive order, the state’s attorney general may review the order to determine if it complies with the Constitution. From there, the state will determine if they should seek exemption from the order or challenge the order on constitutional grounds.

The bill goes on to state specifics when it comes to the orders it will “nullify” in the event of constitutional breaches, such as “pandemics or other health emergencies,” regulation of North Dakota’s agriculture industry, any financial orders that relate to environmental or social standards, and “the regulation of the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.”

As a separate but related bill, Republican State Rep. Sebastian Ertelt introduced a similar law that would nullify any federal laws that also breach constitutional authority. HB1282 would create a “Committee on Neutralization of Federal Laws” which would determine the constitutionality of any given federal law and, if found wanting, would proceed to nullify it within the state.

North Dakota isn’t the only state looking to implement these bills into law. South Dakota has cooked up a few of their own bills that effectively do the same thing.


 These bills will likely be challenged on constitutional grounds themselves, with critics citing the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause which states that federal law will be the supreme law of the land. RedState will follow the life of these bills.

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Overdosing On Wokeium


Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

Overdosing On Wokeium

Karl Marx, who is really popular among stupid and evil people, once called religion something to the effect of “the opiate of the masses,” and while that is ridiculous (real religion, far from lulling people into a stupor, activates them, which is why our garbage Establishment hates it and wants to replace it with gooey Methodism), the fact is that wokeness is itself a drug. Wokeium is the opiate of the jackasses. And our garbage Establishment is the pusher.

Why push the wokeness drug on the young, vulnerable, dumb and disenfranchised?

Because if you are obsessed with your next woke fix, with jousting with the phantom “white supremacists” who allegedly lurk around every corner, with purging the bad-thought havers who are the cause of all your disappointments and failures, you aren’t seeing who is really running the okey-doke on you.

Wokeium distorts reality. You don’t see the scam. Instead, you fixate on false enemies, “enemies” who you would see you have much in common with, if not for the woke-fueled haze.

The Establishment want us normals at war with the woke. Why? Because if we are fighting each other over that insufferable SJW nonsense, we are not uniting against the real enemy.

The real enemy that runs a rigged system where if you start getting ahead, the rules change with a phone call. Reddit/RobinHood anyone?

The real enemy that creates a system where you’re told you must go to college, where you get fed meaningless nonsense in huge, impersonal lecture halls, and then get handed a huge bill you have to pay off for the rest of your life so a bunch of bums with doctorates can enjoy their sinecures in academia.

The real enemy that creates a system where you are constantly deprived of the power to govern yourself, where you are constantly lied to, where the Establishment dines at the French Laundry while you lose your job waiting tables.

Yet, under the influence of wokeium, you hallucinate that your enemy, the cause of all your misery, is that truck driver who likes Donald Trump.

He did it, him and his bad thoughts and his Jesus and his guns. He’s why your life is a bubbling cesspool. Him, that truck driver in Chattanooga with the MAGA hat, thinking wrong things, he’s to blame for all your problems. Not the people who run all the institutions, who make all the decisions, and who hooked you on SJW junk.

That’s what wokeium makes you think, those others are bad and evil and racist and sexist and transphobic and and and…you better not talk to them! You certainly better not interact with them. You might understand that you share the same real enemy.

But if the woke addict came down off his/her/xis woke high and actually talked to that truck driver, him/her/xir might see that he/she/xe shares a lot more in common with the guy-identifying guy in the John Deere ballcap than he/she/xe does with those rich bastards pushing the wokeium.

Woke addicts have no use for the banks. Neither does he.

Woke addicts have no use for Wall Street. Neither does he.

Woke addicts have no use for endless wars that give our ruling caste a thrill. Neither does he.

He’s getting shafted by the rigged system, and so is the woke junkie.

But if you are snorting woke like Hoover Biden on a bender in Medellin, then you have to hate John Deere guy because he’s racist, only you can’t actually see any racism – he’s not running around in black face, or burning crosses, and he even seems to have black friends. But when you take a hit of wokeness you just know that racism is in there, somewhere, even if you can’t see it or touch it or hear it. 

Like all drugs, wokeness is designed to alter reality. It’s about the feelz. And the feelz are good. You take do a fat line of woke and you finally feel that you have some meaning and purpose in your life. You are on the side of right, damn it, and it feelz so good. Finally, a crusade, a struggle, something that gives you a purpose. Wokeium gives you that meaning you never got anywhere else because your parents, themselves broken and battered by the same system that makes sure your woke bong is always brimming, split up. Your mom didn’t take you to church, and your community was no community at all. You grew up empty, yet yearning for meaning as all people do. And into that void vein, the Establishment injected the wokeium. 

The first hit was free, but the next one cost you. Now you’re an addict. You’ll always be after that incredible first-time high, which is why wokeism gets crazier and crazier as the addicts chase the SJW dragon. It started with the uncontroversial idea of not being a bigot against black people. Now, fatism is a thing. Tomorrow, maybe it’s time to stamp out smart privilege. 

Woke addicts see the white supremacists everywhere, under the bed, climbing the walls, watching them from the dark.

Woke addicts know that men can transform into women – and back! – from the power of wanting, and the junkies revel in the ecstasy of victory over mere reality by accepting that many men menstruate.

Woke addicts know that the bad people are all around them, but are weirdly never found in Bel Air or the Hamptons or Scat Francisco (ignoring the piles of yesterday’s soup kitchen sandwiches and prickly hypos scattered across the sidewalk make you a good person!). But you’re positive they’re all over middle America, though you’ve never actually been there. That’s where you find the bad people, who just happen to be the enemies of the people pushing the wokeium.

What a weird coincidence, huh?

Face it.

If you are woke, you’re a junkie, hooked on the transitory meaning you get by being on the side of fake righteousness. Look around you. Your friends are ugly, pierced, and always angry. So are you. Meth wrecks your teeth, but woke wrecks you body and soul. It’s just that wokeness makes you feel something, and for you – betrayed by a ruling caste that exploits you and hooks you on its lies – that’s enough.

But it doesn’t have to be.

You can kick the habit. You can get sober. You can get the non-human primate organism – fight the scourge of speciesism! – off your back.

Wokeness is a drug that distorts your reality in order to blind you to your own interest and to prevent you from allying with people who have likewise been wronged by a rigged system.

Wokeness divides the Establishment’s opposition, so the woke addicts are fighting a fake enemy instead of the real one.

So, skip a hit. Get clean. Sober up. And take a look at those people you have been drugged up into believing are your enemy. Talk to that Trump guy you were told to hate. See how he thinks the same about big corporations, government lies, and stupid wars as you do. You’ll see they aren’t enemies. And, most dangerously of all for our garbage Establishment, you’ll see who really is your real enemy is for the first time. 

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The 3 Worst Things About That Terrible Jeep Super Bowl Ad

How could a major corporation not see how propagandistic it comes off to suggest that when Republicans win a national election, that's divisive, but when Democrats win one, that's unifying?

In a generally weak year for Super Bowl commercials, Jeep’s stood out for being particularly obnoxious and tone-deaf. Called “The Middle,” left-wing political activist and world-famous singer Bruce Springsteen narrated and starred in the ad about how the country has been divided, but now it has a bright future as the “ReUnited States of America.”

While advertisements that appeal to virtues in order to increase sales and profits can work — see Toyota’s beautiful ad about the joy in adopting a child with special needs — this one fell flat and faced mockery and opposition from many viewers. Here are the three main reasons the ad didn’t work.

The Messenger Is Known For Hating Republicans 

Many Americans love Springsteen’s music. His successful career has spanned four decades. Many liberals love that he shares their political views and works so hard as a political activist. Springsteen, like so many other wealthy celebrities, regularly speaks ill of Republican voters and politicians.

Just before the 2020 election, Springsteen called for “an exorcism in our nation’s capital” as dark music played on his radio show. Of Trump’s presidency, he said, “I thought it was a f—ing nightmare, but it was true.” The episode, titled “Farewell To The Thief,” also insulted President Trump’s family.

The 71-year-old Springsteen told Australians that he would leave the United States and move there if Trump was re-elected.

Springsteen’s posture against Republicans is well known and goes back decades. He was angry at President Ronald Reagan’s positive mention of Springsteen’s “Born In The U.S.A.” He endorsed and campaigned for John Kerry, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. 

Of President George W. Bush in 2008, Springsteen said the United States was now “suffering the consequences” of eight years of rule by a “very radical group of people who pushed things in a very radical direction, had great success in moving things in that direction, and we are suffering the consequences.” By 2016, he was calling President Trump a “moron.” In 2017 he bashed Trump in a protest song.

As one Twitter user put it, “That’s all I could think of, the whole spot. Being preached to by someone who doesn’t respect my views who relishes in suppressing them, having the nerve to pretend to be ‘my community’ and declare unity. They have no idea how transparently cynical the whole thing came across.”

The Images Were All Off

The ad began with images of a tiny Christian chapel in the middle of the continental United States. The chapel, which seats maybe a half dozen, features a cross on top of a map of the United States that is painted like the American flag. 

Later Springsteen’s narration uses biblical imagery evocative of the Old Testament journey of the Jews to the promised land: “So, we can get there. We can make it to the mountaintop, through the desert, and we will cross this divide.” Springsteen says that the chapel is for all, which is undoubtedly true, but it’s very particular religious imagery to be used in service of car sales.

While lefties began claiming that Springsteen was endorsing “Christian nationalism,” others felt that Jeep was “using our religion and God to mock us.”

The ad featured the Springsteen, who is extremely well known for being from New Jersey, wearing a cowboy hat and boots, small earrings in each ear. He appeared to have continued his regular upkeep of plastic surgery. The overall effect was one of cosplay rather than authenticity.

A Jeep with no top on in the middle of what seemed to be a particularly frigid time in Kansas drove down a dismal road. No Jeep owner would do such a thing. In general, the images were frosty, cold, and dark.

The final image was a map of the continental United States minus, for inexplicable reasons, the upper peninsula of Michigan. In the center was a red star, an image historically associated with communism and more recently with socialism.

The Argument For Unity Was Not Made Well

“The middle has been a hard place to get to lately,” Springsteen said at the beginning of the ad. The end features the text, “To The ReUnited States Of America.”

What made the United States divided until recently, the viewer might ask. Why, according to Jeep, is the country reunited now?

For 74 million Trump-voting Americans who lived through four years of epithets and refusal by elites such as Springsteen to treat the president of the United States as legitimate, it’s not hard to see why the ad is going over like a lead balloon. One reason the middle has been a hard place to get to is because of wealthy and powerful people like Springsteen spewing hatred toward Republican presidents and their voters dating back to the 1980s.

Joe Biden, after winning a narrow election that came down to about 40,000 votes in three states, began asking the media to run with the narrative that he was a unifier. They dutifully did so, even as he signed radical executive orders and moved not one bit to the center but further and further to the left.

Corporate media, who have ignored or mocked concerns about election integrity despite the widespread sloppiness and rampant mail-in balloting associated with the 2020 election, have cheered on the crackdown of protesters in or near a riot at the nation’s capitol. They did so after spending months defending and contextualizing violent riots from the left that seized cities across the country, attacked federal buildings, killed dozens of Americans, set churches on fire, and terrorized small business owners.

How could a major corporation not see how propagandistic it comes off to suggest that when Republicans win a national election, that’s divisive, but when Democrats win one, that’s unifying? The corporate-approved approach is to paper over disagreement while Democrats hold power while amplifying a full-on #Resistance when Republicans are in power.

Jeep sales will not heal the fabric of the country. Jeep ads can’t even help toward that goal so long as they are using dishonest and manipulative partisan framing in service of car sales.

Iran: We won’t talk nuclear deal until Biden lifts sanctions


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 1:14 PM PT – Monday, February 8, 2021

Iranian leadership is claiming it is America’s responsibility to lift sanctions before Iran will resume compliance with the nuclear deal. Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif made those remarks during an interview on Sunday.

Though Iran acknowledged it broke some of the agreement’s terms following U.S. withdrawal under President Trump, it maintained the U.S. is responsible for the deal’s failure.

In an echo of previous ultimatums issued by other top Iranian officials, Zarif took a hardline stance, saying it is the U.S. which must make concessions to reestablish the agreement.

“We do not buy the horse twice. You put yourselves in our shoes, you agreed to a deal,” Zarif stated. “You agreed to give and take. You agreed to sacrifice certain demands that you had, because you agreed not to deal with certain issues.”



The controversy came amid growing pressure on Joe Biden to declare whether he will seek to rejoin the deal, despite reports indicating Iran is continuing to enrich material that could be used in production of nuclear weapons.

Critics of the deal have said the terms did not do enough to prevent Iran from developing nuclear capabilities. 



Our Animal Farm

The Left’s 1960s dream is America’s 2021 nightmare.

George Orwell published Animal Farm in August 1945, in the closing weeks of the Pacific War. Even then, most naïve supporters of the wartime Soviet-British-American alliance were no longer in denial about the contours of Moscow’s impending postwar communist aggression. 

The short, allegorical novel’s human-like farm animals replay the transition of supposedly 1917 revolutionary Bolsheviks into cynical 1930s Stalinists. Thereby, they remind us that leftist totalitarianism inevitably becomes far worse than the supposed parasitical capitalists they once toppled.

Orwell saw that the desire for power stamps out all ideological pretenses. It creates an untouchable ruling clique central to all totalitarian movements. Beware, he warns, of the powerful who claim to help the helpless.

Something so far less violent, but no less bizarre and disturbing, now characterizes the American New New Left. It is completing its final Animal Farm metamorphosis as it finishes its long march through our cultural, economic, and social institutions. Leftists may talk of revolutionary transformation, but their agenda is to help friends, punish enemies, and to keep and expand power.

First, remember the 1960s and 1970s agendas of the once impotent, young, and supposedly idealistic leftist revolutionaries.

We were lectured 60 years ago that “free speech” preserves were needed on university campuses to be immune from all reactionary administrative censorship. Transparency and “truth” were the revolution’s brands.

The First Amendment was said by them to be sacred, even as the “free speech movement” transitioned to the “filthy speech movement.” Leftists sued to mainstream nudity in film. They wanted easy access to pornography. They mainstreamed crude profanity. The supposed right-wingers were repressed. They were the “control freaks” who sought to stop the further “liberation” of the common culture. 

In those days, the ACLU still defined the right of free expression as protecting the odious, whether the unhinged Nazis, the pathetic old-Left Communists, or nihilistic Weather Underground terrorists. 

“Censorship” was a dirty word. It purportedly involved the religious bigots and medieval minds that in vain had tried to cancel ideological and cultural mavericks and geniuses from Lenny Bruce to Dalton Trumbo. “Banned in Boston” was a sign of cretinism. Only drunken “paranoids” like Joe McCarthy resorted to “blacklists.” We were reminded that the inferior nuts tried to cancel the brilliant careers of their betters whom they disliked, or feared.

The Right supposedly had sunk into fluoride and “precious bodily fluid” paranoias, and “Who lost China?” conspiracy theories. Conservatives, the radicals lectured us, masked the poverty of their thinking by “red-baiting.” They talked as if “commies” and “insurrectionists” were around every corner—in hopes of militarizing the country, and using police and troops to intimidate the “people.”

Snooping, surveillance, wiretaps—all that and more was awful—the purported work of nutty J. Edgar Hoover. His flat-topped, wing-tipped “G-men” usually outnumbered Black Panthers, Weathermen, and SDS members at secret strategy sessions. 

Hollywood went wild in the 1960s and 1970s by warning us about “them.” Endless movies detailed the solo efforts of heroes, who were watched and threatened by the “government,” working hand in glove, of course, with either corporations or the “rich.” In films like “Three Days of the Condor,” “The Conversation,” or “Blowup,” we were warned of the nefarious powers of surveillance. 

Fearing Russia was the mark of a conspiracist nut. In films like “The Russians are Coming, the Russians Are Coming,” we were reminded that the paranoia about the Soviets was as deadly as the Soviets themselves, who were pleasant enough, not much different from us.

Students in the 1960s high schools were spoon-fed Nineteen Eighty-FourAnimal FarmBrave New World, and other dystopian novels. Orwell and Huxley warned them of the dangers of a super-spy apparat, a one-party state that reorders a docile subservient population, and the combination of “science” with thought control—the sort of stuff that Nixon or Goldwater was no doubt plotting.  

So better to be an individualist, the Left preached, a rebel at war with all orthodoxy and conformity, a “Rebel Without a Cause,” Holden Caulfield, or one of the good renegades in “The Wild Ones.” We were to worship James Dean, Marlon Brando, and Steve McQueen because they were “free,” “didn’t give a s—t,” and demolished “the Man’s” silly imposed “rules and regulations.” “Easy Rider” was the 1960’s bible.

On campus, professors began to drop F-bombs in class. They dressed like students, tore down hierarchies between student and teacher (“Just call me Mike”). Once staid academics now invited edgy campus speakers to blast America. In melodramatic fashion, they considered themselves perennially teaching from the barricades. 

We were told that they were the frontline speakers of truth to power. These were the nonconformists who had defeated loyalty oaths. After all, they dated their students and joined radicals to storm the college president’s office. They preached a “do your thing” credo of letting professors pretty much say whatever they wished.

Reporters were either iconoclastic Gonzos or shoe-leather investigators on the scent of deep state overreach. They were obsessed with wrongdoing at the CIA and FBI. Politicians, of course, weren’t to be trusted—given the corporations who pulled their puppet strings.

The enemy of America, we were told, was the “big guys,” especially the international conglomerates like ITT with global reach. The corporationists refined the arts of the cartel, trust, and monopoly. “Small is beautiful” was the antithetical mantra. 

Radical sons of the Left crusaded against “dirty money” and “the plutocratic rich” with their “concentration of wealth”—as if the Rockefellers or the Gettys posed existential threats to America by their abilities to insert huge amounts of cash to warp elections or to buy officials. 

Generals were caricatured as caudillos, cigar choppers with shades, showy ribbons and bronze on their chests, and oversized hats and epaulets. We were warned they threatened us with a militarized police state. 

The “revolving door” was a mortal sin, as the tentacles of the Pentagon octopus now squeezed out public money for bombs, rockets, and jets to fight needless wars. About every three weeks Ike’s farewell warning about the “military-industrial complex” was trotted out by liberal columnists to remind us of felonious corruption. 

Civil and women’s rights were the twin pillars of the 1960s radicals. From Martin Luther King, Jr. to Malcolm X, the themes were for “white America” to live up to the ideals of their Constitution, to finally realize the “promises of the Declaration of Independence” and to treat people on the basis of the “content of their character” and not on “the color of their skin.” The problem was never 1776 or 1787, but those who had not yet fully met the Founders’ exceptional ideals.

A “color-blind society” was a ’60s sobriquet. Women strove to ensure girls had the same rights as boys, from leadership roles to sports. 

The point of the 1960s, again we were taught, was to tear down the rules, the traditions and customs, the hierarchies of the old guys. The targets were supposedly the uptight, short-hair, square-tie, adult generation who grew up in the Depression, won World War II, and were fighting to defeat Cold War Soviet Union. 

The good guys, the students, and the activists, if they only had power, were going to break up corporations, shame (or “eat”) the rich, and bring in young, hip politicians. Reformers like the younger Kennedy brothers, the John Kerry war hero-resisters, the Bay Area Dianne Feinsteins, and the hip Nancy Pelosis would disrupt the “status quo” of politics.  

They would all push hard for assimilation and integration of the races, and the equality of the sexes in pursuit of universal equality of opportunity. The mantra of the 1960s and 1970s was “opportunity,” Remember the 1964 federal EEOC—the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Our Nightmare, 2021

Fast forward a half-century. What did these now-late septuagenarians give America? 

Yes, the downtrodden pigs, the exploited horses, and the victimized sheep finally did expel Farmer Jones from America’s Animal Farm. 

But in his place, as Orwell predicted, revolutionary pigs began walking on two feet and absorbed all the levers of American cultural influence and power: the media, the bureaucracies, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, publishing, the academy, K-12 education, professional sports, and entertainment. And to them all, the revolutionaries added their past coarseness and 1960s-era by-any-means-necessary absolutism.

We are now finally witnessing the logical fruition of their radical utopia: Censorship, electronic surveillance, internal spying, monopolies, cartels, conspiracy theories, weaponization of the intelligence agencies, pouring billions of dollars into campaigns, changing voting laws by fiat, a woke revolutionary military, book banning, bleeding the First Amendment, canceling careers, blacklisting, separate-but-equal racial segregation and separatism. 

Conspiracies? Now they brag of them in Time. Read their hubristic confessionals in “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” Once upon a Time, radicals used to talk of a “secret history” in terms of the Pentagon Papers, or a “shadow campaign” in detailing Hollywood blacklisting. They are exactly what they once despised, with one key qualifier: Sixties crudity and venom are central to their metamorphosis. 

Our left-wing American revolutionary cycle from the barricades to the boardroom was pretty quick—in the manner that the ideology of the Battleship Potemkin soon led to Stalin’s show trials, or Mao’s “long march” logically resulted in the Cultural Revolution. The credo, again, is that the noble ends of forced “equity” require any means necessary to achieve them. 

The Left censors books in our schools, whether To Kill a Mockingbird or Tom Sawyer. It is the Left who organizes efforts to shout down campus speakers or even allows them to be roughed up.  

The Left demands not free-speech areas anymore, but no-speech “safe spaces” and “theme houses”—euphemisms for racially segregated, “separate-but-equal” zones. “Microaggressions” are tantamount to thought crimes. The mere way we look, smile, or blink can indict us as counterrevolutionaries. Stalin’s Trotskyization of all incorrect names, statues, and commemoratives is the Left’s ideal, as they seek to relabel Old America in one fell swoop. No one is spared from the new racists, not Honest Abe, not Tom Jefferson, not you, not me.

For “teach-ins,” we now have indoctrination sessions. But the handlers are no longer long-haired 1960’s dreamy, sloppy, and incoherent mentors. They are disciplined, no-nonsense brain-washers.

The Left’s Russia is our new old bogeyman. Putin is the new “We will bury you” Khrushchev. 

The Left spun conspiracy theories about computer pings in Trump Tower, and nefarious meetings of Trump’s campaign officials colluding with Russian agents. CNN and MSNBC tell us that the whole plot was laid out in a bought dossier—as the fantasies of Christopher Steele’s canonical hired hit piece became the Left’s version of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

No longer were we told that our toothpaste and water were making us sterile. Instead, the Duke Lacrosse team was emblematic of the return of epidemic 1930s-style racial rape. The Virginia frat boys routinely roughed up and had their way with girls. The racist Covington kids, on the National Mall no less, mocked and insulted a noble indigenous combat veteran. And Jussie Smollett fought off racist thugs while managing to hold his sandwich and cell phone, as he stumbled home with a racist rope around his neck, stained with iconic bleach. “Hands up, don’t shoot” should have been true, even if it wasn’t.

Assimilation and integration are not our goals. Instead, we are to ferret out “cultural appropriation” and the odious culture of “white supremacy” and “unearned privileged.” “All men are created equal. But some are more equal than others” is now posted on the electric barn wall.  

Deprogramming 74 million “whites” and “Republicans” is the advice on the pages of the progressive Washington Post. Don’t like an idea? Then wash clean the polluted minds of those who embraced it.

The new and improved ACLU’s job is to encourage the suppression of conservative free speech. ACLU trains its handlers not to protect unfettered speech, but to spot “hate speech.” 

To advocate burning or destroying a book is not some nightmare from Fahrenheit 451, but a woke way to “stop the hate.” 

A new Orwellian phrase is “free speech is not free reach”—as leftists become the intellectual inheritors of the racists of the open-housing fights of the 1950s and 1960. The old racist boilerplate of apartment owners and realtors was “You can live anywhere you want, just not here.” The new hate mantra of Silicon Valley cartels is, “You can tweet or socially post anywhere you like—if you can manage to find a place.”

Surveillance and spying are now good. How else to ferret out “right-wingers,” “white supremacists,” and “insurrectionists”? 

So the FBI and CIA have transmogrified into heroic agencies run by stalwart social activist fighters like John Brennan, the old Gus Hall supporter, James Clapper, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe. They cut to the quick to achieve social justice, without the messy give and take of Congress, or that albatross, the relic Constitution.

What a wonderful world they have created: Eavesdropping on the national security advisor, forging FISA documents, spying on American citizens, aiding one presidential candidate by surveilling another. 

Finally, they can use their skills and surveillance to investigate and hound the “right” enemies, for the “right” causes.” The CIA and FBI always secretly wished to be beloved by the Left. Now they are deified.

And the military elite?

Militarization is now beautiful. The U.S. Army may become our People’s Revolutionary Army as generals sniff out counterrevolutionaries hidden deeply in their ranks. Maybe a cleansing purge or two is necessary, in the Soviet fashion.

Barb-wiring the capitol and stocking it with camouflaged troops send the message that the military is, at last, woke and in control of America’s central nervous system. Corporate profiteering for retired generals and admirals is a necessary amplifier of their critical work. How else to have the resources to spot new Mussolinis, Nazi tactics, Auschwitz caging, and the al-Qaeda-like terrorists among us? 

Bank of America helps to find out which enemy of the people bought which coffee where. The financial heroes are not hip basement day traders taking down hedge funds by boomeranging them their own manipulative tactics, but Wall Street hedge fund traders, the holy wall between sober investment and Trumpian barbarians at the gate.

Could we have ever stopped the hate without the help of billions of dollars from Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros? Why break up monopolies and cartels when their profits pour into progressive wokeness? Only their warping of communication and knowledge retrieval correctly guides Americans to the “right” conclusions. Jeff Bezos’ net worth alone is as much as the combined GDP of Idaho and Alaska. But then again, we are to think he is far more valuable than two states full of bitter clingers, dregs, and deplorables. 

The media? It is a Ministry of Truth. Informers and readers beg the Great Leader to let drop his favorite flavor of ice cream or the details of the Oval Office makeover. There is no need for censorship: the media are the censors. Whatever sinister idea a paranoid politician has for muzzling journalists, reporters themselves have already trumped it. Pravda is their model. Who can be disinterested when there is a war to be fought for diversity and equity, against climate change and white supremacy?

The revolutionary animals are now running the farm in a way that would be nightmarish even to Farmer Jones.  

They won. They are now one with—but also far, far worse than—what they rebelled against.

Those Still Advocating Against a Third Party Need to Move to Acceptance Phase, GOP is NOT Recoverable

Wyoming GOP representative Liz Cheney, a Decepticon of the highest tier, appears smugly  on Fox News for an interview.  As much as the interview itself is insufferable in its disconnect many people need to watch and accept.

Cheney ramps-up the attacks against President Trump and his supporters.  Keep in mind that Trump holds more than 85% approval within the party, yet Cheney and the Decepticons just don’t care; they hate anyone who does not facilitate their power demand.  They hate you.

They hate us.

Additionally, two-thirds of the republican house conference voted to keep Cheney in her position.  There is no way to reconcile the disconnect between what the elected GOP are doing against the will of the majority unless you accept they just don’t care.  Trumpet!

Chris Wallace, a gatekeeper for all things swamp, was gleeful to provide Cheney with the opportunity to attack Trump supporters.  The interview is telling on many fronts, but how many republicans will finally accept their status?  The GOP doesn’t care what you think about them… they are the second wing of the UniParty vulture.

Stop being a battered conservative and start accepting that two-thirds of the republican party do not want you in the room.  Remind yourself of this example when the insufferable apologists try to tell you a third party is not needed.  The republican party must be destroyed or we will continue the cycle of abuse.

Here’s the full interview:

FL Governor Ron DeSantis Discusses Economy and The False Narratives Behind COVID Lockdowns

Florida’s MAGA Governor Ron DeSantis appears on Fox News to discuss how his state is dealing with the COVID-19 issues and keeping the economy open.  Visitors to Florida are shocked at how open the state is…. outside of the hospitality industry there are few signs that COVID is having any impact.

Florida home prices and real estate are/is skyrocketing in value as millions of people leave states that are heavily influenced by totalitarian government. The building industry in Florida is higher than ever before to meet continued and increasing demand.

Additionally, DeSantis discusses his recent confrontation with Big Tech censorship and manipulation.  The Florida legislature are finalizing laws that will allow residents to sue social media platforms for unfounded, unethical and ideological targeting.


DeSantis, closest to MAGA

Noem, MAGA-lite with a twist of Koch

Haley, pure-breed Decepticon establishment

Cruz, controlled and opportunistic opposition.

Discuss Bill Barr DOJ Working to Advance Interests of Joe Biden

In this important interview former Senior White House Economic and Trade Advisor, Peter Navarro, discusses how the Bill Barr DOJ prepared advanced review for an incoming Joe Biden administration and supported the creation of a blitz of executive orders.

However, stand back a few more feet from the picture that Navarro describes and you start to see something CTH has discussed for several years (people didn’t want to admit).  It is the DOJ as an institution that is working against the interests of the United States.  The institution is filled with Lawfare allies and aligned ideological interests.  First, WATCH:

Take away the bigger big-picture.  The people inside the Department of Justice, most of them installed during the Obama-Holder-Lynch administration, are entrenched ideologues.  It did not matter who the Attorney General was.  The gears inside the machine were disconnected from the person who held the controls.

Why is this acceptance important in historic reference and moving forward?

First, the Mueller investigation was created within this system, by these exact operators.  This reconciled perspective helps people to understand just what the purpose of the Mueller/Weissmann probe was all about.  The institution of the DOJ was protecting itself from any element that would remove the corrupt intent.  Mueller was an extension of the attack against President Trump that came from two years prior.

Second, all of the appointed leadership within that corrupt DOJ system, including the FBI, are only in place to maintain defenses against the American people.  This is why we see the two-tiers of justice.  This is why targets, any targets of the DOJ and FBI, are all identified on one side of the political spectrum.  The U.S. Department of Justice is weaponized to defend corruption, and attack any entity that is a risk to the state controls.

Ultimately we saw this in the July 12, 2018, DOJ memo to the FISA court.  Despite the known lies, fabrications and flat-out false information within the FISA application used against Carter Page, the DOJ was telling the FISA court the June 29, 2017, third renewal still retained valid predication.  Everything about that memo was a lie.  The institution of the DOJ was covering for Robert Mueller’s need.

The United States Dept of Justice and the U.S. FBI are political entities with the expressed and open intent to target their political opposition.  When we as a people start to accept that reality, only then can we begin to decide what to do about it.

Because this reality has actual empirical evidence to support it, the same FBI and DOJ are working overtime to take down targets quickly.  Thus the need for the fabrications and false narratives around the January 6, 2021, DC protest.