Monday, February 8, 2021

Iran: We won’t talk nuclear deal until Biden lifts sanctions


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 1:14 PM PT – Monday, February 8, 2021

Iranian leadership is claiming it is America’s responsibility to lift sanctions before Iran will resume compliance with the nuclear deal. Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif made those remarks during an interview on Sunday.

Though Iran acknowledged it broke some of the agreement’s terms following U.S. withdrawal under President Trump, it maintained the U.S. is responsible for the deal’s failure.

In an echo of previous ultimatums issued by other top Iranian officials, Zarif took a hardline stance, saying it is the U.S. which must make concessions to reestablish the agreement.

“We do not buy the horse twice. You put yourselves in our shoes, you agreed to a deal,” Zarif stated. “You agreed to give and take. You agreed to sacrifice certain demands that you had, because you agreed not to deal with certain issues.”



The controversy came amid growing pressure on Joe Biden to declare whether he will seek to rejoin the deal, despite reports indicating Iran is continuing to enrich material that could be used in production of nuclear weapons.

Critics of the deal have said the terms did not do enough to prevent Iran from developing nuclear capabilities.