Saturday, February 6, 2021

The EU humiliated itself in Moscow


It was a masterclass in the worst of European Union diplomacy. Josep Borrell’s controversial visit to Moscow was a triumph. Sadly, though, for the Russians. In light of the treatment. of opposition leader Alexei Navalny — imprisoned this week after he returned to the country whose leadership had tried to murder him — there had been calls for Borrell to cancel his visit.

At the very least, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy needed to make a robust defence of the opposition, whose marches had been met with violence from the security forces, and whose leaders were being persecuted and harassed, to prove that there was genuine will behind the EU’s professed commitment to universal human values.

On Navalny’s arrest, Ursula von der Leyen had issued an underwhelming 54-word statement demanding his release. Was this just empty rhetoric? We looked to Borrell for clarification.


 And that he certainly provided. Even though Navalny was back in court, facing yet another dubious charge (this time of defaming a world war two veteran) Borrell rejected calls for him to visit the trial. Other diplomats did, including a representative from the British embassy, but Borrell opted not to, even though he had previously said he would be 'very happy to see Mr Navalny'. His spokesperson ingeniously spinned that had Borrell met with him, 'it would give the wrong impression that we accept the situation'.



As yet unexplained is quite why that prevented him from visiting an open court, or meeting representatives from Navalny’s team, or even seeing people from the independent civil society organisations that had monitored the official violence against protesters and provided legal aid to those arrested. Indeed, he must have delighted his hosts by stating that the EU had at present no plans to place any new sanctions on Russia (even though certain member states are certainly pressing for action). (And that he hoped Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine would soon be certified in Europe.)

If he hoped this would generate reciprocal amity, though, he would be sorely disabused. Borrell, apparently: 'conveyed to [Foreign] Minister Lavrov our deep concern and reiterated our appeal for his release.'




An unrepentant Sergey Lavrov, who can pivot from geniality to equally-staged fury at the drop of a fur hat, lectured him about the iniquities of Europe both in private and then in public at a joint press conference. A journalist from the Russian government-controlled news agency Sputnik used the opportunity to ambush Borrell with a question about Cuba that baited him into criticising US policy. Perhaps no wonder that Lavrov concluded that Moscow considered the EU an 'unreliable partner'. 

Then, as if all that were not enough, the Russians announced that they were expelling three European diplomats — a Swede, a Pole and a German — for having the temerity of attending the recent marches. The Kremlin decided that they were not simply fact-finding, as is perfectly normal, but actually taking part in 'unsanctioned protests'.



But it’s OK, because Borrell has 'strongly condemned this decision' and thinks that it 'should be reconsidered'. Quite why Moscow decided to go out of its way to give Borrell such a determined kicking is not wholly clear. It may be that it has over-reached, especially by provoking Berlin, Warsaw and Stockholm. Nonetheless, the Kremlin clearly decided it wanted to make a statement.

In part, this is because, in my experience, the Russians don’t really believe the EU exists. Of course, they know there is a such a beast, and there is an EU ambassador in Moscow. Yet they feel that genuine power still rests with nation states and the EU, as such, is an irrelevance.

The Kremlin, as usual, responds to being on the backfoot by moving into the offensive. It wants to prove that it cannot be browbeaten or induced to change its policies through sanctions. Given that there seems to be a concern to avoid picking a fight with an already-vigilant Biden administration, presumably they felt that they could bully Borrell and the EU with impunity.

We will have to see if they are proven right.



Written byMark Galeotti

Mark Galeotti is the author of We Need to Talk About Putin 




CNN Finally Acknowledges the Story Media Spread About Officer Sicknick's Cause of Death Isn't True

Earlier this week, the body of Officer Brian Sicknick lay in state in the U.S. Capitol. Everyone honored his life and service.

But the government is having trouble building a murder case there has still not been an official determination as to his cause of death. After being part of the force during the actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6, he went back to his office. Some hours later, he collapsed and then later died.

But what has been determined is that the story largely spread about his death, that he was hit by a fire extinguisher by protesters has been discounted, according to a CNN report, because they found no blunt force trauma to his body and there has been no evidence otherwise found, such as video or witnesses, that the incident even occurred.

There was another incident involving a fire extinguisher being thrown at an officer but that didn’t involve Sicknick and the person allegedly involved in that was arrested.

We were one of the few media outlets who reported that Sicknick’s death might not have been because of a fire extinguisher as was claimed in most of the media. As we reported on Jan. 10, that they could find no evidence to support that claim. Additionally, they also thought that an underlying medical condition might have contributed to his death.

So while they’re still not sure what may have caused his death officially, they are looking into any encounters including whether he may have had a reaction to chemical agents that may have been deployed. He texted his brother that night that he had been pepper sprayed twice but was in good shape. But so far they haven’t found any interaction on video to confirm that or any other lethal cause that might have led to his death.

While reporting this information, CNN is still not reporting that there may have been an underlying medical condition as we previously reported. This is what they say in their report: “The case could also be complicated if Sicknick had a preexisting medical condition. It could not be learned if he did.” They may want to read our report or that of ABC.

This is really media malpractice, completely leading millions to believe something that was untrue, that they should at least have reported as a question not a determined fact as they have now for a month.

His family asked for his death not to be politicized but some Democrats and some in media have completely ignored that over this time.

One also has to wonder what the hold up in the determination of the cause of death is. It’s been a month. Virtually any condition that would have caused someone to collapse and die could have been determined at this point. So it’s not clear what is holding up that determination. The police union chief and his family have indicated that they believe he died of a stroke, presumably because of what the hospital told them. But that hasn’t even been announced as the public cause of death. But from a legal point of view, the question would be if there was any precipitant of that from the conflict at the Capitol or not. But they don’t seem to have found one yet.

A Secret Cabal Manipulated the 2020 Election to Stop Trump, and People Have Questions

This seems like the sort of thing you don’t say out loud but, like a serial killer, many in politics are just too absorbed in their own egos to not try to take credit for their deeds.

TIME wrote a very interesting piece making some very alarming claims. Namely, that a secret cabal banded together across the country to stop Donald Trump from winning re-election. This included everything from manipulating media coverage to getting election laws changed, at least according to TIME’s account.

Yeah, this seems like a pretty big deal to me, and nakedly undemocratic, at least if you care about that sort of thing. Politics is inherently manipulative on some level, I suppose, but working to change election laws and quenching the flow of information to affect an election is a bit past your typical bluster on the stump.

Of course, none of this is especially groundbreaking to those who have been paying attention. For all the chatter about “dark money” and “interfering in elections,” it’s always been those on the left (and that includes the “right-wing” Chamber of Commerce mentioned here) who have had a no holds barred approach to winning. Given the control over popular culture, financial institutions, and political influence operations that the left wields, it’s hardly shocking they’d use every lever to defeat Trump.

Yet, the hypocrisy is still a bit much. We dealt with four years of hyperventilating about Russia and Facebook posts from anti-Trump forces, yet the reality of who is truly interfering in our elections hits much closer to home. The actions listed in the TIME article are also far, far more consequential and dangerous to free and fair elections.

No matter, this secret cabal isn’t made up of imaginary Russians so it’s all good. The left truly only care about election interference and manipulation when they deem it a threat to their own preferred outcomes. Otherwise, they are all for it. You won’t see the mainstream media decry this. You won’t see a tearful lament from Nancy Pelosi about the dangers it poses to our republic. Rather, this will all be ignored. Heck, it’ll be celebrated as a brilliant political strategy.

And while I’m sure some fact-checker will have qualms with me describing what this group did as manipulation, I believe the objective definition of that word more than applies here. When you seek to stop people from having information that could affect their vote, that’s manipulation. When you go and lobby to get certain laws changed specifically to help your side, that’s manipulation. It is what it is.

Meanwhile, Republicans can get in the game or get busy losing again.

Instead of checks, they’re mailing masks

These are unserious people.

Yesterday, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain was interviewed on NBC Nightly News, and he told anchor Lester “The Forehead” Holt that the White House wants to start mailing masks to every American.

“We’re gonna do whatever we can to make masks more available to the people,” said the chief of staff for the guy who promised he’d be mailing $2,000 checks on Day OneTM.

Now, maybe it’s because I live in New York where masks are so plentiful they end up fluttering in the trees that I don’t see the point of mailing masks to every American.

People who live in states requiring masks already have masks.

And people who live in states that don’t require them don’t need them.

With all due respect, Mr. Klain, go shit in the ocean.

Instead of mailing masks, how about you get the hell out of the way so we can reopen the country, get businesses back to work, and get children back to school.

Leave us the hell alone and let us live our lives like free citizens.

These are deeply unserious people.

And I’m thinking if they do start mailing masks, 99% of them will end up in the trash. Social media will be filled with videos of these masks being cleverly used as a “Screw You” message to Biden and the rest of the unserious idiots who couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag, let alone find their way out of a pandemic.

So instead of mailing masks to every American, how about you take those masks and shove ‘em where the sun don’t shine.

Casino Claims Slot Machines Aren't Rigged, Just 'Fortified'

LAS VEGAS, NV—"The house always wins," the saying goes. Many people feel the games and machines in Las Vegas are rigged so you can't ever really come out on top. But one casino boss is insisting that the games aren't actually rigged -- they're just "fortified." 

"We did not rig the slot machines to ensure we always come out on top -- we just fortified them," said the owner of Don Benny's Casino just outside Las Vegas, Bob Casino. "We had a powerful, secret cabal of honest, hard-working mobsters and mathematicians working under cover of night to change the rules, secretly coming together to work the odds against the player so there is no way they can win."

"Hey, I won!" cried a player at a nearby slot machine as a siren blared. Mr. Casino nodded at two men in suits standing by, and they swiftly moved in to break the player's kneecaps and take him into a back room for questioning. "This isn't fair! You can't do this! It's rigged!" 

Mr. Casino shrugged and took a puff of his cigar. "We prefer the term 'fortified."

"That's just Vegas, baby."

The Democrats Are Pursuing a Palpatine Strategy

The far-Left Democrats are far down 
the road toward one-party control.

This one is for all the “Star Wars” fans out there. The three “Star Wars” prequel movies tell the story of how the Republic became an Empire. Sheev Palpatine was born on the planet Naboo and became infatuated with the Dark Side. After he became proficient as a Sith Lord, he hid his true nature, and rose to become Senator, playing the political game masterfully. He secretly instigated a group of Chinese-sounding traders to blockade Naboo, which exposed the weakness of the Republic to provide security. The Queen of Naboo called for a vote of no confidence in the government. This led to Palpatine becoming chancellor and assuming extraordinary powers. 

At every stage of this process, Palpatine pretended to be the upholder of the Republic, while simultaneously destabilizing it and aggrandizing himself. By the time he was crowned Emperor, his lawlessness had been transformed in the minds of the public into the side of law and order. His authority was seen as legitimately granted and his stormtroopers and Death Stars were officially seen as vital peacekeepers, instead of as key mainstays of his police state.

Does this sound familiar at all? 

The Democrats destabilized and resisted the Trump presidency from the time of his swearing-in. The Democrats claimed to be the party of constitutional propriety, defending the country against Russian interference, while people like Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) were perpetuating stories that they knew to be untrue without any repercussions. Even worse in Swalwell’s case, he was literally sleeping with the enemy—a Chinese spy!

Meanwhile, nationalists and populists played into the Democrats’ hands with the inexcusable and feckless Capitol Hill riot. President Trump and his lawyers contributed to the Georgia Senate debacle by alienating the Georgia state Republican leadership, suppressing the populist vote, and firing up the Democrats’ base. The Trump campaign’s actions during the period between the election and the swearing-in would have been comical, were they not so tragic.

Because of this stupidity, ironically, the Democrats get to position themselves as “defenders of democracy.” How rich is that? Does anyone recall Kathy Griffin holding Trump’s severed head?

What would today’s press do if an actress held up Joe Biden’s decapitated head? BLM and Antifa thugs burnt federal courthouses and intimidated local residents throughout the summer and fall, causing over 30 deaths and hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage. In the Democrats’ worldview, this is not even close to being equivalent with what happened on January 6, even though it certainly set a precedent for public behavior. In a recent Department of Homeland Security briefing, the Biden Administration briefers highlighted the threat from potential domestic violent extremists like the Boogaloo and Proud Boys, but turned themselves into pretzels trying to argue that the BLM and Antifa riots were “lawful protests.”

The Democratic Party is like a Trojan Horse for the far Left. Palpatine is a cover for Darth Sidious. Joe Biden has the avuncular façade of a forgetful grandpa, but he is allowing a radical, globalist, anti-American agenda to metastasize. 

The Democratic Party used to be the party of the working class. It used to be the party for everyday Americans. There are still millions of Americans who vote for the Democrats because of this heritage. But now, the Democratic Party has been captured by billionaire tech and finance titans, pro-LGBTQ, anti-Christian, pro-illegal alien and anti-U.S. wage earner, pro-critical theory, and anti-traditional American values, pro-globalist and anti-nationalist special interest groups.

So it should come as no surprise that on his first day in office, Biden appealed to unity for all Americans, and then issued 17 executive orders promoting a radical left-wing agenda. Over 25,000 troops were called up to “defend the Capital” during the swearing-in. There is talk of admitting Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico into the union as states, ostensibly for very pure motives, but really to continue to try and stack the deck for Democrats in the Senate. 

There’s talk of “court reform” instead of court-packing, even though that’s what it will really be. DACA has been reversed, and millions of “undocumented” people are in line for citizenship, further altering the demographic makeup of the United States. This is not about compassion. This is about cheap labor and cheap votes. There are so many minority citizens in this country who were finally starting to get higher wages and better jobs but who, in helping to get Biden elected, will be shoved back down and forgotten for three and a half years.

The far-Left Democrats are far down the road toward one-party control, and everything they do weakens the Constitution, exacerbates social divisions, increases inequality, and undermines the future financial sustainability of the country. 

People have to stop being frogs, sitting complacently as the fire slowly cooks them. We have to wake up, understand the Orwellian doublespeak, gaslighting, and Big Lies. We have to create a strong constitutionalist middle and not let the radicalization of the stupid alt-Right or the sinisterly smart far-Left plunge this country into a hot civil war. We can’t just count on a single person like Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader to bring balance to the Force. As sensible Americans, it is up to us to bring our country back to our core values. The road to recovery begins by recognizing what our problems as a country truly are and being smart about how we fix them.

America Is Rocketing toward the Health Care Precipice


Article by Keith Jackson, M.D. in The American Thinker

America Is Rocketing toward the Health Care Precipice

Our American medical system with its deep pool of highly trained specialists, the best in the world when it accrued inside a culture of science and learning, is Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall.  It has had to focus its priority away from the doctor-patient relationship and more toward appeasing ever-expanding federal and bureaucratic control.  Doctors and patients are pawns caught in a game of power.  All the king's horses and all the king's men, so they say...but is there any way to save the best parts of our health care?

As the federal government hurtles toward a Medicaid-for-all system, justifying the expansion of access and affordability as its primary goals, it is alienating those who are supposed to provide that care.  It is impossible to have access, affordability, and quality co-exist in any proposal.  Access assumes there will be enough doctors to see all the patients and assumes efficiency in the doctor's offices.  Nothing is as unaffordable as "free" anything when it comes to the federal government.  Quality plummets when the best doctors quit.

Many doctors are losing their love of medicine.  (Make no mistake: there are few professions as challenging and rewarding.  Name another job where you are thanked for saving a life, even when that is often an exaggeration, on a daily basis.)  But advances in care like the electronic medical record, while awesome in some respects, are a real time sink.  In order to fulfil EMR billing requirements and still see enough patients to be able to cover their overhead, it is difficult to produce a factually accurate, non-fraudulent medical record. 

Reimbursement is plummeting as unpaid busy work is accelerating.  Doctors, as a result, are looking to retire early or try a new career.  Older specialists, an irreplaceable reservoir of knowledge and skill, are the least pleased.  While their merit as physicians is often close to peak value, their pay is not.  Physicians over 65 represent 21% of the total number of practitioners in the United States.  When talking about doctors over 55 years old, this represents 42% of the total.  That's 336,000 out of 800,000 physicians, and a lot of them do not like the way medicine is changing.

The bureaucrats who study the problem of access think overwhelmed primary care providers will get real help from physician extenders like physician assistants and nurses.  But the training is just not commensurate, and the quality of care suffers as a result.  And even if they become excellent providers, we are seeing burnout of them as well.

So we have a federal takeover of health care coming with a rapidly dwindling cohort of doctors.  Most of the happiest remaining primary care doctors are turning to concierge medicine, hardly an affordable alternative for most Americans.  Many of the older specialists are leaving altogether because of a general feeling that their work is not properly valued.  The doctors who choose to continue have to deal with a bunch of people telling them how to practice and how many people that they need to see a day, all the while knowing that every patient represents a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Patients are consequentially overtreated, over-tested, and over-scanned.  This stems directly from the fact that providers don't have the time to get a full grasp of the patient's illnesses.  But there are answers out there that could catch Humpty Dumpty and put him back up on the wall.

Dr. Tom Price was a successful orthopedist in Roswell, Georgia before he felt called to leave patient care and try to help find a way to fix the country's health care problem.  He introduced a bill that would get all Americans covered and could actually bring down the cost of care while he was in the House of Representatives.  Eight hundred of us involved in the newly formed "Docs 4 Patient Care" went to Washington, D.C. in support of that bill back in September 2009.  Despite being dressed in white coats and scrubs, taking the stage on the National Mall, and flooding the halls of the House and Senate buildings, we got no news coverage.  Dr. Price's bill got hung up in the Democratically controlled House, never seeing the light of day.  The mainstream media had four "pink ladies" supporting abortion on all of the news channels but no mention of our group or what we supported.  It was obvious that cutting costs and getting everyone covered for care was not a Washington, D.C. priority.  Obamacare was the priority.

Unless the ideas of Dr. Price are revisited, we will have less access to real doctors, "free" yet unaffordable care, and much greater exposure to poor-quality health care providers.

Docs 4 Patient Care and their commitment to the doctor-patient relationship still exist.  Dr. Price thought a combination of insurance pooling of at-risk individuals, health care savings accounts, tax credits, malpractice reform, and options for pre-existing conditions were the keys to a better future.  Will we find out the truth of this before we lose our most experienced providers?


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Lawfare was part of ‘Secret Campaign Group’ Coordinating to Influence 2020 Election

CABAL“: the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government); also: a group engaged in such schemes…

In a rather remarkable article today [Time Article Here] there is an interesting outline of several leftist groups who aligned to influence the 2020 election.  One of the interesting aspects is their admission to secret and close coordination with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; a notorious Wall Street-focused multinational lobbying outfit.

According to the article the U.S. CoC (Tom Donohue Inc.) had an agreement with big labor (AFL-CIO Richard Trumpka etc.) to coordinate their efforts to remove the “America-First” agenda represented by President Trump.  Their alignment was essentially a predictable outcome as both groups rely on Big Government and multinational corporate favoritism.

TIME – […] “the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day.”

Joining with the Corporate effort were left-wing activist groups, and specifically mentioned is Norm Eisen, ie. “Team Lawfare”.  Eisen was the lead democrat surrogate amid the original impeachment effort.

[…] Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.

[…] “The untold story of the election is the thousands of people of both parties who accomplished the triumph of American democracy at its very foundation,” says Norm Eisen, a prominent lawyer and former Obama Administration official who recruited Republicans and Democrats… (read more)

The article solidifies our previous CTH research on the influence of the Lawfare group amid the cabal effort. After the 2018 mid-terms, and in preparation for the “impeachment” strategy, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler hired Lawfare group members to become House committee staff.

In 2018 Chairman Adam Schiff hired former SDNY U.S. Attorney Daniel Goldman (link).  You probably saw Goldman doing the questioning for Schiff during the first public impeachment hearing (above).  Meanwhile Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler hired Obama Administration lawyer Norm Eisen and criminal defense attorney Barry Berke (link).

After Goldman, Eisen and Berke were brought on board Speaker Nancy Pelosi then hired Douglas Letter as House General Counsel – all are within the Lawfare network.
This move -to allow House Counsel to bring on additional legal assistance for the impeachment effort- means Doug Letter will be able to hire more lawyers.

Many people surmised that Pelosi and Schiff moved to utilize the Ukraine/NSC impeachment angle *after* the Mueller angle for impeachment ran into trouble. However, CTH research never reflected the Whistle-blower impeachment plan as an ‘add-on’.

Instead, what we saw was the use of the HPSCI; and the use of embeds within National Security Council staff; by design.  The Schiff events were always part of a prior planned design.

Only two committees hired Lawfare staff in 2018: Judiciary (Eisen & Berke) and HPSCI (Goldman).  This evidences a 2018 plan to use the Judiciary and HPSCI for the impeachment process as designed by the Lawfare contractors.  This design is also outlined in the year of public advice from the mother-ship, Lawfare.

The impeachment crew always planned to use the House Intelligence Committee; and they always planned to use activated sleeper cells within the National Security Staff.  None of this was organic; none of the action was contingent upon a Trump phone call.  The whistle-blower approach was always going to be used; the only issue was: ‘how’?

What Pelosi/Schiff et al assembled was a format for a highly controlled public spectacle prior to a predetermined transfer of evidence to Jerry Nadler (Judicary); with the intent to construct a pantomime for public absorption in mind, the impeachment rules were written for maximum narrative construction. [ex. Lawfare lawyers questioning witnesses]

Mike Lindell Releases New High-Capacity Assault Pillow


The Babylon Bee
Mike Lindell Releases New High-Capacity Assault Pillow 

CHANHASSEN, MN—Mike Lindell announced today the release of his company's latest product: the high-capacity assault MyPillow.

The new MyPillow-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault pillow that can devastate opponents in a pillow fight with its deadly, rapid-fire action. Plus, once you get tired from owning libs by shooting soft, polyurethane foam at their dum liberal faces for hours, you can just lie your MyPillow-15 on the ground and plunk right down for a nice nap. The MyPillow CEO says that the new assault pillow is the absolute best -- and most comfortable -- weapon to bring to a pillow fight.

"Other companies' pillows are either too soft or too firm. Plus, they don't fire hundreds of rounds of softness at libs as well as the MyPillow-15," Lindell said. The CEO then turned to a target downrange, which looked suspiciously like David Hogg. He fired off thirty rounds into it, all of them dead-center. "Pillows don't kill people -- I do."

"Anyway, God told me in a dream one night I had to make an assault pillow. I had just gotten back from foiling a drug deal with the Mexicans on my private jet. Had to skydive out of that whole thing, and I was really tired. Right in the middle of the night, bam! God came to me and told me to make the MyPillow-15. We put it into production the very next day."

"And, as always, the assault pillow comes with a 10-Year Warranty and a 60-day lib-owning guarantee!" he added proudly as he snuggled up with his MyPillow-15. 

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In denying the existence of knowable truth and morality, ‘progressives’ ironically sentence us to a new dark age

" Mirror, mirror on the wall"
Article by Eric Utter in The American Thinker

In denying the existence of knowable truth and morality, ‘progressives’ ironically sentence us to a new dark age

Progressives believe that the very nature of right and wrong, of morality itself, is fungible and changes over time. And, since that is so, then no single morality can be deemed true, or good… or even demonstrably better than another.

John Dewey, an early progressive, explicitly denied that morality has any fixed meaning. He said, we must “advance to a belief in a plurality of changing, moving, individualized goods and ends.” Woodrow Wilson agreed, saying, “the hope of society lies in an infinite individual variety, in the freest possible play of individual forces.” In other words, the one true morality is knowing there is no one true morality… and therefore everyone should be free to choose his or her own ethics and moral philosophy.

The remarkable thing about progressives’ ideology is that they are all about identity politics, groups and communal nature. They renounce the Founders’ core belief that man possesses individual rights granted by his Creator. Yet they believe that all individuals can simply select their own morality and truth, neither of which is in any way fixed. Amazing.

Progressives disdain the past. And who can blame them? In place of Socrates and Plato they have installed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Chuck Schumer. Instead of Ernie Pyle and Walter Cronkite we have Rachel Maddow and Brian Stelter. Bach and Beethoven have given way to Megan Thee Stallion and Miley Cyrus. Hamlet? Nah, Hamilton!

Leftists denigrate the past and celebrate… themselves. They eschew wisdom, philosophy and experience, and proudly claim to “follow the science.” Where do they think science came from? Science got many things wrong in the past, just as it gets many things wrong in the present… and will get many things wrong in the future. If it didn’t, it wouldn’t be science. See “the scientific method.” Leftists put inordinate trust in so-called “experts” and believe these unelected elites should be charged with directing the lives of all of us deplorables in flyover country.

Worse yet, as previously noted, they wish to deprive us of our inherent natural rights, the “negative rights” that prohibit government from arbitrarily depriving us of life, liberty and happiness. They simultaneously proclaim that we (especially those in favored groups) have “positive” rights, such as “freedom from want,” or “freedom from fear,” rights that only government can grant us.

This is bullsh*t, of course. No one is owed or entitled to anything apart from life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We, who did not and could not ask to be born, don’t have a “right” to be wealthy, live forever, never be challenged, eat whatever we want and never get fat, win every bet we place, and do whatever we like with no consequences. We do have a right not to have all our possessions stripped from us by a greedy and capricious government. We do have a right not to be wrongfully or arbitrarily imprisoned or executed by a tyrannical government. If we can’t agree on even this, then, well, the fat pleasantly proportioned lady has sung.

The phrase “There is a war on_____” is overused. But progressives are currently and undeniably conducting a war on truth and morality. They are aided in this endeavor by spineless R.I.N.O.s who make the “cheese eating surrender monkeys” of The Simpsons fame look like the 300 Spartans of Thermopylae.

If they win this war, the concepts of absolute truth and morality will still exist. But the United States of America, for all intents and purposes, will not. 

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David Hogg To Release Line Of Extra-Absorbent Pillows For Liberal Tears

CAMRBIDGE, MA—Smart Harvard student David Hogg has announced he is fighting back in the great pillow war against Mike Lindell, the evil Dark Lord of Pillows. 

Hogg says he has found an audience with his progressive fanbase, who are constantly crying about everything. The pillows will soak up all their tears every night as they cry about oppression, the patriarchy, and math.

The full-time activist and part-time student reportedly ran into a snag, however, when he suddenly realized he didn't know anything about making pillows. In a strategy meeting, Hogg and his business partner brainstormed ideas to overcome this small hurdle. Written on the whiteboard behind them in their dorm was a basic business plan: "1. Come up with name. 2. Make pillows? 3. ?????????? 4. Profit!!!"

"Oh shoot, I forgot we'd have to find a factory," said Hogg as he googled "how to build a pillow factory non-GMO organic local for dummies." "And we'll make it a union shop with $500/hour pay for employees. Oh man, and we could have a cool headquarters like Google! And everyone will get free cappuccinos all day, and 3-hour breaks! This is gonna be so rad."

Unable to find a factory in the U.S. that could manufacture his tear-absorbent pillows in an all-natural, pesticide-free, humanely sourced, cage-free manner, Hogg took to his Twitter account and tweeted, "HEY DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO MAKE PILLOWS?"

We already know the Solution: Democracy. But what really is the Problem?

 Genseric, King of the Vandals, sacking Rome in 455 A.D. 


Article by Wen Wryte in The American Thinker

We already know the Solution: Democracy. But what really is the Problem?

While the big tech giants are busy trying to remove from the internet all references to a stolen election in 2020, I believe the key to understanding what is really the problem here is to view this as part of the age-old struggle between civilization and barbarism.

Yes, the election was stolen. Yes, ballot-rigging did take place. Yes, mail-in voting and other invitations to fraud allowed millions of phantom voters to place millions of fake votes. The people doing all this seemed to know in advance they’d get away with it, so brazen were they as they went about their assigned tasks. And they turned out to be right.

In 2020 the barbarians won, by disregarding and then manipulating the legal process and, for now, they occupy the White House and control both houses of Congress. They will seek to undermine the Constitution by claiming that it is a “living” thing. Which means nothing less than undermining it to suit their agenda, which is to attain absolute, unaccountable power.

The Constitution itself is the product of a process of human development ― the long and difficult journey away from barbarism ― and of growing political awareness over many centuries. The result ― a democratic constitutional republic with inbuilt checks and balances to prevent the development of tyranny ― is what enabled America to become, through the enterprise of its ordinary citizens, the beacon of the free world and the stimulus to unprecedented global prosperity, peace, and international humanitarianism.

But there are always some people willing to use politics for their own advantage at the expense of others, undermining democracy itself. These people we can properly term ‘barbarians’ because it is they who seek a return to the old way of doing things in which every possible means is used to dominate others and take advantage of every weakness.

The term ‘barbarian’ was coined in classical Greece (to the Greeks foreign languages sounded like ‘ba-ba’). It meant a foreigner who was not only uncivilized but hostile and destructive towards civilization. But today, in the West, the barbarians work from within and have risen to the top of the structures of political and institutional power, as José Ortega y Gasset predicted in his 1930 book The Revolt of the Masses (the phrase he used was “the vertical invasion of the barbarians”).

Barbarians early on acquired a reputation for seeking to destroy everything they could not control or understand. Civilizations, in contrast, use order to build and conserve what is best in their cultures, fostering a vision of humanity that promotes excellence of being and supporting endeavors aimed at perpetuating the good whilst inhibiting those motivations that enable the bad to predominate.

Early ordered societies, which historians later called civilizations, were not averse to barbaric practices. The long climb out of barbarism really started when the best features of classical Greek culture were absorbed into early Western civilization, which was itself given its defining characteristics by Judeo-Christian theology and philosophy.

The ideals, values, and principles that motivated Western civilization to become what it is today derive from these sources. Without them, we would not enjoy political liberty, universal suffrage, and representative democratically-accountable government; we would not have checks and balances to prevent tyranny and the arbitrary exercise of official authority; and we would not enjoy the benefit the state protecting our inalienable human rights protected.

To these we could add equality before the law, an independent judiciary, jury trials, habeas corpus, legal protection of personal property rights, and the secularization of that great achievement of Christian pastoral ethics, the moral obligation to provide care for the sick, the old, the vulnerable, and those otherwise unable to care for themselves (whether this care is best provided by personal goodwill, or by charitable institutions, or by the state is another matter, but someone should be providing it).

No other civilization in history has provided all these benefits and that, to me, makes Western civilization not only exceptional but unique. Only barbarians would try to destroy this achievement. But ― with the institution of the secular pluralist liberal state as a means of guaranteeing freedom of religion ― the liberal Achilles’ Hell has proven to be its willingness to tolerate conduct undermining the ideals, values, and principles of Western civilization.

The secular pluralist liberal state was intended to enable people of different religions and opinions to live together in peace and harmony, working as one for the good of all: “Out of many, one.” It is always likely that any political arrangement will produce malcontents and disaffection, but democracy ― if it is working as intended ― should defuse any resentments through the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and the protection of minorities from the majority’s tendency to tyranny (this latter being a key component of the protection provided by the Electoral College system).

The turning point for the West came when post-modernism emerged as a cultural outlook and moral realism was rejected in favor of moral (and thus cultural) relativism.

But whereas post-modernism can accommodate a process of rational discourse and appeal to moral principles ― however relativistic ― to find common ground from which at least to accommodate differing points of view, its successor, which is the currently dominant cultural outlook, is not so accommodating. With woke progressivism, there is no longer any possibility of finding common ground because it demands total conformity to its ideology.

Woke progressivism rejects entirely any recourse to rational discussion and logical argument in favor of shrill demands and direct action. And when Western civilization’s supporters are confronted with demands that they give up their ideals, values, and principles, and subordinate themselves to people who make no secret of their intention to destroy Western civilization, then submission or conflict are the only two possible options.

Thus, the relativism of post-modernism, and the uneasy truce it engendered, has ― with the rise of woke progressivism ― given way to the confrontation of incompatible world views. Woke progressivism versus Western civilization.

The uncompromising authoritarian moral perfectionism of the woke progressivists tends towards only one outcome: a long painful journey of self-destruction towards the age-old default position of barbarism, the struggle of all against all for survival and supremacy with no holds barred and all cruelties permitted.

The barbarians now in charge of America exploit the ideology of woke progressivism for their own ends. Above all, they desire status, wealth, and power, and all the privileges that go with these. And they do not much care who or what they destroy along the way.

As regards attempts by the barbarians to dismantle Western civilization, this process began long ago, and its recent intensification is the latest phase in the unrelenting assault of the worst of human nature on the best.

This is because the barbarians never really went away, they just got a whole lot smarter.

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