Saturday, February 6, 2021

Instead of checks, they’re mailing masks

These are unserious people.

Yesterday, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain was interviewed on NBC Nightly News, and he told anchor Lester “The Forehead” Holt that the White House wants to start mailing masks to every American.

“We’re gonna do whatever we can to make masks more available to the people,” said the chief of staff for the guy who promised he’d be mailing $2,000 checks on Day OneTM.

Now, maybe it’s because I live in New York where masks are so plentiful they end up fluttering in the trees that I don’t see the point of mailing masks to every American.

People who live in states requiring masks already have masks.

And people who live in states that don’t require them don’t need them.

With all due respect, Mr. Klain, go shit in the ocean.

Instead of mailing masks, how about you get the hell out of the way so we can reopen the country, get businesses back to work, and get children back to school.

Leave us the hell alone and let us live our lives like free citizens.

These are deeply unserious people.

And I’m thinking if they do start mailing masks, 99% of them will end up in the trash. Social media will be filled with videos of these masks being cleverly used as a “Screw You” message to Biden and the rest of the unserious idiots who couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag, let alone find their way out of a pandemic.

So instead of mailing masks to every American, how about you take those masks and shove ‘em where the sun don’t shine.