Sunday, January 17, 2021

Information Dominance

When you have Information Dominance, the breadth and depth of your power is limitless. And the System has no problem exploiting that power.

Last week a bunch of readers got really angry with me for pointing out that the storming of the Capitol was a tactical mistake for which we on the Right would be paying a heavy price. No matter what the truth is behind the Capitol riot, the Narrative is not being set by those committed to the Truth or “reporting the facts.”

In a nutshell, those who hold a monopoly on information control the Narrative, and the result of that control will be wide-reaching and catastrophic.

Pointing this out was interpreted as “Dianny is telling us to fall in line and turn the other cheek.” Because apparently stating the blazingly obvious about the Left’s monopoly on information means telling people to turn the other cheek.

I get it. Tempers were high. People were angry. And I chose to step into the line of fire.

Fact is, everything I said turned out to be true.

The Democrats and the Corporate Left are using the Capitol riot to clamp down on Free Speech, shut Trump voters out, and justifying all of it by claiming we’re all White Supremacist Insurrectionists. People are being barred from social media. Democrats in Congress want to add anyone who attended the January 6 rally to the No-Fly list.

With the help of the media, Democrats have successfully framed the mob of rioters as “Insurrectionists” looking to seditiously “overthrow our democracy.”

There is a full-court press to force Republican lawmakers out of office using unsubstantiated claims that they “seditiously” aided and abetted the so-called “insurrection.”

When you have Information Dominance, the breadth and depth of your power is limitless.  And the System (as Jesse Kelly calls it) has no problem exploiting that power.

This was the point I was making in that post that got so many of you angry.

Well, this morning I saw a single-sentence tweet from journalist Lara Logan that hits the nail on the head.

We do not live in a world with a level playing field. One side has Information Dominance.

The System controls the Federal government and its bureaucracies; it controls Big Tech, the Corporate Media, and virtually every major American corporation.

And as we saw with Parler, they will all coordinate and collude to destroy anyone who is not on their side.

Faced with that kind of Information Dominance, the tactics of the Left will never work when deployed by the Right.

How does Antifa and Black Lives Matter get away with it?

Easy. They’re on the same side as those who control the Information.

When Antifa or Black Lives Matter storm a government building, attack security, and ransack the place, they will never face legal consequences for their actions. The media will obfuscate or flat-out lie about their motives (“peaceful protests”). What’s more, thanks to this Information Dominance, they can tell these lies with impunity.

The corporations that are targeting Trump supporters and curtailing donations to any Republican who challenged state certifications are the same corporations that donated billions of dollars to Black Lives Matter despite the billions of dollars in damage caused by the BLM riots.

When the Trump Administration deployed Federal law enforcement to secure the Federal building in Portland, Democrats and the Media, using this monopoly on Information, portrayed the Federal officers as “stormtroopers” and “secret police.” The Antifa rioters, on the other hand, were cast in the role of innocent victims of police state tactics whose only crime was “graffiti.”

You’d have to be deeply naïve to think the rioters who stormed the Capitol were going to get the same treatment given to Antifa or Black Lives Matter.

The System’s Information Dominance is wielded like a weapon. And right now, we are the target.

In response to the Capitol riot, members of the loathsome “Squad” are openly discussing forming a Congressional commission to “rein in” the media so “you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation.”

Given the reality of Information Dominance, what the “Squad” is proposing is using Congressional authority to ensure that any information that does not conform to the approved Narrative will be labeled “disinformation or misinformation” whether it is or not.

It’s like the lipstick socialist version of The Ministry of Truth.

Jesse Kelly had a great segment on his show about this. Give it a watch:

Read that simple tweet from Lara Logan again.

Man, that is just so on-the-nose.

The side with Information Dominance can set the Narrative and determine what is “true” and what is “false” – not based on Truth versus Lies, but based on Narrative.

And if a stated fact goes against the Narrative, it will be deemed “disinformation” or a flat-out “lie.”

Take, for example, voter fraud.

Simply stating that voter fraud took place in the 2020 election is enough to make you a target. But election fraud did take place. Whether or not it would have changed the outcome of the election remains to be proved, but it is not “disinformation” or a “lie” to say election fraud happened.

Nonetheless, those who control the Information have deemed it a lie.

And not just any lie. It is now “The Big Lie.”

This coming from a so-called “Journalist” who peddled the biggest Big Lie of the 2016 election – namely that Russia colluded with Trump to steal the Presidency from Hillary Clinton.

Facebook announced this past week that any posts featuring “Stop the Steal” will be banned.

Yesterday, Pennsylvania’s Lt. Governor actually stated that “lying” about voter fraud is not protected speech (which is, in an of itself, a lie).

When you state something true that is outside the Narrative, you are “lying.” But when you enjoy Information Dominance, you can lie with impunity.

Here are just a few examples.

“Squad” member Ayanna Pressley accused her Republican colleagues of “chemical warfare” for not wearing a mask.

Speaking of the “Squad,” Last night on Rachel Maddow’s show Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed she was not safe sheltering with Republican colleagues during the Capitol riot. Because, see, these Republicans were aiding and abetting the rioters.

Yesterday Tucker Carlson featured a clip of Democrat Congressman Patrick Maloney on MSNBC. Maloney claimed that “the enemy is within” and suggested it was a real possibility a Republican member of Congress might bring a gun to Biden’s inauguration in order to assassinate him.

These people have lost their ever-loving minds.

But these outlandish and dishonest claims will not be challenged. That’s the benefit of being on the side that enjoys Information Dominance.

In a country with a fundamental right to Free Speech, this kind of Information Dominance is deeply dangerous.

But this is the reality today.

And this dominance goes far beyond the news media narrative.

It is influencing Congressional committees, potential legislation, and government action.

Not to mention government appointments:

I mentioned a week ago that Biden is prioritizing a “domestic terrorism” bill that, in the words of Homeland Security and Counterterrorism analyst Kyle Shideler, is “A Domestic Terrorism Bill Only Antifa Could Love.”

Introduced by Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) S.894 “The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act” is a companion bill to House bill H.R. 1931 sponsored by Representative Bradley Schneider (D-Ill.). A version of that bill in the previous congress raised Republican ire after Democrats refused to accept any amendments that made reference to Antifa and left-wing terrorism.

The bill includes a long list of findings that reference terrorist acts allegedly committed by white supremacists or other “far-right” actors. It includes no reference to any other threats.

The legislation would create “domestic terrorism” units or offices in the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the FBI as well as a domestic terrorism “executive committee” within the Department of Justice for coordination.

The legislation directs federal law enforcement and intelligence almost solely against perceived “far-right” threats, as the bill declares “far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States” and then directs law enforcement to use “limited resources” only against the most “significant domestic terrorism threats.” [bold emphasis Dianny’s]

In short, Shideler explains, this an attempt to cement partisan bias in U.S. government terrorism doctrine which “is deeply worrisome.”

Amazing what you can get away with when your side possesses Information Dominance, isn’t it?

Chinese spy-lover Eric Swalwell yesterday announced his return to the House Homeland Security committee by vowing to “focus on highlighting and finding solutions to the scourge of white nationalist extremism.”

See what’s happening here?

American citizens are being turned into terrorists, not because we are terrorists, but because of how we vote. The media and Big Tech are amplifying this claim, and the full force of the U.S. Government is deploying accordingly.

Meanwhile, we have establishment Republicans who poo-poo any talk of “censorship” or “silencing.” They mock people who are raising the alarm about this two-tiered system of Free Speech.

David Reaboi tweet: Information Dominance

Worse still, they are buying lock, stock and barrel the claim that the Capitol riot was a domestic terrorist act by Insurrectionists looking to overthrow the government.

JK Tweet-01: Information Dominance
JK Tweet-02: Information Dominance

Until Republicans in Congress realize that this Information Dominance exists and take the necessary steps to combat it, no amount of bleating about the national debt or “civility” or fiscal restraint, or anything else will matter.

Don’t underestimate the Republican Party’s complicity in the System gaining this dominance.

When Democrats win elections, they waste no time exploiting the dominance they enjoy.

When Republicans win, they distance themselves from their own voters, hold useless hearings, make bold statements on Hannity, then back-peddle at the first sign of pressure. And in the end, they do the sum total of nothing to change The System.

JK tweet-03: Information Dominance

What’s the solution? How do we correct this disparate control of information?

I wish I had the answers.

What I can tell you is the solution will not be found in Washington D.C. Even when Republicans are in control, Washington never solves anything. For the Beltway, it is the status quo, not the Constitution, that must be preserved and protected.

One thing is certain, we have to stop pretending this Information Dominance doesn’t exist.

And whatever counter-offensive we choose has to be tactically realistic. As I said, using the Left’s tactics when we do not enjoy this dominance will not work.

It would be better for us to seek redress from states rather than the Federal government.

Not all of the states, to be sure. New York or California won’t lift a finger to address Information Dominance because they benefit from it. You think Andrew Cuomo would be an Emmy-winning superstar and successful Leader of the COVID Pandemic without enjoying the benefits of Information Dominance?

But some state governments will no doubt be willing to begin dismantling this information monopoly – Texas and Florida come to mind.

One thing states could do is enact civil rights legislation that protects their citizens from discrimination based on political affiliation. That would be a good start.

These protections wouldn’t be limited to Big Tech censorship either. It would also protect citizens from discrimination on college and university campuses. It would protect them from being fired for how they vote. It would protect them from losing bank accounts, insurance plans, or their right to engage in commerce and the Free Market.

So what can you do? You can contact your Governor, your state legislators and/or Senators and urge them to act. And you can vote for anyone who runs to rein in this kind of systemic overreach.

If states lead the way in protecting people from political discrimination, the Federal Government just might be dragged along kicking and screaming to do the same.

Starting at the Federal level will work.

To borrow a trite expression, “Think Federally, but act locally.”

If we begin by focusing on petitioning local and state governments, we might be able to shift the momentum enough to see change on the Federal level as well. 

We still have the problem of the media.

CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post (etc, etc, etc) are not “news,” or a “free press;” they are the propaganda arm of the System. This cannot continue. Eventually we have to create a wall of separation between the news media and government. And, really, I have no idea how to accomplish that.

But one way to start is to dismantle public education and university indoctrination.

Get your children out of government schools. Advocate for school choice, and elect state, local and Federal politicians who will do the same.

If we can break the cycle of indoctrination, the Left’s monopoly on information will take a serious hit.

JK Tweet-04: Information Domination

And it goes without saying that the most important thing we can do is refuse to be silenced. Use your right to Free Speech to defend Free Speech.

As Kurt Schlichter explained in his column aptly titled “Refuse to be Silenced,” it isn’t enough to be in favor of Free Speech, you must be actively anti-censorship.

This fight against Information Dominance will require a multi-layered response, and it will not be easy.

But we have to fight it. Because if we don’t, it will not change.

Whew. I set out to write a brief piece on Lara Logan’s tweet and this is where I ended up.

I know it’s a lot. And it won’t surprise me if 80% of you aren’t even reading this sentence because you gave up midway through (though I hope I’m wrong about that and you’re still with me).

What we’re up against right now goes so far beyond “Big Tech Censorship.” And we absolutely must understand just how pervasive and destructive all of this is.

If left unchallenged, this Information Dominance will tear our country apart. In fact, we’re already straining under the pressure.

White House lists hundreds of Trump accomplishments


Article by Art Moore in World Net Daily

White House lists hundreds of Trump accomplishments

Economic boom, tax relief, deregulation, fair trade, energy independence

Amid President Trump's war with establishment media and its Democratic Party allies over the past four years, many of the president's achievements have been ignored, downplayed or cast in a negative light.

Now, with Democrats bent on permanently staining his legacy and preventing him from ever running for office again, the White House is taking it upon itself to list his accomplishments.

Paul Teller, a deputy assistant to the president, distributed on Friday an updated list of accomplishments that number in the hundreds.

It will be available on the White House website until Inauguration Day next Wednesday. And it can be read here in a pdf file.

The list recounts the many measures the administration took to help create the conditions for an unprecedented economic boom, prior to the coronavirus pandemic, that produced the lowest recorded unemployment overall and for blacks, hispanics and women.

Along with tax relief and massive deregulation, there were the fair trade deals and measures that led to America becoming energy independent for the first time in nearly 70 years.

Nearly 7 million people were lifted from food stamps, poverty rates for African Americans and hispanics reached record lows, income inequality fell for two straight years, and the bottom 50% of American households saw a 40% increase in net worth.

The creation in impoverished neighborhoods of nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones, which tax capital gains on long-term investments at zero, are poised to lift an estimated 1 million Americans from poverty.

Even amid the pandemic, an October 2020 Gallup survey found 56% of Americans said they were better off than four years ago.

As Trump predicted, the nation experienced a "V-shaped recovery" from the impact of the coronavirus lockdowns. During the third quarter of 2020, the economy grew at a rate of 33.1%, the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.

For farmers, the administration successfully negotiated more than 50 agreements with countries to increase foreign market access and boost exports, supporting more than 1 million American jobs.

 Trump signed into law landmark criminal justice reform, and his administration took strong measures to stem hate crimes, gun violence and human trafficking.

In education, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expanded "school choice," allowing parents to use up to $10,000 from an education savings account to cover K-12 tuition costs at the public, private or religious school of their choice.

In health care, there was the elimination of the Obamacare individual mandate that became a "financial relief to low and middle-income households that made up nearly 80 percent of the families who paid the penalty for not wanting to purchase health insurance."

More recently, Trump announced unprecedented reforms that dramatically lowered the price of prescription drugs.

He brought unprecedented attention and support to combat the opioid crisis and took action to seize illegal drugs and punish those preying on Americans.

In the judiciary, Trump nominated and confirmed more than 230 federal judges. He appointed three Supreme Court justices, expanding its conservative-appointed majority to 6-3.

A total of 54 judges were confirmed to the United States Courts of Appeals, making up nearly a third of the entire appellate bench. Trump filled all Court of Appeals vacancies for the first time in four decades. He flipped the Second, Third, and Eleventh Circuits from Democratic-appointed majorities to Republican-appointed majorities and "dramatically reshaped the long-liberal Ninth Circuit."

On the border, more than 400 miles of "the world's most robust and advanced border wall" has been built, cutting illegal crossings along those stretches by more than 87%. The practice of "catch and release" was ended, and Trump signed an executive order to strip discretionary federal grant funding from sanctuary cities.

There was the rebuilding of the military and the defeat of ISIS. And the administration reformed the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve care, choice and employee accountability.

The U.S. secured a $400 billion increase in defense spending from NATO allies by 2024, and the number of members meeting their minimum obligations more than doubled.

The U.S. withdrew from the costly and ineffective Paris Climate Accord and the one-sided Iran nuclear deal. After pulling out of the Iran deal, the U.S. imposed crippling sanctions on Iran's terrorist regime.

After every president since 1994 waived the mandate by Congress, Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. The U.S. acknowledged Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights and declared that Israeli settlements in the West Bank comply with international law. Trump removed the U.S. from the U.N. Human Rights Council because of its anti-Israel bias.

The Trump administration brokered historic peace agreements between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain and Sudan. It also brokered a deal for Kosovo to normalize ties and establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

Trump was the first American president to address an assembly of leaders from more than 50 Muslim nations and reach an agreement to fight terrorism.

The White House also boasts of the public-private partnership, Operation Warp Speed, that led to the development of two vaccines in just nine months, five times faster than any vaccine in American history. 

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Former Facebook Official Calls For Verizon, AT&T, Others To Deplatform OANN And Newsmax


Article by Scott Morefield in The Daily Caller

Former Facebook Official Calls For Verizon, AT&T, Others To Deplatform OANN And Newsmax

Former Facebook chief security officer Alex Stamos called for carriers like Verizon, AT&T, and others to deplatform One America News Network (OANN) and Newsmax during a Sunday morning appearance on CNN’s “Reliable Sources.”

Discussing the ongoing political polarization in America in the wake of the November election and the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, Stamos suggested that since people now “are able to seek out the information that makes them feel good,” an incentive exists for some outlets to “become more and more radical.”

“One of the places you can see this is on the fact that you now have competitors to Fox News on their right, OANN and Newsmax, which are carried by all the major cable networks, who are trying now to outflank Fox on the right because the moment Fox [News] introduced any kind of realism into their reporting, immediately a bunch of people chose to put themselves into a sealed ecosystem,” Stamos said. “They can do that both on cable. They can do it online, and that becomes a huge challenge in figuring out how do you bring people back into the mainstream of fact-based reporting and try to get us back into the same consensual reality.”

Stamos went on to suggest that social media companies collaborate together “in the same way they worked on ISIS.”

“There was a collaboration between the tech companies and law enforcement to make it impossible for them to use the internet to recruit and radicalize mostly young Muslim men at the same around the world,” he said. “Now we’re talking about the domestic audience in the United States.”

Before calling for outright deplatforming, the former Facebook insider lamented “extremely radical” influencers on YouTube who have “a larger audience than daytime CNN.” 

“It is up to the Facebooks and YouTubes in particular to think about whether or not they want to be effectively cable networks for disinformation,” he said. “And then we have to figure out the OANN and Newsmax problem that these companies have freedom of speech, but I’m not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and such to be bringing them into tens of millions of homes. This is allowing people to seek out information if they really want to, but not pushing it into their faces I think is really where we’re going to have to go here.” 

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Biden’s $1.9T stimulus plan faces criticism


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 4:34 PM PT – Saturday, January 16, 2021

Joe Biden’s massive COVID-19 stimulus proposal is already facing criticism. The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which was introduced on Friday, includes $1,400 stimulus checks, expanded unemployment benefits and a federal minimum wage increase.




Economist Stephen Moore has deemed the expensive plan as a “Democrat wishlist.”

“This has nothing to do with the pandemic, it’s really the left’s kind of, playbook that they’ve wanted to pass for 30 years and they shoved it into a $1.9 trillion dollar bill,” Moore stated.

Moore also warned the proposal would place extra burdens on small businesses.

“Small businesses have been so hammered by the shutdowns,” Moore said. “We have 12 million Americans who are hired by the restaurant industry and they are facing a very tough time right now.”

Small business owners have expressed concern about the $15 minimum wage increase, saying it would force them to shutdown as they’re already struggling amid the pandemic.

Critics have said that the $350 billion for state and local governments is meant to bailout Democrat-led areas that have failed to shore up the economy.

Moore advised the best way to get the economy going is for governors to reopen their states. 






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Time to Fight

A party is what people say it is and the people who say what it is run and win primaries, show up at conventions, and run for precinct chair. No more whining. Time for work.

If you had any doubts about how much the swamp hates, loathes, fears, and despises Donald Trump, the fact that it has impeached him twice in roughly 13 months should remove all doubt. Mind you, neither of the impeachments has anything to do with facts. Both were about power and who wields it. 

Neither had anything to do with the Constitution or the republic or the betterment of the American people. Oh, no. This was the deeply corrupt D.C. system we have let run rampant for far too long, flexing its muscle, giving the middle finger to the American working class and taxpayer, who, of course, funds the system that funds the swamp. It was a warning shot to the American working class and taxpayers to mind their betters: anyone who champions their cause will be dealt with in like manner. 

This was entirely about setting the bar—warning any other American, any outsider who seeks even to try to restore the American republic or challenge the administrative state and ruling class—that there will be massive personal and financial costs for such activity.

The latest impeachment should also put to rest the farce that somehow Democrats and Biden desire unity. Spare me!

Part of the justification for the latest abuse of the impeachment process was the talk of Trump being like Osama bin Laden and that his supporters are “domestic terrorists.” This should have made it very clear that the Democrats’ idea of unity is submission and conformity to their radical ideas, not compromise or a return to sanity and reason. They want nothing to do with unity, and you’d better get that memo straight in your head: there will be no dissent. Once the “highest form of patriotism, dissent is now terrorism.

They stand there, shaking their heads, telling us like little children that we have to move on and accept reality—that we have to accept the results of the election when, of course, it was they who made a farce of our election system to win it. They neglect to mention that they still have not accepted the results of the fairly decided election of 2016, which of course, is also what the multiple impeachments were about.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

In fact, spare me the hypocrisy on a whole host of fronts. They are mumbling on about supposed “sedition.” You really want to talk about sedition? Democrats, the Left, and the media (but I repeat myself) lied about the 2016 election and Russiagate in what was a truly seditious attempt to undermine a duly elected president—so spare me their theatrics and pretensions to decency.

You really want to talk about violence? We watched the Democrats for months and months endorse and support Antifa and Black Lives Matter arson and riots in American cities, not condemning it at all—in fact, even bailing the rioters out of jail. So I can assure you, Democrats and the Left don’t have any qualms about violence as long as it’s pointed at their political enemies. 

As for the Constitution, it seems ridiculous that the people trampling the nation’s charter are so eager to invoke it. Democrats and their allies despise the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and 10th Amendments and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s efforts to get the military to report to her shows she’d prefer to nuke Article II. As envisioned by the founders, the original intent of the Constitution, with its separation of powers, is anathema to the Progressive Left; it’s like holy water to vampires. 

In the midst of the retribution for Trump daring to challenge the status quo, Democrats, along with many Republicans, show how deeply unconcerned they are about the tens of millions of Americans who need help in the face of the draconian and idiotic lockdowns. Nope, let’s instead focus our efforts on impeaching Trump again and waste the American taxpayers’ money on yet another witch hunt when those funds could have a thousand better uses.

In case you were wondering who the ruling class thinks the system serves, here’s a hint: It isn’t you. To say the American worker and taxpayer are an afterthought seems overly generous: I’m not sure you even cross their minds most days.

In the aftermath of Impeachment Part Deux, there are those inside the GOP who think they’ve put the dirty peasants out to pasture along with their champion. It’s hard to comprehend such idiocy: only fools would alienate the base and think there won’t be consequences for the party. Every last Republican who voted for impeachment will be primaried. Not just the GOP establishment, but the D.C. establishment as a whole, needs to have the power they cling so tightly to ripped from their hands by the people they swore to serve.  

But a word to the America First base: it’s one thing to air your grievances. That time has passed. You had better get to work. A party is what people say it is and the people who say what it is run and win primaries, show up at conventions, and run for precinct chair. Stop bemoaning how the GOP has abused and abandoned you. Stop talking and get to work. No more rallies. No more moaning and groaning. Time to fight.

Nightmare: Here Is The Democrats' Complete Legislative Agenda For The Next 2 Years

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have released a complete list of all their legislative goals for the next 2 years, and it's worse than we imagined. America may not survive. Brace yourself and read through this confirmed list which we got straight from the Speaker's office, and may God help us all. 

The Impeach Trump Again Act - New law requiring Trump to be impeached every week for all of eternity. 

The Inclusion and Justice Act - Requires everyone to bake cakes for gay weddings. It will also require everyone to be gay.

The Fairness Act - Will set the minimum wage to whatever Elon Musk makes per hour.

The John Act - New law requiring all men to sit down when they pee.

The Common Sense 'Don't Hate Kids' Act - Will ban assault weapons and also the letter 'A' and 'R' and the number 15 so they can never be made again, and will confiscate all assault rifles to be melted down to make a statue of Ba'al.

The Greener New Deal - Just like the Green New Deal, but with more Communism. Will instantly enact full Communism across the country.

The Justice Act - Will add all registered Democrats to the Supreme Court, and empower women by creating "The Handmen's Tale" where all men have to become pregnant and bear children.

The Kindness and Uniformity Act - Everyone's pronouns must be tattooed to their foreheads. They must also shave their heads and wear only futuristic grey jumpsuits.

The Nutrition Act - Will limit each family to only one loaf of bread per week. Cannibalism now legal as long as you "eat the rich." All foods must now contain a large dose of birth control.

The Insurrection Act 2 -  Will declare all unborn babies to be enemies of the state.

The No More Racist Founding Documents Act -  Will replace The Bill of Rights with The Bill of Lefts. Will also draft a new Declaration of Dependence.

The Hurt God Act - Legislation to try and hurt God. Trump tried to warn us. 

The Omnibus Bill - Congressional raises, 100 Billion for Iran to make nuclear missiles, printing more money, and a new law requiring all children's cartoons to have at least 382 gay characters.

The Democrats must be stopped! We would try to stop them, but all the voting machines are rigged so there's not much use in that. We heard Trump has something up his sleeve though, so that looks promising.