Sunday, January 17, 2021

White House lists hundreds of Trump accomplishments


Article by Art Moore in World Net Daily

White House lists hundreds of Trump accomplishments

Economic boom, tax relief, deregulation, fair trade, energy independence

Amid President Trump's war with establishment media and its Democratic Party allies over the past four years, many of the president's achievements have been ignored, downplayed or cast in a negative light.

Now, with Democrats bent on permanently staining his legacy and preventing him from ever running for office again, the White House is taking it upon itself to list his accomplishments.

Paul Teller, a deputy assistant to the president, distributed on Friday an updated list of accomplishments that number in the hundreds.

It will be available on the White House website until Inauguration Day next Wednesday. And it can be read here in a pdf file.

The list recounts the many measures the administration took to help create the conditions for an unprecedented economic boom, prior to the coronavirus pandemic, that produced the lowest recorded unemployment overall and for blacks, hispanics and women.

Along with tax relief and massive deregulation, there were the fair trade deals and measures that led to America becoming energy independent for the first time in nearly 70 years.

Nearly 7 million people were lifted from food stamps, poverty rates for African Americans and hispanics reached record lows, income inequality fell for two straight years, and the bottom 50% of American households saw a 40% increase in net worth.

The creation in impoverished neighborhoods of nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones, which tax capital gains on long-term investments at zero, are poised to lift an estimated 1 million Americans from poverty.

Even amid the pandemic, an October 2020 Gallup survey found 56% of Americans said they were better off than four years ago.

As Trump predicted, the nation experienced a "V-shaped recovery" from the impact of the coronavirus lockdowns. During the third quarter of 2020, the economy grew at a rate of 33.1%, the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.

For farmers, the administration successfully negotiated more than 50 agreements with countries to increase foreign market access and boost exports, supporting more than 1 million American jobs.

 Trump signed into law landmark criminal justice reform, and his administration took strong measures to stem hate crimes, gun violence and human trafficking.

In education, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expanded "school choice," allowing parents to use up to $10,000 from an education savings account to cover K-12 tuition costs at the public, private or religious school of their choice.

In health care, there was the elimination of the Obamacare individual mandate that became a "financial relief to low and middle-income households that made up nearly 80 percent of the families who paid the penalty for not wanting to purchase health insurance."

More recently, Trump announced unprecedented reforms that dramatically lowered the price of prescription drugs.

He brought unprecedented attention and support to combat the opioid crisis and took action to seize illegal drugs and punish those preying on Americans.

In the judiciary, Trump nominated and confirmed more than 230 federal judges. He appointed three Supreme Court justices, expanding its conservative-appointed majority to 6-3.

A total of 54 judges were confirmed to the United States Courts of Appeals, making up nearly a third of the entire appellate bench. Trump filled all Court of Appeals vacancies for the first time in four decades. He flipped the Second, Third, and Eleventh Circuits from Democratic-appointed majorities to Republican-appointed majorities and "dramatically reshaped the long-liberal Ninth Circuit."

On the border, more than 400 miles of "the world's most robust and advanced border wall" has been built, cutting illegal crossings along those stretches by more than 87%. The practice of "catch and release" was ended, and Trump signed an executive order to strip discretionary federal grant funding from sanctuary cities.

There was the rebuilding of the military and the defeat of ISIS. And the administration reformed the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve care, choice and employee accountability.

The U.S. secured a $400 billion increase in defense spending from NATO allies by 2024, and the number of members meeting their minimum obligations more than doubled.

The U.S. withdrew from the costly and ineffective Paris Climate Accord and the one-sided Iran nuclear deal. After pulling out of the Iran deal, the U.S. imposed crippling sanctions on Iran's terrorist regime.

After every president since 1994 waived the mandate by Congress, Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. The U.S. acknowledged Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights and declared that Israeli settlements in the West Bank comply with international law. Trump removed the U.S. from the U.N. Human Rights Council because of its anti-Israel bias.

The Trump administration brokered historic peace agreements between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain and Sudan. It also brokered a deal for Kosovo to normalize ties and establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

Trump was the first American president to address an assembly of leaders from more than 50 Muslim nations and reach an agreement to fight terrorism.

The White House also boasts of the public-private partnership, Operation Warp Speed, that led to the development of two vaccines in just nine months, five times faster than any vaccine in American history. 

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