Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Words Of The Year



LOL! at least they don't know what they're asking for!

Article by Derek Hunter in Townhall


Words Of The Year

Liberalism ruins everything, it really does. Think of something rotting with leftist smug and think about how it used to be, there’s no comparison. Movies used to be good, used to be interested in entertaining the audience. Now they beat you about the head and neck with some left-wing message, making the whole experience less appealing than self-dentistry (try watching “Don’t Look Up,” “Being the Riccardos,” or the new Matrix movie). Music isn’t about being good at writing and recording songs anymore, it’s about crap computer generated sounds, only semi-literate lyrics (emphasis on the “semi” part), and pandering to various “victim” groups and causes the radical left finds fashionable at the moment. And you’re not allowed to be funny on TV anymore, as various “representatives” of whatever groups Democrats favor are shoehorned into shows at 10 times over what they occur in nature so they’re “represented.” It’s garbage. 

But none of this would be possible were it not for the war on words. For decades, leftists have been hammering away at our ability to communicate accurately by taking some words and moving them into the “unacceptable” column. Innocuous words, dumb words, made up words, whatever they want. Uttering them are cause for reeducation through “diversity” training, or termination.

More than making some words unacceptable, they’ve made other words mandatory. And a truly free society cannot exist where anything, especially how you communicate and express yourself, your thoughts, is mandatory.

You’d think something as innocuous as Dictionary.com would just be what its name suggests – a place to look up the meaning of words. Technically, it is. But it’s also now a place where words are redefined at the whims or needs of the left-wing mob. When Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono, honestly one of the dumbest people in all of Government, accused then Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett of using an “offensive term” to talk about gay people, dictionary.com snapped into action and changed the definition of the word without hours. What was the word? “Preference.” 

Yes, talking about someone’s sexual preference had become, in an instant, offensive. They had nothing else on Barrett, so they had to make something up. The liberal media, like dutiful dogs, immediately followed suit, declaring Barrett had “used an offensive term while talking about LGBTQ rights” (Vox), or that the dimwitted Senator “grills Amy Coney Barrett for describing sexual orientation as a ‘preference.’” (Washington Post)

Each of these outlets, not to mention scores of Democrats (up to and including all of their Congressional leadership, Joe Biden and Hirono herself) were on record as using the term in the exact same way, it became problematic and is now taboo. 

They didn’t get Barrett, it was simply too new, but they will get others with it. They always do. 

This year, Dictionary.com declared “allyship” it’s “word of the year.” Why? It’s pretty obvious, but who really gives a damn?

The original definition of the word, “the relationship or status of persons, groups, or nations associating and cooperating with one another for a common cause or purpose,” has been relegated to the second position now. The new top definition is, “the status or role of a person who advocates and actively works for the inclusion of a marginalized or politicized group in all areas of society, not as a member of that group but in solidarity with its struggle and point of view and under its leadership.” In other words, someone with too much time on their hands and no real meaning in their own lives.

With all the garbage in mind, and a severe level of contempt for the people behind it all, might I suggest a few words and phrases we should do away with or mock relentlessly? 

“Marginalized.” Honestly, who gives a damn? If you declare yourself defined as a person by some weird fetish or irrelevant characteristic, who cares how you feel? Most of the time the people screaming about how “different” or isolated they are do so for that very effect. Truly “weird” people don’t scream it from the mountain tops, they just are. So why the hell should I or anyone care how you feel if all you do is draw attention to, and demand special treatment for things no one notices or cares about? 

“Diversity.” Leftists don’t celebrate it, they destroy it when it comes in the only form that matters – diversity of thought. Ask any gay or black conservative how much celebrating of their existence these fascists engage in.

“Especially (whatever) of color.” You can’t listen to a Democrat speak without them whining about how something horrible, no matter what it is or who it impacts negatively, harms people “but especially women, gay women, trans women, whatever, or color” particularly hard. You would think tornadoes and unemployment seek out these groups. But they really don’t. It’s just how the left works. 

They’ve created victim classes of people, now they need to segregate them even further. The left-wing Human Rights Watch, for example, ignores the almost 800 black murder victims in Chicago and focuses on 50 trans women killed in 2021, writing, “it is clear that fatal violence disproportionately affects transgender women of color – particularly Black transgender women – and that the intersections of racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia.” What they don’t tell you is the vast majority of those murders involved drugs, both dealing and use, and transactions that went bad. 

As with all of these, when the truth doesn’t help, the truth is ignored. 

And truth is the final word, the ultimate word these leftists would love to ban. They aren’t there just yet, but with the phrase “my truth,” they’re on their way. 




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