Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Tuskegee Tony

Why the “real Anthony Fauci” must be held accountable.

On Christmas Eve Dr. Anthony Fauci turns 81, and as he marks the milestone, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Healthis topping the Amazon and USA Today bestseller lists.  The real Fauci, Kennedy contends, is the J. Edgar Hoover of public health, but there’s more going on than longevity and corruption.  

To expose Fauci’s drug experiments with children, Kennedy cites the BBC’s 2004 “Guinea Pig Kids.” This documentary is again under attack, and that invites a review. 

In 1992, Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) provided funding for the Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) in New York as an outpatient clinic for HIV-positive children. The city’s Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) offered up children under its care, nearly all of them black or Hispanic, for secretive drug experimentation.  

As Dr. David Rasnick explains, children as young as three months were given “cocktails” of drugs with dangerous side effects. Rasnick described Didanosene as “very dangerous,” and Nevirapine as “dangerous and debilitating . . . horrible and painful and also lethal.” The children were also given Zidovudine, another name for AZT (azidothymidine). This drug has “never been shown to be life-saving, and it also causes severe anemia.” 

As Rasnick told the BBC, “these children are going to be miserable,” and they were—writhing in agony and unable to eat. If they resisted, doctors cut a hole in their belly to administer the drugs. As one victim testifies, “If you want to get out of there you have to do what they say.” The BBC found medical records confirming the experiments. 

ICC nurse Jacklyn Hoerger was ordered to give kids regular and sometimes large doses of AZT. Hoerger adopted two of the girls, whose health improved when she stopped the drug treatment. The ACS then seized the children and put them back on the anti-HIV drugs. In 2004, Hoerger had no idea where they might be, but she knew that some 80 children had died in the experiments and found the mass grave in Hawthorne, New York.

“Guinea Pig Kids” came under immediate attack but critics did not contest key facts, including the harm caused by drugs such as AZT. As UC Berkeley molecular biologist Peter Duesberg explained in Inventing the AIDS Virus, AZT was marketed under the names Zidovudine or Retrovir. 

The drug has “toxic” effects, but in the summer of 1989, Fauci announced clinical trials of AZT on pregnant mothers with HIV. As Duesberg explained, “a drug that interferes with growth can lead only to physical deformities in babies developing in the womb.” That observation did not prevent Fauci from authorizing similar trials on children in New York. 

Fauci fans now claim it is “inaccurate” that the New York deaths were caused by the “trial medication,” and “it cannot be determined if Anthony Fauci personally chose to provide NIAID funds to these clinical trials.” Since Fauci runs NIAID, that claim is laughable.  

In October, a Snopes piece recalled that the BBC was badgered into a belated apology for “Guinea Pig Kids.” The network “did not properly investigate the claims” about Fauci’s role in the experiments yet at the same time failed to refute Rasnick’s warnings about the dangers of AZT and other drugs. Filmmaker Jamie Doran told Nature Medicine that “my only interest was investigating the very legitimate story of how vulnerable black and Hispanic foster children as young as three months old were being volunteered by the New York City authorities for drug trials.” 

The Snopes report concedes that “some children were, in fact, enrolled without proper consent.” Snopes cited a 2009 New York Times story that 64 children participated in 30 medication trials that were not reviewed by a special medical advisory panel, and 21 children participated in trials that the panel had reviewed but had not recommended. None of this appeared to concern the man in charge at NIAID.

Anthony Fauci earned a medical degree in 1966 but if he ever practiced medicine it was only for a short time. In 1968, to avoid treating wounded American soldiers, Fauci took a cushy “yellow beret” job with the National Institutes of Health. Fauci’s bio shows no advanced degrees in biochemistry or molecular biology, yet in 1984 he became director of NIAID. Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), thought Fauci was unqualified for the post. 

Fauci “doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine,” contended Mullis, who earned a Ph.D. in biochemistry at UC Berkeley. He should not be in a position like he’s in.” But he was. 

Fauci has reversed himself many times but now claims “I represent science.” Angelo Codevilla called him a deep state fraud, and Thomas DiLorenzo flags Fauci’s “Dr. Mengele–style ‘experiments,’” a reference to Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who conducted lethal experiments on Jewish and Gypsy twins, most of them children.  

According to RFK Jr., by 2003 Fauci’s NIAID was running more than 10,000 clinical trials involving children in 90 countries, so the Mengele comparison is not a stretch. Mengele escaped to South America and died in Brazil in 1979. In similar style, Anthony Fauci has never been called to account, and his power has only grown. 

As Joe Biden recently said, “look who’s president, Fauci.” The NIAID boss lied about funding dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and there are other grounds to go after him. 

In 2014, Valerie Leiter and Sarah Herman of Simmons College found similarities between Fauci’s NIAID-backed drug trials and the Tuskegee syphilis study, “when individuals’ bodies were used to satisfy researchers’ curiosity with no anticipated clinical benefit.” Since most of the children in the New York drug trials were black, the authors brand the case a “modern Tuskegee.” 

If that is not cause for investigation it’s hard to know what might be. Maybe Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) could take the lead. In the meantime, as 2021 closes out, the reality should be clear. 

America must hold the real Anthony Fauci accountable and put an end to his reign of white coat supremacy. The health and safety of the people are at stake, and so is our status as a free nation under the rule of law.