Monday, December 20, 2021

The Takers Are Taking Over


Elon Musk is paying 11 billion dollars in taxes this year. The Left is looting stores and burning down cities. 

Article by Terry Paulson in Townhall

The Takers Are Taking Over

 Elections matter. It shows in the sometimes not so subtle changes that surface unintended consequences. The shift to the left with President Joe Biden taking office and both houses of Congress narrowly in control by the Democrats is impacting our country in a profoundly negative way. The takers in our society are emboldened and are grabbing at all they can get.

In metropolitan areas, we are seeing well organized mobs storming high-end stores, grabbing merchandise, fleeing, and openly selling their stolen goods. In Washington and state capitols, the progressive takers are demanding more and more free services and subsidies. All of this while the earners try to survive in the face recurring lockdowns, oppressive mandates, and their inability to find willing workers. Far too many struggle just to keep their businesses afloat.

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, in response to the rash of smash and grab crimes asked, "Pray tell, where is this attitude of lawlessness coming from?" The minority leader Kevin McCarthy shared the obvious answer:

"Speaker Pelosi should look in the mirror to see what caused the 'attitude of lawlessness' spreading across the country. Democrat politicians defunded police, raised money for rioters, and pushed policies that are soft on crime. They own this crime wave."

In California, there are many factors contributing. Far too many district attorneys are soft on crime. The California law making shoplifting a misdemeanor provided that less than $950 in goods are stolen has reduced penalties often resulting in those arrested being released the same day. The hoodlums ransack stores one day and have those products for sale online the next. When crime pays, crime expands. The message is loud and clear--there is nothing to stop you from joining the crime party. Don't worry; the rich have insurance. The message gets through: "They've had it their way for too long. It's time for equity! It's time to take back what should be ours!"

In fact, now that robbers have attacked Louis Vuitton's Union Square store, hit Nordstrom's in Walnut Creek,  and other high-end stores, the liberal San Francisco Mayor London Breed was outraged, calling for immediate police countermeasures.

Even Nancy Pelosi, in a subsequent interview, acknowledged the problem: "These people coordinate with each other and they plan traffic patterns and the rest so they can reach their goal and depart very quickly. This isn't like somebody stealing something to go home because they don't have money to buy. This is about stealing for profit."

Where does this attitude come from? Try the Democrat Party's socialist transformation being unleashed on America. The takers have been waiting for their spoils. Biden's "Build Back Better" plan may be stalled for now, but it is not for lack of effort.

President Biden keeps spreading an irresponsible lie: "These plans are fiscally responsible.  They are fully paid for.  They don't add a single penny to the deficit.  And they don't raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year.  In fact, they reduce the deficit.  Here's how: I don't want to punish anyone's success.  I'm a capitalist. I want everyone to be able to - if they want to be a millionaire or billionaire, to be able to seek their goal. But all I'm asking is: Pay your fair share."

But the official congressional scorekeeper in its long-awaited final analysis contradicted the president's claims. OK, the rich will pay more, and corporations will pay more. Then again, the top 1% of wage earners make 20.9% of the gross income, but already pay 40.1% of the federal income tax load. How is that not their fair share?

But Biden's transformation won't just hit the rich. His promises will impact everyone's bottom line. Some estimates suggest that the increased spending would further accelerate inflation costing the average tax payor more $3,500 a year. Business leaders are expressing their disapproval.

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren has accused billionaire Elon Musk, the Tesla CEO, of "freeloading." She writes: "Elon Musk is whining like a baby to his millions of Twitter followers. He must be scared because he knows what every other billionaire in America does: that he's been freeloading off of working people, and that I won't back down from a fight," one of her ads reads. 'Will you chip in $10 to help Warren Democrats pass a wealth tax, keep the 1% in check and fight for working people?' Warren wants to change the "rigged tax code so The Person of the Year (TIME magazine) will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else."

Elon Musk set the record straight. He claims that he will pay more in taxes than anyone else in American history this year. He went on to attack the advocates of big government: "It does not make sense to take the job of capital allocation away from people who have demonstrated great skill in capital allocation and give it to an entity that has demonstrated very poor skill in capital allocation, which is the government."

The bottom 50% of wage earners make 11.6% of the gross income but pay only 2.9% of the federal income taxes collected. Maybe it is time for the takers put more skin in the game before they elect politicians to take more from the producers who create the businesses and jobs our country needs to sustain the American Dream. Bring on the mid-term elections; it's time to take back America from this progressive insanity. 

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